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Oct 2012 · 1.0k
Poem: Higher Ground
On God's holy mountain
I traverse a spiral path
of an upward climb
towards His higher ground.

My progress varies between
arduously slow and immoderately fast,
while trying to avoid same mistakes
that keep me in a circle going round.

Rockslides are temporary obstacles
that can only impede, but...
Never prevent me from reaching the peak
where one day, I'll be found.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Poem: No Earthly Good
Being so heavenly minded
and of no earthly good
is a dichotomy of attitude to avoid,
as one must and should.

Solutions to Life's problems
become evident with clear thinking,
when grounded on divine principles
for the purpose of practical living.

The Standard has been defined
for all Kingdom residents -
Walk in abundance, be a blessing to others
as shown by Christ's precedent.

By making a positive impact
and demonstrating God's Love,
we're enabled to reach all people
for their inclusion into Heaven above.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Oct 2012 · 564
Poem: Petitions to God
God does answer prayer
as many people have heard,
but His only obligation is
to honor His own Word.

He is always around
for requests of Salvation's Call;
His desire is to assist all lives
that have spiritually stalled.

He willingly meets our needs
and not necessarily our wants;
for asking in ignorance
doesn't sanction unmerited warrants.

Read and devour His Word;
hide His Principles in your heart,
so that your petitions to God are met
from the knowledge He imparts.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2009, All rights reserved.
Oct 2012 · 2.2k
Poem: Computer Geek
After twenty years, as cursed as I may be
for having learned computerese,
I continue to examine bits, bytes and words
and insure that I'm one of those computer nerds.

Program design, source code and compile
followed by walk-throughs that place me on trial.
There's lots of testing - a means to an end
in hopes of avoiding future production abends.

There are micros, minis and mainframe hardware
which are made to work with in-house and vendor software.
Provided are many platforms for everyone to use
and assure misinformation in data's abuse.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Oct 2012 · 497
Poem: Chained to Myself
To Nature's old self I cling,
although I should be a new creation
and enjoy the blessings that it brings.

I'm bound as a passive prisoner
wholly contained within my soul,
while personal chains constrict even tighter.

Jacob Marley would have been proud,
as I've forged my own binding links
that strangle the life force, which is continually cast down.

The freedom that I crave
won't be obtained by my own strength,
for only the Cross' power does truly save.

The might of the Living Word
with its reproducing, Dunamis power
enlightens my spirit with Truth that's been heard.

As long as I continue to believe,
I'll stand victorious (for the battle's already won),
overcoming false doubts and having fears relieved.

Author Notes:

From my book "Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory"
ISBN: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2006, All rights reserved.
Oct 2012 · 637
Poem: Chained to Myself
To Nature's old self I cling,
although I should be a new creation
and enjoy the blessings that it brings.

I'm bound as a passive prisoner
wholly contained within my soul,
while personal chains constrict even tighter.

Jacob Marley would have been proud,
as I've forged my own binding links
that strangle the life force, which is continually cast down.

The freedom that I crave
won't be obtained by my own strength,
for only the Cross' power does truly save.

The might of the Living Word
with its reproducing, Dunamis power
enlightens my spirit with Truth that's been heard.

As long as I continue to believe,
I'll stand victorious (for the battle's already won),
overcoming false doubts and having fears relieved.

Author Notes:

From my book "Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory"
ISBN: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2006, All rights reserved.
Oct 2012 · 731
Poem: Losing Myself
Cuddling with my beloved
under the warmth of satin sheets,
I gently sense the merging of souls
as our bodies become one flesh.
Fingertip sensations reflect the excitement
that are already stirred within my spirit.
During these sweet times of intimacy,
I'm losing myself as a fading light
in the ultimate desire of Love,
as the moments are embedded
softly into our memories.


Author Note:

A wife is a gift from God.

Loosely based on: Proverbs 31

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Oct 2012 · 901
Poem: Lot's Wife
Not wanting to be rescued
from the twin, sin cities,
she's unwillingly led away
by a man she barely loves and pities.

