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Jul 2016 · 618
Julia Jul 2016
You will never see the tears that fall
You will never hear my gasps for breath
As I fail to breathe because of you

I will never trust again
I will always anticipate the heartbreak
I will never believe that good things are true

You will never know what I had to do
The consequences I faced
For ever of loving you
Jul 2016 · 437
Julia Jul 2016
No one has ever made me feel the way that you do

I face every fear
That's come from my past
You make me believe
That my pain will not last

You don't start to judge me
After stories I tell
You see past my mistakes
And wrong words that I spill

Your eyes see right through me
Your analytical mind
Shows more of me
Than I could ever find

Comfortable laughter fills the air
Your eyes squint as you smile
I think I'd like to stay here
If only for a while

Jun 2016 · 1.0k
Julia Jun 2016
Oh, how I'll miss their smiles, and
Their pattering feet as they'd come to greet me the minute I'd walk through the door.

Their love so pure, and
Their hearts so full.
Their innocent,
But naturally smart-alecky comebacks to statements like,
"It's time to come inside,"
"We should wait patiently in line,"
"It's time to take a nap,"
"Let's give him a turn first, and yours will come next,"
will always put a smile on my face.

The love for them, and
The joy they'd bring to my heart
From innocent
And naturally earnest words to me like,
"Your earrings are pretty today,"
"When it's naptime, you're going to hold my hand until I fall asleep,"
"You should sit by me for snack time,"
"I love you, Miss Julia."

Though I'll never see these children again,
I hope, through the years, they'll remember me
The way I will them.
I will cherish each one of them, and
Every memory they've given me
Until the end of time.
From November 2015 until May 2016, I had the opportunity to spend time with and take care of kids from ages 4 months to 5 years old. Handling 8-17 kids in a classroom setting with another coworker wasn't always easy, but it was always worth it.
Jan 2016 · 399
Julia Jan 2016
I will never learn
Fear and paranoia pull
As my heart strings tear
Nov 2015 · 406
Julia Nov 2015
I open my tired eyes
And you fade away
As I rise to start
Another day.
Jul 2015 · 325
Julia Jul 2015
Running is what I do best,

But it always leads to these regrets.

Nov 2014 · 516
Taking Flight (Edit)
Julia Nov 2014
Released balloons fly freely with the breeze.

As they glide peacefully above,
we are reminded of your love.

Until we meet again,
we'll keep you in mind until the end.

We repeatedly listen to your songs
and wonder if you're up there singing along.

As we watch the balloons rise,
getting carried by the wind,

We know you are flying joyously with Him.
One more edit-I know this was posted very recently, but I figured I'd hold onto the original, too. I tweaked this one a bit and liked how it turned out.
Nov 2014 · 541
Summer Nights (Edit)
Julia Nov 2014
the crescent moon
sends casting lights
upon insomniatic eyes
bodies shadows dance
upon dampening grass
as bare feet beat
and leave their marks
upon the soft earth
with souls brought to life
under the gleaming sun kissed moon
in the spirit of that summer night
I've been editing a lot of my past work recently and this happened to be one of them. I'm pretty happy with this one, so I figured I'd post it. Hope you enjoy
Nov 2014 · 495
400 Days
Julia Nov 2014
And I


Miss You.
Oct 2014 · 664
Taking Flight
Julia Oct 2014
Balloons we release fly freely in the wind.
Maybe that's how The Lord took you with Him.

Gliding peacefully above, while we are reminded of your love.
Maybe you're here with us now.

Until we meet again,
We'll keep you in mind until the end.

Repeatedly listening to your songs.
Maybe you're up there singing along.

With your brand new wings,
We know you are soaring joyously with Him.
Sep 2014 · 995
Julia Sep 2014
Learn from our mistakes.
Promise that with all you have,
You won't let love fade.
Sep 2014 · 486
Stumbling Love
Julia Sep 2014
Wind blowing dust into motion
You are the breeze that brings my soul to life

