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Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Sitting in her chair
Wanting out of there,
The Notorious Natalie
Plotted quite frantically.

Mind absorbed in many plots,
Its a wonder she didn't develop brain clots.
Hearing her quarry coming down the hall,
She wheeled herself closer to the wall.

She spoke so low with all due sobriety,
"Here goes the plan in all its entirety."
Giving a wink, tossing a mickey,
Choosing her time, being quite picky.

Catching sight of that sanctimonious nurse,
She vented her rage, let out a curse.
Flew through the air, and let out a yell.
Poor old Nurse Agnes sure did quell.

Natalie's plan, to take the nurse down,
Ended badly with her on the ground.
The belts snapped her back and she hit the floor.
The ice pick she had flew into the door.

And even now that she's forgetful
Natalie's heart is still regretful.
Avoiding plots of ice picks and death,
Focusing mainly on keeping her breath.
Second attempt at writing the same, only with a less forced rhyme.
Thoughts anyone? :)
Sanctimonious.  Picky.  Old.  Notorious.  Absorbed.  Sobriety. Forgetful.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
The Notorious Natalie sat in her chair plotting the downfall of Nurse Agnes.  She did not notice her quarry coming down the hall as her mind was absorbed in plots of ******.  Having only recently attained sobriety, she took the picky Nurse Agnes as being a sanctimonious old bat. Startled, she looked up into that very old nurse's face, and lunged at her with her icepick in hand.  Unfortunately for Natalie, being forgetful as she was, she tripped over the walker she was using.  The ice pick entered her easily and put an end to Notorious Natalie's plotting for good.  

Thus Ends a Terrible Story.
And again.  Sanctimonious.  Sobriety.  Forgetful.  Old.  Notorious.  Picky.  Absorbed.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
Bright flashes of red
Give away the Cardinals.

from the capped visitors.

Warning! Warning!
Shriek the Blue Jays!

Loud as a siren
our tiny wrens.

Crowned with a point
the titmouse displays.

Dressed to the nines
the juncos present before a storm.

Sparrows flock about
White crowned ones too.

Nuthatches scampering
like the squirrels around the limbs.

Brown creeper so shy
round and round the trunk.

Mockingbird flashing white on the wing
singing multitudes of songs.

Crows hold caucuses
along side the road.

Whirring wings buzz
Hummingbird zips on by.

Feathered friends on the wing
Speak to nature's diversity.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
An elderly priest
sits on the dilapidated
stair to his hovel

Contemplating once again
the stinger he delivered
in his Sunday sermon.

An attempt to strike a note
of serious consideration of
the consequences
of sinning to his

And yet, as he leans with
his gnarled hands upon his
walking stick,

He can not help but
smile at the wicked joy
he witnesses as a

Drunken Santa Claus and
a skimpily clad *******
weave their way past
him down the
cobbled lane.
Words given: Stinger. Santa Claus. *******. Priest. Gnarled. Delapidated.

Thank you, Sir Frank. :)
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
**** paperwork,
Makes my brain hurt.

I do the work.
I assess and eval.

I take the vitals.
I provide care.
I ask the questions.
Implement the orders.

I give support.
And what does it matter?

It doesn't.

According to the powers that be.
My paperwork isn't up to *****.

The patients don't matter,
didn't you know.
They don't need those
meds that help them think,
help them cope.
They don't deserve a hug.
They don't deserve attention.

If they miss their appointment
they need not have another.
They blew their chance.

All they want is a magic pill.
News for you, they know there is no such thing.
Would they live the hell they live day to day,
If there was such a thing?

Instead of tolerance and caring for our fellow humans.
Let's put first our stacks of paper and red tape.

Instead of lifting our fellow humans up,
Let's watch them struggle and then turn an uncaring eye.

I don't understand where or when it became so important
to write, instead of to do, or to give, or to care.

Where was I when the memo went out?
Just write it down, let them deal on their own.

Regardless of the fact, that it's within our scope,
To teach, to listen, to care, to support.

Decisions made, past deeds done,
diseases and habits, magnifying human weaknesses.

Make these people no worse than anyone of us,
Only in greater need.

