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Judy Klein Oct 2013
The raged little blue eyed girl had so many years
from her past she has cried many tears
sitting on a bench with her dog Spot at her side
hair not comb wearing cuffed up hole's in my farmer jeans
Mother yelling, hold still for the picture or you know what I mean.
I sat very still with Spot at my side
knowing she was not happy nor satisfied
Please Mamma, why can't I have a pretty dress?
and look like a little girl like all the rest
I jumped off the bench with Spot at my side
The picture wasn't taken and again unjustified
I was punished and locked in the shed
Spot was laying out side the door
we were both looking through the crack in the floor
I could see him he could see me,
Felt like I was lock there for eternity,
If Spot was only human he could set me free
I'm locked up like a animal and he could be me
Laying cold on the old wooden floor,
Spot don't leave me, don't leave me no more
When I get older I'm going to run away some day
Take spot and find a home far away
may need to change some wording
3.6k · Oct 2013
Time is precious
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Time is precious
Time is something you can't take back
Once it passes it's already gone,
Don't waist it, time is precious
Youth is beautiful ,but don' waist it
Aging we never think it will happen to us
We need to love and embrace it,
Time is precious don't erase it,
Except us where we are today in this moment.
Grab on to life and live it, embrace it.
I love where I am today, even tho I look this way
Time is precious:
We can't go back, each day moves us forward
It's the beginning and the end
And every moment, is the moment, we need to live life
For that reason alone, these are sacred years
Grab on to it, hold it near, it's our journey
It's the destiny of life, that you do not want to fear.
You ultimately need a difference for eternity.
2.7k · Oct 2013
The Mirror of Life
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The Mirror of Life
looking into the mirror who do I see
Some one looking back, and it was me.
Once such a beauty and always on stage
Years later she looking back and how she has aged.
Aging is a beautiful and full of wisdom
It does pay a price and them some.
Some times what appears we lost,
it was time to leave be hind.
Midlife is not a crisis;
it's a time of rebirth to find
it's a time not to accept your death;
you have a lot of wonderful years left
It's a time to accept your life.
live it as there no to morrow
and never a day with any sorrow
The mirror of Life
You are beautiful and that so right
aging is a miracle of process
and it just don't happen over night.
But look in the mirror and who do you see
Some one beautiful looking back at me.
2.5k · Oct 2013
The pumpkin fest
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The Pumpkin  fest
The night of Halloween,
We went to the pumpkin fest
We were all in costumes and dressed our best
thousands of pumpkins were on the ground
Wagons hooked up by horses were all around
Filled with excitement
And filled with cheer
As we load up on the wagon for another year
Oh how I love Halloween
Carameled apples with sticks in between
horses pulling the hay ride
  yelling trick or treat out side
They fill our bags with lots of candy
Reese 's peanut 's and m&ms;
snickers and kit kats
and three Musketeers
Oh how I love Halloween this year.
The grown ups are sitting and drinking hot cider
I'm dressed as a witch sitting by a tiger
Ghost and goblins their there too
a Cinderella and bear bear boo
The night's coming to a end
and the hay ride is over
It won't happen again til next October.
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The Kitten from under the chair
Thank God for the day the drug bust took place
The Sting was set up and the early morning began
Kicking down the door yelling and seeing their face
As the task force entered weapons raised, the victim ran  
The sounds of cyiruns from police cars gather, road blocks in place  
I wonder that day who of us would go home that night, or that man
weapons drawn and hostage began, police cars every where during the chase
After it was over hostage was released, victim in cuffs arrested were pleased.
Task force enter the building of **** , under the chair was a kitten that was left.
She was so tiny frail and shaken, eyes of fright the kitten was taken
I took her home  gave her milk,wrapped her in a blanket ,laid her to rest
Tiny frighten little kitten, She inhaled so much ****, sickly and shaken.
I adopted her and gave her a name and so much love I felt.
Her nane is penny and I made sure I would adopt her before she was taken
The kitten from under the chair
She's 18 years old now and has epileptic seizures treated with Phenobarbital and loving care
Oh how I love the kitten from under the chair that has given me so much love
I'm retied and so is she we both love each other til the years set us free.