Fire rekindling in the ashes
You are the flames that keep my hope burning

Heat melting the fallen snow
You are the warmth that melts every part of me

Love that moves mountains
You are the reason I believe again


Head first into a concrete wall
Your fist flying into motion

Shattered glass upon the floor
Your empty bottles being thrown

Bruises cover up my arms
Your anger got the best of you once more

Broken hearted and alone as
You stumbled out the door

Sep 2014 · 365
Lost In A Dream
Julia Sep 2014
I emerge from that room
To see your smiling face
As we meet in our slow embrace.
Never have I felt so wanted-needed.
Loving you in return
Has never been a burden.
Every look I give to you is genuine.
In fact, there are words to express my love
That I could never even begin to say.
For the words I’d say to you,
Would take days upon days to say.
Every time we touch brings me back
To every hopeful wish I’d ever had
Before you had come to me.
And now, because of you,
Every single dream of mine is coming true
Just lying here with you
Every desire I’d
Ever envisioned,
Ever imagined
From truly loving someone
Is made real with you.
Never have I felt so awake and alive.
Steadily waking
To the new daylight
I open my tired eyes
And you fade away
As I rise to start
Another day.
Sep 2014 · 456
Julia Sep 2014
I wish I were a cloud
Whisping freely away
With no intent to stay
Leaving as I please
Pacing with the breeze
Sep 2014 · 266
Content (10w)
Julia Sep 2014
Living without you is
steadily becoming easier than
I'd expected.
Aug 2014 · 567
Julia Aug 2014
someone will walk into your life
and see the beauty in you that everyone before was blind to.
they'll know every minute detail
and still commit because of the
love they feel for you.
the love you'd felt
for those before will be but
a whisper
compared to
the clamor
you feel inside when you
truly love
and are truly loved in return.
Aug 2014 · 330
Julia Aug 2014
You are the calm that soothes the storm in me
Every crashing wave blocked by your barricade
Your steady breeze embraces my inmost being
And it's as though I'm seeing
The world with new eyes for the first time
Aug 2014 · 325
Days Move On
Julia Aug 2014
I used to wish that
The fifth of every month
Would be hell for you.
You'd reminisce,
Wishing and wanting,
Wanting me back.
I used to wish that
The fifth of every month
Would torture your soul,
Eat up your mind,
Remind you that you let me go.
And I'm long gone.

Now I've been wishing for
The fifth of every month
To be just another day
For both of us.
Hoping and dreaming
Of new faces and places.
I've been wishing that
The fifth of every month
Would remind both you and I
That it's another day to live in, and
Another day to move on.
Aug 2014 · 328
Julia Aug 2014



Why Her?

Why Now?


Why Him?

Why Now?






Jul 2014 · 488
Give My All
Julia Jul 2014
What do I do when there's nothing left?
What do I say when what's said has been said?
Loneliness is a funny thing...
Feeling miserable until God's love brings

Happiness that cannot hide
Elation brought out from deep inside.
All fears subside,
The Holy Spirit is awake and alive.

Heavenly Father, crash into me.
Wash me in and out, I pray, make me clean.
Wipe away all the painful things,
Forgive me for all of my past sins.

Giving you control,
Help me to let go.
Let your love shine through,
I give my all to you.
Jul 2014 · 1.5k
Julia Jul 2014
As slowly as the waters waves grasp for land,
Is my heart yearning to return again.
As quickly as the rush of wind sets waves in motion,
Is my mind set back on letting go.
Jul 2014 · 509
Julia Jul 2014
I stand,
looking out the window, and
All I can see are the demons that have been chasing me
Causing all of my fears to come
Running toward me once again.
Jul 2014 · 325
Julia Jul 2014
With new hope in her eyes and
confidence in her stride,
Her head held higher than before,
He locks his eyes to hers
and slowly begins to realize
That he's lost her for good
And she's okay.
Jul 2014 · 352
Over Again
Julia Jul 2014
Lips that leave you trembling
Eyes that numb your bones
A stride that shows you confidence
And arms that pull you home
Forcing you to remember
Though you're trying to forget
Every lesson learned and
Past times now spent
Jul 2014 · 242
Haunted (10w)
Julia Jul 2014
Do I still haunt you
The way you haunt me?
Jul 2014 · 349
Julia Jul 2014
Living through heartbreaks
From losing one after another.
Years of tears form in her eyes
After hearing the news another time.
"We lost it,"
The words echo as fresh tears fall.
It's all too familiar for them,
Losing a child inside once again.

Praying to God,
Begging on their knees
To "Please, please let one live.
Bless us with a child
And we'll never ask for anything ever again."

Another visit to the specialist
Going through the same routine,
Never losing hope that He would answer their plea.