And while watching their struggles, more than once,
I say to myself, "There but for the grace of God, go I."
Called on the carpet again, sighhhhh....
Judy Ponceby Dec 2010
I've been trying to be good.
Doing what I should.

Assessing the patients,
Listening to the cadence.

Typing up the charts,
Listening to the hearts.

Filing up the papers,
Avoiding potential capers.

Not running my mouth,
Or fleeing to the south.

And yet, here I am again,
Called in, actions to defend.

Don't they know,
It's how I run my show.

Patients always come first,
I'd just as soon the paper be cursed.

But, there's the crux,
Bottomline money always sux.

Now, for daring to care,
My sins I must bare.

Will I be fired, retired,
Or just jaded to the point of uninspired.

** Possible followup, pending results, of meeting with boss.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
Courage born from necessity.
Strength born from caring.
Experience born from being present.

In my life nothing other than motherhood
has challenged me more
than becoming a nurse.

Becoming a nurse takes much longer
than the years spent in a grueling
program at school jumping through
the administrative hoops.

If it were not for the experiences
I have lived through
and other people's experiences
I have lived with them,
I would not know my own
inner strength.
I would not know that I
could be courageous.

For in seeing the depths of despair
and the heights of joy
in people at their most extremes
have I been able to find my place
in this world.
Have I found joy and courage,
pain and love.

Holding a dying woman's hand.
Cleaning infected wounds.
Bathing those too weak to help themselves.
Listening to the tortured minds of the distressed.

And within these experiences
learning that one MUST act.
And in order to act, one MUST
face fears of every order.

And in the face of fear
knowing what to do
the right thing that must be done
one finds the very courage to do it.

And not only have I found courage
within myself.  I have been humbly
able to provide the strength for
other to face their fears
and to act courageously as well.
For Prompts and Reviews at Writer's Cafe.


You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Red bed,
Rat sat.

Cat mew,
Pat cat.

Dog ate,
Bit ***.

Cow moo,
Hay too.

You try,
Woo Emu.

Bee fly,
Eye Bye.
A lame attempt at using only 3 letter words!  LOL  Much harder than I thought it would be.
Judy Ponceby Nov 2010
Lightening crashing, thunder blazing.
Skies ripped open by electrical magic.
Energizing the air,
energizing our bodies.

Wind slapping past my face,
Adrenaline surging through my body.
Nerves tense as wires,
Waiting to be strummed.

Expectant silence before the next storm surge.
Light flashing
Sound crashing.

Searching for you.
Excitement and energy.
Seizing us
in her grip.
Bringing us crashing together.
Time after time.

Until the winds die down,
The thunder rolls away,
Our bodies sated,
Lie nestled together,
in sweet oblivion.
Judy Ponceby Dec 2010
Ancient mythical being,
Rising from the dying flames,
From the ashes of its death.

Reborn into a new life
To begin again
To start afresh.

Relive a life lived
Continuing to grow
Age, to die in flame.

Refusing the dark
clutches of death.
For the burning joy of life.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
This aviator alone in his cabin
traveling back through time then.

Riding a zephyr to Venus
Contemplating his genus.

Glancing sideways at his bottle
He pulls back on the throttle.

Spaghetti-like wisps of mist
Blurring vision during the shift.

From space flight to ozone light
Coming in for a landing! Hold Tight!
Sideways. Spaghetti. Venus. Cabin. Zephyr. Aviator. Bottle.
For Charmingly Fun
Judy Ponceby Mar 2011
Pitter patter, oh the clatter,
Whatever could be the matter?

There I see before me
merely inches from my toes
A smiling mouse eating cheese
and sniffing with his nose.

Dare I scream, or should I laugh?
This smiling mouse incites
no fear, no spite, no dread,
But quite instead delights.

For there he sits upon his haunches
Smiling sweet and knowing.
Silently now nibbling slowly,
For all the world, just a-glowing.

Could such a creature
make a clatter
Sounding like the earth
would Shatter?

I know not what he thinks
in his mousely way,
But I believe he smiles within
Laughing at my dismay.

Reaching down to touch his cheek
with his gaze upon my fingers.
I touch that sweet, knowing face
and on his countenance linger.

He makes me think of times gone by
of younger days and different times
When life was simple to define
And love once reigned sublime.