I have to rewrite this poem, add to it and take some things out,  "a unfinished poem"
1.9k · Oct 2013
Touching You Is Touching Me
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Touch is a beautiful feeling
Touch can be used in many ways
Touching you is touching me
It doesn't have to cost it can be free
A embrace to say hello and Good bye
a intimate touch and you don't ask why
A gentle kind word in a compliment,
can touch the heart with sentiments,
A gift of kindness is a touching heaven
learning this I have found since I was seven
No touch at all leaves us lingering for more
whether your giving or taken it touches our core.
working on
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Halloween is a night when all the Ghost come out,
Some come from right here that live among us
Some only make the trip on Halloween night
They even come from the grave yards,
The Ghost from here never made it to the other side
All the Ghost are spirits some were feathered and tared.
Only on Halloween night do they all coincide
Some walk among us all the time leaving no foot prints
The feeling some one is there but when you turn to look there's no one,
Halloween can mix among the living and the dead,
they come out freely walking along side us unnoticed when we are having fun.
Dressed up in disguised as ghost and goblins and pumpkin heads
Its all in fun for earthly people but one never know the trickery of a real Ghost.
They move in space among us and play trickery games because their among the dead.
We wait for the door bell to ring for all the children yelling trick or treat for their candy
But one never knows on calm Halloween night why the door keeps slamming on the\old wood shed.
Locked it was but not tonight, as the Ghost are so busy, but I keep on the table the bottle of Brandy,
I pour a shot to calm down my fear realizing it's a very busy night among the dead..
Even tho it's a calm night you can hear the ghostly haunted wind and dyed leafs blowing over your head,
Yes I am scared on this Halloween night and every year at this time it excites my fright,
Who would really know their among us but what they can not say their not living but dead.
Walking on the rickrack porch every step that creeks,
lit Pumpkins carved on the old unpainted chair on the right,
on the left are tall corn stalks and a bail of hay as the tall scare crow sits so still with no life.
I will always remember this Halloween night for the dead rises as the living play.
1.7k · Nov 2013
The old fire place
Judy Klein Nov 2013
The old fire place
was least 90 years old
It came with the cabin as the story unfolds
it was a log cabin with a stone chimney
the chimney ran all the way down in side
Where near was a chair where the bearded man reside
Now as the story is told
The wood was cut and properly stacked
Along side the fire place was a burlap sack
we looked through the window and what did we see
lots of toys and a Christmas tree
dancing elf's were all about
was a huge locomotive train sitting on a track
going around and round click clack
bells were ringing
The angles were singing
  Christmas chimes were hanging
there was even a drum set banging
our child eyes were all lit up
as we lean against the window pane,
looking in and seeing the tree filled with candy canes
as the little elf's drank out of Christmas cups
There was Santa loving it so much
wow their getting ready for the Christmas year
** ** ** we heard him say
as his long white beard was white and gray
we have to make the toys
for all the little girls and boys
dancing and prancing  running all about
Mrs Clause is in the kitchen hearing her shout
baking cookies
pies and candy canes ties
hair pulled back with her apron on
Singing Christmas songs
The little else was singing along
wrapping presents and filling socks
Near Santa chair hung the Christmas clock
oh how exciting this Christmas year
awaiting for the reindeer to appear
on Christmas eve night that's coming near
Santa string the wood in the old fire place
warming the cabin for the season race
whistling and singing all night  long
Christmas eve the reindeer came
Dasher and prancer,
Donne,r and blithesome
Rudolph the famous reindeer of all
not finished ,need to put in a poem...
1.6k · Oct 2013
He's the one
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Wondering what that feeling is that is so intriguing ,
Why haven't I felt this way before,
His big brown eyes that smile when he looked at me,
Just as I noticed him walking through the dealership door,
I'm frozen in time and memorized by his hands holding the key,
the key that's opening doors and breaking down walls to my soul
To-day isn't about automobiles it's about my heart, it's about me.
I'm mesmerized by his body and spirit,  knowing I must concentrate by his practical goal.
I can feel my heart pounding  thinking as if he could hear it.
As I look to him to give my presentation, loss for words as my body takes it's part
Again and again I'm searching for words, thinking , feeling like a idiot,
walls going up all around me, fears of the past surrounds me, shutting down my heart.
He's the one, never felt like this before, my heart and body is taking on a new feeling,
Part of me wants to turn to run and the other part of me wants him to take me in his arm.
I'm trying to concentrate why he's here, Can't he see it's about me and not the dealing.
He's a mechanical engineer from the cities and I'm just a women that has lived in the county on the farm.
