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Sitting on the edge of Andromeda, in his planetary chamber Zefián; Duoverso computer, separated the parasitic interchamber of the Duoverso, which would be born from the Charioteer and that in its gigs would unleash the senses of structures and luminosity between this colossal interplanetary chambers. Being between points that venture through the axon of infinite time longitude for light years, which even so, will intervene from the Duoverso, for purposes of thermicity and other changes of the remnants, when especially the luminosity will speak of the destruction of the darkness inherent in the eyes of the universe, which can only stabilize areas that have not been fused in the discs of the Universe-Duoverse spatiality, long before the initial explosion between the Orion Constellation and Andromeda. The central axis of time between both astral components, is in the dissonant nebula that contracted in the dark portion of the Universe, making the field of Andromeda and Orion, the ring that was spectra towards the lower consciousness of Betelgeuse, expropriating the Hunter's boast, for that of Commander Hetairoi, for his right chest invading semi-coagulated blood and liquid homeostatic body-mind with miscellanea, versus matter and energy, between the central nuclear circulators and the tangent, which caused changes but of a galaxy pierced by Hetairoi glebes, satirizing brick outlets for retracting galaxies from existentiality, under the precept of Soldier and his solar mass, under the super homeostasis of his distance on an astronomical scale of 2.5 million light years. Within the chins and phylastics that covers the greater proportional between the milky Galaxy and the peripheral spiral that outlines Andromeda, breaking out the twisted phylasticism of the Duoverse, along with the Spiral that rolls over the Betelgeuse sobalcal, postponing to telescope regions and spell, to execute its nocturnal translation, like the Hypersdisis Galaxy that collects the bubbles from the belt of minor star conjunctions, making star mechanics for exalted infra-luminosity and sky disorders, generating other higher atmospheres in the heads of the phylastic that they detached themselves from the Andromeda cordon, the Milky Way and Orion. Globular clusters will make up the perfect delay of transfusing the blood and not another, which makes the Hyper character calling pectoral hyper-blood, which flows from this tri-astral polynomial, compromising the method of area, shape and refinement of the sagittal profile of Hyperdisis in the Duoverse in the reversible intergalactic plane. Going from lenticular to irregular over the bludgeon of the trapezoid, towards the right arm of Orion, where its radius becomes hypocentric sequentially, but taking advantage of interstellar matter, to generate its own light. Some explicit explosive arms of Andromeda were expelled from its center towards the right arm of Orion, in order to implode in the effect of the Club or Clava, as a sublime hemorrhage on other stars, which lost essential stellar mass, to differ from one another. They carried nuclear energy, like wifi waves, for each gaseous region that multiplied its Solar speed towards Hyperdisis, causing hyper channeling with Patmos and its impetrations, even being empty in the establishment of Hyperdisis as dogmatic matter, towards the Omega Man prototype in Orion and in Vernarth.

Radio-Patmos, or galactic energies of Andromedian origin, would arrive as devout prayers to the confine of Skalá, as astro-omegas and Invisible Universes, which inhabit the flaccidity of the Universe of Conscience from the contact of the pole, with the Xifos or Kopis, when Andromeda contacts the spur of the club or Clava, inciting the Astro-Omegas space capos, which would begin to take the front and front, after having been the atrium of invisible stars, only visible in the spurs of the swords, which were only moistened with the viscous blood draining from Orion towards Hellenic land, as an Omega age, for Vernarth that is done early when he carries the keys of the Omega world, towards the protogalaxies that overshadow, knowing that the Milky Way and Andromeda come so close in their matting mass, being able to collide in a few million light years, as an anticipation since the Duoverse of Hyperdisis will be conformed as a Galaxy of change, to interact with each other by dismembering, but retransform ending in the new mental nucleus of the Duoverse, like A great Black Hole, embedded in the heart of Patmos.

Hyperdisis, navigates from the past confines, from the origin of nothingness itself to the origin of the Universe, but now it has become a Duoverse, reimplanted in the helical polarity and bifurcations of its luminosity, of colorful reincarnations or re-astralities, to allow the cessation of darkness and to value luminance, opening steps of collyrimetry and children's cuetosa chromatics in requests of inafant galaxies, which of all lives by Greece Vermart gave by their ancestors, articulated in the iconology of Orion, in candles per square meters, in vigils of :

LV is the luminance, measured in Nits or candela per square meter (cd / m²).
• F is the luminous flux, in lumens for the triad Andomeda, Milky Way and Hyperdisis in conjunction with Orion.
• dS is the surface element considered the triad Kímolos, Rhodes and Patmos.
• dΩ is the solid angle element, Vernarth Omega and origin of the Duoverse.
• θ is the angle between the diameter from Andromeda and the Milky Way (2.5 million light years)