Sweet moments shared
As time goes by
Bringing love again
To a heart once so shy.

Flaming colors shine again.
Never knew such a clatter
in this dark drear world
Would wake what was the matter?

My Thanks to You Mousely one
For bringing home the shining sun.
For a dear friend.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Silence............abscence of sound,
abscence of meaning.
Why is there no response to questions asked?
Why is love dammed up like a great river
held back from flowing freely?
Tamed to the point of numbing ennui.
No rush of waters, crash of waves against rocks,
no quiet eddies straying to the frothing currents.
Only slow monotonous treading of a relationship,
left to dwindle into dying embers of a once
warm and inviting glow between two lovers.
Gone astray, grown away,  to separate lives.
Caring enough to maintain, not enough to transcend.
Living in parallel worlds, never intertwining.
Absence of sound, meaning, feeling.
Unable to bear life without meaning, joy, anger, and love.
Pondering the mechanisms, catalysts, for change.
Judy Ponceby Jul 2011
I make the perilous trek

To the front of the class.

My palms dampen.

I pray not too look an ***.

I feel nauseated from the

Butterflies behind my navel.

As I look out across the faces

My voice turns to gravel.

Raspy words escape.

My voice unable to recant

The terror that shakes my words

As I address my audience.

I realize I have many kindred

Among my audience, but

This does nothing to temper the fear

Of Public Speaking 101
For Creative Poetry at WC.  Words:  Navel. Nauseate. Dampen. Kindred. Perilous. Raspy. Recant.
Judy Ponceby Sep 2010
Velvety soft,
Wickedly playful,
Padding softly,
across my heart.

Dark as soot,
Eyes flaming yellow,
Slashing tail,
across my heart.

Purring deeply,
Racing wildly,
Joyfully pouncing,
on my heart.

Sleeping contentedly,
Stretching lazily,
Ignoring advances,
from my heart.


^.  .^      ..............prrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
Traveling by plane, across the main,
Sitting in coach, waiting for peanuts,
I was thinking about layovers.

Drifting to sleep, on that square of a pillow,
Knees to my chest and arms folded tight,
Dreaming of home, but stuck on this flight.

Turbulence seesawing our plane up and down,
Waking me abruptly, my vision still blurred,
I glance out the window, over the wing.

Mother of god, it's a duck of all things,
Staring at me like a new zoo exhibit,
Quacking at me, to say what an idiot.

Stuck in a can, hurtling across the sky,
At the mercy of gravity, because I can't fly.
This duck makes a point as he leaps in the air.
Spreading his wings, gone without a care.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Out on the town
Looking real snazzy.
Hearing the music,
Sounds quite jazzy.

Look over there,
They aren't so choosy.
Bet they buy a drink,
For this old floozie.

Getting all loopy,
Beginning to schmoozie,
Liquored up,
And feeling quite oozie.

Swaying to the music,
Holding on tight,
Hope to stay standing,
But losing the fight.
Razzy. Jazzy.  Schmoozie.  Oozie.  Floozie. Snazzy.  Choosy.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
Curling up on the sofa
my favorite poet's work in my hands
I sip from my wineglass.

My eyes traveling the lines
written so carefully
to elicit feelings and visions
in the reader.

The orange scruffy cat
cuddles up on my lap
sensing me relaxed
and in need of a friend.

Eyes closing on sweet visions,
I lean back scratching behind the cat's ear
and slip into dreams of sweet
whispers and longings....
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
Sitting quietly in my bed,
blankets pulled up to my nose.
I look out the moonlit window
Moving shadows curl my toes.

Scratching softly at the pane
An imp awaits his time
To seize a moment to call his own.
Causing fright, his fell crime.

To steal away my peace of mind
And gleefully dance at my fear.
He chuckles softly at his impish feats
Spreading his dastardly cheer.

All alone huddled in my bed,
I clutch my flashlight close.
Eyes squinched tight shut
Ears strain to hear, legs ready to flee.

I feel him creeping, slinking,
Lurking, scratching, and giving a chuffle.
Frightened to look and unable to not.
I catch him in the light.  He gives a wicked snuffle.

I hide beneath my blankets
and shriek with fright.
He races about capering, mouth agaping
That wretched imp grins with delight.

