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Jordan Dec 2013
forgive whoever you need to and love yourself
Jordan Dec 2013
the devil is in the details and god doesn't give a ****
Jordan Dec 2013
Incarnated seperation ageless aggrevation. Sanctioned and persuaded tasteless and abated. Break the spell, bless the well. LIVE LONG AND PROSPER!!
Jordan Dec 2013
life is a pageantry of confusions and a comedy of truths
Jordan Dec 2013
capitalisms largest export is lonliness
Jordan Dec 2013
eventually you realize what passes for cool is nothing more than glossy prints and a misconception of who you truely are
Jordan Dec 2013
I've bled blood thicker than water and thinner than a sheet of ice. It never mattered what i did, i always broke through. today was the same as yesterday until i set myself free. I was drowing inside my body, killing the fear and squashing the insecurity. We trivilize poignant things and make mountains out of mole hills. The thing about living is that you just have to let it all go, let it do what it wants to you. All you can do is choose to appreciate where you are and follow the path of least resistance.
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