Unable to follow God's direction
and her husband's leadership,
she succumbs to her heart's lust
for a final look, as the horizon dips.

Governed by Jezebel's spirit,
having forgotten that Jehovah honors His Word,
she's transformed into a pillar of salt
for a life no longer preserved.

Fighting tears from losing his wife
Lot takes careful steps backwards,
to gaze on her form one last time
before with a new life going forward.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Oct 2012 · 601
Poem: Chronic Indecision
Going my own selfish way,
based on the ignorance
of my false understanding,
leads directly to my downfall.

For chronic indecision
counteracts God's divine help,
as I traverse the narrow path -
Walking boldly and tall.

My Salvation is not achieved
by what I do or go through -
For I'm mindful of His Guidance
to accomplish a role that is small.

I desire to live a life of Faith
that is visible for any to see;
as I'm strolling in this spiritual journey,
I look to join others on this global ball.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2009, All rights reserved.
Oct 2012 · 822
Poem: Come Forth!
In the quiet town of Bethany
lived two sisters and one brother;
they were Mary, Martha and Lazarus -
people deeply loved by Christ, as none other.

Unexpectedly, Lazarus fell terminally sick;
begging that He not tarry and be late,
multiple messages were urgently sent
forgetting that we upon the Lord must wait.

To justify feelings of utmost despair
the sisters individually met the Christ
with their piercing hollow stares
resulting from sincere, unanswered prayers.

Lazarus, covered in linen with burial spice,
was four days dead in the family tomb
until personally called out by name
and exiting from his cryptal womb.

Being the Way, the Truth and the Life
Christ demonstrated God's power on Earth;
not from Death did Christ's tears flow, but regarding...
People's attitudes surrounding Man's rebirth.

Author Notes:

From my book "Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory"
ISBN: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2006, All rights reserved.
Inexplicably, my presence invokes your smile
in instances of pure and uncontained joy.
Can You Really Love Me So?

I dare not ask this question aloud -
fearful that you won't confirm our union.

Being together is magical for me;
each shared moment illuminates my life
with Hope's brightest light.

I dare not ask this question aloud -
Can You Really Love Me So?

Our natural chemistry is a catalyst,
igniting passion that comes from...
Simply gazing on your immortal smile.

I must be crazy to imagine
that you would have me around,
nourishing me with your spiritual essence.

Can You Really Love Me So?
I am willing to learn...

Author Notes:

Loosely based on: Prov 31

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
Poem: Nakedness of Life
Out from the darkness,
having a lifestyle that's plain to see,
I'm standing fully in the Light
of God's transparency.

I have no hidden agendas,
nor malicious motives;
my heavenly light is set upon a hill,
shining as a diminutive votive.

I'm a human jar of clay,
desiring true spiritual brokenness;
for God's vessels draw men to Him,
via the sparkling of His Holiness.

For the nakedness of Life
is my personal choice;
as an ambassador of Christ,
I'm hoping that through me...
Others may hear His gentle voice.

Author Notes:
Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
Poem: Work In Progress
This body is imperfect and flawed,
originating from earthly dust;
it houses a spirit searching to find
the one, true God in which to trust.

To see myself as Yahweh does,
requires mustard seed of Faith's leap
and to take tangible action
since people know that "talk is cheap".

Separated unto holiness
to accomplish His Purpose and Plan
while sharing the Salvation Message
is the whole duty of man.

Expanding my personal growth
by a divine, refining process,
inspires a desire for betterment
and to expedite this "Work in Progress".

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Sep 2012 · 1.0k
Poem: Original Sins
Those multitudes of sin are
variations on a theme -
A reflection of the heart's wickedness
and all the evil that Satan deems.

He himself, suffering from hatefulness and hurt,
does exploit physicality's weakness in Man.
For Satan's attacks continue from his being -
Eternally condemned and forever ******.

In a false semblance of our God,
the count of unique sins is three
in a twisted parallel of...
The sacred number of Trinity.

Opposing the Christ in wilderness' testing
he perceived the Lord's flesh failing,
but not the Spirit's strength in handling
a confrontation with the Kingdom without ending.

