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Painful way

Vernarth describes in parapsychological regression:
Silence shook over them, like the one that massacred them from the “oblivion - oblivion” from the Limassol to the Jaffa section. Everyone believed that they had traveled on the Eurydice, not being so. A ship that came from the Lepanto shipyard supplanted them to protect the Gold medallion anchored in the roadstead, protected by the Christian Gladiators of Kourion, in Lod.

Everyone was calmer when making sure that a great layer of silence overcame them, forgetting, as anticipation of continuing along the Via Dolorosa. The dawn tied him to the Silent awakening near Jerusalem, on a gray and silent day. Vernarth gets up, first of all, prepares them unleavened breakfast, honey, and goat milk. All united for the most critical moment of reviving, especially Saint John the Apostle, who for him would personify before his senses the moment of deafness that he could enter, rather than hearing himself from the Universe such a command back to the Holy Land.

About 3.7 billion years ago the first living beings appeared on Earth. They were small, single-celled microorganisms, not very different from today's bacteria. Cells of this type are classified as prokaryotes because they lack a nucleus (karyon in Greek), a specialized compartment where genetic machinery is kept. Prokaryotes were fully successful in their development and multiplication. Thanks to their remarkable capacity for evolution and adaptation, they gave rise to a wide diversity of species and invaded as many habitats as the planet could offer them. The biosphere would be full of prokaryotes if the extraordinary breakthrough had not taken place, from which a cell of a very different type emerged: eukaryotic, that is, it has a genuine nucleus.
In this evolutionary cellular space, they were invaded by a Vertical Silence that would have to spread throughout the troposphere, the consequences of this event marked the beginning of a new span of the number line, until the consequences of this event that marked the beginning of a new epoch. Nowadays, all multicellular organisms are made up of eukaryotic cells, which have much greater complexity than prokaryotes. If eukaryotic cells had not appeared, the extraordinary variety, so rich in ranges, of animal and plant life on our planet would not now exist; nor would man have made an appearance to enjoy such diversity and extract its secrets.

Bi simile eukaryotic cells, were ringed in metamorphic geological strata, pressing the atmosphere, the air, and the earth, compressing the geological layers and gaseous atmospheres, which did not exist as a consequence of these intense pressure changes by order of the Higher Universal consciousness, with overflowing temperatures and multi chemical environments; dispersing the changes that are associated with the forces that fold on the bank of the which is current Greece. Said layer failures scattered eukaryotic cells wrapped in "Silent Libertarian Material", injecting magma, creating creative prominences on the stifling attached rocks, perhaps only to be a cellular polytheism, perhaps derived from multicellular cellular evolution. ..., becoming the sexed fusion of a great regeneration of Lithophagas species in the region ..., perhaps in Colophon where Homer was infected. Well said presumption would have to create a syncretic elaboration with that of Aristotle and Plato as eukaryotic cells, to start from this Lithophaga flower, which under its rooted roots is in this bivalve mollusk, unleashing the proto-seeds of prehistoric poetic inspiration, in super souls starting synchronously each one in this mollusk plant that goes like this, green and personified, originating epic poetics in the prehistoric and in the human phenotype.

This mega hyper-sensitive cellular complex is possible, given the respect that it deserves to be cited, the innate and spontaneous hyper ethnobotanical and hyper mollusks sapiens, which were conceived by millions of years of delegating us with their sublime creation. I quote here the word Poetry from the Greek through the (Poiein: "Make or Create"). From this vertical revolution, the Silence of the painful way will emanate, intrinsic to the same evolutionary ontological, geological, theological, Scientific, and Poetic-Sacred concept, linked to the creation coming from “Nothing” to a “Whole”. Everything is revealing before our backs, everything is offered before our eyes, everything comes from the soft creative anger of lightning and lightning, everything is consecrated to silence ..., but nothing moves what the whole forgot, centrifuged by the phenomena of atomicity of greater forces of the Silence of the Messiah, praying in constant practice the generation in front of our theoretical faces, in front of our Everything and Nothing of an empty warehouse.

"Silence Awaits Time ... to see, ... I entrust my Being to time" founds the greatest silence ever felt, only heard more than an ultrasound of waves that are articulated one on top of the other in algorithmic chanting that emanates from the "Silence of Mary to her son ”Also to Homer, Aristotle, and Plato attached to the Lithophaga, releasing Eukaryotes. When Aristotle and Plato ripped out the Lithophaga as axiomatic leaders, they revealed the Silence of Creation and poetic anathemas, alluding to their true ancestors who slipped from their bellies like an elongated moraine sweeping their samskaras navels, like tracks that lead their own people in wisdom with a common prehistoric cellular origin.

