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Mar 2014 · 772
The Museum
Joseph C Mar 2014
In and out and in and out

He talks like a dead radio
The years are skin and bone
The chalk outline beat faster
Than the blades of the helicopters

But in and out and in and out
Taking in the ****
Suffocating the starfish
No exit from this route

The twilight folk are breathing
In and out and in and out

I discovered on the spiderweb
When the noon sun kicked me out of bed
Let Winter beat back Spring
So the bees and spiders stay asleep

Nobody's gonna talk me out of this
But I wish they'd try
Push the pills into my mouth
Only waking up surprised

I'd rather be sleeping next to you
With my cracked lips painted blue
In and out and in and out
Taking in the ****
It's better not to live through this

In and out and in and out
The cradle is rocking endlessly
Till the babe inside gets dizzy
In and out and in and out
Jan 2014 · 600
A Waltz for Wallace Hartley
Joseph C Jan 2014
Ohio is for lovers
And I'm the jealous type
You'll be lucky
If you leave it alive

Wringing dead palms like wedding bells
No bouquet on an early grave

Winter came on December the 7th
Prayers from the penitentiary
I begged them to close the gates
Hoping that you would freeze

Ohio is for lovers
And I'm the jealous type
You'll be lucky
If you leave it alive
Apr 2013 · 840
The Oakridge Girls
Joseph C Apr 2013
The sun is drowning in the horizon
Flailing its brittle breaking rays
The Oakridge girls sweat in the factory
Sisters of Mercy in a hospital 10,000 miles away

Chasing down a wailing ambulance
Inside, a patient who swears he's still alive
His eyes are crying milk white protein
The Priest and Doctor insist to him he die

And I've become so lonesome
Now that the Oakridge girls are gone
The dusk is blood red in the East
But a celebration is started with the dawn

Nothing, no nothing ever changes
Quick and clean if you are blind
Charlene will turn your heart to stone
But the Oakridge girls are always kind
Mar 2013 · 887
The New Testament
Joseph C Mar 2013
I dreamed last night that I spoke with the Earth
And it said in my time of dying and in my fever dream
There were cyber punk priests and their god complexes
And congregations of honest men itching for trigger time
The carnivores from my childhood came with molten teeth
And my fever dream swept clean around the earth

Then she said I felt as you did often
Like a magnifying glass when the red ants took revenge
Joseph C Nov 2012
She took the midnight train out of Neverland
Straight into the morning light
She kicked off her heels at the platform
Wearing the stains on her dress with pride

She said "You were just a little lost boy...
I never asked you to fall for me
And Jesus may have died for all your sins
But only Luke bothered to save the thief"

We made love in the dead of winter
I touched her like a rosary
When spring came she licked the fat off my ribs
Pieces of apple stuck in her teeth

She said "Dust I came from and dust I will go to
And I will go in vain
'Cos the only thing I gave back to God
Was Abel and Cain"

My dear, why are you so smitten with the idea
That the wax that sticks your bones together
Don't whither away with the wick

She disappeared after that party on the beach
I thought she just ran off with some rich man
But two weeks later her body washed up on the shore
And I can still see her footprints danced into the sand
Aug 2012 · 1.1k
One Eye Open, One Eye Close
Joseph C Aug 2012
One eye open
One eye close

My body is a ghost town built on pillars of salt
And I can chew my way out
Standing at the top of a broken staircase
Holding up my heart, derelict of
Trying to cradle it wildly
Running home to find it suffocated and squished

No one saw what I have for the world to see

And my feet leave the ground

Over the waterfall
Into the undertow

I open
I close

One eye conquering
One eye conquered
Aug 2012 · 834
Joseph C Aug 2012
It is the dog door and the picket fence.
It is the malicious world destroyed in you.
And your name is writ in dust
Spelled out in coils of your sloshing yellow belly

Eve smiles at you from the kitchen table
Pieces of fruit are stuck in her teeth.
A river of spittle pauses on her chin
And drips down onto her warm breast.

