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I journeyed through to find the stream
Where love was not a hidden dream.
Time increased and I grew weary
The sight beneath me unforgiving and dreary.
The dirt lay dry with no remorse
The plants once lively were withered and coarse.
I wished my tears could conjure the stream
Yet not all beauty is what it may seem.
A foolish girl who believed in love
Could not swim through to keep her head above.
Alas the current that drowned her in fear
Was the sole product of a single tear.
The place of dreams with ribbons and bows
Now holds her grave and nobody knows.
Low lit room
Your perfume
Seeps into my lungs
Seeps into my lungs.

Transfixed eyes
Slow this scene down
Slow this scene down
There you go.

Breathing slow
No one knows
You're halfway out my door
Halfway out my door
Watch you go.

So tell the trees
So I can be
Remove the traces of you
Remove the traces of you.

Lower your guns
Because no one won
I'm not your possibility
I'm not your possibility
I never loved you, I didn't dare.
Your forsaken heart is not for me to spare.

You'll tell me don't return dear
Our conquered love will die here
and so will you
to me.

Erasing every hand track
I'm never going to come back
to before summer came.
The truth is, truth hurts.
It especially stings in the corners of old dirt covered scars.
The ones you concealed from your eye sockets.
The truth is, lies are easier to believe.
The lies you strung out over soul topics.
You are afraid and you are a coward.
The two things you tried so desperately to dodge.
Realizing you are a source of pain makes all tasks heavy.
The truth is, I became lies while thinking I was truth.
Maybe one day I'll throw up my cigarettes and broken heart pieces so I can finally heal.
We can't speak.
So we use our tongues instead.
Soft exhalations, I breath you into me.
If my body wasn't poisoned with your liquor lips, I wouldn't have muttered....
I miss you.
****, I miss you.
The days pass faster with your presence far into the forest of our past.
Where we remain until
you whisper
those three
 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
The purple shirt you wore
Is perfect against your
 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
So, I'm not to sure
of what I want
 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
I keep remembering the day I told you
About what happened to me.
I caught you before you left to go workout
After class and I smiled at you.
You smiled back, asked me, "What's up?"
And cocked your head to the side to
Send me back that boyish smile of
Yours my way.

I stepped closer (into the vicinity of your enticing cologne)
And I said, "I have an issue."
You looked into my eyes deeply and stepped closer,
Not knowing that you might need the extra room
Between us for later. Your voice dropped from
A carefree tone to a profound tone in which
You only knew to take because of what you
felt in the air between us.

You asked, "Is it boy issues?" And you looked at me
So intensely that I knew I just couldn't bear to
Say it anymore.

I tried to laugh it off, I backed up a bit and
I started for the door. I said back, "Yeah,
It's something like that." And I said goodbye.
I could hear it in your voice as you
Told me 'goodbye' that you
Wanted to listen, but you just
Weren't so sure of
How to say
 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
Maybe I've let
Myself f
To hard
And now it's
Time to let
You g                   o.
 Sep 2013 Julia Rae Irvine
You slipped down
Inside my
And hid a part
Of me that
Once was
W h o l e.
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