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 Oct 2015 Joshua Coffey
Rain is pouring down
my ear hears the sound
dancing in the rain
Bring me down
like the pouring rain
Lay me down
love me over again
So let the rain
come pouring down
let us close our eyes
and feel this moment
Feel the raindrops
roll down your face
its a beautiful night
my heart is singing
I feel it
I am by your side
I am happy
only when youre around
Link to the song: Rain is pouring down:
 Aug 2014 Joshua Coffey
The predator invading my thighs
did not care for words
It burned me with smug smiles
and cold hands,
carpet covered in dog **** pressing
against my back.
Turning my sanctuary into my
my own flesh into fear,
made my body need healing.
It punctured me with your venom
but no one has ****** it out yet,
trust me,

I've made them try.
a natural
source of
bring me
my wings
so i
naked along the side of the house,
8 a.m., spreading sesame seed oil
over my body, Jesus, have I come
to this?
I once battled in dark alleys for a
now I'm not laughing.
I splash myself with oil and wonder,
how many years do you want?
how many days?
my blood is soiled and a dark
angel sits in my brain.
things are made of something and
go to nothing.
I understand the fall of cities, of
a small plane passes overhead.
I look upward as if it made sense to
look upward.
it's true, the sky has rotted:
it won't be long for any of
from The Olympia Review - 1994
 May 2014 Joshua Coffey
 May 2014 Joshua Coffey
I am trying not to
let your silence get
to me because I
know that you mostly
speak with your limbs
and they say love
but maybe your heart
speaks a language I
understand well while your
head communicates in foreign
tongues I cannot translate
i just wanted to  pick your bones
white daisies in a field
and weave them together
a halo to float over my head
so wherever i'd go a part of you hung in the air
a soft constant breeze.

and maybe you'll let me.
maybe you'll string your veins like lights to light my journey
when the cobbled streets are black
and your back in rink-a-**** town
and i'm off getting my wings.

you like to breath air into my dreams,
lifting my balloons, and even though  you'll be here in this gray
town you never
made me feel sorry.

sorry that i've got to leave.
and maybe you'll give me your hands too,

so when it's colder than a winter month, i can wrap my fingers in them
and i'll be warm on the inside
Your childish lies have nothing of a true meaning
because you never saw what truly went on inside my mind.
The cogs were turning, but the wheels got stuck in the muck
that you had left behind when you decided that it was time to bid me adieu.
That child inside me broke
Like the Bay Lake dam that came crashing and tumbling down,
the waters swirling into the ever after.
Leaving me behind, alone, with the lonely company of the silt and the sand.
And then, I wept.
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