Ita *** Dolore
Painful way

Saint John Apostle got up in silence, like profuse deafness even of spirit…, all the others were the same, traumatized to feel the stones engraved with fear and pain "Ita *** Dolore". They did not see in colors, everything was gray and black and white between cells ..., like being inside the suffered cell, lost of all consciousness. Everyone confuses their clothes, their outfits, nobody knew who each one was, only Vernarth and San Juan knew. Raeder and Petrobus,  Alikanto, and Eurydice only wandered sleepwalking along the stony road, in the cobbled streets flanked by works erected of sobbing Malaki material, stones very similar to those that Jesus would have seen when following this immaculate route. The Stations of the Cross were marked by plaques, chapels in vaulting, and signs on the way of lacerating and flagellating stops of more than forty degrees of ardor at each step of the feverish enclosed vault.

Ellipse Messiah As a child: “Mother…; when I climbed the stairs ..., I stopped at the fourteenth step ..., in perfect mathematics opening the sky ..., like a sacred aromatic book; Well, I thought you would believe me dressed there! Mother when I went down the fourteen steps and put my last feet before you…, I could see how she sang at thirty-three on a rainy Friday afternoon, clinging to you…, accompanying me next to the stairs that you did not know… "

Ita *** Dolore
Painful way

1st Station of the Cross in Silence
Jesus was tried and sentenced to death in the Praetorium of Pontius Pilate; he will bring silence, in each interval that did not offer resistance from the flagellant whips. "Mother…; when I climbed the ladder… ”. The apostle closes his eyes; Vernarth takes him by his arms.

2nd Station of the Cross
The second station marks where Jesus took up his cross and recalls his condemnation. Romans beat Jesus and the Chapel of Judgment which commemorates the site where Jesus was condemned. Here he feels like a child… “Mother…; when I came down the stairs ...”

3rd Station of the Cross
The third station is where Jesus fell for the first time under the weight of his cross. This station is not far from Ecce **** (Behold the Man), Saint John remembers the last Supper in advance, sitting next to him ... he got up from dinner, and took off his cloak, and taking a towel, he wrapped it around …. "Mother…; when I climbed the ladder ...”

4th Station of the Cross
The fourth station marks where Maria saw her son pass. The 19th century Armenian Church of Our Lady marks this station. Deaf Vernarth, manages to hear voices from heaven saying: “Mother…; when I came down from the ladder ...”

5th Station of the Cross
At the fifth station, the Roman soldiers instructed Simon of Cyrene to help Jesus carry his cross (Luke 23). ..., "Mother I stopped on the fifth step and I never doubted to wash your feet"

6th Station of the Cross
The sixth station marks where Veronica wiped the face of Jesus with her veil. It is believed that the image of the face of Jesus was imprinted on the cloth. "Mother…; when I came down the stairs you covered my sweaty face ...”

7th Station of the Cross
At the seventh station, Jesus wavered under the weight of the cross for the second time. "Mother…; when I climbed the ladder ..., I saw the lost mountain ...”

8th Station of the Cross
The eighth station is where the "daughters of Jerusalem mourn for Jesus" (Luke 23:27). Jesus stopped here to comfort the women by telling them not to cry for him, but for themselves and their children. "Mother…; when I came down the stairs you weren't there, you were going to get me ...”

9th Station of the Cross
In the ninth station, Jesus wavered for the third time before his final ascent to Golgotha. "Mother…; when I climbed the ladder to find you, you were in front of me ...”

9th-14th Stations of the Cross
The Stone of Anointing believed to have been where Jesus was placed after being taken off the cross. Here he would have been prepared for burial. The Bible tells us that the body of Jesus was wrapped in linen and anointed with oils and spices in accordance with Jewish funeral rites. "Mother…; when I came down the stairs you covered me from the cold and enveloped me with your passion ...”