It is the kind of happiness
The dog door happiness
That inspired the snake to eat its own tail.
Aug 2012 · 776
Joseph C Aug 2012
I marked you as a fool
When you fell onto the sand bursting
With an unreal sense of euphoria
When you could still see the silhoutte of your name
After the tide collapsed into itself
It left you smitten with the idea
That the wax that sticks you all together
Doesn't wither with the wick

So I collapsed into myself
By candlelight and canned heat
Drew up and insubstantial
You treasure the primordial gold
I melt it to fit my posture
I am the sound of a dying constellation
A sound that no one will ever hear
And I marked you as a fool
Aug 2012 · 7.4k
Joseph C Aug 2012
Poetry is a disease
Words sit in your gut like rotten meat
You hold onto your stomach for dear life
'Cos it's full of knives
There's no choice but to stick your pen down your throat
And bring it all up

Yeah, poets can't tie knots
And they don't own a pistol

And all that venom just stifles and stinks

But you can close the book
And close your eyes
Ready to hate yourself tomorrow
Aug 2012 · 622
Sleepless in Seattle
Joseph C Aug 2012
I got a love for blood money
And any ***** little ****
Who gives me just enough

TO put down the bottle
TO put on a new pair of jeans
TO change the sheets on the bed

God knows if she don't nothin' from me
I'm gonna give her everything I got

God knows I'm gonna be staining those sheets
And sweating it all out till my stomach turns
And my heart stops beating again
Jul 2012 · 498
Joseph C Jul 2012
I lowered the wrecking ball into your throat
You were sleeping so I closed the curtains
I saw your eyelids flicker with a dream
And I whispered for you to stay
I pulled up a chair and I sat beside you
Biting my lip until it begins smoking

And all of this disorder!
I was a hungry infant and you played my mother
And I clung with white knuckles
And you made me promise I wouldn't let you leave
But that is a promise I'm not going to keep
Jul 2012 · 1.6k
Joseph C Jul 2012
I pulled the sword from the stone
I struck you down and road you to the Earth
With a bow and a kiss I wiped the blood from your lips
And even you had to admit it was grandeur
And all the walls you built and empires you buried in the dust
They were meaningless once you found a derelict bannaret
And they flew the bright banners all over town for the wedding
Of the dragonslayer and the basilisk

We bought a house close to town
Right across from Judas Iscariot
We always bicker 'bout the branches of the oak trees
He said "They said time would heal all my wounds but yet
Mine keep splitting open like I'm the dragon against Saint George"
Advance our standards! Set upon our fears with old bitter hearts!
But I ended up hanging off of her every word until
All the life that I had in my lungs choked out

The flower girl is lying
Eastern Lilys through the halls of the morgue
Nero's drunk off wine and waving his bow like a sword
These days I can't remember much about Heaven
'Cept the smell of dead astronauts and gnashing fangs of fury
And a deeper understanding of honest ambivalence
Is there a God in this machine? Has he got his eye on me?
I've got some questions and I expect answers!

Mama, I just killed the only thing I've ever loved
"But each man kills the thing he loves"
I'm a killer with a kiss! I'm a coward with a sword!
Oh what reds does Hell hold for me!
Apr 2012 · 890
Ode to Wayland S. Eberhard
Joseph C Apr 2012
Often times late at night
I lie awake, alone
And shoot at an Albatross
That sits outside my window
With a finger pistol
It is silent and friendly
It writhes to amuse me

There is only the sound of bones
No heartbeat in my ears
No ripple of breath
Just the calm lap of water
As the Albatross shakes off a chill
Joseph C Mar 2012
Like the river shapes the stone
Like the sea kisses the sky
Like the ocean swells with pride
Like you left me on my own

Like the rain that lasts all day
Like the sky kisses the sea
Like the sun melts my wings
Like the words we couldn't say

Like the ground I'll be buried in
Like the whole world reduced
Like the mud on my old boots
Like I'll never see you again

Like the world that I'll watch burn
Like the world reduced to remains
Like the fire still ablaze
Like your love for which I yearn
Mar 2012 · 825
No Wire Hangers
Joseph C Mar 2012
Can you **** me before you go?
I can't spend another night alone after knowing you so well
And I'm staring at the ceiling listening to you breathe
I've still got a lot of goodbying to do but I can put 'em off
As long as it takes
Put my faith back in love

So what do they get by sitting on fences?
Your feet will never touch the ground
You can't walk
You can't run
You can't sleep in the sun
You can't dance until the sun goes down

Dreams are something you have to steal and drag them into life
I dreamed of Jackie O and I dreamed with her two weeks
We were cold and we were starving so I left in the morning
And she said "Once you leave you won't come back."
She carried a bottle whiskey.  She was neat and she was dizzy.
We spiraled out