Lost in its awful glee, he looks for more tiny tots.
Hoping to set their frightened screams free.
Re-Rewritten, and hopefully to better effect than "Fright".  :)
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
Remember when, you were a very little boy
and your mom would warm the towels up in the dryer
so when you jumped out of the bathtub shivering you would feel cozy warm?

Remember when, you were a very little girl
and your dad would hold you in his arms
and whirl around in circles until you both fell to the ground laughing?

Remember when, you were a little boy
and you scraped your knee when you fell out of the tree,
and your mom held you close until the tears stopped?

Remember when, you were so sick you stayed home from school,
and your mom made special soup just for you
and cuddled you up and read your favorite story 6 times, just because?

Remember when, your pet hamster, Louie, died,
and you insisted on having an official burial ceremony,
and mom and dad said nice things about Louie before the shoebox was covered up?

Remember when, you were a little girl,
and your grandma gave you your first china tea set
and she had tea and crumpets with you and Bear?

Remember when, you were very young,
and a hug or a kiss or a word would repair
the biggest hurts in the world?

I remember when.............................................................­.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
15 to 20 times a day, with minor variation,
I review these questions, via oration.

"Do you hear voices?"
"Do you see visions?"
"Are you paranoid?"
"Are you suicidal?"
"Are you homicidal?"
"How is your energy level?"
"How is your mood?"
"Mood swings?"
"How is your concentration?"
"How is your appetite?"
"How are you sleeping?"
"Do you have racing or disorganized thoughts?"
"Do you have shaking or tremors?"

Reviewing meds, assessing situations,
Discussing reactions, discussing relations.

Monotony could well become a factor,
I'm easily bored, easily distracted,

But every single time I ask these questions,
I learn something new and think up a suggestion.

Everyday is the same, Going through the motions,
And yet, I'm never bored, and I have a notion.

Everyone is different, No answer the same,
Sorting through the verbage, looking for that grain.

The single detail to tell me what can be done,
To find a better system to assist each one.

Slow and methodical, and yet amazing in variation,
Questions and answers, a myriad of striation.
Judy Ponceby Apr 2015
Lighted sentries stand guard
Over slickened steel rails

Rails that reach into the painted skyline
Traversing life's trail to the clickety-clack of time

Time's learn-ed history passes by
Enlightening life's travelers at every bend.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
deep inside the folds of a brain gone awry
lies the myriad broken answers as to why
one should abide by bondaries given
lest one step into territory unshriven
motes of darkness sparks of flame
leaving no one without blame
burnt offerings brought to the fore
useless meanings given by the score
to mindless chatter building tension
unable to voice a word of intention
Judy Ponceby Sep 2011
Creeping in the cracks

Insidious winter chills

My summer-warmed bones.
Haiku. Inspired by the sudden egregious freezing temperatures in Northwest Ohio. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
I wander the catacombs
weary and alone.

In the infernal heat
I perspire.

A journey perpetuated
by an uncanny ability
to feel the

Lead to
the deeper mystery
reality versus perception


we question

Words provided by Creative Poetry at Writerscafe.

Catacombs.  Uncanny.  Superstitious.  Estuary.  Perspire.  Journey.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2012
To believe, to leave
In need of reprieve.
This worn, torn heart
beats slow, so slow.
Long past the point
that it could care.
Cared to share
with one once loved.
And now I don't
deceive. I must feel,
and I must grieve
The loss of cherished
memories past.
And feel the aching
as it's breaking
Once more forlorn
the weight's been borne
And slips the harness
to stop the transgress
For peace, for comfort
To heal, to feel....
Judy Ponceby Nov 2011
I was 'bout a haf mile down Shadow Holler, lookin' for my dog Jack.  I rounded the bend long the river and thar he sat just lookin' up at the moon that was back dropped behind him.  I was so entranced I stood stockstill in the chill evening air.  He raised his head and let out with that beautiful soulful baying only a huntin' dog can make.
Then he took off tearing through the woods like his tail was on fire.