The 14th Station of the Cross - The Tomb of Christ
Right here Saint John the Apostle and Vernarth, were still deaf, but with slight symptoms of recovery of their hearing. They saw in front of them how deaf angels came to uncover their auditory channels, being their intuition proclaiming them of courage to accompany them with their teacher to the aedicule of their own crypt granted by Joseph from Arimathea. In the Chapel of the Angel that contains a small piece of the rock and that closed the cave of the burial of Christ, the chapel that leads to the tomb itself. It was here that Jesus was buried and resurrected three days after his death. "This small rectangular structure of the Aedicule marks the end of the Painful Way  and Deafness of all and the Whole World
Ita *** Dolore
Second  Miracle
Holy  Sepulchre

When migrating from the Wailing Wall on a Friday Vigil, the Apostle led camels with his hands sheltered in reverberating Psalms. The animals appeared next to him in this basilica, also led by Vernarth, Etréstles, the others remained waiting at the threshold of theAnastasis. The camelids were already without the blindfold after having crossed the Gate of Mercy or Golden Gate. The atmosphere was hermetic and loaded as if it were raining heavily outside and the pilgrims were oppressing themselves to take refuge in the heat of the candles on sacred ground. A solemn, reverberating chant begins to permeate the wayward walls, recalling the songs that in this very place on Golgotha reminded Saint John of having traveled it with the Messiah. Uriel with his super senses kept out of tune the Vexilla Regis, for when the apostle has crossed the threshold of this holy offertory, in such a way that the harmonics were now singing if vibrating in a single nearby wave, the boundary that concentrates the line to the crypt of the Messiah .

Etréstles was accompanied by Eurydice on her side, visibly overexcited. From the height of the nave falls on Etréstles shoulder a light with an itching mass of a flower of a real flower of the Branch Diadem of the vine leaf in Nazareth. On a Friday that he dressed in a Sunday dress and they entered with bouquets in palms on their backs larger than their sizes, dragging them across the sacred floor of the basilica, all naked of ego and anxiety, plunged in a reigning and sorrowful despite the predestined demagoguery of the parishioners, of not channeling themselves next to the souls of purgatory that from today re-float with the visit of the Saint, reigning in the seen and unseen multiplied more than any day without having been more next to the Messiah, although the days were only darkness of the swamp from the flesh of Acheron in this river of pain branching off from the river Acheron unleashed in the deplored underworld, like an unhealthy swamp within a desolate landscape with downcast angels settling in the little cloud of the shard of thick incense, where the ferryman Charon would carry the souls of the recently deceased purged to the disgusting swamp.

Sovereign she… Virga…, she would illuminate her interior with her beautiful cerebrum-cerebellum, underneath the Madonna before reviving her again in a submissive and servile eternal gaze clause. Etréstles succumbs in genuflection three times before confirming the third that would make her uncover her knees before the elongated altar, here her voice is inhibited, fading from the interior like a parchment burning from the mouth to the unbridled esophagus. The three hold hands with Vernarth and the Apostle, staying that way until entering the tomb.

They meet with flattering fuss on the stone where he was anointed before being buried, and the cistern where he was anointed, and then his cross was found several centuries later secondarily housing various Chapels. From whose garden next to the skull of the rock and the stark mound Golgotha. Very close to the Herodian wall of the city of Jerusalem, and even connected to it by a causeway, but outside the walls, since Jewish regulations prohibited intramural burials, except in the case of kings.
They meet with flattering fuss on the stone where he was anointed before being buried, and the cistern where he was anointed, and then his cross was found several centuries later secondarily housing various Chapels. From whose garden next to the skull of the rock and the stark mound Golgotha. Very close to the Herodian wall of the city of Jerusalem, and even connected to it by a causeway, but outside the walls, since Jewish regulations prohibited intramural burials, except in the case of kings.

His body from quarry to garden in the Calvary skull, as the Gospels testify, must have been on the outskirts of the city, in an area dedicated to graves. From a vast quarry for the extraction of malaki stone, located just outside the walls, and which was used from the 8th to the 1st century BC. to build the buildings of the citizens. When the quarry was abandoned, this area was used for small orchards and cultivable gardens and on its rocky walls, along the hill, a series of family graves were made. Golgotha itself, the "mountain" on which the crosses were nailed, should appear as the peak of a rock higher and separated from the hill, a suitable place for the newest law of the demonstrative execution of capital punishment. Since Herod Agrippa in AD 41-42 extended the circuit of the wall of Jerusalem to the northwest, Golgotha became part of the city, and from an isolated place over time, it became an integral part and center of the city.

