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Jan 2019 · 283
Evermore Waiting It Seems
As  blight night goes by
languishing blues intensify
Awakened by your essence
afar reaching thy maladyl
From sunset
to sunrise
daylight dwindles at dawning break
Love's desperately begiuiles
but oh,Thee's sake justifies
For the beating o ' my heart
Love shines in my eyes for you
as if my passion
 it may disappear
 yet it's unchange
 through hopes and
 cherishes itself like it
Till the end of time
I love you
Till death do us part
Far beyond the scope
O' earth's crust
by galaxy
Be soul's
Evermore waited!
Dec 2018 · 281
Entwined Love
In the midst of thy
dimwitted beauty
o ' earthened
how seriously, I am
at a scrutiny, if what
I want a soul mate thou
is in ameliorate - fashion,
soulest heart's desires mate,
He's my ideal fit to live without
and that’s what I stand in need of,
My true soul mate is my mirror,
the one that shows everything
that is holding me back-
the one who brings me
to my own tender
LOVING care!
So can I invert lifestyles?
into his lest do whatever
it takes- let thee blessing
corset be what I say or do.
There are hundreds of
ways to kneel and
kiss the ground.
Through my cling
for him, I want to
express my
sweet embrace for the
whole cosmos,
the whole of
and all beings
to caress.
By  existing for him,
I want to dig up
For him more,
Just I come
next to him
into loving him,
The way thou art love myself
I will be able to woo everyone
and all sorts o' order, disarray
Aside from unfit for the world
And of the world
[And I am beaming joy..
Yea glad with all my heart
That thus so blithesome
I myself can I be freely ache free]
A real understanding o' amity
What I really starve to do
is what I really aspire to affect to .
Whence doing well
what's purposely longed swell.
Whilst called for,
HOPE aught not get the worst of
Hard times
Nothing but good times
Whether economics
meets waterloo breaks through;
comes to us,
Abundant mammoth o' thine mercy
open for us,
I feel functional,
and molded
in the manner to be fond
of each other.
Discern to versed what I ache for
and if I dare to dream
of joining our heart’s pining
God's entwined love - waiting!
Because, all this time,
I've hankered to love you and you alone!
Mar 2018 · 262
Been Through and Through
I don't bewail what I've been
All- throughout at darkest moons-
Just like anyone else has its
Ups and downs,
Moderately high and mostly
Are at the lowest state o' mind.
I've been so blissful
Motions-oomphs so eventful
But can't beat the enivitable
That I could ne'er say,
'I invoke this don't befall me.'
 It's part of life that defines who I am.
There's naught in life
And faces many adversities and
Such as my naysayers
Life as I know it, be farther up.
Bewildering as it may seemed
Into God's eye seeing and accounting
What I have lived for
Intermittently the hardest
Intermingled by far steadfastly
Easing out o' dealing with any difficulty
Perplexity is thine an acknowledgement
Thus a realization on a lala land
I’ve reserved and took it in stride.
Unto find out a painstakingly-tackle
Likely, to procure a maze
Where I will have to do
and redecorate stuffs
That I probably don’t deserve.
Everyone calls it the shots
with thy unwanted troubles;
How I approach with it makes
A lot o' differences
between each one of us;
So whatever there is,
ordeal or misfortunes,
Lonesomeness to a love's eye
Why am looking for love?
Why am keep on searching?
as it may sounds- creepy..
as it may looked like - eerie
Bethink that everything passes;
If grass so withers..
But God ne'er change nor faith
It don't and nothing changed
Just because I couldn't handle the stress.
However, I am proud of all any blossom
I have made what I sow
and I'm here to show
people like me -does get better,
and also able to talk not a hater
on my bad days
and good days
Yea,  I know there are a lots o' longings
Running hours beneath the blues
In struggle or having a hard times
When my head gets locked
 in a downward spiral mode
And I need someone to pull me out of it.
But independennce made me one out of it
I could be the person who I treasured be,
My episodes will give me the infallible anchor To subsist the life I hanker about.
So will I keep on going ?
Whist will I continue to be
The constancy of change
It may be odd to say,
But it will be okay.
Long road sides to trek
Ah! price is steep and pay
But dare I say...
It is worth the leap of faith
For some reason, God hath promise
Instilled in me that everything passes;
Yet nothing stays.
While the world's conflicts
With my standards
I've also made it through a lot.
Believe me when I say it,
I hate liars
And I don't live in a lie either
But still I've got what it takes
And I can't go on believing lies after lies
all throughout stillness- thoroughfares
Deep down inside are really looking like
 questions and doubts
I ne'er took it straight to the heart...
Just thought of it as two worlds apart.