The luminance can be defined from the radiometric magnitude and the radiance without more than weighting each wavelength by the sensitivity curve of the eye. Thus, if LV is the luminance, Lλ represents the spectral radiance and V (λ) symbolizes the sensitivity curve of the Vernath eye in the area of the Betelgeuse, with plasma and hematoms derived over the galaxies and the Orion Eyes.
Reaching the central memory of the Aegean Sea between the parallels 36-38 of latitude and meridians 24-26 of longitude, belonging to the periphery of the South Aegean, an abduction of the amnesic trace of the Alexandrian magnetic period occurs, which made them realize, of how they had deviated from the destination of Limassol-Cyprus, having to turn a few degrees to redirect to Limassol. This was exercised by the subjugated Alexandrian period, which in its immanent chronology sought to remake an existentialist caste, which lowered the chronological limits due to the depressive effect of the aura, after the death of its sister Cleopatra. This whitish and courteous barrier of Zeus, invaded them not auditing to govern the schizophrenic ship, having to retrace the course to retro of the Cyclades. Sovereignty Vernarth takes the helm with great Greek breath, creating shields of redemption in the arts and sciences of the Hetairoi aristocracy, under meso-urban science-politics, replaced by the Christian religion, making the Hellenic language a potential romance Aramaic, to overcome the existentialism of the hypnotizing dream; of a silly banquet served by the hordes on all the slopes that transported them between an enigmatic underworld, of panhellenic language, and with the reculturation of the ephemeral crossed lines that subtracted them from their dramas of troubled consciences, depriving them of the neuromotor, adjective of the main return value for the origin of the reconquest of the Tracóntero in Limassol.

This Hypnosis, brought consequences of the Sects called Diádocos ‘successors’, of the old generals of Alexander the Great and the children of the generals (called epigones) that to his unexpected death of Alexander the Great in 323 a. They divided their empire, disputing power and hegemony over their colleagues with various pacts and six wars that lasted twenty years. Then a political system was established that until the beginning of the Roman Empire in the eastern Mediterranean at the beginning of the second century BC. Before this contingency, Vernarth resorts to Hypnos and one of the thousand children he had with Pasitea, who urged them to the cohesion of this Hellenic Hypnosis, making quantitatively the immortality of the image of Alexander the Great, to bring him to each of the former faithful commanders, thus refounding Vernarth his Hellenistic encyclical, for the purpose of escorting them to Limassol, and protecting the families and infants who were in their puberty in sleeping Greece, after great war campaigns and abandoned conventions, as an example of the snowy lineage in their Mother Olimpia, and his Sister Thessalonica and children waiting for him passionately. And also in the Sudpichi Empire - Chile, Luccica with the court of her familiar stoic resistance, ingesting the opiates until her Vernarth takes her in his arms, of her own imaginative swamp lagoon.

The disintegration of Macedonia and Greece into sub regions, catapulted again the appearance of Clovis who says ..., the river Lethe in the underworld, dissolve your memories, and clean your mind permanently. That's the branch of a poplar tree from the underworld, from my father Hypnos. "Lethe is not the place you want to go swimming ... but if you change the helm for your proud mind." This achieves that one of the sons, among thousands of Pasitea, committed himself to Clovis, to dispel this existentialist contingency, vindicating the plea, of family reunion and imperishable Hellenic constituent prosapia, under the hypnotic and hegemonic phenomenon that made the banners and panoplies burnish in Greece, Macedonia and Asia Minor. As a subsidiary exception they will satisfy, which was reissued by Ptolemy, one of Alexander's childhood companions, of whom some authors venture to say that he was an illegitimate son of Philip II. With intelligence he quickly seized Egypt and hastened to create an enduring state, declining to imperial ambitions that he considered unrealistic. He was one of the main opponents of the imperial cause, thus becoming one of the founders of the Hellenistic world. Unusually, the commanders of Alexander before his excessive dipsomania of hierarchical power and glory, demystified Hetairoi's harangue, generating in it a Hypnotic counter conception, making these sedative efforts to delegate the religious north Dei ..., which had only known how to redirect itself later in the classical arching Gaugamela, of his great Hoplite Commander Vernarth.

This grayish super mass of uncontrolled winds and increased rays, spat out idolatrous proto forms in the same Hellenistic family, whose postulate was to multiply the family over its geopolitical dominations in other nations, unifying them as a family geo clan, rather than in the seas, in which they do not the waters-lands are divided, rather they unite the hydro-parental ethical and cultural resources of the world that are a concomitant part with "The devouring cyclone of mythological dignitary entities, and other lines that flee from the proper chronogram of historicity and its reconstructive past-present ”. Square meters of great Cyclops slaps that were floating in the air, inspired Vernarth to revive the green grass of the sea, like plankton that made a compulsive propensity to exalt Chloe’s presence; that being an Epi Phantom, it always sparkled among the nebulosity as a reservoir of Universal Consciousness, gaining the Hellenic consciousness with a black bandage over its eyes, so as not to stain more outbreaks of the chlorophyll and photochemical green mass of the phenomenon, accumulating only the electrogenic beasts of Cyclops that they had to burn on the rays and unbridled embers of dissident light, to leave in some memorable way, or beg some Sanctus, to do his will prowling in the acquisition of the square meters of the tiny, almost unidentifiable beasts, that appeared simulating to the slimy green water of the River Leto in the contracted underworld.

