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dark ravens
in the sky
feeling sad
and i just dont know why

tear apart
everything i had
anything i would
ever say

dont look back
silver sky
inside cabinet
businessmen in suits
in suits
my internet explorer floppy disc
i feel
ayy lmaoo
soft '09 fest
inside piercings
form of experimentation also expression
dark ravens
geometric polynomi09 uo i/o sunm CEREAL code this krkkkr k ack!
si loooo euop! skkkkgggg io gooodd ohhh oh, goodbye days venus to ALIENS darkravens b-tuple exterior layers of nomonoalistic solumidism through the n(x+1)
Upon further experimentation, n(x+1) proved to be a b-tuple DARK RAVEN. While SADBOYS2001 demonstrated that flakisimatory polydeciheliotuples could expand our understanding of LIFE, THE UNIVERSE AND THE GHETTO-VERSE, there is still a larger area to explore regarding this matter.

It's like something's missing
from my life
that can't be captured in conversation.

I want this box I hold to be translucent, with flashing L.E.D.s, and excluding all pain and ugliness,
but instead I live my life like I'm on deviant art,
at 13 years of age,
attempting to sketch portraits of an idealized Sasuke,
blissfully unaware of the gross distortions and geometric proportions
I don't want my box to have a normal beetle inside of it
I want pokemon inside my box, and them to be real
I want Sonic and Tails to be real so I can go on adventures with them
but the dark ravens
all evil
in my skin
these wounds
they will not
-heil (2020, Philosophy of Mind, published by Routledge)
believe it me 2009
gh gh
iooo stttt u!
hooo mmu mmu
rrrwa rrwa vym vymj
iiii9 iio
bb skttt bb skttt
bbb yuuu bbb yuuu
ppp llm ppp lm
nni ni ni
njj nj nj
swr swrrrrrrr uiooo ppl m bb skt ioo
too much elicitation regards to my bicycle from four years ago
300 years of precipitation received below the bottom cycle
ago ago ur rotten bag is inside a banana peel
vice versa my own vices inside a banana peel
pressing keyboards onto people on monkey-bars

several years later a summertime in my yard
several kitchen appliances that I scarred
my face with as I examine Toy Story parts
in momentary glimpses of lost poems stapled to trees
Nintendo's E3 Treehouse livestream not Monster's University

67 eio eight octopus
Entheogens, such as:
Tetrahydrocannabinol, Lysergic Acid, Dimethyltryptamine, Mescaline and Psilocybin,
(of Cannabis, LSD, DMT, Peyote and Mushrooms, respectively)
(None of which Firefox thinks are spelled correctly, including 'Entheogen'..)
have many unfounded and illogical taboos about them
for the seemingly sole reasons that those who;
do not know themselves well enough,
do not realize the magnitude of what they are getting themselves into,
make themselves seem crazy or otherwise endangered or dangerous while having Revelations.

Heed not the Fear-Mongers:
(they generally fear for their own sake)

An Entheogen is a psychoactive substance that brings forth the Divine within one's self;
it is a temporary death of Ego
a temporary glimpse of Heaven
a brief window of Enlightenment.

An Entheogen is the basis for each major Religion on this planet.
Many established Religions have in turn proceeded to attempt to stamp them out
as if to eliminate healthy competition for their precious power hungry Dogmas
(similar to Wal-Mart, but in terms of Religion as opposed to Business, which is eerily similar)

Vines with DMT in them inspired early philosophers in Southeast Asia and South and Middle America.
Mushrooms crammed with Psilocybin were the basis of the monotheisms of the Middle East.
LSD has been a major pivotal factor in many mediums of art since it's 'accidental' synthesis in the 1930s.
Peyote has been a staple for North American shamen and mystics for thousands of years.
Cannabis, as well, has many mystical applications and medicinal properties used worldwide.

And yet,
all of these things are a massive no-no in commonplace Law worldwide
which is a detrimentally terrible turn
for the Spirituality, interconnectivity and thus Enlightenment
of Humanity.

The lack of unbiased, scientific, accurate and up-to-date information about Entheogens
is a tragedy paralleled only by the unnecessary loss of Rights, Freedom and Life,
not to mention the forgone personal lessons one can gain from Entheogens,
as a result of the censorship of sensible, reliable, consistent, fact-based Information.

Entheogens are only an inherently bad idea
if an individual is so ignorant of themselves as well as the nature of their Reality
that they wouldn't be able to handle the aspects of either
brought forth so abruptly by the Entheogens.

Entheogen: To make manifest the Inner Divine
Psychedelic: To make manifest the Mind

These two things are one in the same; yet one is far more stigmatized:

Entheogens/Psychedelics are vital
if we are ever to learn about the parts of ourselves and our Reality
which are too obscure to recognize in everyday life.

Entheogens make apparent the interconnectedness of the Universe;
They break down the superficial and illusory barriers 'twixt Self and Godself:

They are Death of Ego,
which is frightening to Egoslaves;
They are disillusionment,
temporary Enlightenment;
Mystic Teachers.
Shamen in Botanical form.

Entheogens are Divine gifts:
Terrestrial Shepherds for the Soul, Prisms of Divinity;
Ignored, excommunicated, exiled and squandered by Societies
in the supposed name of 'safety';

Safety for those wrongfully in Power, perhaps

We have truly crucified the Prophets.
It didn't just happen in Mythological history;
it has never stopped happening,
it's still happening right here and now.

What personal freedoms are we willing forgo in the name of totalitarianism?
None, I would hope.

To further illustrate the blinding absurdity:

Should we trade in our legs just so we wouldn't need to worry about stepping on pinecones?
I sure wouldn't.
Should we trade in our eyes to preclude seeing things we find uncomfortable?
I sure wouldn't
Should we trade in our voices in fear that we won't be heard?
I sure wouldn't
Should we lay down and accept Authoritarianism?
I sure won't

Would you, were it law?
though I would sure hope not,
many have

Law of this sort is an appeal to both Fear and Authority,
all of which are arbitrary
yet all of which mutually and relatively define each other.

Thus I implore of thee to heed these words:

*Civil Disobedience is a Virtue.
Reflections of cultural Biases are everywhere.
Culture like this tends to suffocate Humanity.
Culture is a Cult that 'ure' (you're) in.
 May 2013 Josiah Huergo
 May 2013 Josiah Huergo
I had beautiful words, once.
I used them and used them
and they started to bump into eachother
and get rough
around the edges.
My words began to fray
and when they started to disappear,
so did you.

You were beautiful, once.
I don't know if you are anymore,
but our last moments are old,
and I've replayed them in my mind
over and over
and they're starting to get rough
around the edges.

I'm second guessing everything so that it doesn't hurt as much.
I didn't like it when you traced my collarbones with your lips,
I didn't like it when you pressed your palms against the inside of my thighs
and wrapped your fingers around my skin
and leaned in to kiss me
as delicately and passionately as you could.
I hated it.

Your mouth always tasted like chewing tobacco.

— The End —