So it stands right now, that I feel wholeness...
Regardless of the past grievances
 that lives within my soul
Even I pulled it through
Amidst all paradox
That I have been
My family only
Whom I GOT
So far out many foundation I built
Thine earth much stigma to tear us apart
Thou left me to wonder who really cares
Whom I felt so warmth for which I yearned
Benighted tearless nights and days
Hope and pray for peace of mindsets
Thy thine put my heads up for God sakes!
Jan 2016 · 581
worthy of me, meeting you
worthy of me, meeting you
It seems that I have been held in some dreaming state of my mind...
T'is que que of mine
If this search is in vain
Must cease to perish
in this hunt
And I did risk
t'is inquest through hope
and prayers ..
stillness yet subsides
that takes up
trials and errors
till I hit it right ..
ah, cut the chase!
better than a life of lies and phonies
if my beliefs be in disbelief
Till I realized he got me, in grief
under his wings
trying to understand what love craves
sure better than a life of disgrace
No one has reached
this peak of ours
so why whine
whose blindness claims
I sayeth, it is unreal
I'd rather die deceived
by dreams than give it all out...
is it possible to say sorry..
because it's too late now
Perhaps, it's about to blow
my patience to my gentle heart
Ive been and heard so much -
what have  I learned
But fool's am I
for one moment
I gather and rather write
just to release.
have the freedom
to achieve my best soul
can't deny past the vice he must
be double standard to all the crowd considers just.
Oh well, I  understand the Way blindly stray., we errs fast..
If we will to be
such wildly hues
even if this search for hidden glories
Proves blasphemy at last,
be sure thine venture
Is not mere cheap talk
but an exacting test.
The fruit of love's greatly;
Whoever it tolls,
t'is knows passiveness.
When love has pitched hers
tent in someone's *****,
Love pain will **** to death
managing any task just to survive
Love forces her to be his prodigy
He cannot take this till infirmity
That he is floundering in a sea of sins
T'is man desperately insane just to win over priceless love
Nonetheless, all these boils down
when U and I love,
I admit, I am blind or fool.
We just get wiser
and see in crystal clear
what is best and of worth!
Realtionships on the line
You put forth and claim you loved me;
And with a murmur
        who purrs like my cat
    Kindly as sundown to nightfall myself
        in such manner—
O' dazzling days o ' ember
Ye, sayeth now you love but
then thine gloaming lips
You say you are at blitheness
Although mired than silhouetted
         by pouting kisses
But you say,
You love me
While midst sublime to yours
Beguiling passions, abets
Breathtaking verses,
sweats out of me
I'd love for you to open up
A Fire-burning ardent desires
My God,  can you hear me whispering
My amazing Lord!
Please give me my soul mate
to cuddle
and ******
Ahhs of snuggles
Don't let me go this thine nuzzles !
I wanna be entwined unto the shadows
Of blamelessness..
I will fly to you,
so please put a halt for me
But only one thing I doubted about,
Herein hearty Eros of God's love
wherein this immortality is made of,
And die in it,
Yet cherishes was in my
Brain trust, thinking, sweetly,
Oh come to me in my dreams
Whist starring beams
with schisms
Thy butterfly kiss
Thou renew though begotten vow soonest
We can't win 'em all as best
behaviors chronic, in stills
Thou when dost wakes up
As much-needed hopes
our love into the deepest
enchantments of all essence
  Oh me, inquesting questions,
Sowith love never-ending failures
Ne'erland of promised lands
Shying away lessons - learned amass
let alone revisiting sadness,
at hand
        Oh dear Thee, behold, love me truly!
Once more, wish you could be here
   so no more storms to adhere
More so thy moment of September
    deemed Saint Cupid's calls for
Lest my mindset a trendsetter
Let alone sustainable care
You utter
and care
For a favor
In return I can't take it back
But go ahead, come on rays of light
Tough 'love' and found 'lust'
we gonna kiss the disturbed dust
In silence when we must
Unselfishness thoroughfares
and I can't help it but be just..
Oh com'on love me with all thine heart!
Sep 2015 · 666
Realization In Disguise
We reside in reverie of
a man's company of hast
Grounded esoteric warfare,
All earthened-thoroughfare,
But alike us, all out wearing
multitude hats to some
degree of what is unwise.
To others..
I dare say this..
For a resolution of one's
Dissapointment offers
Us all a foretaste of
Inevitable- forthcomings
Under the mercy of thy-
Onslaught his own sleeves:
Bekonst affaires of the
Wherein notorious lover-
He who doth lies,,,
Polite lies,
Thou guise.
Littlelest white lies,
It's utterly obvious,,,
So cute, naye,to get
ahead of the said ploys,  
Such looks that decieves,
Evenso for personal gains.
Disgraced, preeminently-
-Alas--so stigmatized!
Abide by a fool out of
my comfort zones.
Yet, hiding on a closet-nesting.
Justifying-lies after lies..
With the audacity to be politically correct.
Forthwith, stretching-
Delusion yet so untrue-
Sounds crazy but hear me out so true!
Unbeknownst in disconnect..
Forsworn lurching bare-balistic!
Canst be so in denial-
Oh hush, onto morally
wrong by betrayal.
Unless confronted-be lull,
I tell you, misery loves partying.
When shall a victimeless crime-
Sets forth principles?
Of a reasonable prisoner of one's skin.
Wherefore, cowards can't accept the truth.
When and what not-
Alongside comes with a price tags..
Shall allow statement that  hurts.
Where the finest truth starts,
The art of thee fib begins.
It's written into thy heart's desires,
Commonality of hyped-up cultures,
Anything to trending... Mainstreaming  society at-aghast.
Say, the misunderstood,
Barren disadvantaged-breathe..
Yet naive to the "game-chasm"
Asforth in danger o' thy  being hurt,
As azure gust blurt--controlled by others.
Besides roundabout,
-dumping ones guilt on
someone's shoulder,
Confronted by disguise.
Ye about now, all outcries-
A beacon dreams,
Bearable fears,
Thus, thyself true nature -"selfish self "
Beat a cutthroat belief system,,,
Towards inconvenient truth.
Of what's true-blue,
In realm world, of for reals.
Before we lose any sense.
Surely a bad habit of doing so.
Let alone endure the sustainable
enough to make it good.
Accordingly-keeps sagely,
Sanity once and for all intact,
To my name,  hold - fast-
-to -knowing and learning
To either thine honeyed
indulgences work on it..
until my rapture and sin not.