The existential holistic in the ship produced depressive lags, lack of self-esteem and factors of ego loss, therefore each one who pointed with his index, relaxed from some silos in the hands of opiates, which would denigrate the dream in those who tried to flee of his own collective weeds ..., shying away from himself, stagnating and freezing in stretches of dreams of great loneliness and permanent fantasy ..., and what the extravagant hypnosis sought to occupy in them with its decrees of mortality, in an adulterated afterlife, in some signs of benevolent and reactive psychic alertness. When the soft glow of the same flash was shown on the faces of Alexander the Great and Vernarth, in the six wars that took place with the Diádocos without sparkles, for twenty years ..., just in twenty seconds, would Alexander the Great appear, on the deck of the ship of Lepanto, dressed in a crimson red garment, covering his Hellenic silhouette, down to his figurative half torso. From here, he urged them to culminate their hypnosis in a deep world in an unbreathable statue of colloquial rhapsody ..., watch out for this ..., everything continues normally, and Vernarth leaves the helm to honor him with a hoplite Khaire and as a fellow Christian Shvil, as philanthropic and deferential as Ptolemy was, and Vernarth himself in TeL Gomel and Bumodos, herding the green glosses to open them towards the new magnotheological empire. Beyond the profile of the wise dervish, Limassol appeared, like a sapphire rosary entangling in the physiognomies of rises of hope, in the average Gen, when approaching the latent peninsula of the Eurydice's Gold medallion.

Judah was suspended in the Gigas Camels ruminating the bags of herbs that thickened in their Palestinian snouts, the sphinxes of the birds continued to grow with their wings to shelter the blasphemies of their prophets, and Judah wailing in the intrabony of those who traveled leaving of Judah, but never departing from the aramaic cells of Gethsemane, lost from Hellenic Existential Hypnosis. Investigating lost rings that would unite the dissolute stretch of the Cyclades, recomposing itself from expelled dramatic thicket and loss, in the foliage of the rocky jungle coastlines, where the Mariano gold medallion rests in the darkness of a moldy circular massif.
Hellenic Existential Hypnosis
Cosmogonic  Amphibology, Sub-Mythological root
The threshold, as a minimum rubric, must be in force from the Constellation of Orion, with barely a hundred millionths under the same eye as Oarion and his psychophysical space, sensitive to the falcado chariots and the water vessels on the backs of the probable Barnard Loop and its nebula presence. The icy impulsiveness brought him under his right shoulder and the lean hollow under his arm dissolving from a staircase, at the entrance point of Betelgeuse coming from the cosmogony of Eridanus and in tune with Ptolemaic astrality. In sibyl and with a bright metric triplet look, Betelgeuse Orionis, which is the scale of the Aulos and piccolos expelling hydrogen as an Ace in 240 scales of harmonies and in sounds of light, for cycles and years of Light. The binary of Oarion, is the pre-birth of the sub-mythological root, with binaries of Poetic Parapsychology, or Para-poetical; which is the trapezoid and the kinetics of the hunter Oarion arrowing towards the Pleiades and its nebulous plains, and with diametric diarthrosis in his synovial joints, with third militarizing joints already formed by hyaline cartilage, which join the two bones with synovial fluid, before reaching Hunter Oarion's deltoid, to awaken the Sleeping world.

Vernarth, in one of his adventures in Pela, escapulated with his arms the force of the friction discs of the Olympics and compensated his hands and shoulders, for this purpose, from Oarion and his dilettante Astro Betelgeuse, with giant arrows against matter towards the sky of its Constellation, encrusted with Odyssey beatings and turpentines in surly Hellenistic ones, being for May its amber trunk and arm trapezoid, in each hand a Xifos and Dorus, always with pathologies of dexterous hemispheres in their sagacious hands in Kopis swords, and in the memories of the wind that throws pain to the hiss of the combatant, when the meteorites decay in the Tyrrhenian Sea. With his brass-bronze club and Vernarth's corrosive breath, he proceeded to file the odysseys on Eos's ******* and peduncles; Goddess of the Dawn, in Dionysian beauty of granules, which brandished the granites from the bronze nail, watching her for large mega hectares, dissuade the Revenge of Enopion, turning her eyes that now shone in bronze and the lines of Hesiod, for whom it. against borderline stellar magnitude in the major and minor dogs, and in their a priori waves of misdeeds lending measurements in the eyes of Oarion, always henchmen over their Pleiades.