Etréstles with his Hellenic heart of Messolonghi, he approaches his would repose aura infra garden, suppresses his frozen feet towards his head of Greek candor of flat sustained prayer, finishes and gets up without being able to turn to see him again in this garden of stones abandoned. He retired, leaving only Vernarth and the Apostle. He runs for incredible distances, distancing himself kilometers from there to an annexed Midbar Yehuda desert area…, north of Jerusalem, to Tiqwa, where he stays for two days before returning to Jerusalem. Being here in the middle of the desert he realizes that he had lost from one of his saddlebags a sacred image, which had accompanied him from time immemorial, had been given to him by his wife Drestnia in Koumeterium Messolonghi, after his awakening. He looks for her for two days, traveling the same path that he took from the basilica, not being able to find her, until he goes to the archangel Uriel, answering him himself.

Uriel exclaims:… On your back the offertory, a few steps in front of you the Apostle, beyond the crowd looking at you. The souls in purgatory will demand your help; they will do it for you. You will have to deliver their demands to them in freedom from their purges. The Messiah en miserere from the roof will come down to love him in the open ..., on your conscience with rays and lightning, he will caress your face with his host, and those who do not enter his consecration will take them to pick them up from their own hands in your lost image, escorted by crestfallen angels crying and hugging you…!

Etréstles, goes terrified from his Anastasis and enters the palm grove of the last acid words of the martyrdom in prosody of the cross, hammering and unrolling before his eyes in a long stele of a woven shroud, presenting him with the colorful image to be rescued by his thunder soul throbbing, with numb hands and the latch of thick and inappropriate displays of disbelief. It would be a great miracle not to lose light the superior lights that bring the Sun closer in your hands. Thus the holy miracle would be fulfilled back as the ramp of a heavenly karmic boomerang silence.
Holy Sepulchre
Vernarth describes in the voice of Saint John: “They continue with the scented camelids from looking at their backs… they were about to reach the walls. When they approached Jerusalem, it happens like the biblical passage, as in that of Bethphage and Bethany, in front of the Mount of Olives, they crossed the entrance as it was made by the Messiah when he faced this cosmopolitan city”. Saint John remembered his teacher…: “Go to the village that is in front of you, and as soon as you enter it, you will find a tied colt, on which no man has ridden; untie it and bring it, if someone says to you: Why do you do that? Say the Lord needs it, and then He will give it back. They went and found the colt tied outside the door at the bend in the road, and they untied it. And some of those who were there said to them: What are you doing untying the colt? They then told them how Jesus had commanded; and they left them. And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks on it, and he sat on it. Many also spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And those who went ahead and those who followed were shouting, saying: Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!!! Hosanna in the high! And Jesus entered Jerusalem, and into the temple; and having looked around at all things, as it was getting dark, he went to Bethany with the twelve. "

So everyone is ecstatic to gird them to this entrance ceremony as if they were putting their first feet as the Messiah did. They all went to Bethany on the twelve camels to settle down and have a moment of rest. All in deep silence tried to relive what the Apostle had described to them, seeing how they synchronized the unequivocal exactitude of what had to happen and will happen now with them. They come to Bethany for just one day of relaxation and experienced rebirth. In this place, it would perhaps be the house of a nearby town such as Betábara or Bethany, or in the mountains in a simple bower or temporary tent made of wattles, that is, with interwoven branches, and perhaps covered with striped rags. Perhaps his abode was in a cave next to a campfire in view of what we have in the most probable ontological point which is Jesus, who had no home ..., he was staying in a rather poor or humble place, always stating that he had reliable its category-space where to arrive. Every place where He went…, the places went to Him, agglutinated in their mischievous sandals of stout retracing…!
Raeder and Petrobus flew for hours and hours this plains and promontories, however, in the midst of physical humility, there is no doubt that this was one of the retouched moments that San Juan and those who rewarded him by reincorporating him to the credible access in the dimension of her work in front of herself captured from a Eureka. Perhaps Lázarus, Mary from Bethany, and Martha in a brotherhood that continues to live walking in invisibility, but tangible by the blind of the night. This I could see from above,  witnessing seeing these three brothers without the others being able to see them. The perspective Aerial managed to attract magnets to them by virtue of the halos that each one carried on their sacred kaleidoscopic heads ..., when they came flying very close to them, only the halos that moved on the road of San Juan were manifested before them when he went to visit them, in such a way as to link this mental deficit, innocuous being added to the good of being received by the interwoven ambit of history, that it does not fight stammering to hear passages that history itself could not relate belatedly nor in the stories of the fearful ones who were eyewitnesses of a moment that was and will come, for beings with more than two eyes!

