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Julia Supernault Sep 2021
I had to let him go so he would find true love

I had to let him go to protect him

I had to let him go so I wouldn’t waste his time

I had to let him go because I know I’m not the right one for him

Even if it pains me for a long time, I had to let him go because I love him
Julia Supernault Aug 2021
Why do I even try, for someone who won’t move a muscle for me.

What is there left?
Julia Supernault Aug 2021
I knew that I had truly loved you when I realized that settling down with you didn’t scare me.

No, the only thing that scared me was the thought of losing you forever.

But I’ve learned to face my fears time and time again and I won’t hesitate to let you go if it will help me.
Julia Supernault Aug 2021
I never got say thank you to you,

For giving me our son,

For giving me the true meaning of love,
Julia Supernault Aug 2021
The goals I’m setting for myself is within reach, they’re there and they’re achievable.

I will make it there, one day at a time

With the help of many along the way
Julia Supernault Aug 2021
I miss him like the moon misses the sun and I know he will still be there if I decide to go back

But I don’t want to miss him, I’m not the moon, and he’s not the sun.

I miss our conversations like an artist misses their paint brushes.

But I don’t want to miss our conversations, I’m not an artist and he’s not my paint brush.

I miss him when he was my person, but I’m not his and he can’t be mine again.
Julia Supernault Jul 2021
I stare at the stars and want a different life, I want a different life. and how do I learn to accept that I simply cannot?

But how do I even tell myself that I can write about that beautiful life and pretend it exists in my mind.
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