Two worlds so different but yet so much the same, I want to get to know him, this is no game.
I can't breath, Fear stops people from moving forward if they don't take that chance
Standing so close to him and looking in his eyes watching his mouth as he speaks, listening to his manly voice.
Just turn and run, your not his type I tell my self, Every excuse except having courage to stay in the dance.
1.4k · Oct 2013
No one knows but me
Judy Klein Oct 2013
know one know but me
It's a secret
I never wanted to tell
Just wanted to be,
years later I than seek therapy
opening up to someone
   was not my specialty
It's a secret
I was so good at hiding the pain
it's a wonder I'm even sane
They sat and listen as I talked
The broken girl that wasn't my fault
I was the girl of happiness and laughter
but under it all I was scared with pain
never again could I remain the same
Some times you just escape to some where else
Not really leaving your body but mind
In a soft spoken voice Disassociate is the word
my mind was like a file going back an forward
split personality
Now is time to get well and face reality
How could this all be
What is happening to me
Do I want to stay and tell them my life,
or want to turn and run and not be a wife.
I have a man that love's me
He wants me happy and set free
Free from the chains that hold me down
free from the pain that has captured the sounds.
Yes I said as I was sitting on the couch
I do want to get well
so the story and tears fell
Not finished
1.4k · Oct 2013
Love is so fragile
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Love is so fragile and precious which some take for granted ,
They do not realize what they have, they need not look any further,
because love is so fragile and precious,
What they needed they already have,
Love is the the wind, the trees the leafs how the seasons turns.
Learning how to love is a two way street, two lanes going into one,
What a beautiful site when love is truly shown woven like yarn.
I'm in love with love,the sweet fragrance, the feeling, the touch,
Love is so fragile and precious, it has given me so much.
It's like expensive china treat it with passion like a clock with no alarm
Do not treat it with pain as the china will shatter with a touch,
Oh Love is so fragile
You can hold on to your heart and it's up to us how we weave the yarn,
The yarn is a symbol of the stitches, crossing, weaving one piece on top of another,
Two become one and a beautiful heart is stitched together.
It's like expensive perfume, a fragrance of beauty,
A piece of exquisite fine Art that was done with the deepest talent.
Oh love is so Fragile.
1.1k · Oct 2013
candle lite
Judy Klein Oct 2013
A candle light lit by the bed stand
shadows of the flickering light on the ceiling
playing softly my country band
moments laying in the arms of my man with loving feelings
Only if our moments like this could last as the candle burns
Just be together as the candle flickers on the ceiling
Let it be known I don't want  him to leave, as he turns,
need to finish
1.1k · Oct 2013
candle lite
Judy Klein Oct 2013
A candle light lit by the bed stand
shadows of the flickering light on the ceiling
playing softly my country band
laying in his arms , loving this feeling
Only if  this could last as the candle burns
together as the candle flickers on the ceiling
the shadows of our naked bodies while touching,
making love the whole night, our shadows on the ceiling.
need to finish
975 · Oct 2013
The night of halloween
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The night of Halloween is dark and scary
But yet there's fun being frighten
No other time would I want to be scared
Ghost and skeletons devils, demons that fear heightens
every one in customs hidden be hind disguised  
If there were times other than Halloween I would die
I'm dressed as the evil one, but no one knows who I am
I'm the pretender, a make believe a dark soul for once a year
Knocking at the doors and scarring the height with fright
Watch me at the next door I will even scared them even more
It's me that's scared with the cobwebs covering me and skeletons flinging at me  
all I hear is screams of the night and the height of the fright
I may want to go home but do not know how to get there
I'm caught in the grave yards and all soul arise the night of Halloween
I am afraid and want to go home and be who I am but I'm caught in the grave yard as the evil one
Can't they see it's really just me but once a year it's Halloween and old souls arise
Now I awake the day after Halloween and I look in the mirror and see no cobwebs only me.
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The knock at the door on Halloween night
The Ghost and Goblins looking through the window of the door,
Screaming , Screaming Trick or Treat,
Candy in hand as I place in bags of the four
down the side walk comes a witch on a broom,
as I run to get more candy from another room.
In my hand the bowl is full of suckers and snicker, musketeers,  
Music in the back ground of frightening tuns to fear,  
Cob webs tangling as the skeletons jump out and scream.