From this intricacy, Cosmo-is born the Vernarth Duoverso in incited towards the Horcondising, so that it is co-appropriated mythical in the origin of the universality of the Duoverse in the scapula of Vernarth, bleeding towards the cosmos that was born from her bronzes that twist on the necks of oxen that urinate on the officers of Barnard's Loop, and its polyphonic magnetic exciter, on Orion's ***** falling on the poles, like flagrant Amphibology.

The Kanti Steed and the Oarion Nebula, to the compass of a waltz ionizing prodigious electron-free ion chemicals, on the neutral molecules of Betelgeuse, to proclaim on the nerves of the shoulders and its bronze club, as musical praxis and net harmony , giving way to the nebula and the art of the Duoverso, which shows the pristine astral days, how in his alchemical arm gushing chemo-astralities from the chest and his armpit that sheltered him in his maximum stick, cutting down roots of Olivo Bernar, after the Barnard's loops, in the midst of runaway stars that are systematized in their ionized bleeding esplanade, like Stellae Novae, who retro brings astronomical rites in the cosmogony and her pretext of going at night to sleep near her parents Poseidon and Euríale, which they cheered near the grassy fields to paste explosive clay on the sheet of his drunken face with smiling Ionic wine, in advance of scattering across the new world you Duoverso.
Cosmogonic  Amphibology
When their ears fell in love with the Orthoptera or Grylloideas before Joshua, the night was restless, abandoning them from their shelters, they brushed the seeds of the thistle that trembled with the new millennium of the Duoverso.  Levitating their ailerons in the tenors of their birth and dilettante sounds, before an ovipositing candor of the remains of the abdomen that remained in their jaws, always being from one of the Beams, for the largest Ensiferas that hung from their antennas in search of Joshua's telepathic messages in the manger. Sappho of Mytilene, also known as Sappho of ****** or simply Sappho, pretended to be a marigold proliferating in the twenty corridors of the Greek poet, and also as the tenth poet in the other ten that was reflected with transparent wings of the dew that stuck physical phenomena -Saphonic, and in the relent rain of wind and condensed air, in the form of drops due to the sudden decrease in temperature in contact with cold surfaces. Sappho dew was spoken of in Kafersuseh, usually when it comes to condensation on a Poetic Grylloidae surface, naturally on the ground cover or artificially on a dull foggy crystalline, in the amount of supernatural tradition, heroes, superheroes, and anti-heroes conspiring with the territorialities of the hexagonality and the brutish wings of the Cricket that were preparing to take root in the manger to combat the demons of Ashera, sniffing with their antennae in trills of physical-ethereal bronze wings, under intra-caudal grazing of the manger, under the aligned conjunction of the parapets and the Crickets that were preparing to take root in the dismembered arms, speaking with their trill antennas and physical-ethereal bronze wings, under an infra-caudal pastoral of Kafersuseh and under the aligned set of the barbicans.

The Aramaic message comes forward with vigor from the orthopterans and birds that piled up on the journey, going back and forth. The Beams shone from the celestial kingdom holding onto the Cherubim and the Archangels, through the paths of conversion and the support of the bizarre Christian time, in implacable hegemony for the propaedeutic of phylogeny, but more than a perfumerist chemistry and the same creation. carrying Lepidoptera winged tetra and Sand Crickets, on the interlocking and obfuscated pheromones from a nascent-elemental child, in his own evangelical philosophy, from a winged dimensionality and in the gloom of Manger shouted and aligned, before the compendiums of double pyramidal landmarks and of inflection, of his word in the Grylloids and panaceas created in the affinity of the world and of Animalia, stylizing muleteers carriers, phrasing acronyms and parabolizing the polygonic nomenclature of the child made territorial man on the wings of a Cricket, already being it! but depicting himself as a lifeless man in the fullness of a canon advantageous child, from a sudden two-dimensional grillionality. A great Zohar light was gathered all towards a whole in those errors of advantageous terrestrial columns and orthopterans that Joshua felt in advance in his resined ears, as irreversible entropy giving back his wise existence to prepare them for the day of his holocaust. Pre Existing in catharsis and substantive busilis of divinity connected with the Grylloid phylogenetic species, classifying until the Aramaic crackle, pontifying pheromones settled in the lithosphere site of Gethsemane, in a biological sense and in close coincidence in the fording of a big book period, or in the phenomenological simultaneity of Eukaryota and Glaucophyta until late Animalia, giving parental relationship in the characters of the vibrational timbre of the Beams and the atavistic pedestal, readjusting themselves in the evolutionary elliptical of winged tetra species, allowing to change the ancestral linguistic accouterments in processes of the redesign of the genetic historical tree ..., divine and increasing.

