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Jun 2014 · 635
Jordan Jun 2014
I am marked by illusionary tides, the high water mark spreads across my breast, uncandidly i exlaim, look a ship.
Jan 2014 · 813
Jordan Jan 2014
if you neglect yourself you will suffer, if you love yourself you will flourish.
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Jordan Jan 2014
once you learn that life is but a game you see no reason not to embelish its thin facade. speak truth into the matter by revealing the the blatant lie that is comformity of the mind. be free to embelish the catalyst of life, the free will of creation itself; a perfect being dancing like a maniac to its own music
Dec 2013 · 555
Jordan Dec 2013
life is a series of signals some of them messages, no all of them messages. signals from the heart saying i love you...where are you? come back home.
Jordan Dec 2013
letchor blood currdle like wild flowers melting in the mid day sun, let your fire dragon breath beneath the mess of leaves falling from a calm breeze.
Bring peace to a world where silence is comfort and passion is the tulip under the shade. Let the water trickle across your from and watch the skies turn from blue to grey.
The world is a heartache but a heart none the less, you needent suffer because suffering come from ones whose enlightenment leaves no mess.
Be a star in a sea of diamonds. croon for the howling of a dewwy morning.
Believe in a seed that can plant a whole world, never let the thoughts alter your disposition. Your true calling already exibits strength, quite lying to yourself, sleepless this and sinner with saints.
An enegmatic dissolusion of propriety and oath, formless and scouring we delve deeper into our shelf.
Cables and wires sing with praises of stables and liars, klu klux ****, peanut butter and jam, what a contravity of mystery and a hairless dogs epiphany. We told you once and we'll tell you again, your night stand secrets bar no weight in this land.

soldiers ships sail without a captian your ballroom gown looks like a tale unfathomed. please exsist in me as i believe in you. let your gaurd down and let me take the bow. please let my love pass through you like grasses ablaze, set my lingering sentient body free i have no more purple haze.

the morning will come and the night will shrink an exhaled body as yours dissapears in a blink. Together and forever a seemless reality, one blood runs through the oceans and cowers down the river stop breathe, you exist in moments like these

everybody sees you but no body nods, your a stupid little quip on someone elses radar. help yourself before you **** another be your best friend your mother your father your brother. let the ragsw turn to riches and the wine into the blind, let yourself ferment and **** the cat that explains your time. keep to yoursel fan dnever let them in, your a blind man with a stick and everyone else is screaming let me in. to each there own and to own a martyr is a shame, refrain from self obscurity and procrastinate your brain. Reach for the truth kept in a jar glass with the words mason like the illuminati keep in there car. your a vehicles for self enhilation a explosion of confusion, embrace this mess, it all you have to keep. like a safe bares a rope your only job is to escape..

brimming with hatred and filled up with angst your an emotional writer trying to die on the page.
**** yourself kindly and **** yourself well, your death will be celebrated like a child blowing out the candels at his birthday from hell. tears hit the icing and the presents all rott, something was a miss did his mother forget to love him not. the poor childs life went up in ruins the cycles of existance dug him into ruins bleeding and rotting a child life ion time be the future self that your chilhood friend can find. Be with your death like your beside your life. in the middle lies the truth betweent he lies of existing between pictures of books that no one took the time to read. death of a salesman the drowning of a rat, **** yourself with kindness eat your cake until your fat.

whats the problem with that? *******. you ****, you did it you ****! lol. :) ;) emote.