Etréstles and Vernarth, sit on a few outlines with metamorphic rings, which resembled being housed in the belly of an unborn newborn donkey, there they sit solidifying archaeological ruins that did not exist as a result of these intense changes in pressure, temperature, and chemical environment; dispersing the changes that are associated with bending forces, layer faults, magma injection and elevations that depress the rock masses flattening them only for their visits ..., then they would return to their original proto-chemical state. Right here they manage to repeal the silence by snatching a rusty sulfo green sandal like a shred of refined friction from the sword of the wind  Hamsin, leading them to get closer to each other, so that he covered them with his moderate generosity with a linnaceous white cloth each one, judging each one of being an Apostle in his memorable and sacred visit to Bethany.

Eurydice sings some songs of Kalymnos in a lullaby, by the iridescence of the roar of the fabrics knotting on their faces in affinity with the out-of-tune Hamsin, creating in them the nascent amber that sprouted from the brown ringed rocks in front of them supporting them angularly. His song fell in love with the global amber and each instance of remaining united that did not ****** or besiege them, generating in them that sacred night not having dinner ..., rather they would fast until the later sacred day that they would leave back to Jerusalem sheltered in their punishment of half severing, in the Lithostroto with his arms broken from the humerus to the ulna by Pilate and disheartened henchmen, in excessive cadaverous instances i.

As soon as the morning dawned, the camelids passed their tongues over the colossal face of Vernarth, telling them that the interval between the cross to reroute to Jerusalem was coming. They all leave, the twelve camels and Alikanto very close to them, feeling very important, for being so kind to his master Vernarth. Alikanto isolated himself between them, observing the actions of his master because here there is no palatial verve of swords Xifos or Dorus, but this allowed him to protect the others if it is so at some point, so these camels could or could turn themselves into fierce imaginary enemies of Trojan Lothophages piercing their mythologies!   Emotional and strategic curiosity, which will always have them on its tragic payroll ...,  in the fates that could run leading them towards the tempting Macedonian void.

They entered the same citadel, which from afar looked as dazzling as full sewers, where the naive condemned still circulated through it. But as it approached they vanished through some of the seven impressive doors, although in reality, they sounded like eight since the Gate of Mercy or Golden Gate closed later, being the oldest and the one that allows access to the Esplanade of the Mosques. "It was closed by the Muslims since it is said that through this door the Messiah will return to save the living and the dead on the Day of Judgment." Here they all pose to pray upset by the fluxion of the camels that did not dare to pass; they refused, having to select another entry.

Later they broke through the Jaffa Gate that leads directly to the Jewish and Christian quarter. Beyond the Tower of David, in an old citadel of the Armenian neighborhood that is another of the essential places that they saw when they arrived. They walked with their camels with their eyes covered, at a slow pace seeing all these testimonies in giddy incense, as if they were walking on their own sore feet. In other city gates, they invade with their twelve shadows, the Dung Gate or Gate of Manure which is the one that leads to the Wailing Wall and the Esplanade of the Mosques, that of the Lions, through which one goes to the Olives Mount, that of Zion, near the Tomb of King David, that of Herod, the New Gate and that of Damascus, in the north of the wall, one of the most impressive in the city and the one that leads directly to the Muslim quarter.
Bethany Brotherly Halo
Ioannis regression

Describes Vernarth:
On a warm morning they landed ..., archaeological evidence shows that Jaffa was inhabited around 7500 BC. The natural harbor of Jaffa that has been used since the Bronze Age, and its first inhabitants were probably Canaanites. The city of Jaffa is mentioned in a past writing from 1470 BC. from ancient Egypt, glorifying the conquest by Pharaoh Tuthmosis III, who hid armed warriors in large baskets and then presented them to the Canaanite governor of the city. Jaffa is mentioned in the Torah as one of the Hebrew cities of the Tribe of Dan (one of the Tribes of Israel), hence the term Gush Dan, which is used today for the coastal plain. Many of Dan's descendants lived along the coast and made their living as sailors and sailors. In the "Song of Deborah" the fortune teller asks: "Why do you want Dan to stop me on ships?