Be on -Ahah-moment
unto full -blown-healthy living
Yea, a better way to do something,
I'm begging you...
Unto benighted babes of the night,
So pleadingly asking for,
And wanting to play it safe,
Herewith, ne'erland of make-believe.
Forth any love deserves a-worthy,
Ought not be in the malady.
Ably a-mighty,
Be a gentle-carrier,
Incorruptible as a splendor,
Be virtous not a pretender.
But submit and surrender.
Ah! what life's blur,
Yeah, are all about:
Oh ye, unfair world to pout!

Hello humankindness,
Goodbye unfaithfulness!
Sojourns - endurance

Please, don't mess up
Because whomever
in avoidance of pain
Only to find out
More pain
Is at stake.
That's out and about..
Thine game-play abound.
Beaming a smile all-heart.
As good as it get,
[God in my heart]
Whilst things can't wait,
It stands out like blueprint;
Difficulties and joys aren't
exclusive icons,
[ but mutually friends! ]
Meet you halfway,
[Eternally glorified,
by far, outweighs them all! ]
Oh, sweet mercy,
Ah, all joy,someday,
So common, lover boy...
Forthwith,  seen, thou transitory
But, what's unseen- ageless-provisory
So keep it real-for me baby!
Sep 2015 · 327
I only got my children
<3 but through my lines of my poems
our love for each other is always dear
a loving family is thy indeed a priority to me
nor even thousand utterances that could nail it down
who we are and what we do
and how we were taught
carried on
passed it on
as heritage
as a  treasure of love
en-caste in circles
of affection connected
in time we make amends
a traditional family like mine
is the jewels up in the sky at night
stars that twinkles all night
as my late loving parents
up in heaven watches us over
somehow ,,,
Angels as can be-They're always there to protect,
guide and unrelenting blessings
to end our day as beautiful as ever!
families are those who help one another
with great foundation to remember
and foreboding  joy with care
just to let someone recognize it
but let us not be bored,-admit it
even though we are separated
but continue Your nearness
and Your faithfulness
for ourselves sakes
thine journey to be
a dream cone true