Then I dreamed of a girl from Ohio
Who was a trail of excuses that circled around and around her neck
An off-brand noose

I learned the hard way to hold on tightly and let the wind carry you away like a seed
You gotta leave quick so you can be the first flower of the season
And you'll pick it without knowing it's the first for a reason
And nobody will ever see us again
Mar 2012 · 751
In the Harbor
Joseph C Mar 2012
I held a heart under the water
Past the glare of lights from the shore
In the harbor I let it slip through my hands
And fall into oblivion

We keep all of our secrets
At the tips of our fingers
When our nerves are on fire
They burn like pyres

All the clay and the ribs
I cast them into the sea
The ripples break like a fever
Upon a ******'s skin

I cry out into the darkness
To **** the silence of the waves
So I sink into the shallows
To wait out the ides of the day
Jan 2012 · 698
Timnath Serah
Joseph C Jan 2012
It weighs heavy on you
Even when you've never spoken before
And when they pass through the distance
Like a radiowave, or a stormcloud
And to see how many rivers snake to their final shake
That drips off like morning dew in the middle of the night

Would I be missed that much?
Dec 2011 · 430
A Poem on Love
Joseph C Dec 2011
It is snow on an empty highway heading towards somewhere you'll never go
It is noticing your shirt has holes from careless ashes
It is waiting
It is knowing there are six billion people in the world and the only one you want isn't there
It is knowing they never will be but hoping they will be
It is waking up in tears because you're scared of dying
It is when you scream at God even though you know he isn't listening
It is all that ever could have been
Dec 2011 · 692
Ode for the Eye Lash
Joseph C Dec 2011
I am your undaunted drifter
Staring into your wild blonde yonder
Desperately searching for a closeness
Before you are lukewarm and hollow

There is solace in my heavy sighs
That expand only to breathe you in
If you asked me to give you my all
And I fall with white knuckles beaming
Dec 2011 · 455
A Poem for the Moon
Joseph C Dec 2011
Nothing will ever be the same again
And I will kiss white roses into your mouth
Dec 2011 · 488
Carry That Weight
Joseph C Dec 2011
If I used my heart to string up my guitar
I'd break it on my own because I play it too hard
Dec 2011 · 701
Peter Pan
Joseph C Dec 2011
This has happened before and it will happen again
A charlatan for affection
Becomes bankrupted and amazed
And meanders through dusk and dawn
Like a little lost boy

And his ambition and glory break
In harmony with the heart on his sleeve
Held together by bright longing
But he will wear one memory like a crown
For falling for the impossible
Dec 2011 · 948
Joseph C Dec 2011
My heart is a burning city
Held up by pillars of salt
No one's sure how it started
A cigarette astray?
Catherine O'Leary's heartbreak?

Job lives in a house on the hill
On the teetering outskirt of town
He visits twice a week
And carries a purple umbrella for the ashes

Can pity turn into love?
Can saying it make it real?
Are we doomed to dream of a lucid skyline stained orange?
Slaving over carting wheelbarrows full of gristle
Of the burning tower I used to be

My silhouette on the horizon
Is the hunchback of New England
Nov 2011 · 483
Joseph C Nov 2011
This will be a love song about a love that never happened
'Cos every good ship takes down its captain
When you're lonely and desperate and never feel any different
You write about a better life to try to wish it to existence

I been down on my knees all sallow and pale
But any man'll pray when he's starving in the belly of a whale
'Cos if there's a God up there he don't give a ****
The only thing I have faith in is my bad luck

I want a pretty wife and a house and a big family
Work my fingers to the bone to provide for my family
But that life is a dream of a man addicted to drifting
I could drive this whole country and find nowhere worth staying

I'm sick of holding onto this this handful full of broken glass
That's stained with things from my past
And I'm sick of you being in all that I'm thinking
Even when I'm asleep it's about you I'm dreaming

I'm a failure and a drunk and as much as I'm down
I got a little bit of hope I can turn this thing around
And I'll still keep my pride if I fall to suicide
'Cos there's no way in hell or heaven I'll let death take me alive
Nov 2011 · 766
Atlas Shrugged
Joseph C Nov 2011
This bottle of ***** is all too well abused
It makes my existence feel like an excuse
Well maybe somebody else could put it to some use
'Cos the circle of life feels just like a noose