These concepts -the Earthly Pride of Life
coupled with the Lust of the Flesh and of the Eyes-
maintain our separation from God
as the Devil manipulates, through deceiving lies.

The boldness of the Savior's Truth
and the Christ's everlasting victory
(as demonstrated by Him at Calvary)
provide True Life, when you just believe.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Sep 2012 · 896
Poem: Unfinished Is...
Unfinished is the fine tuning of me,
as I perform in this human drama,
which is covered by a spiritual mystery.

Participating without a script,
I'm stumbling forward in a lifelong excursion,
although I'm not fully equipped.

In this paradise, that's known as Earth,
I'm a curious child of wonderment
and working towards my supernatural rebirth.

Despite my growth of understanding,
I will always be an adolescent boy of His -
Forever dependent on God (while I'm here living).

Unfinished is the beauty of my tapestry
until I can achieve the final conclusion
that is... Permanently me.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Sep 2012 · 515
Poem: Lord, You Are...
Lord, You are my strength,
whenever I'm completely weak.
You are the spiritual delight
in Whom I only seek.

Lord, You are my morning light
that's shining above the mountain peaks.
You are my hungering desire -
For each day of every week.

Lord, You are my vigilant Father
over earthly trials through which I eke.
Please keep me mindful of Your Word,
so my attitude remains... humble and meek.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
A simple army of ants
in silent cooperation and unity,
quickly work side-by-side -
Setting an example for humanity.

From Scriptural advice
we're instructed to observe
the behavior of these insects
and see value from learning to serve.

Achieving the colony's purpose
and focusing on its common  mission,
labor is given for the greater good
via its natural instinct of unison.

For much can be accomplished
from sharing like mindedness
whenever the unified Body reaches...
Towards Jehovah's divine holiness.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
Poem: Game Theory
In Life's matrix of possibilities,
outcomes can be reduced to an array -
For the mixture of cursing and blessing correlates
directly to choices not carefully weighed.

With God on one axis
and Satan on the other,
challenges from many of Life's trials
have various payouts, from one cell to another.

From the earthly consequences,
which are the result of our actions,
we're ultimately responsible
and not saved by divine intervention.

Avoiding the repetitions of mistakes
until we learn to properly play,
requires heed to spiritual instruction -
For our Salvation awaits the day.

When it comes to being Godly people,
let us not grow weak and weary;
within our grasp is a winning strategy
that supersedes this World's... game theory.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Sep 2012 · 782
Poem: Spoken Word
Being unable to participate
during the worship service
is a poor spiritual sign.

Unwillingness to offer praise,
while standing in His Presence,
shows a deficient of new wine.

For the obvious silence
reveals an apparent lack of Faith
and failure to know God's design.

A desire of heavenly passion
cannot resonate from within,
when not letting your love for Him to shine.

For the true strength of one's belief
is confirmed only by the spoken Word -
Provided it's not diluted with some earthly whine.

The tongue, always will unwittingly confess,
the secrets of our hearts, to see if...
One is actually striving for the Lord divine.

Author Notes:

The phrase "a deficient of new wine" is not a reference to the alcoholic product. It is regarding the "spiritual wine", which is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

When we are intentionally sinning, the presence of God leaves us, hence the deficient state.

It should also be noted, that there are moments during the "worship service" where we should not be silent. When participating in the "song service", the singing of praises to Him should be vocalized - hence, the "spoken word".

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Do you realize?

After birthing heart-felt prayers,
have you seen them rise as sweet perfume?
For their glorious scent fills God's nostrils
as His Presence consumes Heaven's throne room.

Do you know?

Our Father covets this sacred incense,
that burns in the cries of His Children.
He is forever mindful of us
and our continuing battle for overcoming sin.

Do you want answers?

Christ Himself hears our pleas directly -
No phone operators are standing by.
He desires daily conversations with us
until the day when... we join Him on high.