Well, I commenced chasin' ol' Jack down, but I swear evra tree in that holler was out to get me.
My clothes, they was ripped up and my feet were on fire from being torn by briars and such.
I finally, upped and caught up to Jack.  He was pacing the bottom of a Sycamore that was glowing white in the moonlight.  I heard some cacklin' up in that tree and I looked up to see a sight that I nev'r saw afore.  They was a **** up in there just grinnin' down at Jack like he was playing with him.  Now Jack was in a right tizzy over that ****.  He leaped up the side of the tree as high as he could, barking treed as though his life depended on it.  That **** was doing a bit of glowing in the moonlight itself.  I'd never seen a Cinnamon colored **** before, but thar 'e was, bigger 'an life.  And while it was grinnin' it was busy collecting some twigs.  Next thing ya know it was chattering to beat the band and throwin' sticks at ol' Jack.  Well, I can tell you, Jack didn't appreciate the humor in this sitcheation.  He backed up and made a leap so high I thought shore he was gonna take flight, but he got nothin' for his trouble but a whack in the head as he collided with a big ol' twig thrown by that ****.  

Thinkin' that Jack had had about enuf I tried coaxing him home, but he was havin' nothing to do with it.  So, I told Jack I was heading home and he could come if he had a mind to, but I wasn't staying out in the woods all night while he made an *** of himself over a **** that was makin' fun of him.  I started off and then heard a loud yelp.  All of a sudden Jack came blastin' past me, and not far behind was that old Cinnamon **** giving it all he was worth.  Well, as he was headin' towards home I followed along.  Just at the mouth of Shadow Holler, and not to fer from home I found ol' Jack.  He was up a low slung tree whimperin' like a puppy.  That **** was pacing the trunk, back ****** up, teeth bared and laughin' out the side of its mouth.  As I walked up on this pathetic scene, ol' Jack took one look at me and started crying fer help.  Well, I took pity on the poor fella and walked up on that **** with a right big stick.  And right afore my eyes it just faded into nothin'.  Scared the bejeebers outta me!

Took me an hour to coax ol' Jack outta that tree.  And then I couldn't keep up with him once he headed towards our cabin.  At home I told Pa all about our lil adventure, and he bout whooped me fer even goin' into Shadow Holler.  He said, "Son, I tole you to stay outta that holla.  They's ghosts and spooks down in thar.  Old Lady Jalson disappeared never to be seen again until the Smith boys saw her wanderin' a trail down there.  On'y problem is they cud see through 'er.  They's all sorts of stories 'bout shadows roaming free and playin' tricks an' worse on folks."  

Well I never seen my Pa so scairt as when he was tellin' me that, so now I just keep away from that holler.  And, ya know what?  I ain't never seen ol' Jack even turn in that direction since that night.  Musta learned himself somethin'.
This is what comes of visiting my family in very Southern Ohio... :) And I did actually see a taxidermied cinnamon raccoon at a person's house once.  It was kinda eerie.  Did pass a sign to Shadow Holler while I was down there too. :)
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
The pillar of the community
leaned against
the door frame.

He flipped a coin in his hand
as he watched the red clad woman
walk away.

She had no idea of his psychosis.

He opened his hand and looked down.
Thoughts of his special tool case
kept in the hutch at the foot of the stairs
reluctantly left his mind as he sees the
tails on the coin in his palm.

He glances one last time at her
and moves on to other matters.
Words given:   Feet.  Hutch.  Frame.  Pillar.  Psychotic.

Thank you for the help with the editing Frank.  Greatly appreciated! :)
Judy Ponceby Nov 2010
Standing behind this shield wall,
On the battle ground.
Dusty and worn, wounded,
I wonder as I hold strong,
Next to my kinsman,
Will we win this battle?
Will I survive, using axe and muscle?
Slaughtering, killing, slowly advancing,
Taking my enemies' lives,
Is this worth the price of so many?
Is this honoring Odin?
One battleworn man, amongst many,
In this shieldwall, feeling
Time, heavy in the air, and mind wandering,
He considers the battles fought,
The rewards gained,
The kinsmen lost.................
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
in my


Sudsy suds.
Scrubsy scrubs.




As wine.
It's the simple things in life. :) LOL
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
Oh, the folly

of the melancholy

Eschewing the jolly

on life's trolley.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
Within this crimson,
opalescent phial entwined
with metallic vine slumbers
death's grim visage.