Months pass with no bad news
And hope starts to grow.
The date has arrived and her husband takes her hand.
Grateful tears flowing from their eyes
As they hold on to Hope and
Thank God for blessing them so.
Jul 2014 · 280
Falling Stars
Julia Jul 2014
"A star in the heavens has been named for you,"
That thick paper had read.
Excitement and gratitude burst from inside as your deep blue eyes beamed brightly back at me.

This wasn't just another gift.
The realization that we had something that would be ours until the end of time
Hit me like a million fallen stars.

Now all that hits me
Is the understanding that the star is ours and still burning out there,
But we are not. We are nothing.

Now every time the stars fall,
I'll think of you.
Jul 2014 · 302
That's Life
Julia Jul 2014
So used to dreading
Having to sleep alone.
Got used to depending
On you coming back home.
Never forgetting the nights
Held near.
Always reminding myself
That you aren't here.
When one departs
It breaks both apart.
Accepting the departure
Is what makes this life harder.
Jul 2014 · 330
True Heroes
Julia Jul 2014
They're drowning in sorrows,
Hoping to see tomorrow,
Fighting for freedom
As we lie safely dreaming.
Our true heroes are the guardians
Of our country.
Standing for the people,
Standing by the people,
Living and dying
To protect, to defend
Our one nation
Under God.
Jul 2014 · 375
Missing and Reminiscing
Julia Jul 2014
I miss the long walks
When words were seldom spoken,
Or the nights spent lying in the yard, underneath the gleaming sky.
One smile from you was all it took to make
The stars shine brighter
And the trees stand taller-
You made everything beautiful.
To live without you here
Breaks more hearts than only mine.
Jun 2014 · 619
5:08 a.m.
Julia Jun 2014
Insomnia strikes me when the
Soft candlelight glows upon
pages-upon pages
Of the new book bought today.
Unable to set it back on the shelf above my head-above my bed.

Finding respite from worries of
days past and days to come, by escaping in this world imagined by
another-this brilliant creation.

Tonight, A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.
Who knows what tomorrow night holds?
These summer nights, spent in solitude underneath the dimming candlelight,
Are the nights I'll never grow tired of.
Jun 2014 · 348
Moving On
Julia Jun 2014
I'd do anything just to
Get away
Forget this place and
Run away
Chasing new memories as I search for
Better days
I can't move on if I can't get
Past today
To forgive and forget is
All I have left
Jun 2014 · 288
The Reason
Julia Jun 2014
To help me grow in my faith,
To remind me there's always a way,
These true friends God has blessed me with
Are the reason I'll continue to praise.
May 2014 · 340
Better Than
Julia May 2014
To walk with you through
Forests of jade,
Hand in hand as
Summer fades,
Is more peaceful than
Walking alone.

To drive with you to
Places unseen,
Hearts connected as
We live in this dream,
Is more enjoyable than
Driving alone.

To be in your presence as we
Walk this crowded street,
Fingers interlocked as
We happily greet those we meet,
Is more comforting than
Being alone.
May 2014 · 585
Julia May 2014
The road trodden by others
Now worn down and cracked
Dimly lit streetlights show its age
The lights go out far too quickly here.
May 2014 · 339
Julia May 2014
I see your face and it shows your grace to me
And there is no one, that I'd rather see
'Cause I've been waiting for you now
To show me how
We can fly together, through all time
You came from nowhere, you were so hard to find
You mean the world to me, leavin' all others behind
There is no one that can be
Like I am for you and you are for me.
And we can fly together, through all time
We're just beginning, to see what's right
Walk with me for always, heading towards the light
We've been waiting for this forever
To walk down life's road hand in hand together
And we can fly together, through all time
Yes, we will fly together, through all time.
My friends parents can be pretty romantic. His dad wrote this for his mom back in 1989 and these words are still framed in their house today.
May 2014 · 359
Julia May 2014
Where once was light
Now darkness fills.
Where your presence was,
Emptiness consumes.
Where once was love,
Now hate shines through.