Author Notes:**

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Aug 2012 · 2.2k
Poem: Violet Muwanguzi
As a delicate flower,
you bring beauty to a barren garden
with your wondrous smile.
Despite the harsh winds of Life,
you are firmly planted in God's hands
and stand upright in strength.
Your tenderness will always be evident;
avoid those who would look
to trample you under foot.
Let Jehovah's spiritual principles
blossom fully in your life -
Be a blessing to others
and reflect the brillance of His Light.

Author's Note:

This piece was written for a contest, sponsored on the behalf of Uguandan orphans. Many children have lost their parents to the ***/AIDS virus, including Violet. This particular event was partnered with to get personalized poems, a blanket and a stuffed animal to each child in need. We are all God's children; please visit and show some love.
Aug 2012 · 593
Poem: Silent Tears
To willingly lay down one's life
for the redemption of all others
is an immeasurable sacrifice.
More painful than His Suffering
were the silent tears
that stained the Savior's cheeks
in memoriam
of those who rejected Him.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Aug 2012 · 565
Poem: For Just One Day
For just one day, I'd like to see
a tour of God's throne room and His glassy sea.
Or perhaps to take a leisurely stroll
among heavenly streets made from purest gold.
Maybe I'd glimpse the pearly gates,
to find out who is really standing in wait.
Another option would be to find
the stately mansion that's eventually mine.
But seeing the Savior from afar
and observing the glory of the Morning Star,
would focus my attention solely on Him
and stir my spirit to sing eternal hymns.
For just one day, I'd like a peek of Paradise -
For carrying those images would surely suffice.

Author Notes:

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2006, All rights reserved.
Aug 2012 · 851
Poem: Cleanse Me Lord
Oh, my Lord...

Once again I'm ***** with sin.
I need to cleanse my fallen mind
with the beauty of your Word.

My desire is turned towards You -
Yet my flesh remains weak,
reflecting  a lack of discipline.

Please chastise me, your child
and spare not your rod of correction.
Cover me with your forgiveness and grace
as I begin anew each day, trying to mature.

Oh, my Lord... please cleanse me.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
My inner desire is to be...
Free from the continuing burden
of my soul's carnality.

For I wish to be liberated
from the snares of sin's grip
and be forever emancipated.

Truly, I'm captivated by The Light
that shines eternally into my spirit
and erases my heart's love of Earthly delights.

Fulfillment of my life's emptiness
is only met by a spiritual purpose
with God's call to His Holiness.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jul 2012 · 586
Poem: Grace and Love
Unmerited favor of God
flows continually
and without interruption,
when you are a child of His.
His Love for us is...
Unquestionably unconditional;
however, His Grace is not.
Grace and Love are not equivalent -
We must not endeavor
to confuse these concepts.
God's Word is always steadfast
and is an unmovable truth.

Author Notes:

The standard definition of grace is "unmerited favor".

Although God loves us, we must employ His Principles for living to have His unbounded favor flow over our lives. His love for us is unconditional while grace is not. He proved His Love by letting Christ die for our sins - his grace proves that He honors His Word.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jul 2012 · 2.6k
Poem: Green Meadows
Beneath the shadow
of the Great Shepherd's staff,
in the green lushness of Life's plateau,
my spirit continues to laugh.

Despite the dumbness of this sheep
to His voice I've heeded.
For God's Love is greater than deep
and to His Principles, I've conceded.

My life is filled with abundance
beyond mortal imagination.
Enjoying protection from circumstance
came from obeying rules of His Holy Nation.

From displaying a submissive behavior
towards a God most divine,
I'm covered with blessings from my Savior
and reside in green meadows until Eternity's time.
Inspired by:
Psa 23

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jul 2012 · 1.5k
Poem: Evening Sky
Gazing into a starry night,
I see a deep indigo sky
with perfect placement of twinkling light.
Stars reveal the expanse of time
from before the birth of humanity;
their existence came from dynamic energy
which was created by spoken word
that no man has ever heard.
Solitary spirit of awesome might
painted this heavenly canvas
with a flick of His hand and uttered thought.
Divine creation shared with you and me -
It's part of our heritage and His eternal legacy.