dying by numbers

illusions of granduer
life in a breath
**** the pitch man and take your breath

dont edit yourself absolve yourself

write for a feeling it is fleeting write for death and become alive
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Jordan Dec 2013
your so cute your love is like herion, kiss me now and don't hold back. your an inferno, I am a cigarette
Dec 2013 · 574
lost keys
Jordan Dec 2013
how do you love someone. how can you make it home if you don't know where you come from
Dec 2013 · 334
Jordan Dec 2013
forgive whoever you need to and love yourself
Dec 2013 · 502
saving grace
Jordan Dec 2013
the devil is in the details and god doesn't give a ****
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Jordan Dec 2013
Incarnated seperation ageless aggrevation. Sanctioned and persuaded tasteless and abated. Break the spell, bless the well. LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!!
Dec 2013 · 361
Jordan Dec 2013
life is a pageantry of confusions and a comedy of truths
Dec 2013 · 439
Jordan Dec 2013
capitalisms largest export is lonliness
Dec 2013 · 389
Jordan Dec 2013
eventually you realize what passes for cool is nothing more than glossy prints and a misconception of who you truely are
Jordan Dec 2013
I've bled blood thicker than water and thinner than a sheet of ice. It never mattered what i did, i always broke through. today was the same as yesterday until i set myself free. I was drowing inside my body, killing the fear and squashing the insecurity. We trivilize poignant things and make mountains out of mole hills. The thing about living is that you just have to let it all go, let it do what it wants to you. All you can do is choose to appreciate where you are and follow the path of least resistance.
Dec 2013 · 961
Jordan Dec 2013
The real cold war is about the abandonment and neglect of the life giving force of feminine energy. This truely eternal flame goes on smolding inside all of us. Patiently awaiting the breathe of life to come rushing over its coals.
Dec 2013 · 3.4k
seaside serenade
Jordan Dec 2013
be my gypsy, be my queen. motorcycle madonna set me free
Dec 2013 · 450
all systems go
Jordan Dec 2013
when heaven meets the universe only god will know how to deicipher moments like these
living in moments not monologues.
i can see you sweat i can feel you cyring through your gut. we were brought here to free you from slavery.
to all that you know, be here to show, all that you know.
Jordan Dec 2013
she told stories of the places she would go. we left notes at ever restroom stall, together we were the sunrise and sunset, we breathed into eachother like the morning dew.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
disco ball
Jordan Dec 2013
i cant get into any bars because im under age. none of my friends would take me anyways because i like to disco rave. people say i am sleezy and kind of weird, but they dont know the difference between here and there.
Nov 2013 · 601
Jordan Nov 2013
may love permeate your body and align its facets to reflect the unwavering wisdom and beauty of the all mighty and powerful eternal sun
Nov 2013 · 314
Jordan Nov 2013
dip your hands into the wax of a thousand melted hearts
Nov 2013 · 320
Jordan Nov 2013
Band Of Mystics
Nov 2013 · 676
Jordan Nov 2013
I am only driven by the insatiable flagrance of things like flesh and smiles, holding hands and setting suns. Without these intrinsic, ritualistic motivations life remains cold and dark; like a land that has never felt the warm carress of a life giving breeze. It's the small things and the immeasurable that grasp me, things like space beyond sight and sight beyond rational.
Nov 2013 · 271
Jordan Nov 2013
the city dump
Nov 2013 · 1.2k
Jordan Nov 2013
if your beliefs seperate and segregate they probly ****
Nov 2013 · 417
dot com
Jordan Nov 2013
"Finding God's Match For Me" On Christian Mingle
Nov 2013 · 323
Jordan Nov 2013
desillusioned by society the boys set off deep into the woods for solace and rehabilitation
Nov 2013 · 258
Jordan Nov 2013
society is a vampire
Nov 2013 · 452
Jordan Nov 2013
pet panthers and ***** hampers
Nov 2013 · 507
Jordan Nov 2013
back in the day when msn was your *****, hipsters werent invented and you actually had friends that you hung out with...
Nov 2013 · 315
Jordan Nov 2013
If an LOL's written in a text, does it make a sound?
Nov 2013 · 312
Jordan Nov 2013
what if the freckels and marks on a persons body was actually a star map that told you what part of space they are from?...
Nov 2013 · 613
Jordan Nov 2013
Her habit was herion my spell was depression, we adressed eachother in murmurs and groans, together we died and were reborn. It was sadder than the last day and gloomier than before, but we were closer when furthest away, like each time we stepped out we came home.
Nov 2013 · 503
life's a beach
Jordan Nov 2013
i used to like things like ******* and ****** but now i'd settle for a cup of hot tea and a warm hug.
Oct 2013 · 443
Jordan Oct 2013
bring me into your sunshine bring me into your light, like a supernova we will expand and everything will be alright.
Oct 2013 · 308
Jordan Oct 2013
life is not like your imagination, your imagination is rich and superior, life can only be an interpreted work of art.
Oct 2013 · 6.0k
Motorcycle Gypsy
Jordan Oct 2013
Denim clad godess, smoke machine chariot. Your livelihood is my breath, Take me to your place of solace where I can feel the suns rays emanate from my chest.
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
New World Odor
Jordan Oct 2013
We never obliged ourselves with any sort of passion or alignment with natures splendor, we just flip-flop'd about like disenfranchized plastic pieces of footwear; Fleetingly and disparingly as we float adrift through a toxic sea of consumerism, entranced with the notion of celebrity, swirling and whirling around until we undoubtabley wash ashore onto the pristine beaches of someones elses uncorrupted, isolated and darkly pigmented subconscious. Ready and willing to establish order in the magnitude of exploitation and apathy. As we scream freedom from tryanny, TV to TV, a bunch of muted and silenced over commercialized under adulterated humans trickle fed lies through screens. Everyone knows but who is speaking up, As Miley Circus flies across the manufactured dream a handful of youth stand up and puke as they throw there hands up like the ones before them and say "this isn't my scene!"
Oct 2013 · 419
Jordan Oct 2013
let my love swirl inside your heart like the oil of a lantern that burns through the night
Oct 2013 · 238
Jordan Oct 2013
All the beauty you see in another is beauty you have inside yourself.
Oct 2013 · 293
Jordan Oct 2013
we were to tired to make love, so we just melted into one another
Oct 2013 · 542
Jordan Oct 2013
Nakedness is ****. When someone can just be ****, it's the biggest turn on.
Jordan Oct 2013
Your fathers screams, your mothers tears, burn them from the inside out. Purify your consitution and let the blood heal what you've gone without. It's the death of you that keeps them alive, follow the pain and pour love across the grain, let it sink into the suffering and weave the fabric back together again.
Oct 2013 · 952
Acid Ocean
Jordan Oct 2013
The sky wept lifeforce, potential and love. Draining into a sea of tears on a seafloor of fears. Coral encrusted ambitions bathed in shallow inhibitions as we lost what the clouds could not bare. Alone and dieing our chances ceased to exist amongst the lost splendor of this once plentiful abyss.
Oct 2013 · 353
Jordan Oct 2013
i feeel, feel like growing up, i feeeel, feel like blowing up, i feeeel, feel like coming up, i feeeel, feel like im ontop, i feeeel...
Oct 2013 · 286
Jordan Oct 2013
i dont mean i am better than i just mean i can do better
Oct 2013 · 247
Jordan Oct 2013
they can't take from you what you don't give away
Oct 2013 · 268
Jordan Oct 2013
I will strike this world like a match and watch it explode
Oct 2013 · 343
Let It Die
Jordan Oct 2013
As life sets on this frontier, it dawns on a new horizon.
Jordan Oct 2013
We're all looking for 3 things; love, community and truth. Once you stop looking and start being, expressing, and creating, you'll find it... It was there all along, everywhere you weren't paying attention to.
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