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Joey Jul 2019
he rocks back and fourth in his chair
watching the smiles on his younger generation  run
pass the plates and   knives  on the dining room table
 waiting to be sawed   through the
bird that once had a heartbeat
like his own  that continues to pump
blood through his veins unaware of the ache his heart feels
with every beat he breathes  praying   he could only feel her  again  nothing can compare  as the scent of fresh pie waits in the air
 wondering if this is the last gift from God he will receive
as the wrapping paper covers the floor
 leaving the tree  empty underneath
the way his smile feels after a long year
he can only take so much without his bride   by his side
Joey Oct 2016
I search for you in the highest of mountains.
I search for you the heart of the city.
I climb to see if you are near.
I walk to see if you are here.

No home in sight, I cannot see.
Nothing to guide me on my way.
But the city lights ignite the night,
And the wildlife growl as they bite.

My feet have been walking, my eyes have been seeing.
I am tired and weak and soon to release.
I wander and wonder if ever I will find,
the place at which I will rest my mind.

But I strive and chase that everlasting light,
Never giving in to this inside fight.
And even when I am on my own,
I carry on, the long way home.
Joey Oct 2016
My body craves you but I don't even know you or
The softness of your lips or the firmness of your grip;
But I feel your hands around me while your tongue tastes my body
Joey Oct 2016
I had a feeling I was on your mind as if we were still woke up with the sun by each other's side
I had a feeling that every night I didn't hear from you was a night you wanted to send a goodnight
I had a feeling you couldn't distance yourself from me despite your greatest attempt

I had a feeling your feelings for me didn't change
I had a feeling that mine for you would
Joey Oct 2016
I've got a red string
It hangs down from my beating piece
Wherever I go, it goes
There is no letting it go
No end in sight
Slack to give way to the possible ways
Ready to release in any direction
It never bothered me, I didn't feel it

But then a gentle tug
Enough to look down; to question.
I go in the direction of the pull
Timid steps at first turn to big leaps
A journey done in no time at all
How the way home feels shorter
Yet the end was not a destination
But a familiar feeling that was you
Joey Dec 2015
I have him and he has me  It was clear from the beginning, as clear as your blue eyes and sweet smile. The way you walk, things you like, I barely know anything about you but I was am brought into questioning and daydreaming   about holding you   kissing you  feeling you   all those things I can do with him   maybe not enough?   But before I could give into that innocent look and your playful behaviour  you backed away  but temptation grew harder  perhaps your plan?   Not going to work this time    New patterns with an old boy
Joey Nov 2015
I see it standing there, swaying back and fourth in the blowing air
I hadn't seen something that pretty in quite some time
It isn't even the nicest flower out there,
Dirt around all the roots and some petals are falling off.
But in the field of uncut brown grass and tall dry strands
It looked **** pretty.
So I stopped and stared for a while, just watching and hoping that the pretty wouldn't go away

But it did, and yet I stayed
Still looking at what used to be the prettiest flower
It's head is hanging low, no more petals to show
They flew off in the wind some time ago,
There is no more pretty flower here, but I am still here
Wasting time on something that has moved on
And all the time that I will never get back

Behind me the flower blooms
From the petals that blew away to start again
Oblivious to other directions
Still watching the same flower willow away
And there I sit, eyes fixed on the past
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