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Alana Maneus
Massachusetts    My name is Alana// I attempt to write beautiful poetry and pretend everything is alright. tumblr~
an empty girl with a thousand words
Seattle, WA    lovely, isn't it?
Uhh Who
New York   
27/F/Boston    Queer, how I misinterpreted the designations of doom.
Tyler Brooks
Poetry is something I really enjoy. Have a nice day.
A man is talking on the telephone behind a glass partition; you cannot hear him, but you see his incomprehensible dumb show: you wonder why …
Korey Miller
MN    your favorite fuckup
Josh Koepp
Minnesota    Hello my fellow artsy folks. Im a Loyola college student who likes to dabble in music and poetry, so here on this page i decided …
Connor Brown
Atlanta, Georgia    I started writing poetry on a whim one day, though I've always really enjoyed reading it. Normally, I prefer writing in prose (short stories, essay, …
Mayville, New York   
the city   
forests    a lady friend pretty much everything i write is explicit, if you worry about that sort of thing
Lauren Christina Pearson
Saint Charles, MO    I believe that writing is what grounds me in this world. Without it I would become untethered. It's how I understand my situation and how …
"I want to write a poem about being swept away in the ocean except everyone else is being moved and I am the tidal wave …
maybella snow
where i don't want to be    is happiness a thought or feeling? or does it fall like snow and eventually cover everything?
J M Surgent
New England    Writer, photographer, burrito advocate. I also write short stories. Check those out here:
Daniel Magner
I write about anything I feel or see that sets my pen a'working! Enjoy!
Brian O'blivion
NYC    i name these after the music that inspired them...unless i can think of something i like better. thank you for taking time out of your …
Jeremy Duff
NorCal, where it's sunny    I write about girls and the weather and sometimes both. "We laugh in self-defense"
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