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Muddled endings,
Eliminated by overwhelming intrigue -
Bridge disparities between depression and happiness,
Giving guidance and allowance for virtuous new begninnings.
Inspired by Into the Wild, my friends Angel and Lacus Crystalthorn.
We are married to the Earth in an endless dance,
Floating through the abyss of life,
Imagining adventures with the stars -
Using the universe as our stage.
"Cratered with imperfections. We are the moon." - Lacus Crystalthorn
She inspired this poem with her words. :)
You have now stripped me to my bones..
Bare, bruised and battered,
Left alone; undone -
I have but few words remaining -

I love you, and this will be my last breath of you...

Turning from you now, as you have turned from me,
Each step distancing our once solidified foundation -
A rising fire, extinguished by an unforeseen ending,
I no longer will await the day you had promised...
For these futile thoughts of us will fade,
Our love whither -
Our love perish -

Simply put...
This is good bye.
I sit, perched upon this star -
Watching the world change; evolve,
Sculpted in time, as if by the hands of Michelangelo,
Morphing this vacant, plain stone - into a beautifully crafted masterpiece.
 May 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
All the lonely people* wander in the night,
clothed in all their misery and hiding from their pain.

All the lonely people hunt for what is right,
devil in their hearts as they sleep out in the rain.

All the lonely people beg, "Stay and love me do."
Lonely people are everywhere, and Eleanor Rigby never knew.
I've been listening to The Beatles Radio on Pandora all weekend. They were truly amazing, weren't they? Hmm... what to say about this one? It rhymes. For whatever reason, I couldn't bring myself to do free verse. I think I like it despite the rhyme.

Songs referenced: "Devil in Her Heart" from the album "With the Beatles," "Misery" and "Love Me Do" from the album "Please Please Me" (my personal favorite), and of course, "Eleanor Rigby" from the album "Revolver."

god himself would like to tell you his NAME
maybe show you his FACE

If you are interested

Some quiet is due

For him to home in on you

And he'd like to stay
For a little while
It came quickly, roots
broke through marbled concrete

And vines draped off
balconies of skyscrapers

Floor to ceiling windows
disappeared behind ivy

Some beasts melted into shadows
around the corner as their
barks were adopted
by the wind and pushed
in strollers by the howl
and the cold bite

In the air, you could hear
unattended car alarms

And neon signs flickering
on and off as they hum like
a deathbed, EKG flat-line

Hanged stoplights
swayed back and forth
off streetlight arms
bent like telekinetic spoons
spinning like criminals
left on olive trees to die

And the drab color seemed
strangely magnetic and
I can swallow a pretty big storm
How much can you expect anyone to understand apocalyptic depression?
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