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 Dec 2013 Josh Hall
Cara Furniss
a moment to reflect:
moments like two earphones; plug & play euphoria
nothing like it
if only filing them was possible –
keepskaes of the mind
hoarding is essential!

hoarding for those times of drought
drought of feelings worth the paper they are written on
writers block can ****** those who do not hoard
those painful realisations of space

space in a mind and soul worth filling,
worth emptying of shadows
worth hoarding
for times of drought..
Terror, Fear
Chemical Weapons
The world will end tomorrow.
Go back to sleep America
We have everything under control
Including You.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program
of shutting the **** up and
being happy with the little freedoms you have left.
While we devise new ways to make you surrender them
through Coercion.
MK ULTRA "The greatest lie the Devil ever told was convincing humanity that he didn't exist."
 Dec 2013 Josh Hall
 Dec 2013 Josh Hall
December is a bitter woman.
And the cool summer breeze,
Broke her heart.

December is a mad man.
The questions that haunted him,
Made him insane.

*December is a dead body.
That will remain cold. Forever.
 Dec 2013 Josh Hall
Nat Lipstadt

— things wanted or needed; the plural of desideratum: “Happily-ever-after” and “eternal love” appear to be the desiderata of the current generation"

Your stream of drops
Enters my
Conscious Heart,
and is
Absorbed, removed.

Let me feed you
Rich words
Whose taste will linger
Long after rich foods
Flee, leaving only
Emptiness of calories
That will burn you.

Better than hugs,
These words are yours
Yours, embracing,

Your pain is absorbed
In the sponge of this
Poem of caring, a
Tissue of shoulders to be
Cried upon.

Until this day is over,
Until tomorrow when
Up you stand,
Eyes no longer red,
Determination ruling,
Be better,
The only face you will wear,
Until then,
These words, are yours
Tomorrow and forever.

Cloak yourself in them
When the invaders attack,
Wrap yourself in their armor,
As often as needed.

No one can ever take them
From you,
No one can touch
Them like
You can.
For they live in the human warmth,
In the centre of you,
Where the day's soul soils
Cannot ever reach,
For they are
Kitty's Desiderata.

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