we have faith and trust
wisdom and wit
if we crushed and  get disappointment  
or if through tough times we disintegrate
or be so worn-out
families aren't perfect
we go through motions
in roller coaster rides
but each time we do
ours will be..
will surely be
the great test to be as strong as a brick be,
help our being morally refined
-us to redefine
each time we stumble
fighting temptations
of the worldly cause
just who we are
be merciful, my Lord,
shower us ty o be
meek, kind,, loving
and humble down
to one another
till the end of time
will be as part eternally
and everlastingly
so help us God! <3
Sep 2015 · 647
Beholding Delight
My heart says I can't deny
soft hearted, bluish eyed mortal,
this thine - kind -character-animal
where he got rescued wandering-
Inside a filthy cartoon box
meowing off the ground-
'twas thoroughbred teases me
solely to take care of him,
must we all -shout for joy
- for crying out loud!
Canst that sweet kitten-do
so thence catches my eye.
Surely reinvigorates..
Ah, with much ado-
Let alone my two kids loves it too,
I gotta take this opportunity
and start a tireless hobby,
having said it, amazingly
A pet at home-to enjoy-
sure isn't easy
to put in amity!

Anybody just can't help,  
or couldn't care less but
Nonetheless, to avail and
adore this cute..cougar.
Oh sweet mercy,whata gleamer
bestowing shyness and sweet ember!
Tameness and with gentle stare.
so that we are mesmerized
real quietness subsist
and looks at us-
even more,
So he talks
he tells me,
'hang in there'
sort of entices me..
and nods at me - reassuringly.
Sayeth- everything's be okay
even at night sits besides at bay.

I'm in immediate euphoria at boom
whilst writing poems for him
it just makes me wanna cuddle him
as he climbs high to my bed
and caresses my body and feet,
clings lots to my pillows and sheets
until I sneezed
and a look and no voice
he then glares
to get near me,
and be comforted.
(like I do)!

Having fondness
really makes sense
sweetly contemplates
me for thy cat's sake,
comely thoughts to take
alike oomph I breath,
Metaphorically speaking, life's
perpetual cause and effect
resonates and defines all the day's
stuffs, work and worries,
all's benighted - cooled-down..
from weaknesses that ease
as dreams farther off in distance
who we are- whom brings smile
of which I know is best
which rebounds-
such a true pleasure
that made us glad from heart-
be not to rescue-
Or feed an astray cat-
how much gratification can kindness-
-ones gives?
kills me inside out - if one cat is hungry-
----I feel guilty;
suffer the consequences that might
cause---if I violate it
nor ignore it
thence it begets
To be the greatest friend
if we try to understand it
yet it's foreboding effect -
It's the sublimest of all!

Alas he's smart and
I know it too
Did I do good work?
with all thine heart
So akin to Rearing
And Nurturing children
of my own when a call of duty
Like this measures, desperately.

So we all get excited
and gets along good,
mimes, mimics and
cleverness, o' course
and chuckles
he makes.
by far
these astray wild kitten's actions...
performs many daily bounce and animation,
muses sudden cure-to all stressful episodes.
Living life from thy cute creatures - magnifies
So we became in state of elation that heals!
I must re-learn not to be alone, again..
whereforth I discover creative solitude
borne in deep silence amid loneliness
soforth my life still counts
a noblest way to sacrifice.
So can we afford to keep him?
Aye, wonders of mother nature
what Divinity provides-venture
everly longing for love,
belonging to our home
saught not for nothing-
and of separateness-
but of acceptance!
Much more to my double-surprises-
my children named him-'Simba'
and the other cat-'Lucky'
I Thanked Thee God they came into our lives--
-Beholding Delight of laying eyes onto!
My kitty - Simba
Sep 2015 · 878
My Fervent Haven
I'm not in figedty and in perplex manner
whenever thine populace aren't in sync
onto bridging in the gaps
  that's not so befitting--
well-intentioned unique individuals
and somehow finding uniformity,
ways to connect, naturally,
--lies into thinking, sweetly,
of the welfare o' others firstly.