A few drops
laced in wine or tea
produces sinister
searing agony.

To be used so
only in greatest
to avoid discovery
of secrets harbored.

I tuck the phial away.

He never knew
how close he was to
agonizing death
by my hand.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
my gentle friend.
leaves me
when you are away.

the serenity,
the warmth and comfort
the peace
of being folded
in your arms.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
Snowbeasties lurking out there
Howling loudly in despair.

Hidden in the drifting snow
Innocent sparkling flakes aglow.

Snow devils spinning in a flurry
Causing anxiety and so much worry.

Treacherous roads of ice and snow
Blizzard conditions with arctic flow.

Peering from the frozen window
Snowbeasties dancing to and fro.

Grabbing the cocoa on a tray,
Closings mean we have time to play.
Judy Ponceby Nov 2010
ripping, roaring, dad's asnoring.
mom continues, still imploring.
seeking silence, blessed silence.
kids are screaming, eyes agleaming.

flipping, gripping, cats are nipping.
swimming, dipping, fish afinning.
seeking silence, blessed silence.
motors rumbling, brothers grumbling.

quiet, silent, in a corner sitting.
reading, hiding, hope for disappearing.
seeking silence, blessed silence.
whispers spoken, words unbroken.

too shy for noise, unlike those boys
afraid to speak, not a squeak
seeking silence, blessed silence.

­QUIETTTT!!!!!!, please!
Judy Ponceby Feb 2012
No rhyme, no reason.
Just like the sound.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
Typed words flow
Across the screen.
Cursor blinks
seen, unseen.

Electrons racing
through the wires,
Transporting meaning
as word inspires.

Sensors picking up
the textings.
Users taking in
the sextings.

Social networks
come and go.
Human beings
move so slow.

Time's reduced
to microseconds.
Attention spans
too slow I reckon.
Judy Ponceby Sep 2011

step       by step

crossing this wretched foot bridge

large          g ap  s                   loom

don't look down

towards the scrabbling masses
reaching up

tear you from your perch

head up
      hands on the rope
         your feet walking in faith.

only then,

will you reach

When I was four or five, I watched my father walk across a rickety old foot bridge with missing slats across a huge ravine. This memory has been replaying itself in my head quite a lot of late and this is what came of it in my writing.
Judy Ponceby Nov 2010
Did you see the paper?
There was another incorrigible kid,
wandering the streets, looking for adventure.

He was just out seeking his fortunes,
maybe a baseball, a nickel found, a lost pup,
when he was converged upon by the local press.

They were looking for a street smart kid,
able to tell them the realities of living on the street,
show them the lay of the land so to speak.

Now, this kid, bright fella, figured he had something here,
Thought, all these folks really liked him.
Were interested in him, actually thought they may have cared.

He showed them the back streets,
the corners where the hookers hung out.
Introduced them to the local dealer, and
made short work of the secrets of a local chopshop.

He really thought they cared,
they gave him a fiver, a bag of candy, a grin,
They talked to him like he was the Man,
he wanted to be, amazed and excited by what he told.

Then they disappeared one day, their story written,
published for the newspaper and the kid was all alone.
All alone.

He was all alone when the chopshop boys and the local **** found him.  
Made an example of him for any other fools who thought they knew so much.  
Now you can see him, head down, limping, crippled and blind.  

I wonder where those people are now, needing a story,
filling their space with black and white lines.
Missing the black and blue bruises they left behind.
Inspired From Spare a Word or 5?  site by Sender Upwords

incorrigible, kid, another, editorial, converged.
Judy Ponceby Sep 2010
Hip hop, gonna stop
on the bright blue square.
Run, jump, fall like a lump.
on the green ground bare.

Laugh and dash, and water splash
in the sunshine sparkle.
Smile and giggle, toes they wiggle
in the black mud darkle.

Playing silly, warm and chilly
dusk is setting in.
Wandering home, all alone,
in the tub again.

Splish, splash, clean in a flash
jammies on real quick.
Bedtime story, oh the glory,
on a dreamland kick.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Flighted wings spread wide,
Snapping on the downstroke,
Moving air, giving lift.

Scouring the land below,
Hunting hidden prey beneath,
Unaware it is being sought.

