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Judy Ponceby Sep 2011
Take a seat and push with your feet.
Feel the smooth, rocking glide.

Pump your legs hard and fast.
Hold on tight to the chains.

As you rise higher, ever higher
Reach out and touch the clear blue sky.

Rush through the air, defy gravity.
Lean back against the forward motion

And feel the sheer
Judy Ponceby Jul 2013
This world is huge.  It's small.  Its infinitesimal and vast.
How did we come by such a beauteous and frightful place?
Out in the cosmos, alone and crowded.
Living our lives in years that are only a blink in time.
What laws of nature bind us?  What freedoms do we possess?
Time rushes by only to stand still.
So many questions.  So many answers.
Which is right?  Which wrong?  Is it only a matter of perception?
Such is the human mind.  Always questioning, contradicting.
Seeking and avoiding.  Creating and destroying.
This is a repost because I have learned a great deal about punctuation and revamped it a bit.
Judy Ponceby Aug 2010
This world is huge.  It's small.  Its infinitesimal and vast.
How did we come by such a beauteous and frightful place.
Out in the cosmos, alone and crowded.
Living our lives in years that are only a blink in time.
What laws of nature bind us?  What freedoms do we possess?
Time rushes by only to stand still.
So many questions.  So many answers.
Which is right?  Which wrong?  Is it only a matter of perception?
Such is the human mind.  Always questioning, contradicting.
Seeking and avoiding.  Creating and destroying.
Judy Ponceby Nov 2011
Tin Stars
in the night.

of simpler days
shine down.

Catch a glimpse
of those times
gone by

in the spark

moonlit reflection.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
The words

are slow

to come.

One at a time
trembles upon lips
before spilling forth.

picking up speed
at first
like a lazy undulating
stream through
a crowded wood.

And then
the pressure
builds towards
like a
raging rapids
leap over
rushing forth
to be expressed,
to share,
to enlighten,
to dance,
to rage,
to comfort,
to share...

Always to

That internal
to share
one's self
through the
use of
or written.
Judy Ponceby Jul 2015
Mother Nature
that wise woman
threw a storm the other day.

It nearly took out Florida
with its raging rains and
tempestous winds.

She's been a bit tempermental of late,
what with the radiation pouring out of Japan,
the plastic clogging the Northern Gyre.

Coral reefs dying off are really
rocking her boat.  The rising carbon dioxide's making her itchy,
just look at how she's growing that poison ivy now.

Monarchs are starving.
Bats are dying off with the sniffles.
She's **** near had enough.

Makes me tremble in my boots,
just thinking what she is truly capable of
if she decides enough IS enough....
Day 5 of the 5 Day Challenge.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
Peeking out the window
On all Hallow's Eve
Watching little Globlins
Skip about with glee.

Witch's and warlocks
traveling the streets
Looking so scary
Asking for treats.

Dinos and gators
fairies and elves,
scurry about
frightening themselves.

The sun grows dim,
the porchlight shines,
the ghouls and monsters
scowl just fine.

Creatures a-plenty
Come out to play
Once each year
for All Hallow's Day.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Cruisin' across the Sahara in my 1952 Cadillac,
I was singing along to a song, thinking about Jack Kerouac.

Coming over the next rise, I never expected to see,
Such a conflagration of Walruses looking back at me.

Passing a lone daisy under the sun set on broil,
They were making their way across the big sandy soil.

Thoughts evolving and revolving inside of my brain,
Led me to believe I might be under a bit of a strain.

Searching for my bottle of purified mineral water,
I quenched my thirst and prayed for no less than an hour.

That these visions of sea mammals would quickly pass.
And leave me to sing songs in my old Cadillac.
Cadillac.  Daisy.  Evolve.  Walrus.  Mineral.  Conflagration.  Sahara.
Charming, Fun and Fanciful.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011

Wanting wontons.

Wantonly wanting wontons.

Wantonly wanting.

Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
Watching the colors go round, and round.
The bright yellow towels making a halo,
in the dryer window, time trudging slowly.

Facing west, watching the sun set,
Washers and dryers humming in my ears,
Always feeling awkward sitting here alone.

Waiting for the buzzers to split the loud silence,
So I can finish my laundry, folding, hanging, packing,
And getting the heck outta Dodge!

I hate doing laundry.
Yet another "Can you Spare a Word or 5?" submission.
awkward, laundry, west, halo, split
Judy Ponceby Oct 2011
Vast islands of floating debris
Following the ocean currents.
in the Northern Pacific Gyre.

Man made litter
Shaming our species.

Wasteland oasis
Covering hundreds of millions of acres
Of Ocean Blue.