Author Note:

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2006, All rights reserved.
Jul 2012 · 1.0k
Poem: Avoiding Hell?
Have you sealed your fate
with the rejection of Him?
Accept Christ now
before your life wears thin.

For in permanent separation
there's no God or peace -
Only continual torment and anguish
without any comfort or release.

Alone in the dark
as fallen angels without light,
you too will become a demon creature
lacking hope of spiritual sight.

Forget about Purgatory,
but make a decision today -
avoiding Hell can be done,
for Christ is the Life, Truth and Way.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jul 2012 · 375
Poem: Waiting on You
When floating in the sea of despair,
never give up hope, for the Lord is already there.
For in the time of your darkest hour,
you can tap into His Dunamis power.
Addressing Earth's challenges requires a key -
As a child of His, you must yourself see.
To assure that your earnest prayers are heard,
you need to hide in your heart His Holy Word.
For out of your mouth, His Word you should speak,
which demonstrates that Him you truly seek.
For God's desire is to help you through,
but He is still... waiting on you.

Author Note:

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2006, All rights reserved.
What a blessing it would be
as a joint heir with thee,
sharing the Father's affection
for the numerous days of eternity!

What a honor you've bestowed upon me
as a joint heir with thee,
being adopted by the universal King
and connected to the divine, family tree.

What a grand responsibility
as a joint heir with thee,
proclaiming your name and love
to the World's expanse of humanity.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jul 2012 · 501
Poem: My Soul Now Sings
My invisible scars
are plain for anyone to see,
as I blindly journey on...
This path of Christianity.

Wanting deliberate faith
ready on my tongue,
I received God's Salvation
when I was dumb and young.

Inflicted wounds to my soul
from a lack of understanding
have been healed by the Power
of Christ's personal anointing.

I am worth dying for
according to His Word;
The Lamb's wondrous sacrifice
had sin to Himself transferred.

Now my soul graciously sings
with overflowing joy!
For redemption has been granted
to this formerly, lost boy.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 3.3k
Poem: Giving Tithes to God
Revelations of the heart
regarding how one's money is spent
echoes volumes about character
and our God-given talents.

For Jehovah is far from being poor;
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
He's not into ungodly extortion
to keep you from paying your bills.

By serving two masters,
one will be dearly loved - the other sorely hated;
so one can never be truly happy
until settling the God and Mammon debate.

The wealth of God lies in His Word.
His principle of tithing is a mechanism
to pour out financial blessings upon us.
Therefore, purge your mindset of secularism.

Jehovah desires our faithfulness
to fulfill our ministry to the Earth.
We won't be judged on our daily income -
Know that money can never define... Our true worth.

Author Notes:

FYI - Mammon is the church term for the "God of money".

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 398
Poem: Moments of Clarity
Oh, how I desire more
of Your Light's essence,
to clearly penetrate
the core of my being.

How much can I endure
without Your Presence?
Though I may be frustrated,
it's You Lord, I'm believing.

It's been said before,
in Your Word's eloquence -
"nothing new" has been stated
and it agrees with what I'm seeing.

Moments of clarity, at the door
of Your Kingdom's brilliance,
are revelations of my faith's fate,
found under Your grace and loving... kindness.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 618
Poem: On God's Mountain
To be on your mountain top
with an elevated view,
could my chances increase
for getting a glimpse of You?

Standing barefoot in your presence
before a burning bush consumed,
would your glory envelop me
as a spiritual womb?

Moses saw your backside,
but show me instead your face and eyes.
Having direct interaction with you
should cause my faith to be revised.

Conquering obstacles of Life
via a mountainous climb,
while developing a personal relationship
help makes the upward trek sublime.

Author Note:

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 656
Poem: Exit Strategy
You've lived a life of uncounted days
and your spirit is ready to leave;
but are you ready for the hereafter,
if in God, you don't believe?

For when your spirit and soul separate,
opportunity is gone, as the body decays.
Since our mortal time is not guaranteed,
begin a relationship with Him today.