OH what a wonderful night on Halloween
need to finish
913 · Oct 2013
October and flaming leafs
Judy Klein Oct 2013
October and flaming leaves of all colors
not only my birthday but so are others
October is so many things this season brings
Columbus day full moon Halloween and many things,
October is fall and all the trees are changing
colored lawns with falling leafs,
left to bare the limbs and trees.
Halloween is the exciting time,
in October of wilting summer vines,
for children there's costooms  and trick or treat,
for the women baking pumpkins pies to eat
For the men there's bow hunting and venison meat.
A new season October brings, temperature drops and frost appears,
October, November, December, then January and it's another year.
831 · Oct 2013
A little girl calls God
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Hello God are you there?
Why is it when I call you, you don't pick up
Is it that you don't love me enough?
Hello, Hello, God are you there?
I want to come home but I don't know where.
this is not a good place for me here
too many beatings and I always live in fear
I have a mom but not a dad,
He died when I was twelve
That makes me very sad
In the bible you said come to me
I'm trying, but can't you see?
Your up there and I'm beneath thee.
Hello, Hello God are you there
I know your there but where
My heart is breaking in two
I been waiting so long for you.
I want to come home
Dear God I'm so alone
I've written letters and address it to Heaven
Letters come back to sender since I was seven.
Hello God so Now I use the phone,
I a little older now, I'm thirteen and home alone
I dial HEAVEN 432-8367
A  busy signal ,you must be talking to some one else,
Please please Jesus pick up to save my self.
as I sit here all grow up, I now realize he heard me all along
My faith has deepened, he had a plan,
Now I 'm a women with a beautiful man
All along when I was writing and calling,
he's been with me
Thank you God you didn't pick up
lessons I learned has set me free.
820 · Oct 2013
A book with dust
Judy Klein Oct 2013
A Book With Dust
Sat on the book case and never been touched
Now this book was big in size
The knowledge more than I realized
Every book had been read
except this book with a golden edge
I would dust the case and take a look
but always went passed that certain book
as years went by I had a library room
every book bought was read very soon
except between them all sat this book
and every now and them I glance with a look
One day as I was putting books back
this large book fell off the shelf and opened
and when I looked down the words were  loudly spoken
it read
I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before others,
the son of man also will acknowledge before the angles of God;
but who ever denies me before others will be denied before the
angels of God.
Luke 12:8-9
Over all these years and with the unknown
Here lies the book with all  answer unfold en
This large book with the golden edge
sitting on the shelf near the ledge
was the book of the Bible
The most important book in the world
760 · Nov 2013
Judy Klein Nov 2013
Thanks giving
Is a day we all wait for,
the women in the kitchen
baking  apple and Pumpkin pies
Men are still out hunting with the other guys
What a wonderful time of the year to spend
With all your family and friends
Preparing for the preparation
excitement for the celebration
O what a wonderful time of the year.
Not fished yet still working on this poem
692 · Oct 2013
I Love Halloween
Judy Klein Oct 2013
I love Halloween the beginning to the end
I can pretend I'm some one else with all my friends
Shhhhhh the fall brings something special
It's like a gift every year
You can't open it,  it just appears
I love the smell of the Halloween air,
The Ghost and Goblins they'll be there
I get so excited but so scared
I'm dressed like a witch but I don't care
I'm all in black with ugly teeth
My friend is a ghost wearing a sheet
We knock on doors playing trick or treat
Better have candy or you have me to meet
617 · Oct 2013
The special gift
Judy Klein Oct 2013
"I received this box as a gift and it said"
This is a very special gift,
that you can never see.
The reason it's so special is,
it's made for you to me.

When ever you are happy,
or even feeling blue,
you only have to hold
this gift to know
I think of you.
You never can unwrap it.
PLEASE keep the ribbon tied.
Just hold the box close
to your heart,
it's filled with love inside.
"Over the years I had held on to this gift"
With the box tied with a ribbon
written on the card was this.
Never open the box,
Did exactly what it said
Held it close to my heart.

Now over the years it was getting old
Never ever opened it, did what I was told.
The binder twined ribbon
held the card onto the box.
It's was a gift from my father
Who passed when I was twelve
There is no other gift
That was given so well.
In honor of my Father
The note on the card was some one else poem that was with the gift the rest of the poem was mine.