After Canaanite and Philistine *******, King David and his son Solomon conquered Jaffa and used its port to bring, from the city of Tire, the cedars used for the construction of the First Temple (2 Chronicles 2:16). The city remained in the hands of the Jews, even after the division of the Kingdom of Israel. In 701 a. C., in the days of King Hezequías and the Assyrian King Sennacherib who invaded the Jaffa region. It is also the place where the prophet Jonah embarked for Tarshish (Book of Jonah 1: 3) and was the port of entry for the cedars of Lebanon for the Second Temple in Jerusalem (Book of Ezra 3: 7). After a period of Babylonian occupation, under the rule of the Persian Empire, Jaffa was occupied by the Phoenicians of Tire ..., defeated by Alexander the Great in the famous siege where he defeated King Porus at the Battle of Hydaspes (326 BC) In the New Testament it is related how Peter resurrected the believer Tabitha (Dorcas, in Greek, gazelle) in Joppa (Jaffa) and, later, how near this city he has a vision in which Yahweh told him that he should not distinguish between Jews and Gentiles, while ordering the removal of ritual (kosher) food restrictions followed by Jews.

While Vernarth described, all this history was paying attention, the beautiful situation of entering Jaffa in this millenary port was imminent, so that they could touch the Holy Land with their feet with all the avatars that awaited them. Vernarth had this great preamble and gift to return from the Exile of St. John, due to his exile ruled by the Emperor Domitian. They all came praying in the ship, Eurydice got out of the mask to descend and go with them to Jerusalem. To travel the Lithostrotos, Gethsemane, The Via Dolorosa, Golgotha, the Holy Sepulcher and many holy places where the apostle had a correlation with the Messiah ..., bordering on being still in the hosts of all those who loved him, especially in the town where they met with the apostles after the crucifixion in the Apostolic sees, where they are still seen to be together from the first day through the centuries of the centuries. Some claim to have been founded by one or more of Jesus 'Apostles, who are said to have dispersed from Jerusalem sometime after Jesus' crucifixion (c. 26-36), probably after the Great Commission. The first Christians met in small private houses, known as Paleo-Christian house churches, but the entire Christian community of a city could also attribute to it that it would be named and ignored, as any act of sedition to avoid disagreements with its anti-Romanesque legacy.

In Limassol one day dawned, when another day it was twilight in Lod ..., here they were getting ready to dine all together in a wheel of fire in the tents moved by the blow that lands and bounces from their sallow tents, to the walls of Jerusalem that he sensed that They came and went with the Saint accompanying them. From the last dizziness of the sun, Uriel appeared to them saying…: “Against the background where a ship is born in ruins and catacombs, the sentries of the Limassol Medallion will reside, it will be jealously guarded by my peers, by the Christian Gladiators of Kourion who they are preserved in my fragmentary decrees and honorific decrees, as well as in the epitaphs. In neo diplomacy supporting Alexander the Great and Bucephalus, protecting the Medallion. In the west of the Lycus River, the sentinels will go to the bottom of the sea every day to watch over it, so that from here they can shelter the Medallion with their tricks, which of such luck will be sponsored for their meritorious scriptural phraseology on the Walls of Jerusalem, where other walls are more they will continue ... "

Describes Vernarth:
The grand commision; Matthew 28: 19-20 contains what is known as “the Great Commission”: “Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; teaching them to keep all the things I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you every day, until the end of the world ”. Jesus gave this command to the apostles, shortly before He ascended to Heaven, and it essentially describes what Jesus expects the apostles and those who follow them to do in His absence. Interestingly, in the original Greek, the only specific command in Matthew 28: 19-20 is "make disciples." The Great Commission commands us to make disciples as we go through the world and as we go about our daily activities. How are we going to make disciples? Baptizing them and teaching them everything that Jesus commanded. "Make disciples" is the mandate of the Great Commission. "As you go," "baptize" and "teach" are the means by which we fulfill the command to "make disciples."

Many understand Acts 1: 8 as part of the Great Commission, "But you will receive power, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." . The Great Commission is enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit. We must be the witnesses of Christ, fulfilling the Great Commission in our cities (Jerusalem), in our states and countries (Judea and Samaria), and in any other place where God sends us (to the ends of the earth). The Great Commission is the instruction of the risen Jesus Christ to his apostles, commissioning them to spread his teachings to all the nations of the world. The most famous version of the Great Commission is Matthew 28: 18-20, where on a mountain in Galilee Jesus urges his followers to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Even more than the Great Commission of the twelve apostles, which together with that of Matthew and Mark, as an exalted counterpoint are dividing twin souls among all, to take electro cathode in the Parousia (At the second coming of Christ). With them. The electromagnetic Fides Pronus "Benevolent Faith" ruled by God, ruling in the electro anode flow, giving wide access to the Great Universal Commission.