Heart pounding hard,
Rushing dive,
Crushing blow.

And so life cycles,
Eat or be eaten,
Live or die.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
Aardvarks and Applesnarks,
filling in between the quarks.

Scratching and scraping behind the door.
Shuffling and snuffling all across the floor.

I hear them tapping, hear them scraping,
wonder where they've gone a traipsing.

Aardvarks on the move,
Applesnarks in the groove.

Looking like land sharks after the ants,
Make sure you don't get one up your pants.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
Standing there surrounded by jackals
I look up into the one friendly face
And smile, though I have tears in my eyes.

He smiles gently back, uncertain what is happening,
And with my smile he seems reassured and returns to his work.

The jackals close tighter about me
demanding their remains.
Unable to produce them, having never had them,
I leave them unsatisfied in their defiance.

Heading for the door, feeling them lagging behind.
I feel a great weight lift from my shoulders.
Regret seeps from my eyes, leaving those who knew I cared behind.
But realizing it was a position unsustainable for me.

And that smile from him remains fixed in my memory.
Knowing he knew nothing of their ploys and plans
Knowing the work I did, the care I gave was seen,
Was appreciated by one who matters.

The jackals continue their work
Keep the wheels turning
Only they are missing that single component
That represents what they claim to be about.

Compassion for their fellow humans.
It takes only a moment to change the course of one's life.  
How we look forward, rather than back, determines our destiny.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
Creeping about
in the shadows
a ghastly and repugnant
haunts the corners
in sinister deception.

Less than transparent panes
give an ominous feel
to this seemingly
abandoned shell.

Many a child has paused,
fear seizing them
like cold fingers around their throat
only then to run,
to run home to their
warm sanctuary
from all things

through extrasensory
in their
For Creative Poetry at Writer's Cafe.

Words 10/3:  Transparent.  Haunt.  Shadow.  Deception.  Abode.  Sinister.  Repugnant.  Ghastly.  Ominous.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2012
As the fiery teardrop of evening
Bursts upon the horizon,
I weave my iron hammock,
All eyes glittering in
Ravenous anticipation.
I and the shadows collude darkly--
Awaiting your arrival.

Wending my way
Through fruited garden
In search of treasure
I take without pardon.

To land from aloft
On warm steamy goo
Tasting with delight
This joyous poo.

And once quite sated
I move on
To cooler climes
This garden spawned.

Glinting temptingly,
My steely dinner plate
Stretches limb
To limb.
And soon--
My bulbous stomach
Churns in delight--
It is you that will be
Stretched limb
From limb.

Buzzing about
Out of the Sun,
Feel the foreboding
Dampening my fun.

There's a vibe in the air
That makes me shiver.
Setting my hairs
all quite a-quiver.

For all the eye facets
sitting in my head,
I still miss the trap
set out dead ahead.

I can feel your approach--
A barely discernible thrumming
That agitates the threads of my
My mandibles quiver
And drip
In excitement while
The winds soughs secretively
Through the evening,
Whispering you towards
My gullet.

Evasive maneuvers
They have no effect.
Tangled in this web,
"Oh, What the Heck!"

Wings rasping loudly
Trying to break free,
When suddenly I sense
What could only be...

My enemy most Arch
Evil eyes a-glitter
Racing down wires
Oh, how he skitters.
I laugh inwardly,
As my supercilious stare
Condescends upon you.
The very thought insults me.
Your frantic buzzes,
Imploringly urgent,
Evoke nothing from me.
Implausible and impossible,
Your continued survival is made
Increasingly improbable
As my constraints surround your
Thrashing wings.

How I struggle to be free
As you come quite near
Your fangs how they glitter
How plump is your rear.

Feeling the terror
deep in my being
Wings wrapped fast
In silken sheeting.

Quailing at the certainty
With which you approach.
And yet, a flicker of  hope
When shadows encroach.

An agitation of the wind,
A vibration less susurrous
Than that which the night
Should betray,
Causes me to freeze in
As my struggling supper
Loses even the dregs of my attention,
The faint glow of the night
Is changed--
More swiftly than the
Rasping of leather wings
On a midnight silence
r the warm, mammalian
Bite of all that the
Darkness contains--
To the ubiquitous blackness
Of nonexistence.