True story, a unforgettable gift, I still hold it near. Judy klein
603 · Oct 2013
Judy Klein Oct 2013
My Journal is a hard cover binder
It always lays on my coffee table liner
It's from Costa Rican
It's not allowed to even peek in
It's made from natural fibre paper
also sits a Candle from the yankie candle maker
Only my hands hold this book
and the pen writes the note's
for me to take a look
My writings are deep and full of scares
With hate, love and passion they are
Screts that follow my senses
On each page there's written words
words that were never spoken
Like a ship that sales at night
on the ocean far away
sits a boat lite house
I'm alone in my pages
Started young and into my ages
sighs and tears were dropping here
Like rain drops in the ocean with a boat
sinking be yon the pier
Need to finish
597 · Oct 2013
Judy Klein Oct 2013
people that died and came back
amazing miracle and that's a fact
a nurse Witness what its like
that life does go on
  to the other side and be yond
we need life with faith
that's alot for some to take
On the other side yes theirs heaven
those who were present to witness at eleven
The reality is that its a fact and a miracle
From here to the other side
Believing the reality in heaven
who were saved and came back
no longer cling to the earthly thing
when others that experience what it brings
there they were and did not want to come back.
this is real reality and that's a fact
In one split second their souls disapears
Prayers transcends time and places with no fears
  souls from here to the other side
death experience can be a wonderful thing
passing over and coming back on angle wings
death can happen in a miraculous way,
it can also happen any day
our souls come in and our souls leave
We only stay til eternity.
Need to put this in the words of a poem, in the making Name of it will be "From here to the other side"
589 · Oct 2013
The Magical Moments
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The Magical Moments
Happens when you least expect it
The universe gives it to us as a gift
Some may say it's a God moment
That's its a miracle from up above
The instant miracle's touch our lives
We have a wakening, God moment.
It's  given us some impossible dreams,
something magical as it seems,
But The Lord is with us at all times,
He has touched us with Mesmerizing kinds
Faith and trust is needed so much
A lot of people don't believe in such
They cannot even comprehend,
There's others who believe's to the end.
Mystical moments and angle wings,
Miracle's and moments they will bring,
Michel the Arch angel has brushed his wings  
When Satin attacks he breaks his sting.
Miracles happen when you have faith,
Angles are here to keep us safe.
564 · Oct 2013
Judy Klein Oct 2013
October and flaming leaves of all colors
not only my birthday but so are others
October is so many things this season brings
Columbus day full moon Halloween and many things,
October is fall and all the trees are changing
colored lawns with falling leafs,
left to bare the limbs and trees.
Halloween is the exciting time,
in October of wilting summer vines,
for children there's costooms  and trick or treat,
for the women baking pumpkins pies to eat
For the men there's bow hunting and venison meat.
A new season October brings, temperature drops and frost appears,
October, November, December, then January and it's another year.
"Poems is finish"
471 · Oct 2013
Fall is a rainbow of color
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Fall is like a rainbow of colors
It holds moments of the months together
flower arrangement, for fall weather
Fall is like a rain bow of colors
Summer flowers die and others uncover
even tho we have the change of hours
We  have fall flowers none like others
Fall is more beautiful then just turning leafs,
As they fall their barring the trees
need to finish
409 · Oct 2013
Where is he ?
Judy Klein Oct 2013
Where is he? whats he doing and what is he thinking?
He's some where but not with me.
He's doing something with some one, who could it be?
He's thinking of some one, could it be me.
The phone rings but no answer, who is it? could it be him?
It rings and rings and rings, who's on the other end?
would I even want him, I'm suddenly afraid of the unknown.
He loves the games and getting my Spirit broken from freeing,
Finding, searching the inner part of me, to set free the soul flown.
Connecting with my inner self deeper than ever, searching for my being.
Knowing now what I didn't know before is forever freeing.
373 · Oct 2013
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The mirror of life
You look into it and who do you see
some one looking back and is looking at me.
Need to finish
334 · Oct 2013
The window to the soul
Judy Klein Oct 2013
The window to the soul
Can tell so much,
the window to the soul are the eyes,
eyes that can see deeper than the truth
Relax do not fear looking at me,
For I can see the door to your soul
I will not knock nor will you ever know
For I can see the window to your soul
I can see the pain that my love can set you free
Please I silently plead as my soul knows.
That the window to the soul are the eyes,
I can see deeper than you know your loving me.

— The End —