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july hearne Jan 30
how can we survive the
hard swallowed grey air,

we’ve fought too long for this blank stare
years of orange and white umbrellas foretold it every morning
heart sinking, rents and housing prices rising
we didn’t guess they would **** all the chickens

the car has no driver and the driver has no car
they taxed the gasoline and the milage and blacked out the electric grid
the vain wheels spin and spin so obsolescently
such futility always hard at work in South Lake Union

could have/should have never happened, but it happened
cities built on ones and zeros
cities fall on ones and zeros
sanctuary cities burn on ones and zeros

who knows what He wills when  He wills
but there are fires rolling down up in those hills
how the flames aim
word on the street spreading  like wild fire

crowded, crowded streets, and too too many jeets
the car has no driver and the driver has no car
butter a forgone luxury
india a forfeited humanity

no one likes what they are bringing
the tea kettle boils without whistling
bobby womack is singing:

“oh how i long for the daylight
because the sunlight makes my burdens light”.
  Jul 2024 july hearne
जय् हिन्द्

Inhale her blowing piles of mounting trash
Where fragrant winds of change bear human ash.
Eternal allure of the mystic East;
A six-armed goddess beckons to the feast:
Prasadam, chutney, consecrated dhal
And other dishes from the land of Baal.
Sandalwood incense, sickly-smoldering dhoop:
Exhaust from a rocket powered by **** . . .
INDIA! Soon, earth's next superpower—
To wonder when is to need a shower.

Blue-skinned idols bow in superstition,
Third eyes blinded by this apparition;
Your sacred rivers: filth and pollution
Flowing freely, a ***** solution
To your failed nation's shameful backward plight—
True brain-drain as your best minds flee the night
To seek prosperity in Western light.

And so, you've no excuse for arrogance
Amidst the ruins of your temple-dance.
Britain's structures have all long since crumbled;
Your many idols beg to be tumbled
Into the depths of your deathly rivers,
To lie in the muck while God delivers
Your people from their false life-givers . . .

Can Jesus bless, as you go on this way
Benighted—while the West inhabits day?
Will Christ facilitate development
And lift you from your pit of excrement,
Your multitudes freed from ignorant ways?
Jai Hind! And here's to hope of better days.

I'd call it Eastern Wisdom—but it's not.
Bow down in piles of human dung, Bharat;
Worship your cow, while washing in her ****.
My poem's close has finally come to this,
As I my guru's bovine backside kiss.
Inspired by Youtube vids about the Ganges and Yamuna rivers, as well as public defecation problems in India.
july hearne May 2024
piranha, pariah,
He giveth, He taketh away,

for the piranha, for the parihah,
He commands every woman, child, man be destroyed,
in cases of hopelessness too given over to evil to ever be humane again

fairest thing ever.

cursed and more cursed
proud, wrong, and more proud and wrong

eternity lasts a very long time. what have you done to curse your children today?

He commands every man, every woman, every children be destroyed

because they are the philistine,
they will always be a problem
they seek to curse their children
they call it love,
they call terrorism love,
it is a jody arias kind of love

they eat ****, and bring the third world with them every where they go.

no rightful existence
just an mouth like a shovel
shoveling in all the dung of the hill

every man, every woman, every child be destroyed.
  May 2024 july hearne
The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you,
and you shall come down lower and lower. 
He shall lend to you, but you shall not lend to him;
he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail
                                                          ­   Deuteronomy 28:43

Doctor Prasad, Doctor Prasad
You bow to a freaky six-armed god,
Yet chose to leave your native land
And worship in the U.S.A.

Your Hindu religion is rather odd—
Consider my verse a gentle ****.
Those molten idols creep me out;
I'll poke you in a truthful way.

This newly-discovered Upanishad
With trident (in place of Aaron's rod)
Will show you where you need to go.
And greater light to you relay.

You bow to idols, silly sod...
I'll stomp your arrogance roughshod.
Eat the puja that you offer—
***** rupees to the dollar.

What a ridiculous façade.
You mumble, then politely nod—
Data-driven petty tyrant:
Drink from my verse's fire hydrant.
july hearne Feb 2024
surely there is a better word for emptiness than emptiness

there is so much time for reason and hate to hold hands
these days of being out of time

of borders crossed by third world trash
who aren't even human

even the legals, have you heard about trash mountain in india?

it piles higher and higher
piles so high

all the way from india to canada, already full of garbage
but importing more garbage

ever met anyone who hates God and the Bible because he ordered his chosen to wipe out everyone of their enemies including their children?

the people of india suggest a good clue of why He did that
the **** and his dog are why he did that
beyond the point of repair

garbage mountain growing higher and higher
the indians will make the highest mountain of all
the canadians, trannies and muslims will help them build it

trash builds a mountain, who needs a God who creates mountains when trash can build mountains of trash

there is so much time for reason and hate to hold hands
these days of being out of time

of knowing fani willis will be lynched by her enablers
both fani and her enablers are trash, forfeiting their rights to humanity along with pooja and dickshit

don't you dare censor dickshit by puting an astrick by his name,
it is an indian name, a trash mountain name, you can not be a ****** enabler without allowing trash mountain to grow and grow and grow

and you cannot wear your proud badge of pride for enabling fani without supporting dickshit or trannies, glorious, glorious trannies who are men that order everyone to refer to them as women as they daydream about ****** women and children and sometimes make their dreams come true so canadians, muslims and trash mountain types can celebrate.

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