whilst entitled to do as
he pleases with himself
so far as it in no wise,
interferes with one's
rights to live at peace
with himself, otherwise!
in haste o' the modern-day- pressures,
is such a waste
in the Truest deepest sense,
we ought not missed eternal ideals
o' t'is' life's difficulties,
whoso, nonconformist,
mine earthly near at hand.
as we all set ourselves to bite a bit
o ' that and apiece
o' life's lion-shares
alongside pie in sky-
biting the hand that feeds us,
[ so to speak...]
for an average joe,
Suchlike give much thought....
Unbeknownst, waiting and longing
As yet benighted throughout the mooning
darknest and cloudest dilemmas
ALAS, lest alone, coincides
with dread o' e'ery dusk
smothering haziness
in love -when-it melts...
AS nightfall subsides
up the ole buttermilk sky- full o' star's twinkling - sighing and tearing apart..
unyielding enough unto my innermost
along with the falseness o' being trick
partly because o' being majestic
practically - realistic
In life's perpetual wisdom I so carry by far. .
Thereby,  we, but learned the storms o' life:
how anyone conducts-as-antagonistics?.
solely wound up to grievous lull,
and wish to conquer undesirable
tendencies and kiss o ' death!
UPPERMOSTLY, vastly regained,
moreover, abreast-again
Oh my good gosh, it's therapuetic!
myself up after I have
been knocked - down-
TO KEEP on when e'erything seems to be against all odds o' the "blame game"...
back into nothing which spells boundlessly..
so can I right away pick up the pieces?

and overcome these unsettling uncertainties
o ' living life from day in and day out.
truth o ' the matter of - fact- of thine ingratitude world!
People in general get entangled
with busy-nest-web
amidst foreboding fretfulness
that unravels fleeting worries
about to and fro-
uproaring ebbs of tides
o ' the seafaring winds - blowing..
just as it is happening nowadays
up to cold-hearted - shoulders
moment full o' melancholies
thus thou,  one don't reach out
nor canst not care out and about
but just be on their own self
DOOMED himself ungrateful spirit!
seen as egotistical maniacs
contrary to my beliefs
and my faithfulness..
LET alone -Thee bestows
unceasingly triumphs
just because it's okay
not to be okay
to say the least
It's un-manly
and play- decoy
moves forward under
INASMUCH,  manipulative PLOY
to mind one's beauty
or disguise chaste morals
for the uttering dews to
injure or harm a'other
in turn to get "square even-steven"
SOWITH holds true with beguilement
think for a moment,
I'll meet that person
halfway between the lines
with patience and its silver linings. .
hasty words that slows any anger
whereforth, oblivion takes over scar!
that's luring to a smiling brood...
Imperfections are what we are made of,
Hey, the noblest prettiest
yeah, at bay with silence
I LOOK within....
First off, God on my side. ..
For He heareth at my bedside..

Within thine foundation
o ' thine goodness
Sure that ne'er fails. .
Hopefully, get rid o' the evil!
While I was dancing with the devil!
So does thereby,
wilst ever bubble up
if thou languish
to each its own rights
to dig his own heels..
and the outright layer of its color, creed,
and value from stern course o ' self-discipline,
such and such a rearrangement o' character
whom stands to live a sane contemplative state o' the mind..
launching anew,
better on higher-end
level o' spiritual
glamouring stance
Bestowing light to others
Sharing - LOVE for others
shouldn't be in rash,
rather, intellectually
with good reasonings,
good judgements
passed thine genial compliments,
WHEREIN, thou soled- loving-heart dwells
insofar as mere,
Mine thy lonesomeness
-the-soul-into - satisfying
at ease the love I deserve
hankering and longingly-
Even tho' forever-waiting
in its stillness-
I'd bewriting it down
and speak my mind
in any shape form,
and done
bewailing free verses,  
soul-lonest-mine swells
at my Fervent HAVEN!
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
All along- lovesome
I was found on my solace at its solstice-
In my prayer-
Thee heart breaking-heartbeats decries;
Uttering voices-doomed to enchanting yodel of the nights' blues.
I am deeply in pain in this earthly scintilla,
Alike sweet ole rhymes in my sonata.
Singing melodious for my inamorata!
But the suns and the moons call it quits,
Within me, inside of me..