I've always wondered how Atlas felt
And if he was ******* with the hand he was dealt
And I quote from the walls of this flesh colored cell
We're all born and we all die and neither leaves a very nice smell

I feel like an ocean churning in the gut
Of a low life, homeless, ****** eyed drunk
Lyin' on his back after Atlas shrugged
Off the weight of the world like it was all junk

This little heart of mine is eating me alive
This little light of mine is burning me alive
Nov 2011 · 724
White Ring, Fair Bow
Joseph C Nov 2011
This is a chance
To turn our zeroes into ones
And gather up our teenage years
And burn them

While the milk eyed chandelier has cut the bean stalk
And you tumble into shattered glass stained with self-doubt
There is a persistent and soft haze
That I will breathe into you

Somewhere in between the distorted coloring
Of your masochistic schism beauty awakens
And the flame that peels off of my affection
Will embrace you between the never and the now
Oct 2011 · 874
Joseph C Oct 2011
Hands on rope
Swaying frayed and free,
Palms torn and burnt

A reckless lover waiting for arms outstretched,
But free fall in bliss!
Oct 2011 · 1.7k
Summer Days
Joseph C Oct 2011
We never found Rio after that party on the beach
We thought she just ran off with some rich man
Then two weeks later her body washed up on the shore
But to this day you can still see her footprints in the sand

Hey Rio, I miss your haggard heart
Like on the summer days when we tied that wolf's heart to a kite string
And drug it all through the dirt

We got wasted and danced, danced, danced to the radio
I held on so tight 'till your palms were raw
And through all that blood and sweat and smiles
We spent those summer days in vagabond bourgeois

Hey Rio, I miss your tear-jerking yearning
Like the summer days when your voice echoed through the hallways
And tore down the walls I built around me
You tore down the walls I built around me
Oct 2011 · 536
Shot in the Dark
Joseph C Oct 2011
Steady hands are something I've never known
Trying hard as hell to hold my weapon straight
But a shot in the dark is a shot in the dark
Wherever the bullet hits, c'est le vie, that's fate

Are you lurking in the shadows in the corner of my good eye?
Waiting to catch the bullet on its flight
Or do you have your back turned unaware
That this little chance I'm taking might take your life?

Steady hands are something I've never known
Trying hard as hell to let these words ring out
Like a shot in the dark, but still a shot in the dark
Scared to scare you with what these words will be spoken aloud

Will you ever eye me through the scope of my outstreched arms?
Sometimes Eden ain't as great as it's made out
And although the world is cold and bitter to you
Just know for this moment you're all I dream about
Oct 2011 · 1.9k
Deadline Scorpio
Joseph C Oct 2011
I'd like to trace your fault lines
Further than the bruises that grace under your eyes
And to trace the epicenter to our star signs
Take my hand, let's run away, 'cos baby you were born to fly

And when you choke back the words you don't wanna admit
All I can think is maybe this is finally my time
To take my chances and ease my palms around your heart
And let it rest easy with an improvised lullaby

My timing is flawed, I have no sense of time
My words are so useless when distance cuts our ties
And when I see how the autumn moon is held by the sky
I can't help but hope that someday that's you and I

Should I move forward or hang back and play it cool?
And watch to see if your silhoutte comes over the horizon
Either way, I'm gonna play the fool
Either way, you've already won

So take my hand, let's run away, 'cos baby you were born to fly
I've never had wings, but I'll try to keep up if you don't mind
Oct 2011 · 679
The Ides of October
Joseph C Oct 2011
We sat outside in an empty parking lot
High as the jets tracing white lines in the sky
Like a movie, when I started to daydream about you
I felt your fingers brushing over mine

I wish I could tell you I wasn't so scared
To fall for a beautiful girl
For sure, it'll go South when Winter comes around
But for now just let me get lost in your curls

It could be better, it could be worse
One one hand I'm dying, on the other I'm alive
It's a blessing attached with a curse
But god ****** I'm willing to try

You're the cracking neck in my acid trip
The penny at the bottom of a wishing well
The ***** I could use to chase away the blues
A quiet place to rest in this hell

We're changing as people
We're changing with the leaves
We're on seperate trains with the same destination
But when we get there I doubt you'll ever see me

