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 Apr 2013 Josh
Sammie wells
She walks around
with her eyes shut tight,
losing all self respect
Chasing men
who show little interest.

****** herself out
on dating sites,
thinking it makes her matter,
In reality
her life’s falling to tatters.

She can’t see her worth
only their words
seduced by their lies
And games.

It’s all a mirage
an optical illusion
to a deluded mind.

Men may crave some cheap ***
but they have little respect
For women who easily put out.

 Apr 2013 Josh
Funny how we woke up in the morning
and pretended that tomorrow never happened—
strutted naked in mirrors celebrating our youth,
laughing, knowing suns and moons couldn’t do the same.

We borrowed our arms from the fridge
and peddled bicycles with bad breath—
trading war stories ‘cause we knew
if we came back alive
life would still be the death of us.
 Apr 2013 Josh
Melissa S
 Apr 2013 Josh
Melissa S
When all else has failed....    
                                           My words can console me!
 Mar 2013 Josh
Leon Hart
My biggest fear is that I am too late,
afraid what my actions would cost,
scared of leaving anything to fate,
I have so much on my plate,

My worst nightmare is that i won't make it
Simply because i am my biggest critic,
with every night that comes i repeatedly tell myself,
          Don't quit, don't quit,
As I hide behind the words I create,
I have so much on my plate

Who knows what father time has in store
I know for a fact I don't want to stay still
but rather explore,
Find the most exciting thrill
From the most highest mountain,
to the lowest valley,
Every nook and cranny,
to the dirtiest alley,
Hell, I would have love to meet John and Annie,
Who met when they were kids
and died together at the age of ninety

It would be great if we all knew our fate
Truth be told, we all have so much on our plate
 Mar 2013 Josh
Jack Fitzgerald
It kills me that I can't keep you in words,
The more I write the more I seem to miss.
Like meaning from my pen is far off lured,
I can't put down your smile, your eyes, your kiss.
A kiss that for my life I can't describe,
despite how hard I try or oft I write.
Transform me hence into your willing scribe,
I'll work to make dark ink match your eyes light...
and though I know I'll fail I still write on,
hoping beyond hope that I'll succeed
in writing down some truth before I'm gone,
one truth might then find others and so breed.
Not unlike I found you and you found me
or how our I's met up to forge a we.
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