I can't complain no more!

It's now and never..

Believing the goodness, to say the least.
Though in this broken world- still-so-exist.
Realness of somethin' ne'er cease to amaze.
Enduring thy half-moon,
Taken aback to cloudburst boon.
More-so to torrent- thoughts, serenely-outright.
How near and dear o'er this silky-cheek to your smite!

So eloquent, so breathless!

Breezes a smile that is everything to me.
Encouraging manifesto that you told to me,
Like "A fully-bloomed-flower is an answer
and a turning-point to a struggling life!"
A tale of days for love's sake
And the good-times-
Sure swells.
With all my heart whereas Love spells,
Earnestly, lying in wait up to Heavens!
Down-with me here to-my home Cali-turf-now!
Aug 2011 · 1.6k
On the Qui Vive
In my so called startled desperately stance o' interactively yearnings,
So wantonly emerged  the worse anomalies by far
(yet the peak-est good time)  to come..
I'm so naturally inclined on making & molding,
making'& wanting

As trial & error precipitates;
Virtually stagnant in the  stillness o' haven-
Temptation stricken--chaotic world..An idolatry dernier cri chic!
Sets the tone o' a Caring Mom, would tell her kids
Not to be fooled by a a mainstream fool-
A Con Artist as Weird as he/she gets!
For the norm to behold!
On the LOOk-Out
but not lethargic.
Stigmatized out o' the blue, I surely reflected,
In a Dark-Dreary tunnel -- I 'd Die for
&  to Root for-serenity subsides!
As I come out, I see rays o' Guiding light, I reckoned ..
"I have given You EYES to see,Ears to hear and a mouth to speak!" ..
but perhaps as indecisively as I may seemed--
It is what IT is!!..,.
SORDID! holistic ambiguously odd for me alright.
I speak my MIND fervently...
But as one may  say, "My Smile can mean a thousand Ships nor launches its Value than Money ..
For every Smile to give out Comes with
a Territory o' Joy & Hope worth-
Every seconds inhaled-Priceless--
The breath o' Eros exhumed ..
I'd rather be ever Smiling along comes..
Head over my shoulder
however excruciating
can be, in life.. .
Neither in Bliss o' Ecstasy nor Dismay.
Just as though to keep my SANITY intact..
Oh My God keep my Salvation up in Heaven above! ..
so Creepy, too
Cloddish to be canny
At all cost!
& not easily persuaded by the devil.
Lurks to get me..
A standstill Safely & Warm in a timely fashion,
In my own Rosy- Scented room thy PRAY, Oh Lord forgive US ALL Sinners, may GOOD Girls & Boys go to HEAVEN & Bad BOYS & GIRLS go to HELL !
I stand uprightly poised attitude
& be corrected if one varies-
The Age of Aquarius in stateliness!
Aug 2011 · 2.3k
My Friend named Butch
For You- Butch my friend from Philippines ocean away to Cali U.S.A

FRIENDSHIP is like Red Rose in my Garden.

It is not the  sum -total on how many it BLOOMED

but unfathomable beneath the ROOTS thriving & Sprouting.

Purview as Emoting little some Some,

little Bored,

little Depleted

little sad, or yielding to the Inevitable!

Languish to anguish perhaps from  lack of vitamin 'ME"..Ahah!

Thereby stayed in touch, in Tuned

following  the thread   with ME.

My Friend so close yet Afar.

Truly Extraordinary,
wonderfully Smiling
and  adamantly Affirms:

"You  are D apple of my Eye!"
Every time WE see eye to eye in social networking  called Facebook
Through Cyber Space
The abounding witty comments of "***'s," "Ohhs "and 'AAhhs"
makes everyone amused with Awe of such silly antics we so accorded!

A blessing, a gift from God.

So unusual Diamonds so Alike
a  rare atypical like it! Uncommon

Not Phony friends out there to  deceive & Decry..
Succumb unlikely in Waterloo!

But You  definitely a Diamond to my passion!

As girl's BFF, a Buddy or a Sweet chum or Dude!
Not a Foe but Pal Forever.

And  just to let You Know , my Friend,
You  are  like a Diamond so brilliant
Found like a rare gemstone from a dust
who is never be a mere coincidence to bring JOY & Delight  
to the norm & Conform.

So for  now.. priceless friend like for me to treasure the friendship between Us.