And on the ides of October
My lips got so dry that they split open and bled
And you just looked on like a faded painting
Of something sincere that was never said

So if you look back to your past
I'll carry a torch for you
So it won't seem so bad
And may inspire something long overdue
Oct 2011 · 839
Joseph C Oct 2011
I feel hollow in the city
I feel alone in the country
But in bed by cars or by bugs
My imagination gets the best of me

I stare into the setting sun
Hoping the light will fill me up

I feel like an ant
I feel like a headless horseman
Friends buried in the dust
Of what time kicked up between us

I stare into the rising sun
One more day and then I'm gone
Sep 2011 · 775
Shoulda Known All Along
Joseph C Sep 2011
You had it comin' kid
You were already pushin' your luck
Your fatal flaw was thinkin' two broken hearts
Could patch each other up
But if anyone was born to run it's you
I guess with you I was born to lose
'Cos any time I gained any ground
The bottoms fell outta my shoes

A bunch of us boys got together
To watch the dreams of the girls float down the river
It shone like Gold like Midas was drowning
And when the rain started it just kept on coming
No shelter, no rain coast
Shipwrecked, not one of us could float
We were all star crossed lovers
Tortured by the thought of losin' one another

I miss our drunken weekends
When our feelings leaked through our teeth
Our tongues used to be tied together
Now we don't even speak
So I'll just wrestle down this whiskey
Until I can't feel it bite
Then stride home like a colossus
In the dying dead of night

We got a bunch of the guys together
And reminisced about the girls we left by the river
But nobody said nothin'
And the rain beat on the windows, it kept on comin'
Yeah we think too much
So we drink too much
We're all star crossed kids
Lookin' for a way outta this

******* these cold nights under the street lights
Where the houses loom under the bruise of the moon

A bunch of us boys got together
To watch the dreams of the girls float down the river
It shone like Gold like Midas was drowning
And when the rain started it just kept on coming
No shelter, no rain coast
Shipwrecked, not one of us could float
We were all star crossed lovers
Tortured by the thought of losin' one another

So maybe fated lovers never last
I know I shoulda known all along.
I realize this steals some lines from my other poems but this is really meant to be a song.  Maybe if I get some decent recording equipment I'll upload it.
Sep 2011 · 886
Physical Delivery
Joseph C Sep 2011
The neighbors know me as a shadow under a porch light
That keeps them awake past 3 A.M.
But don't get the wrong idea, my friends
I only smoke to stop the shaking in my hands

But when I do it stings my eyes
But it numbs my tongue, keeps my mouth dry
So the words I want to say to you
Don't come spilling out and ruin me

My thoughts are scattered like ashes in the wind
That brings rain storm after rain storm

I kissed your lips for the last time tonight
And we both smiled silent goodbyes
Don't get me wrong, my dear
I only checked the rear view mirror
To see if you were watching me drive away

My thoughts were gathered like the fear in a handful of dust
I fought my way through bony fingers and got on my way
Sep 2011 · 448
Joseph C Sep 2011
Stones will roll like the second hands of time
And I know that you're leaving me behind
But just in case you look back to the past
I will carry a torch for you
So it won't seem so dark
And may inspire something long overdue
Sep 2011 · 540
Joseph C Sep 2011
All my love will haunt you
When you search for something new
With open arms I try to grab
What's left of what you left behind

Lookin' back to the last exit
On a highway goin' nowhere
Fated lovers never last
No, I've known that all along

But you were my dream girl
And I wasn't ready to wake up
But my pride puts the pedal closer to the floor
Call me, come running, but there'll no place for you here anymore

No, I don't want you to grow old alone and die
I want the guilt of what you did to me to eat you alive
Sep 2011 · 1.1k
Joseph C Sep 2011
Safe inside my beehive
Picking cobwebs off the honeycomb
At the heart of this shipwreck

The devil keeps me lukewarm
Suckin' out the red sea
Then parting ways with bad dreams
By way of a submarine ark
Carried by the gust of shooting stars

Boney fingers on the steering wheel
Fingernails dug into the leather
If the sky preaches parades
We'll be in for nasty weather

Landfall calls for mongrels
On crippled horses
Salivating for a sister of mercy
Or any kind of company

Erase me, help me
Before he gets me
I've never seen his face
Just his mafioso posturing