Inter-Duoverse, in the demography of space it has been frequented since today in a nuptiality between the Sun and the Earth, wrapping the inter-generational homes that have prostrated themselves to the One-Dimensional Beams, evolving millions of years with between links of northern angels and the south, for each year between the years and lustrums that the ancestors are passionate about, unleashing their youths and eternal ideals as they aged, as an atom not guaranteed in families that did not get to know their Duoverse. When they walk through the urbanized farm of their parents they go in their shoes and from the parental sun to interparental barefoot. The children travel far from the monographic patriarchy, declaring themselves among psychic families in unstable networks of trunk conformity and procreation, dismissing family industrialism towards industrial cemeteries highly emanating from dioxides.

The strains of supra healthy cerebral, born from Beams of deforested family trees and treasured in the Trunk of the seventh ascending generation, towards a nefarious tribal of industrious and vegetating regressive parapsychology, bringing zombie societies, to great lethargy that disorganizes the parallel emotion of the Being a descendant of a Messiah, with the prophetic organization. There in the Koumeterium of Messolonghi, in past generations, the "I-O" were omitted to limit them from the paragraphs as Ghost Cemetery lost in other lost sacramental ancestors. The inappropriate location of our ancestral duties has oriented us in the axis of the pabulum, before the second coming of the Messiah to continue the re-sprouting foliage of the Universal theological tree. The children of the seven intergeneration generations will be those of the beloved of a patriarchal family, and those of the Exo family lineage that will be outside the non-generational family, where everything flourishes according to the requirements of ******-domestic economies, and in the new Chimera from new shudders and reconcomments, the Sun and the Earth being spouses after being divorced from a deluge of immolations and inter-millennia and rotations, further than those of any prophet wandering without advancing or rotating, enrolling and expiring in generations succumbed and prehistoric from other prehistoric ones. Pre and post Flood; not presenting itself as an object to link a thousand decades where not even a holy chirp from the Thrush, praises on the windows of the world bringing us babies that are born without past or future quantum generations. Ready at the glimpse of Duality and its nuptiality with the Sun and the Earth, they will make us magical and creditors of increasing demographics and unions that will marry in inter generations, not seeing passions in exhaustion, under the lawn of the allegory of love defeated. Giving ourselves conjugal virtuosity, but of immanent dogma for the purpose of multi-figurative coexistence, under the Yoke of an individualized Faith, in the passing of millennia, we continue to crawl on the floor of the nebulae, and we do not rise to establish ourselves as masters of the ecstasy of the pendulum of the stars, creating us more egalitarian and orthogonal in the cosmos and its Verthian architecture, of poly productivity, of Sun-Earth and its post-genetics, of high-grade clay, expanding with halberds on the highly caloriferous self-insolated and inherited Suns, towards a rupture of Solar freedom, abandoning us in the horizontal, adapting to pluralism and plutocratic sunsets.

Here is the classic verse-parental liberation from stripping oneself from the rows of the socio-political womb, re-institutionalizing archaic and pro-archaic forms of life and the cessation of intergenerational trepanations, in the residence of the breath that feeds the others, living together in the evolved transformation that does not ascribe the morality and presumption of a thinking individuality, rather destitute of the link of its uninhabited corporality, from the beginning umbraloid in the One-dimensional Beam of Kafersesuh and beyond the framework of pollution that does not configure settlements of superfamilies nomads, without scented crowns, not of feminine conjunctural and ontological presences in the new world of an awakening of an Adam, censured for being chosen and sentenced to be a Human rickety from his descendants, not having ascendants of sin and of illicit chromosomal enrichment.  Made beast, from the inertia of a paradise full of hidden public and private exchanges, but not secular, for those who pay tributes of ecstasy in a reborn and weakened state. Here is how Diogiversality is verticalized (Diogenes's anthological action), concluding the variants that weaken the nexus of the denatured society of its atavistic social nuclear concomitant, extending eco-life gaps, but eco-destructured and of intergenerational cruciality, being of arbitrary passion and of seismological doctrines, of haughty morality and of woven sociologies without body or motor, with an intersection of castes and generations evolved in a retrograde and elemental psychic sense, but biologically and reversibly to its boomerang lineage. Everything that depends on a third life is verticalized homologous to the third age of the ascending seventh generation and all cyclical third life separated from other evolutions, greening one-dimensional in time, for times of past polyarchic potential and abdicated beings, but with spirits and bodies of young people uniting between generations that twist into pivots that are reorganized in intra-human relationships, renewing themselves from the trunk, with a mechanism of sepulchral silence and resilient behavior in the unbreakable tri-generational spike of “ Beam and Dimension, for three who advance in their integers, and not in their fractions ..., born of three and four generations in between "
One-dimensional Beams II
In this environment of preservation of links and communication with each other, there were Raeder, Petrobus the Pelican, and Alikantus, in a state of maximum calm and complacency, they were enjoying the reality that was experienced with the child. Raeder unexpectedly walks Petrobus out of the barn and begins an exploration of the rolling nativity event. Here he takes the gold-jade rings and takes flight towards the upper part of the stable, he can see from above that it did not look like an ordinary stable, rather it looked like a headquarters of the Faith, where he observed that on the roof there were some cherubs, they leaped and crossed imitating the same gestures that Joshua did in his manger. An impressed Raeder approached them and began to share with them flying over where they and so could their new friends. After a while, Alikanto joined them, who also enjoyed precisely these games, but not seeing the cherubs. He only saw the two of them jumping, but surrounded by a great concentration of flying Lepidoptera.