The Apostle Saint John reinterprets it: “The Great Commission is Matthew 28: 18-20, and then synoptic gospels, Luke also presents Jesus sending disciples during his ministry, sending them to all nations and giving them power over demons, including the Seventy disciples. The Scattering of the Apostles, in the traditional ending of Mark, is believed to be a 2nd century summary based on Matthew and Luke. "

They all heard very astonished words so fluted, without being able to come out and harmonize the ears of those who were there ..., and there was no room for doubts or questions! They all thought to travel all the fields of the world in free camel caravans so many times through the Holy Land, thus thinking of changing history by the flat legs of the camelids, changing the quantum dynamic geography, thus making them participate in going on a being in which we split mounted. In the distance it would be fulfilled. 12 camels were coming, they invited them to get on and rest on their backs. Every hundred kilometers the deepest questions were answered by camelids Saying ...:

Camelids say: “I carried Saint John  on my ciliated membrane backs and Matthew too…, they never knew that I knew the end of the story…, that the Great Commission would never end, because all of us witnesses continue wandering through the desert waiting to see the Master lighting our starry way of gifts for the holy nights, to serve you again, Until the End of the Parousia ... "

To be continued, / under edit
Chapter XXIV
Messiah of Judah

It should be fulfilled as predisposed by Vernarth, by always having the contemporary desire to melt the trumpets, and then recast them, manifesting him to lead him to meet his most fervent past, reunited with his brother apostles and the omnipresent Messiah. The archangel Uriel sent him this plan that he had for him, as an offering that was always fertile in the face of any possible threat of disobedience. Indissoluble and whole they climb the Eurydice, stowing the supplies for this long journey like a Messianic proclamation of the blade of a cross-helix of Zeus, who has already opened these waters together with the evangelist. They board and the anchor is lifted, Procorus made encouraging signs to everyone, dismissing them and then returning to the hermitage. The others were embedded in the waves of the roadstead of Skalá, Raeder played with Petrobus on the deck laughing at all times where everything seemed embarrassment and sadness. Eurídice would go to the mask for a few days, to take everyone and guide them; this guaranteed that they would always have good displacement and navigate without having any details.

Vernarth describes: The apostle would settle on the deck near the prow, while I organized the sails and the powers of Uriel, who would always be close giving them the zephyrical winds of the Metelmi.   Taking the route from Patmos in the Aegean Sea through the northern Dodecanese islands. Saint John when he went off the west coast of Turkey he prayed and was remembering the port of Skalá. Patmos…, its "Island of the Apocalypse", is leaving behind the picturesque monastic island, with traditional white houses, blue and crystalline waters and with its vibrant spiritual life. Where Saint Ioannis heard the voice of God and wrote the Apocalypse, as well as the three small cracks in the rock through which came the voice that symbolized the Holy Trinity before him. They pass through Rhodes, the largest island in the Dodecanese in Greece, announcing Uriel of the ancient ruins and the remains of his occupation were by the Order of Saint John during the Crusades. The city of Rhodes has an Old Town with the medieval Street of the Knights and the palace of the Grand Master, similar to a castle. The palace was captured by the Ottomans and later occupied by the Italians. The Apostle could only remember the place of passage when he went about his ecclesiastical duties.

Limassol, Cyprus

With waters too Greek Cypriots, of what is current they arrive in Limassol / Cyprus. Here they land one day. They descend from the Eurydice and head for the Paphos route. To the archaeological treasure,  keeping in its memories, neighboring the Greco-Roman theater, built in the second century BC, and today restored. They pass happily rolling through the vestiges of time, all thanks to the timeless Parasychological Regressive Memory that Vernarth was narrating to them as always. They cross the private Roman villa, the House of Eustolios, which was converted into a public recreation center during the early Christian period. It consisted of a complex of baths and rooms with floors covered by beautiful mosaics from the 5th century AD. Other important buildings are the Paleo-Christian Basilica dating from the 5th century, a Nymfeo, dedicated to the nymphs of the waters, and the Stadium, from the 2nd century AD, which is located a little further away one kilometer from the site. Transfigure the cordon of the mosaics of the House of Achilles and the House of the Gladiators, in a perfect state of conservation, which with their precious colors covered the floors with the same carefree footsteps of each one belonging to the vivid tones in his great work.
Here Saint John kneels and prays profusely for the souls of Christians who have fallen into the stigma that the first miracle of this pilgrimage through Limassol will entail. Everyone was silent. They leave Cyprus, and go to the port of Limassol to board the ship.  Being very pleasantly surprised by the unexpected visit  of Etréstles who was up on the ship. Everyone jumps for happiness! Seeing that the Koumeterium champion of  Messolonghi, Vernarth's brother, was added to them.
Vernarth: Khaire !! Happy is my soul, which flows like a psalm of blood, carrying your image through the flowers of Limassol! They all hug him and get ready to lift anchor!