Push me, pull me
Let the sirens scream
I'm too scared to sleep
In the jaws of the peripheral
Sep 2011 · 1.1k
Joseph C Sep 2011
It's one of those nights
Where the houses are leering
My nerves are buzzing like bees
I'm lost in this city
This ****-covered handshake
Cracks in the sidewalk catch my feet

Fall asleep with the sun's rays
A morphine drip like saliva
From the mouth of another sleepless night
My thoughts are so sentimental
Worthy of a landfill
Like broken toys, I try to cast them aside

But I think too much
So I drink too much
A bad habit I don't mind having
My guts are all *******
And the chill is endless
A dead match I keep striking

Something so pretty
In the midst of this city...
Go ahead and forget me
Forget that you met me

Fall asleep with the sun's rays
And waste away the days
'Till I can open my eyes
Without wanting to die
Sep 2011 · 1.4k
Left of the Dial
Joseph C Sep 2011
I keep hearing voices I know aren't real
But I listen in tuning into the A.M.
You try to force it but I'm preoccupied
And it's like ash stinging my eyes

I'm on all fours here
I'm not trying to be clever
I'm praying for faith with white knuckles
Wishing the electrician would **** the handle

Impaled all my dreams
On a white picket fence
Seventy two hours of no sleep

Choke down the pain
Chase it with empathy
And I stagger triumphant
Like a drunken colossus

I grab onto the cracks
Of what's left of my sanity
And pull the wool back over my eyes

I hear the last call of the train
And I'm burning alive
Jun 2011 · 796
Three Blue Roses
Joseph C Jun 2011
I found you underneath the moonlight
When the lights blacked out a quarter past one
And while everyone was bummed out it was ending
You were still dancing to a song all your own

The light it turned your skin into purple
And it hid your face like a wedding veil
I watched you twirl all around me
And in the sunrise you slowly disappeared

While I was waiting out on the balcony
I heard you cry up from the ground
So I left you three blue roses
So if you ever come back you'll know I'm hangin' around

I wrote this to remind me
For the time when I get old and gray
And if my memory starts fading
This way I know you'll never fade
May 2011 · 842
Tongue Tied
Joseph C May 2011
Your psychobabble at 3 A.M. on a lonely night
A year after my best friend died
Helped me more than any therapist
Or any drug ever did

Now I'm tongue tied
My tongue is like loose shoelaces
And I'm tripping over every word
That comes pouring out like a cheap bottle of wine
That keeps us awake long enough to realize
That something between us is still screaming for life

And those times when you drink enough to kiss me
My heart beats so fast that I start to pray it won't explode

And I envy every boyfriend
That's got to lie awake with you at night
While you were writhing in pain from your sickness
That I wish I could blow away like dandelion seeds

And I realize
That I plan ahead like a game of shogi
And I haven't even asked you to join me
In trying to polish off a bottle of this cheap wine
That's kept me awake for four days and four nights
So afraid that something between us has died

And those times when I don't hear your voice
I reach out and imagine that I'm shaking hands with a phantom
Of the craziest little thing...
But to me it's everything
Joseph C Apr 2011
If we are victims of circumstance
We have been ***** by angels and shared beds with devils
But it's hard to stomach the food
That would let hunger evaporate
Like holy water

The population of Earth floated into Heaven
While I clung to my tree roots
And my flowers and my excess
"If I am fated to die here
Then I shall do so without regret"

There are atrocities
Of cynics and skeptics
Of broken hearts
But if love is not real
Than nothing is

The words of truth
That a woman can speak
Is an ambulance chaser
With a rose in its teeth
Biting down on the thorns

The origins of war
Lie in the cowboys and indians
That run around in the front yard
Always one too many pick up a gun
To wash their minds in cold blood
Apr 2011 · 597
Joseph C Apr 2011
The point of Haiku
Is to twist poetry's arms
And snap them like twigs
Joseph C Apr 2011
To watch their faces change
From horror to still frame
The eggman never had the guts
But I am the Walrus
And I ate all the baby seals

Who are you?
She asked with a flirting smile
And I said I am your ghost
I am all you want to forget
And I won't let you do that

An observer is anyone
That can watch frogs
In their natural habitat
But the greatest poets picked them
Out of the water and squeezed

Someone once said to me
Pain is reality
But reality is not just pain
Because if it is
We'd all be full of shotgun holes