At the end of the night, when dawn begins, they all leave and go to their stores, not knowing what to decide for the next day. The weary Apostle with VernarteH, went glorious with joy, after having, remembered this episode of the arrival of a Messiah. But that would transport them from this stable to Gethsemane where their native Aramaic language had to enable it, to generate synergy between the areas of the Gardens of Olives and Gethsemane, to concatenate all the phylogeny, as the new link relationship between species that were appropriate and endemic to the region near the stable at Bethelem, to be inter-inseminated on the banks of the Gethsemani slopes, in such a way that the linguistics would begin to absorb Joshua, and he would go for a closer shortcut to classification, of the traditional and omnipotent variants, which migrated through the Olives, to renew and preserve the Aramaic or Aramaic languages, of a shared origin now, for the omnipotent and salvific languages ​​that were to be redirected in Gethsemane. Once leaving for the city of eight gates, and from such interference, involve the Lepidoptera taxon, inseminating the populations of organisms related to lexicons to shed life and language, among the shadows and trees, revealing their mystery with those who they know how to decipher the messages of the Master.

Raeder was still swaying on the roof next to the cherubs, rather they were already inseparable until he received an order from Alikanto that they should hurry, to go back to the shops. They leave, but playful cherubs follow them and escort them to the store. The next day, at dawn, they lay out in front of them, serenely, as though in Kafersuseh. They prepare the camels and their belongings, to resume the return to the final grand opening of Judah; to start the services of reintegration of Saint John the Apostle, to surrealism, which predicted him to split the poles of his exile and reintegration, under an early departure to revive the cathedrals of constant ringing, and of constant vibrating in the bells in Jerusalem and Gethsemane. They all ride, the Hexagonal Birthright, and King David, clench the camels' teeth as they head towards the new gate that they took turns opening once they reached Jerusalem. Raeder and Petrobus, arrived late and flew from the top of the caravan, along with the cherubs that now accompanied them.

While the Crickets ate all the laws that were immeasurable with the litanies of angels that waited to unwind in In dextro qui non ad altare. "In the wing of those who did not have to reach the altar"
Kafersuseh One-Dimensional Beams II
The hemispheres become out of proportion, one to another modified in the air, leaving the horizon exorbitant and the poles out of square.  Coastal the lengths of the sun around areas that some Hellenika countrymen had never put on the crowns of their consciousness. Certain pressure changes dislocated other modules in the filaments that rudimentary inaccuracies, creating reflection space failures in the installation of the Duoverso, by default of calculation. The observations of Hyperdisis generated superposition’s of the Zigzag Universe, before the crescent moon, after the full moon, again decalculating the sphere of Hyperdisis in relation to the ecstatic length of itself in the hands of a third of a second a day, to overflow in impositions that exposed Dekas Cove in Kímolos. Axiomatic hyperbolism postulated the parallels in the seas of Greece, in longitudinal planes of Consciousness, inside and outside the lines, until reaching the axiom of the infinite numbers, up to the pendulum over the nuances of the ninety degrees of the quadrant and twice the radius of pi (π).

The value of the opinion of reflections will be the originality of breaking of statics, of the motors of the verb and the conscience of being flushed and of erudition of the naive contrast when decanting the perceived morality. They concur of the moral value in every sub-mythology of an ambivalent being, and of human and supernatural co-belonging, not depending on gnoselogical reflections, but rather spontaneous and under the rampart of reason. The latter and the shadow of its shadow being absent, no reflection can grasp the anti-values, self-valued, in contingencies under the effects of the drug of lies or truth, in a difficult equation to refer to in gnosis treatises, declaring absence of consciousness to species without reflection or length of their molecular evolution, in evidence of mythological humans, who still insist on outperforming non-humans in evidence of neurological bad adjustment in the Biosphere network, in swearing of adaptability and Intelligence of Animalia, under the predominance of matters that are not yet crystallized in their domains and powers of the living animal kingdom, algorithmically computing our guidelines of unveiled tonality, between body and non-physical-rational mind, nor in the simulation and retrospective weighting of animal reflection, over human rationality with Artificial Intelligence auto pigments, for artificial routers dying in packers or Data graveyards Center.