Regarding your earthly departure,
do you have an Exit Strategy?
Will you be ready to find yourself -
Before Jehovah on bended knee?

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 2.1k
Poem: Daily Bread
Beyond the lost days of manna,
all nutrition I'll ever need
was given to me at birth
with the implantation of spiritual seed.

An enabling inner spark,
combined with soul's hungering emptiness,
allowed me to find divine connection
and a path towards Your Holiness.

Thank You Lord for Your Daily Bread
that feeds my spirit and sustains my soul;
for feasting on Your Word everyday
is the best way to be kept whole.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 616
Poem: And He Whispered...
Trying to understand
my place in this complicated world,
my soul was sorely troubled -
And He whispered to me softly.

Trying to comprehend
my divine purpose within His Family,
my desires were unfocused -
And He whispered to me gently.

By giving myself completely to Him,
I found absolute abundance
that's sustained by Salvation's foundation -
And He whispered to me quietly...

"Well done My faithful servant, enter into My Rest."

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 582
Poem: White for Harvest
Fields are white for harvest
with souls rotting on the vines;
graft them into the Kingdom now,
while there is still time.

Fullness of Life's abundance is available,
when connected to the True Vine;
but how to reach others when -
Christians don't heed the warning signs?

Workers may not be plentiful,
yet, faithful ones always find the fruit;
productive lives are highly visible
from employing Principles most astute.

Examples of Victorious Living serves
as the spiritual scythe for Human reaping;
for people won't be harvested when...
One can't insure one's own safekeeping.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 1.1k
Poem: Why Would You Love Me?
Oh, my Lord...
Why would You love me?

Your greatness exceeds human comprehension
and Your wealth surpasses the Earth's riches.
In Your mind's eye, my life has been viewed
and my judgment awaits its sentencing.

Before my existence, Your Blood was cruelly shed -
spilled for my sins, both conceived and committed.
You made Yourself vulnerable to man's hatred
for saving flawed souls, such as myself.

To leave the comfort of Your heavenly realm,
for the sole purpose of being slaughtered as the sacrificial Lamb,
prior to my knowledge and acceptance of You,
supernaturally defines the concept of risk.

I have visualized the silent tears
that stained Your cheeks during Your Crucifixion,
but I am unable to fully appreciate the pain
that You suffered on my humble behalf.

Oh, my Lord...
Why would You continue to love me?

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 566
Poem: Drawn To You
The softness of Your quiet voice
penetrates my spirit with utmost clarity -
For being drawn to you
comes more than naturally.

The constant woes of earthly cares
lack all meaning and worth
when I'm consumed by Your presence
and experience my spiritual rebirth.

Despite the magnificent beauty
of this planet's garden fields,
I would willingly exchange it
for the brilliance that Heaven yields.

Since I'm captivated by The Light,
being drawn to You is... the sweetest of delights.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
We must learn to do
and not weakly try;
for with Christ, all is possible -
Just stop asking "Why?"

Bow before Him on bended knees,
for His Ways are superior to ours.
Spend quality time in prayer
and not simply waste precious hours.

To be brought to enlightenment,
one must learn on his own.
Yet, the secret is simply this -
Go before God and His Throne.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Despite imperfections of this body,
my shell is an earthen clay jar
that's fragile, flawed and easily broken,
letting the Light of Christ shine.
Though not pretty on the outside,
I won't be mistaken
for a white-washed tomb -
God can use my weakness
to display His greatness.
I've chosen to be submitted
to His Will and Plan for my life.
In spite of exterior chips, dings and nicks,
Christ looks inwardly at my heart.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Jun 2012 · 793
Poem: New Age Spirituality
Why settle for a counterfeit
when you can have the genuine thing?
For the purpose of "new age" spirituality
is replacing God with the Human Being.

Working from a false assumption
that Man is essentially good,
will lead us down destruction's path
as History has taught us, as it would.

The fight for supremacy
of our human souls
is still being waged by the Devil
under his planetary control.

Humanism has its agenda
that's carefully worked under Satan's scope -
our demise is his goal, but settles
to leave us without any hope.