Insomnia is just loneliness
Reaching out across the room
To hold any ghosts that might be lingering
And the ever extending arm
Never gets closer to anything
Apr 2011 · 2.3k
Five Shorts with Five Lines
Joseph C Apr 2011
There is a point in everyone's lives
Where they wake up screaming
To discover they haven't been sleeping
And then they go to sleep
And can't wake up

God's humor is a punchline
Of straight faced barbarians
In the shapes of a funnel cloud
That coughs up battle hymns
Like pieces of tuberculosis

Love is chemical reactions
That bounce off the walls of your brain
Like children playing pong
That will lose their virginity to each other
He died when she left

Women are works of art
That are made of the bruises of an apple
And the sweet parts are cut out
Like the passages in the Bible
That the priest won't read on Sundays

Who's afraid of Charlie Darwin?
Was on the sidewalk in chalk
And every pedestrian walked by
And walked into a war zone
While a mutt licked the words disappeared
Apr 2011 · 629
Old Friend
Joseph C Apr 2011
We're not in wonderland anymore and the sneer on his face
Is like wide open church doors and the glossolalia is harsh
And it echoes and it slides out the side of his mouth
In wretched and rotten force that molds his grinding teeth
Into a hum like an out of tune ***** and then he raises
The world to his lips and kisses it and blows it gently out
Where the dandelion seedlings end up falling like arrows
In the passing rain and each drop reminds me of
The fifty million people crushed between the ocean and the sky
Its all mine he mutters and his eyes ***** up coagulated hell
All over a dark suit that still has the remnants of a price tag
Apr 2011 · 519
Not Available
Joseph C Apr 2011
I pinned your poem upon my bedroom wall
I only read the words you scratched out
Because those are the only times you were honest with me
And the rest are empty shells of what you never meant to say
Apr 2011 · 1.2k
Third Prime Number
Joseph C Apr 2011
I've always wanted to fall in love with a satis
I'd set her high on a Trojan horse
And maybe the ranger ain't the death toll
He's off whistling a tune that sounds a little like silver bells

It's never my own words that I get caught up in
And like Brackett said it's the little things
But it's never come 'round right
But I'll be laced through your fingers in any time

I'm sizing up a rope and a steady beam
To put myself between the bullets of reality and dreams
Where the archer's pulling broadheads out of a scorpion's side
And the sheperd's purse smells just like a flatline

You used to hold your hands over your ears
So I whispered my devotion into your confusion
When I laid my head down on your *******
That's the first time I've ever heard my heart beat

And every time I look in backward angles
Your face bleeds into the corner of my eyes
And if worlds apart should be the death of Casanova
Then I'll go down with the ship whistling the color of your hair
Mar 2011 · 785
Sunday Morning
Joseph C Mar 2011
I found my way through postcards to a dead end avenue
It reminded me why I left this place and I knew just what to do
So I jumped inside a space suit and sank into your soul
Now it's hard to hold a smile when it's always so ******* cold

I came across a crucifixion and my teeth started to fall out
I tried to ask for forgiveness but I was too late 'cos what I said was mumbled out
And my nerves started crawling like worms out of my mouth
Those coffee colored cowards curled into musical rounds

And tell me if you've heard this one...where the three blind mice eat other?
And the thirteenth fairy was Jack Kevorkian and did that sleeping girl a favor
Then in the courtyard I found Jesus hooked up to a morphine drip
I asked him about the human race he said "I couldn't give a ****"

So I walked into the jungle that was tangled like your hair
I've been down to this dead end before and I really couldn't care
That I was walking back through postcards that were naked in my dreams
We're just like fish without fins trying to swim up a dried up stream
Mar 2011 · 1.2k
Ode to a Broken Pocket Watch
Joseph C Mar 2011
There's a will to live and a way to die
But death is the only one who takes his time
A broken pocket watch, the look in your eye
Like you knew this was our last goodbye

And if I don't believe in God can I still pray
That that lonesome highway will bring you back someday

I knew a girl who wasn't afraid to die
She told me that as she closed her eyes
I know a trapeze artist who doesn't use a safety net
And he hasn't fallen yet

I'm drunk again on a Friday night
Screaming into florescent lights
Flat on my back on the bathroom tile
Dear God, its been awhile

But the path to the past is all broken glass
And I cut my feet open walking back
So I hailed a taxi like it was Jesus Christ
And I told the driver to disappear into the night
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