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Josh Allen Nov 2014
the sun sets as we finish our day

the moon rises as we start off our night
Josh Allen Oct 2014
i love you

you glued my heart

back together

from the microscopic pieces

that it once was
Josh Allen Oct 2014
sit my head on my desk
while the teacher speaks

speaking about equations
and factoring

doodle on the wood
as i doze off

i'm wondering what i'll dream about

maybe about my future
maybe about my past

maybe about life
maybe about death
Josh Allen Oct 2014
do you think the neighbors are mad? everyone left their trash on their lawn. someone's asleep on the roof. someone's asleep on the grass. the party lasted for 13 hours and not a minute later. bags under everyone's eyes,  alcohol in everyone's system, except for mine.
Josh Allen Oct 2014
i always sleep on the side of my bed because I imagine you being right next to me.
Josh Allen Oct 2014
i still remember when we'd stay up til 3 am messaging each other talking about music

now i can't even bare to look in your eyes or even say your name

the shirt i gave you probably smells like cigarettes and alcohol by now

you always told me to slow my words down so you could understand me

but maybe you didn't understand what pain i was trying to explain

half of my summer consisted of sadness and cigarettes thanks to you

i know what you did to me because i was there on the other side of the wall

while you were with the guy you didn't know, i was sitting at the fire being warmed by it and not you

Josh Allen Oct 2014
when i think back on all the girls i’ve dated

i’ve noticed very different interests now than what i saw in the past

one was very religious and demanding

one liked to get high and drunk when i really didn’t

the second one ****** with my mind too bad

it was almost every time i messaged her she was high or drunk

and the only thought i had was “is she really meaning the things she says?”
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