Author Note:

From my book: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory
The ISBN is: 1-4196-5051-3

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
May 2012 · 865
Poem: Immortality
Ahhh... Immortality.

After the death of my earthly flesh,
my spirit will fully embrace it.
For I'm truly made
in my Creator's Image
and filled with His Divine presence.
How can anyone doubt...
The premise of my logic?

Ahhh... Immortality.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
May 2012 · 741
Poem: Show of Hands
Despite the differences of skin color
and our cultural upbringings,
we're more than brothers of Mankind -
Technically, we're kin.

Go to the mountain
preserved by ice and snow
where the revelation of Ararat's secret
is available for everyone to know.

For the ark's existence
proves the global flood story is true
and being our brother's keeper...
Is still a right thing to do.

Descended from Noah
are the many races of Man;
see our palms have the same tint -
By a show of hands.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
Into the depths of untold depravity,
a perfect creation had fallen away;
unimagined grace poured out from our God above -
As His Hand of wrath was firmly stayed.

The Cross, stark and still, standing upon a naked hill...
subtly calls for the World's attention.

Since the dawn of everlasting time,
our Savior awaited His appointed day;
despite humanity's race to certain doom -
His Hand of wrath was intentionally stayed.

The Cross, stark and still, standing upon a naked hill...
continues to demonstrate His gift of Salvation.

The twinkling stars danced across the midnight blue
as songs arose from the angelic array;
quietly the Messianic babe in a manger lay -
As His Hand of wrath was lovingly stayed.

The Cross, stark and still, standing upon a naked hill...
serves as a testament of Love's perfection.

A carpenter's son? He's just a man!
His godly claim on earth displayed
had believers searching for purest faith -
His Hand of wrath was securely stayed.

The Cross, stark and still, standing upon a naked hill...
reminds that our debt was paid for sin's violation.

In the face of false accusations,
Christ held His tongue to Pilate's dismay,
for God's plan played out for all to see -
As His Hand of wrath was purposely stayed.

The Cross, stark and still, standing upon a naked hill...
is a backdrop for a risen Lord calling us with adoration.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

This is a collaboration piece with Mr. Jeffrey Jordan of Wichita Falls, Texas.
Today's great undead poets,
awash in the internet sea,
seek to fill the void of sensible emptiness
of our cyberspace world.
Following the heroic tradition of Man,
these daring individuals look to gain acceptance
through the expression of concepts.
Mirroring the virility and vitality of Life,
in defiance of critical naysayers,
the blankness of virtual paper
is scribbled upon with hurt, hope and ideals.
Writing styles and topics,
whether expressed in romanticized language
or the coarseness of profanity,
are brilliantly reflected in individualized glory
and authors bask in the personal satisfaction of achievement.
In the ever continuing flow of poetic thought,
today's great undead poets
find treasures in the discovery of self.

Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
May 2012 · 636
Poem: And Yet His Hand...
Despite the trials of this earthly world
and the continued foolishness of men,
God wants His Principles completely unfurled -
For He loves His Children, while hating sin.

His anger is not turned away
and yet His Hand is outstretched still.
Our Salvation awaits its appointed day
with the meshing of our spirits to His Will.

As long as we continue to breathe,
there's Hope for us to loving cleave;
He's promised that His Spirit will never leave -
So open your heart now... and simply believe.


Author Notes:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
May 2012 · 463
Poem: For Your Review
Once my earthly journey is complete,
humbly I'll stand before Your judgment seat.
So in advance I faithfully pray to have
a positive ruling for you to mete.

Grace and mercy carried me;
Your covering on my life you should see.
Hopefully You'll remember that I
promoted Your Kingdom for eternity.

Despite flaws and failures absurd,
hidden in my heart is Your Holy Word.
An attitude of lifelong praise I've spoken
based on what I've learned and heard.

With an inkling of spiritual clues,
I'm thankful for knowing You
and looking forward to that fateful day
when my life will be ready, for Your Review.

Author Note:

Learn more about me and my poetry at:
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