This bed feels more lonely tonight.
The shadows cast from the tv light show one less figure.
Words are spoken to darkness instead of to you.
And I'm alone once more.
May 2014 · 1.5k
Julia May 2014
Swollen tongue,
And cuts all over.
If only she'd have known
That the epilepsy would take hold.
Dry throat
And an aching head.
She's been taking her meds just like they said.
Body worn down
As she's trying to stop her racing mind.
"Just sleep it off,
Maybe that was the last one this time."
Lacking understanding
Of why the drugs won't work.
Questioning everything
From when it happened to why it happened to her.
"Control the stress,
They'll become less consistent."
Maybe that would work
If she didn't feel like her faith was missing.
Apr 2014 · 293
April 29 (10w)
Julia Apr 2014
The snow
has returned
once more.
and I
Miss you.
Apr 2014 · 544
Summer Nights
Julia Apr 2014
The full moon light glows upon
insomniatic eyes
Bodies' shadows fall upon
dampening grass
As bare feet beat and
leave their marks
On the soft earth, with
souls brought to life
Under the gleaming sun kissed moon
in the spirit of that summer night.
Apr 2014 · 297
Julia Apr 2014
To be your shelter for your "stone cold heart"
Is what I wish to always be for you
Whether we're together or apart.

If I could wrap you in my arms
To thaw that frozen heart
I would be sure that nothing would cause you anymore harm.

When the days drag by and darkness consumes you through and through
I hope you look to the heavens
And feel the love He and I have for you.

No river too deep, no distance too far
As long as you promise to always remember:
We'll be with you wherever you are.
Apr 2014 · 876
Julia Apr 2014
There's a hole in my chest where my heart used to be.
Nothing left but pain from the memories.
Never even knew
Always lied to
Never hearing you confess
Always finding out the rest
Never knowing what was best
Always saying, "Let it rest."
Never making new memories
Always hating because now we're enemies.
Apr 2014 · 283
Julia Apr 2014
It's hard to enjoy every moment
When my mind's constantly looking ahead,
Ruining any chance of me fully appreciating the present ever again.

Time is a funny thing...
Always pushing us forward,
But leaving us wishing we could stand still and keep the present close.

Is there such thing as the present?
Or does every moment come and go?
Leaving us always in the future
Never allowing us to be in control?
Sometimes I hate when and how deeply I feel everything, but I've decided that it's much better than the alternative.
Apr 2014 · 371
Julia Apr 2014
Moments are fleeting
Grasp them while you have the chance
In a flash, they're gone
Apr 2014 · 439
Julia Apr 2014
I'm made of porcelain
And of glass.
Kick me once,
And watch
As my fragile body
Starts to crack.
Kick me twice,
And watch
As I fall and shatter to pieces.
But this porcelain doll
Won't be defeated.
Our true creator
Always pulls through,
Mending every one of His children
With healing hands and glue.
Apr 2014 · 365
Forgiven (10w)
Julia Apr 2014
A hardened heart
made new by the
One True King.
Apr 2014 · 462
Out of Time
Julia Apr 2014
He makes me smile
By looking deep into my eyes.
He makes me laugh
More than anyone has in a long time.
He makes my heart race
When he shares his dreams with me.
He makes me realize
The world is much bigger than it seems.
He gives me hope
That things can change.
He sets a fire inside of me
I didn't realize was capable of being rekindled.
He makes me feel beautiful
When he looks at me shyly.
He doesn't realize
I have these thoughts in my mind. I may not ever voice these, because
He also makes me dread
The inevitable day we'll have to say goodbye.
Apr 2014 · 549
Leave Me Alone
Julia Apr 2014
Can't move on...
Can't let go...
Losing all sense of self respect and self control.
Apr 2014 · 330
Sick and Tired
Julia Apr 2014
Sick of the illness
She learned of years ago,
Sick of the episodes
That never leave her alone,
Sick of the medication
That doesn't help a thing,
Sick of telling the doctor
She's fine with all of this,
Sick of trying to hide it
So very deep inside,
Sick of feeling tired
After every single time,
Sick of feeling hopeless
As she prays to God on high,
Sick of unanswered prayers
And not knowing if she's alright.
Mar 2014 · 469
Julia Mar 2014
Lying numbly on the street
Rain pats
Dribbling from fingers to feet.

Reminiscing of times now past
As rain pours
Wiping away tears that come too fast.

With an aching heart and empty mind
Rain dribbles
Searching for loved ones left behind.

Eyes grow heavy and bones crack
As rain falls
Sending more memories of the day everything went black.

Unable to go back and unable to move on
Rain spills
And all is dead and gone.
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