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Today, I didn't miss you.
I laid in bed, and thought of the outside world.
My favorite spot on the creek.
The hill where I want to build a house.
The type of person I want to be.
The places I want to go.
The family I want to raise.
And the man I want to marry.

But never a thought of you.
 Apr 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
I'm still listening.
The voices are
Telling me things.
my voice screams at them and
Trys to reason with them.
she should be dead
i should live, shouldn't I?
youre ugly, fat, and a ***, you're a disgrace to mankind
but I could help
youre worthless
I'm not sure who to believe,
They run back and forth and
I'm very confused.
I don't know what to do.
Eh, thoughts. I go....
What will happen?
Will I get the help I so desperately need?
Or locked up in a psych ward?

My entire life path
Be free or be suffocated

Decided in less than an hour.
Quite scary....but I have to get help :/
We don’t need lobotomy’s anymore just watch the Jersey Shore.
Oh, and Keeping Up with the Kardashians...I think we can surpass them!
Good morning, class!  I am your substitute teacher, and I will be teaching you your ABC’s today.  Let’s not waste time and just dive right in!

A is for Anxiety. That’s that feeling you get when you go to recess and see the bullies waiting for you on the playground.

B is for *******.  If you don’t know what that means, that’s when your daddy abandons you before he even gave you a chance.  

C is for Cranky.  That’s what I feel right now because I had to get up early today to come in here to teach you brats your alphabet, and I’m getting paid **** for it.  

D is for Dog.  Mine died, and if you have one, yours will eventually die too.   That’s another D word for ya.  

E is for Empty.  Empty hearts.  Empty souls.  Empty stares.  Empty lives.  

F is for Friends.  Friends will **** all over you.

G is for Girlfriends.  They’ll rip out your heart and stomp all over it.

H is for Hell.  It’s the world we live in.

I is for Idiot.  Which is what you are if you ask a question.

J is for *******.  Which is another term for donkey – another D word.

K is for Knife.  

L is for Love.  Your parents will tell you they love you, but they don’t mean it.

M is for Money.  If you want to make a lot of it when you grow up, deal drugs.

N is for Neglect.  That means when your parents ignore you cause they’re too busy with their pretentious jobs and their extramarital affairs.  If you don’t know what that means, don’t worry.  Time will teach you.  

O is for Optimistic.  Stay positive – just not ***-positive.

P is for *******.  Judging by the intelligence level of this class, that is a bright career opportunity for several of you.

Q is for Queasy.  Which is what you feel when you are hungover.

R is for Respect.  You don’t earn it.  You take it.

S is for Secrets that no one will ever keep.

T is for Tranquilizer.  I have one waiting for me for when I get home tonight.

U is for Ugly.  That’s adolescence.

V is for…   Only girls have them.

W is for Wood Chuck.  How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

X is for Xenophobic.   That’s what you will all grow up to be because your mom taught you to never talk to strangers.

Y is for Yes.  That's what you have to say to everyone to get anywhere in life.

Z is for Zoloft.  I should probably up my dose.
Closely I observe myself from afar.
My world transforms into a perplexed dream.
Earth-toned hues shine brighter than any star.
Perception composes a wary theme.
Contorted tree limbs mock every movement.
Eyes become filled with cotton candy clouds.
Conversations are no longer fluent.
Alone I walk in a burial shroud.
I pinch my arm to make sure I’m not dead.
Numb is the only sensation I feel.
Broken shards of faith bear a tint of red.
The face in the mirror doesn’t look real.
Existence slowly crumbles into sand.
I’m a stranger who roams this foreign land.
This is my first Sonnet. I thought I'd pay homage to a condition I've had for many many years. This condition has been defined as "The Alice in Wonderland disease."  It started on New Year's Eve 1996 when I smoked *** that was laced with something. The resulting effects still plague me from time to time; however I use it to my advantage now. Instead of running from it, I write about it. I really enjoyed the challege of writing a Sonnet, but ******* are my fingers tired from tapping.
Mesmerizing swirls
hypnotize my eyes in the
lollipop garden
“You must be Donny?”

asks a tall, thin man with olive-green skin.  He must be Italian, but then again, I’m not exactly sure. For Heaven’s sake - judging by his handshake, Justin Timberlake could break him into two. Distracted by the shiny pennies in his brown penny loafers, I don’t want to come across as rude, but I suddenly don’t care to know this dude. Then he says to me,  

“Tell me about yourself.”

“Well, my name is Donny. I’m bored, so I would like to give my self a lobotomy, but first I have to feed the monster that’s inside of me, so I must pick out the green mold in my expired salami.

“Instead of doing important things, I enjoy jumping up and down on my mattress that is made of squeaky springs while flapping my arms, pretending I have wings.

“Sometimes I get fidgety when this alcoholic, legless ****** stands too close to me, but then I feel guilty cause he’s blind and homeless and reeks likes ***, so I tell him he can lean on me.

“When I go to the dollar store I like to be a **** and drive the clerk berserk by asking him to do a price check on every item I’ve dropped on the floor. The manager grabs my collar and throws me out the door.

“I still ask my mother if I can please wear her skis when I climb trees only using my knees. She says, ‘Grow up! You’re 33, quit bothering me.’  I did!!! I’m 5’10… now what am I suppose to do then??

“I like to play the air fiddle and stand in the middle of the street in my bare feet with a mouth full of skittles, trying not to dribble, telling lots of riddles.
“Sometimes when I’m drinking I like to wear a black top-hat like Abe Lincoln then I get to thinking, while squawking like a chicken, how long I can keep my eyes open without blinking.
“‘Four score and seven years ago’ seems to be a mathematical equation that can be breaking down to zero. Oh, oh, oh! Did I ever tell you who my hero is??”

“donny”---“dooonny” “Doooonny” “DONNY!!
It’s time to leave and return to your room.”

“Room? What room?”

“Your room - there’s someone there to see you.”


“Your hero.”

I feel a gentle hand rest on my back and guide me to an unfamiliar door.  I enter into this mysterious room and hear the door shut and quickly lock behind me.  

Where is he?  “WHERE IS HE?!”   I hear my voice echo down the hallway.  I know they can hear me.  “TED NUGENT!!  MY HERO!  SWEATY UNCLE TEDDY!  WHERE IS MY HERRROOOOOO?!?!?!”

A large, olive-green plant stands proudly in the corner by the window.  How did my psychiatrist sneak in here?  

“You must be Donny?”
I don't like Ted Nugent.
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