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flailing in a grave, arabian drums

         arabian drums

'i sing the body electric' / fish-fillet mind is

eclectic, iridescent

finding a jumper cable in a dead-center desert

as the jeep ***** down--

the sound      
                            of         eccentric



         ­                                 dru*ms
 Mar 2014 jude rigor
Your words were always sugar sweet,
brought me to you like gravity.
But all you do is lie through teeth—
Your speech will give you a cavity.
And it's all your own **** fault.
when Whitman wrote, "I sing the body electric"

I know what he
I know what he

to be completely alive every moment
in spite of the inevitable.

we can't cheat death but we can make it
work so hard
that when it does take

it will have known a victory just as
perfect as
 Mar 2014 jude rigor
 Mar 2014 jude rigor
i swear to god i'm learning
how to gracefully release
those not meant for me.

but more often than not
my wishful thinking
gets the best of me --

why couldn't you
why couldn't you be meant
why couldn't you be meant for me?
inspired by this quote: “In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” because that last part has a habit of getting under my skin.
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