Mother Earth
Polluted, Corrupted
a malignancy

When? When will we learn??

inspiration from
Judy Ponceby Jul 2015
It is not "giving up"
It is not "giving in"
It is not "the end"

What it is
Is the acceptance of
the cycle of Life.
The appreciation of a life lived.
The celebration of that life.
The time to examine the meaning of one's life.
To revel in the joy and the sorrow of living.
To find the peace one needs to move on
To whatever the next realm brings.

Hospice to me is life.
Day 2 of the 5 Day Challenge
Judy Ponceby Jul 2014
To think and wish what ifs...

To look to the past for what might have beens...

To gaze upon what once was and what could have come to past.....

Leaves one's heart tender and aching

Until you realize, what is

Is good and true and joyous

In its own right.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
One night my love and I were out observing the constellations
When from nowhere we hear to our consternation
Incessant notes of outrageous declaration.
My love and I upon closer clandestine inspection
Observe a drunken troubadour torturing such inflection
As to sour the deafest of men upon hearing such disconnection.
As we run hand in hand unaware of our direction,
Pelting objects sound crushing the object of our disaffection.
For Can you spare a word or 5?
Troubadour.  Sour.  Incessant.  Crushing.  Constellation.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2012
Sugar sweet,
Medicine vile.
Mom's so mean
Full of bile.

She always says
now be good.
Gives me meds.
I misunderstood.

This is good?
In what way?
"I'm fine!" I shout.
Throughout the day.

The cough has gone.
The fever fled.
Now leave me mother
I dread that med!

Horrid flavor,
Wretched taste
Makes me shudder
Worse than paste!

Mom's just smilin'
Spoon at the ready.
Knowing better,
"C'mere, Freddy."

She's so mean,
I don't know why.
She used to love me
In days gone by.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Thinking deeply after dark,
Wondering when I will hear the owl
Call quietly into the night.

Cold winter's grip holds so tight.
Snow showers down from arctic breeze.
And chills the soul among the trees.

Silence reigns here in the deep,
Hours pass without a sound
To give away the life force here.

Then achingly soulful, deep and round,
The howling of the wolves from far north,
Waft down this lonely valley wall.

Peace of night shattered now,
Nature's children give voice,
To lonely coldness of this frozen land.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
Thinking deeply after dark
Wondering when I will hear the owl
Call quietly into the night.

Cold winter's grip holds so tight.
Snow showers down from arctic breeze.
And chills the soul among the trees.

Silence reigns here in the deep
Hours pass without a sound
To give away the life force here.

Then achingly soulful deep and round
The howling of the wolves from far north
Waft down this lonely valley wall.

Peace of night shattered now
Nature's children give voice
To lonely coldness of this frozen land.
Edited per a mysterious poet's suggestions.  
Have to say it does give it a different feel.  :) Thanks mysterious poet.
Judy Ponceby Jan 2011
If wishes were fishes,
I'd have a whole bunch.
Swimming in fishbowls,
Awaiting their lunch.

If wishes were french fries,
I'd have a caboodle.
Frying in the skillet,
To feed to my poodle.

If wishes were colors,
I'd have a rainbow.
Coloring the world,
In hues of magenta and mango.

If wishes were flowers,
I'd have a garden full.
Showing their pretty faces,
And smelling of taffy pull.

If wishes were mine,
I'd hand out a dozen.
To every girl and boy,
To each uncle and cousin.
Judy Ponceby Oct 2010
Was a Wolf Spider
wandering 'round.
Searching for dinner
On the dark ground.

It didn't make webs,
didn't have a tunnel.
No traps or sticky threads,
No venom or funnel.

But deadly nonetheless,
Striking so quick.
Relentlessly tracking,
And named for this trick.

Traveling quickly,
Hiding from the light,
Stalking its prey,
Having a bite.

Now some say they're icky,
Some get creeped out.
But taking the time
to just look about

Shows how essential
are these little creatures.
Intricate killing spiders
with deadly brown features.
Judy Ponceby Nov 2010
What is a man's life worth?

A man who cares,

And yet, is unappreciated?

A man who stands
by his wife,
harsh realities?

And yet, remains unappreciated?

A man who is faithful,

And yet, remains unappreciated?

A man who loves wholly,
gives freely,
seeks only
love in return?

And yet, remains unappreciated?

For the one who sees,
the one who knows,
will find
that with appreciation,
his worth is

His value priceless.
Judy Ponceby Feb 2011
Riding a yo yo
is a difficult thing.

Holding on tight
Lest you go for a fling.

Going down
Watching the string.

Going up
Running like a mad thing.

Staying aboard
Is a mighty feat.

Up and down,
what a treat!
For my son.

— The End —