Thank you, my Friend,

I will always be here & there for You as a Friend in Deed!
Jul 2011 · 1.6k
To Sir with Love
Magical silence of Midnight..
as we ponder moments of life.
Solemn  thoughts at tranquility..
Virtues guiding our pursuit..
Images of distant loves..blurr our waning thoughts..
Envisaged You through virtual reality
of thirty years or some more
so ago,
I haven't encroach Thy heart
to no one but You.
A rare bloom floret to my sight!
Beauty Ahah!,,I cant resist this thorn in my Rose Garden.
"And tempted by the charming fragrance of
the blooming gardener".- whom He divulged:
                "Purple bloom reflects a purple heart that expresses love unsurpassed,,,I am writing these words  with my crimson blood ,, to equal thy charm the glow of your love"
He recounted to me over.
Then I know I behold to keep it in my
cognizant jeweled mind, oh so dear.
With my long blondish brown hair
swaying softly cool but warm.
Truly though agitated by the
earthly abating absence-
of Your tangible touch.
Unsurpassed by my astral dream
with much ado!
Gladly remembering You,
in my fervent thoughts.
Thereby cherishing you
on times when things make sense
to me-
out of distress,
to madness so unlikely permeates.
When I am down in anguish, I couldn't weather!
                      "Let the beauty of the woven words ,,
                        guide Your day into fruitfulness, so deary,
                        "Let the rhythm and cadence gives You music in Your restlessness."
  Sir I said, ' I love You" withal affirms..
                       "Let the laughter of my jokes, '
                         lighten Your burden, ease Your yoke,
                       "Let the fire of fiery words be Your armor n silent sword!"
Woe to me as I heed to hearken and thirst for more!
                       "Let d spell of Your poignant smile,,
                         fills my cup instead of wine,,so that I may lie in deep slumber
                         as I gulp Your sweet nectar so divine!"
                         T'is lady  Rose ( scientific name liigaiea vellenoeva) is the best
                         of them all,,
                       I wanna pick her!'
He likewise and inadvertently  told thine.
Along came my sweet behold, I so to keep.
Love such a splendor, undeniably volatile,
in total intimacy desperately onto
Yodeling and Yonder fire churning escapades,
To someday crossed our paths
should not perish, So afar!
I beseech thee, make me a swell great day!
Even though  fuming flowers and bees so abounds!
In a ROSE  minted heartland
truly endowed.
Thy thorn so stuck amidst for
You and me
For every storm to grasp its thrushes,
Be res-assured nifty and dandy
For you my daddy
to come Home to,
and hangout together.
That pokes and pukes
Lingered though day in day out,
From jive to logic.
From sane to insanity.
Only one soldered Thorn sojourns!
Jul 2011 · 1.4k
In my solitude
so kindled in sear summer July,
Upheaval churning in my most stoic feeling frazzled, I am,
Thank GOD for Good Riddance- putting on a thinking cap
And  my Good Instincts prevails..
    Brooding over and praying in silence-
       PEACE and Faith too ; sustained my intertwined...
guts good 'ole meshed up toiled my life.
                   Like a web-gathering digging out into knitted vine..
                     Gotta dance w/ grace even if someone ogling..
                       actin' out like zilch..
                        out there mesmerizing.
Give it all out for sake o' Inamorata  
                  And fervor like ne'er be in paroxysm, a day or two ..
                Rhyme with the melody o' songs
            And Sing it all out on top o' my lungs
      like there's no one's eavesdropping
Amusingly enough as I wantonly be wanted
And feel hurting no more,
  Sleeping in minty pillows, sobbing no more...
    At the time, eventide dusk comes,
     That Beauty; rests indeed, bellows
       Live and let live like it's a bed o' heavenly velvety Roses in this cauldron earth!.ensnared my thoughts together oftentimes,
      Through waylay conflicts
So akin to as DRAMA Momma!
    That another can tote to my table.
      Getting' along just fine witn MYself..
      thus restore my sense of panoramic mindset; - my BLESSINGS- scrutiny on my studies  and my cherub babes who cares as whippersnapper!
    Thou Loves me more than
       of enormous superficial stuffs-
          things that won't last-
            I'm in solitude for soul searching'.
              I am of thy belief that
everyone needs time...
To just Be! @ peace with just MYself!

— The End —