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Josh Highfield Aug 2020
Descend down earth, the ***** climbed.
Remember; when at once, your vision

Amidst fog and spray, an
A child roams; searching, he…
End scene.

And then see,
You lay, prostrate. Next,
Sweet Tingles –
A feeling, emotion…
Yet false. Why?

And then the next
Scene, a woman
Kneeling, crying.
Your hands tremble,
Her lips tight.

Ah, but you know, a
Thought given
To time and regret.
Nothing as
sweet, but yet perverse.

To return, to dream: an
You awake, eyes unclear,
Wind, heavy lunar howls.

A bit of blood, dusty coat.
Find your ground, approach your goal clear.
Against the grave; yet to fall.
A few scribbles made on a long, sad day.
Josh Highfield Aug 2015
Be at peace,
Creature of earth and oak
Your brittle, soft bark
Painted a deep crimson,
With limbs curling, retreating to their root.
And whose buds wither in the dry,
Desolate province: “home”.

Do you remember the monsters,
Trampling over vein and chute,
That grew larger with every word they spoke,
Till soon their dark shapes stood high above,
Their mass and form eclipsing the light,
Leaving only a sliver to feed you?

I remember a shape formed with care,
Whose trunk was strong,
And resilient as steel!
But, Chiseled and reduced
By philosophy and temptation,
It became a thing I couldn’t recognize.
A corpse that shone of good intention,
With marks of wisdom and ingenuity,
Abandoned, forgotten in time.

Do you remember the forest,
Where brother and sister once stood firmly?
Their unfortunate fortitude rendered them ideal
For the beasts’ machines,
And made kindling for the nightmares
You had when you were small.

I remember a young seedling,
Who sacrificed friendship and comfort
For a little shelter from the cold.
And now lives in darkness
And has been for so long,
That a candle is mistaken for the sun!
A faint, false, glow is all I have to illuminate my life!

With age, and of circumstance,
My eyes grow weak,
And this heart will expends its stores
To chase the promise of reprieve,
Offered by a lie of ever-changing form,
And striking, beautiful melody.
Josh Highfield Aug 2015
In grey halls, silent and cold
I glanced through a window
and you flew in - a petal of lavender, speckled with brown -
you fell to me when the wind gave in,
and tickled my skin.
So I smiled, and you stood up,
growing tall until you were fully formed.
But your limbs looked like mine,
and your petals bore a face.

So I took your hand and we started running,
through parched field and empty stream
drenched in orange summer spectacle.
the cicadas buzzed and whirred,
And we hummed along,
doing our best to join in.
You looked at me and smiled,
And told me of magic and beautiful things
that could enliven, brighten,
and even bring warmth to the cold.

So I asked where they were,
and you look distressed.
But I pressed again, and again, and again,
So you gave me a garment of leaves and string
which had hung from your back
and I felt warm and ran away,
while you cried and stayed put.
But my mother, she so proud and all-knowing,
at once knew who I was
and what I was holding!
condemning my act and demanding I return,
She shooed me away; with tears I ran out.

Deep underground, I buried my shame
but it soon sprouted stems,
and dark leaves grew too.
when its legs took form, it followed me home
but no one could see it,
a pale, shriveled child
with no arms or ears
that screamed as I moved,
and no one could hear.
so I grew afraid,
falling ill I withdrew.

The warmth had left, and the sun turned to black,
And my room became stone, with locks on the door
The girl soon returned
cognizant, but not loving
and she smirked and she danced
and sang as she moved
I felt cold and remorse, like I’d never yet felt.
She offered reprieve, but not like before
and i cursed her and yelled,
so she left, out the door.
Josh Highfield Nov 2014
I was once your prince,

I lived amongst the reeds and lilies,
a kingdom built on tides
And, in modesty you saw beauty,
in persistence, care.
Sustained by your benevolence,
Your power gave me purpose!
I prospered within your walls,
In streets and alleyways I danced,
And we shared a short age.

But, as the wells ran dry,
you left for climates more foreign.
When I had to return,
I found I had nothing left.
though adorned with jewels and robes,
They hadn’t a warmth, nor a heat
oh but if for a moment, I thought
“If I could relive that dream!”
But I’m left to wonder why it couldn’t last.

Only so often do I approach your gates,
with a watering can and boots in tow,
Asking myself:
“Will I ever share in your splendor again?”
“Where are you to make me beautiful?”

Cast your eyes on me and see,
where once your magic could enliven,
now your absence leaves a desolation
upon my heart,
upon my body.
And I languish here,
Again, wondering why,
Your love could lose your favor.
Josh Highfield Oct 2014
Oh nightmare, let me sleep!
I’ll awake anew,
Without these tattered sheets.
I’ll tear the dead fruit from the vine
and plant it somewhere safe.
Those old seeds will bear new crops!

Your memory’s a shadow,
Casting darkness over this boy.
And you are alive - thriving!
Haunt me no longer!
Sink back, fade to your home!
I shout curses at you from the roof top!

But, I sing to you from the study...
Woman, oh beautiful specimen, creature I loved;
Your form is a work of genius
I call to mind so vividly.
While you carry this heart,
I walk empty.

...And I have no control!
You tilt the wheel
And I capsize,
Without the skill to match your maneuvers.
We can toss off our memories, but we risk forgetting how we got them. Instead, let’s use what’s dead to fertilize something new, giving way to more growth (and more fruit).
Josh Highfield Sep 2014
Draw back the waters,
moses, let me join.
bring down the waves, the tides,
and let me come to you.

Oh father, where has this wall come form?
Have you shielded me, blinded me from seeing your truth and you grace?
Are you ashamed of me, do you hate me,
do you wish me to burn away?
Oh father, where are you,
you’re needed more than ever,
God please just speak again.

I don’t like it.
No, my rebellion is in earnest,
the sting of my defiance is true,
aye, the tears that once defined a vision
now cloud more than ever before.
And I feel lost in angst, my hatred
And confused and disgusted all the same.
of what? I don’t know.
My struggle is as unclear as it always has been.

I wonder so often,
and I question incessantly,
why seeing you is so difficult.
Josh Highfield Sep 2014
Oh dear woman,
Please rest,
And May your heart be satisfied.

brave as I am,
But you're never proud.
Though others,
By virtue of conformity,
May be lavishly praised,
And celebrated amongst your circle.

Mother, bring me close once more,
Put aside your fear,
Acceptance does not give way to damnation.
But love will free you
From this blight of hatred.

I pray you know,
That I may give
A love true, brave.

You fight me, mother
And I am so burdened
I hate, yet I love you so deeply.

The pain I endure
It shapes,
Teaches me a beauty.

I pray I may give,
What you have forgone:
A brightness and hope

Comfort me,
Hold me tightly as before
When my screams brought you near,
And your best...
...An understanding.

A child,
I wander and learn,
And still you fear
But you cannot alter
Else what will I become?
I am no slave,
And your desires are your own.

It will never **** you.
It will never implicate you.
Your avarice, zeal...
As you hate,
You are condemned

Collectors and thieves,
Were no less welcome.
The almighty's table,
A reminder
Where love forgave,
And brought me in.
Do you get it?

Who you turn away,
Who you blame and forsake,
Who you would sacrifice,
For your penitence

I am forever your child,
And You are forever my mother,
Against what do we fight so hard?
Ideals? Decisions?
How silly,
And how profane.
He who will judge,
One day,
Will laugh at your justice,
As penitence has already been made,
And will bring you in regardless
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