The triangle Patmos, Rhodes and Kímolos, form a Venusian adonis, of stimuli in the nostrils of Aion, which sneezed on the integrity of the reflex arc at high speed, superseded in the tremors of Athens to Hyperdisis, flashing anatomical and pejorative on the optic nerve of the Rodino Colossus and the twisting of the multipersonal muscles ..., but already depersonalized ..., with little telluric reaction in the core of the symmetry of its legs, avoiding the thunder on its frowned arms, behind the legs of the  lycaons..., burying his jaws in reflex arches, for ages that only an immemorial person enraptured him and be it the throbbing of the earth in the crust and seams of the calcined Colossus. Existing like this, and with their reflection of attenuated light, they shook through the sea full of sinewy pieces of precise length. Frequently in the hydronium cations undermining the temporality of Tsambika in ramdonic  stones in the humid and dark narrowness of the anthropic reflection, having lived in the heavenly paradise that formed them by the volcanic tube and its syngenetics, by the erosion of the subsoil of Rhodes. In Hellenika, everything that is expected, flows with the Meltemi tubularly, so that they are polyps of fluctuating desolation or put before all the zephyr or anti-wind, in ammonoids or ammonites; reviving from the seas from the Devonian to the Cretaceous, escaped the ferocities of the Aethesians and the Etesians escaping the roars of Vernarth.
Reflection space length (π) / part 15
Given its ethnikos factor and contribution towards a common origin of multiethnic and languages, in values and traditions, its morphological factors of Verthian sub-mythology, are provided with content, traits, colors, and neutrality, focused towards a biosphere ecosystem, where the air conditioning, flora-fauna will make Sub-mythological Biodiversity, where the beings that inhabit it and will be in the range of evolution of mythological living beings, in whose diversity of genetic seizure, they will adopt natural and compound patterns, but always predominant in the pattern biological and organic. Wandering around the world in desert places, in alloys and compounds of classified plants, emptying their species through the hollow of the atmosphere and through the green shoots of grasslands in the reviving surviving evolution of organisms and species that for the first time take a look as a biotype among rocks and plantations, reciprocally among themselves and extemporaneously generating heritages of mythological genetics.  Considering millions of years in evolution with explosions of multicellular and fossilized species extinct in massive and occlusive memories. Inert matter and geological strata will make millions of years converted into microseconds in the Verthian Biodiversity of the Duoverse, in a Psychic and spiritual Universe, emerging in all macroscopic perspectives and parapsychological regressions. Impact They will cause in the maturity of all the diversity of externality and sensations in new topologies of anonymous universes and species of biodiversity, under a pillar of culture based on the Sub-Mythological biosphere process, encompassing all mythological species where the hope of Life and Super life. Transforming systems of functionality under the protection of spontaneous generation and in a matter that is availably underlined in the mountainous tissues of the mechanics of the subset of the air mass, water, climatic biospheres, and biogeochemistry, that in the unreal juncture of and interprocedural reality of carbon, factor the species key and specimen disclosure, in the collection and in sinks, water drains but without carbon.

Hyperdisis, the galaxy connected to the Duoverso, in its biotic diversity, reinsert thick clumps of Nothofagus Obliqua forests, in waste processes, to domesticate the Leiak ethno-forest species, as balance nutrients and repair of the disgraceful disgrace of unnatural toxicity and fragile of the agrosystem, maturing cultures and preventive pollination in succulent transfers for purposes of food webs and the environment. Making the appearance of species more effective and perceptible, reunited in community chains of coherence, to amortize low-resource needs and distance economic-political impacts, in view of new base resources and the sustainability of balance of allopathic crops, for the good of driving extinction of plagues or flagrant excesses not reconverted, for compliance with the exercise of light beings as a parallel systematic contribution and ******-transmission of applicable inputs of quality of life and deflation of risk of biological cyclical deterioration.