As luck would have it
My executioner has failed
To finish me off,
And so I must regale

My frenemies
with a delightful tale
Being saved by fate
In moonlight pale.

Now, if only I were able
To free myself from
This quite dreadful mess
Wound about me ***....

My consciousness
Crushed to
I can't feel my
I hear mumbling
Nature's laugh
In collaboration with Ben Taylor, a fine young word warrior who has many fine writes on Writer's Cafe.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
Skimming through the water, like a bird on wing.
Feeling the currents flowing, water spilling along my flanks.
Surging into the deep sea, searching for sunken ships,
Lost treasures to those above, merely decrepit scenery below.
Perhaps, more, to the sealife that shelters there.

This fantastic ability, to relate to earth's final mysteries in the deep.
Granted me, through a fluke of nature, gills filtering,
Scales protecting, tail and fins propelling forward
To ever deeper realms.

Hardly noticing the increasing pressures
Feeling tides pulling, seeing unfathomed sea creatures.
Appreciating the beauty and the power of the deep sea.
Triton may reside here, only stories to those above.
But the mysterious, deepness of this realm, begs belief in other gods.

Continuous exploration of this vast world,
Only brings me a small portion of its bounty.
Birth, life, death, cycling forever.
Brilliant design of creatures and systems,
Only glimpsed from above.
Denied to those who seek to categorize and quantify.

Life is not averages, statistics, and clinical review.
Being judged in labs by coated strangers.
Life indeed is deep, resounding, complex in every detail.
Microcosms of universes existing in harmony
Beneath waves brushing the sky.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Every dog I know
is honest too the core.

They work harder at pleasing
their humans than we do caring for them.

They love deeper
and show it with their beautiful soulful eyes.

And when peering over the edge of the bed,
they laugh at us having ***.

They fish for hugs and kisses,
and are patient beyond endurance.

They jump and leap,
and race for the door to take us on our walks.

They beg for treats,
do some tricks and beg for more.

They wash our faces,
and wag their tails to tell us how they love us.

There is nothing better than a canine friend.
to make our lives worthwhile.
Honesty.  Work.  ***.  Ethics.  Fish.  Dogs.  Love.
Charming Fun and Fanciful.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Wisty and Schmoo got into a fight,
They gave the warden quite a fright.

Wisty was shoveling with her spoon,
While Schmoo was providing a view of the moon.

Schmoo moved to the left
Leaving Wisty quite bereft,

Of cover in this circumstance.
Leaving the warden looking askance.

Imagine how quick he turned,
When seeing his sentencing about to be spurned.

Schmoo and Wisty started down the tunnel,
Poured themselves through as though through a funnel.

For years they had been hatching a plan,
To escape this jail, get away from the man.

And, now was their chance to find out who,
Could run the fastest, Wisty or Schmoo.

Through the tunnel underground,
Up through the soil, their feet did pound.

Waving to the warden they just knew,
They would escape any second, but for the pile of poo.

Slipped em, tripped em, made them fall,
All the warden could do was call.

Called for the hose, called for the nurse,
threatened them next time with a hearse.

And so ends Wisty and Schmoo's Great Escape.
Nothing more than a muddy scrape.
Who.  Wisty.  Years.  Tunnel.  Turned.  Moved.  Fight.
Charming Fun and Fanciful.
Judy Ponceby Nov 2011
Aged patina of ivory keys.

Chipped at the corners.
Black and white worn.

Still, as always,
able to coax beautiful notes
From willing keys.

To lighten the mood
or heighten suspense.
Notes tumbling one after another.

Each key, a single note.
When enchanted
able to suspend reality
in concert with its kinsman.
Inspired by this photo....
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
With a flourish of my pen I set fire to the paper.
Enlivening it like a god creating a caper.

Words flow like wine from my synapses,
Form images in mind's eye without lapses.

Saturn may rotate like a ring on a string.
Far be it from me to question fair Jupiter's ring.

Expansive words conveying vast universes.
Ideas, concepts, phrases, and curses.

The whales they must sing, the birds they will cry,
My voice from within is written with pen as I am so shy.
For "Can you spare a Word or 5?"
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