Hyperdisis, has a mass of inert matter that creates accesses of resilience, for salinity, rainfall, and human adaptive mythological innovation, given its versatile opening of complement and generation of substances, for the convenience of living beings and No.  Having adopted in the context of mythological Galaxy, related to beings of light comparable to distant elements, by means of Psychic Trisomies and teleportation, for energy sources and soil and water mechanics with Leiak, constituting molecules for the simplification of phenomena of exacerbation of chronic and endogenous diseases. Forests and parks of Hyperdisis in the open and symbiotic, for more airs in microbiological space, in the intimate portion from highest to lowest challenge of proprietary elements and antinomies of hieratic human bioculturation in a showcase of communities with interest in technologies and empirical usability and renewable, each part doing its scientific and biodiversity role in the portico of its home. As a hieratic quality, presenting amendments that are glimpsed and more existent, although it passes before our eyes without the Carbon Footprint, figuring logical mathematics by sponsoring its count more than a shadowy synthetic body, anticipating super valuation measures, averaging them in tiny theological portions, with varied and dissimilar levels of genetic habitats and alleles or heterozygous in the taxonomic functionality of reproductive and biological approval elements. The richness and abundance of this item is delegated to Leiak, in all the revolutionary processes of the oak forests and of the high mountains, where Vernarth directs him and is condescending of his dynamics, from countless temporary revolutions of other species.

Within the gasifications of Cinnabar, there was Carbon in its Life cycle, being Zefián; the curator of the Duoverse, destined for a lifetime, under Universal and intergalactic effects.  Claiming innocent living beings with higher attributes of predation survival in the ecological chain, with the mix of Tsambika and Theoskepatis, granting multidirectional dynamic residual matter for green energy emissions. The feedback quantifies carbon circulation offset options, offsetting the multipurpose CO₂ inventory. At night Zefián and Vernarth roamed the streets of Rhodes, in Tsambika, looking for the distilled portions of the carbon and sulfur emanated by Cinnabar. In the same way Etréstles in Theoskepatis initiating with the Archpriest by virtue of the honors and the rubies of accumulations of water mass and of sulfur and carbonated air, which hung over the low sky of Rhodes and Kimolos. They were going to the Necropolis of Hellenika, when the gnostic rampages were glimpsed in the surrounding slab, minting half of the gold bars for the great goldsmith who erects the conventionality of having the physis imperturbably established, as a matter of patriarchal character. They entered Hellenika and the souls that were hanging around were ringed under the encrusted crescents, lavishing the independence of the night in the hands of Borker, which was reflected in the capitals of a mausoleum. Borker is consistent in saying that he is free in Hellenika, in the myth of the woodworm of the dustbin of the frieze where Etréstles perched next to the strap that Zefián, who would manipulate the gold and alabaster chain, to pull it and its ruby ascetics approaching a final night in the astronomical autumn, in the last parapsychological regression of the god Vertumnus, which would embody the expiration of the Hellenika friezes by Kashmar branches decayed from vegetation and the tears of the Etruscan god Vertumnus. Making the branches of the Kashmar the epithet of heraldry in the noble metals and woods of the autumn and mountainous temple of the one that follows the equinox in the meridian of seven days to the southern and northern hemisphere.

They enter the Hellenika Necropolis, through the upper and lower trays, cordoned off by obelisks in series of petrified ebels, in the square sections of the convergent ones and the linearity of the central pyramid, where they sponsored all the sectors of the stones of the prismatic geometric body, next to some piloneos that flanked the third of those that were in the figurative memory of funerary monuments of Vernarth. In harmony with the radiosities of the Cinnabar, they purged the carbon emanations in the intrabodies of petrified breaths, expanding in the segments of trepidating life of the behavior of the inert matter, crushed by the organic, polishing the degrading character of the excavated prayers, under a superfluous shadow. It was already dawn; Etréstles and the Archpriest were breaking the loaves to deposit them in the bowl of the Day, stretched out in the arms of heaven under the gargle of the god Vertumnus that he forged from the materiality of Jupiter. Vernarth nodded his head to the movement of the winds that cut the profile of a Yawning Citarist in the frieze that raises all the crowns of the princes of the living-dead, making them part of the royal occasion, preparing petty spaces and tyrannies for devouring vassals in Hellenika, Diogenes of Sinope is seen coming out from the lair of his rib, splitting with his doctrinal staff all the isthmic paroxysms, which declared the cell of his life as Diogiversity.

"There were murmurs of astonishment at the surprising response of the wise man because no one dared to speak like that to the king. Alexander asked: "Why do they call you Diogenes, the dog?", To which Diogenes replied: "Because I praise those who give me, I bark at those who don't give me and I bite the bad guys." Again, more murmurs, but Alejandro was undaunted by those responses and said: "Ask me what you want." So Diogenes, undeterred, replied: "Get away from where you are, you cover the sun for me" ..., Vernarth replied: "Look for him in the bones of those who refused to die and fear beyond expiration who rejoices in the cold of the dean skeleton seed, without heat or memory here in Corinth and its Diogiversity ”. Everyone is silent and fear takes hold of everyone in the sybarite contemplation of Alexander the Great ..., expropriating his speed more than a contempt for the cranium that is advocated for Vernarth "
Ethno-spirit and Biodiversity (Diogiversity) / part 14
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