Miracle I

“On this vertebral nature in this pilgrimage of uprooting of the Apostle, the first miracle will happen before the eyes of all. The land was darkened analogously to the landscape, the sea shone like a mirror showing them the feet of the Messiah floating in the Sea. The storm clouds settled and ran over the surface of the sea like sheep in their Oviedo ..., in the palm of the Nazarene they were blowing on them their ***** the heat that this surprising stampede will produce.

The apostle embraces them all and asks them to get closer to the anchor line, to lift it over the seabed where Creation rests. The Apostle, approached with his bony little hands snatching the swivel links that are located near the point of the anchor lever. He presses with his hand the rope of the Tracontero, invading with his thumb nail the creeper shape of his lines. He began to pull it several times ..., every ten meters he looked at the sky and noticed that some majestic abnormal glows shone. He remains jealous before the eyes of everyone else, moving in the ship as if they were at sea under the ultimatum of a great storm.
Saint John looks at himself in the mirror of the water, and he saw how his body pulled himself, as his Master did in Galilee, he saw how everyone laughed and delighted in stopping time to laugh with him inaugurating a thousand years of psalms . There was no more than five meters left to remove the anchor from the anchorage, and he feels it was excessively heavy. Which he asked for help from Vernarth and Etréstles to help him get it out of the damp mass, they help him and the three of them pull unanimously to the rhythm of their revealed eagerness, until from the ramp of the wood overboard they manage to see a great golden circle of about three feet in diameter, made of solid gold, which gleamed, blinding anyone who dared to look at it without faith, which made it very difficult for everyone to participate in this great miracle festival.

It was a massive medallion of solid gold with the stigma of Mary mother of the Messiah, supplanting all the anchors of the ships so that the ship represented the base of devotion at sea, as a sign of closeness to the Messiah by means of pulling faith towards oneself ..., so that in a period greater than that which the sea needs to release again as a gold weight, rather as a refuge to save ourselves in the perfect mathematics of picking it up, what is night and obscurantism succumbs more than self-personalization of the duties to preside over human yearnings, transfiguring them in the diaphanous dawn as time and space assigned to the number in its perfect science of meeting the medallion, which whenever it has been in you as a sublime overwhelming consciousness and ..., still existing without the need to return to pull the anchor ..., but rather pull the gold medallion. For the seven consecutive days it would take them to get to Jaffa, and then drop them off in Limassol.

Just as everyone was dumbfounded all falling down not being able to see more, or perhaps not having more to say about the ruse that could be combined with the space where the fleeting beams of light that emitted the aurified sphere intervened, as in the house of Affliction of Bethany, attracting with great love to all to feel anointed by the scent of their heads. The apostle understood that the path of wise senility from the books of wisdom and Saint Luke was approaching them, to permeate everything created well given to scatter it from the womb that interprets and delegates it faithfully, in the application of his work.

Vernarth describes:

"Jesus calms the storm ..."
When Jesus got into the boat, his disciples followed him. And suddenly a great storm broke out at sea, so that the waves covered the boat; but Jesus was asleep.
And coming to Him, they woke Him up, saying: Lord, save us, we perish! And He said to them: Why are you afraid, you men of little faith? Then he got up, rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.
And the men marveled, saying: Who is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him? –
Matthew 8

Leonardo Da Vinci "Last Supper Passage"
“Then you shall cause your brother Aaron to come to you from among the children of Israel, and his sons with him, to serve me as priests: Aaron, with Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, sons of Aaron. 2 And you shall make holy garments for your brother Aaron, for glory and for beauty. 3 And you shall speak to all the skillful craftsmen, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom, and they will make Aaron's garments to consecrate him, so that he may serve me as a priest. 4 These are the clothes that they will make: a breastplate, an ephod, a cloak, a plaid woven tunic, a tiara and a belt; and they will make holy garments for your brother Aaron and for his sons, to serve me as priests. 5 And for this they shall take gold and blue, purple, and scarlet cloth, and fine linen. 6 They shall also make the ephod of gold, of blue, purple, and scarlet cloth, and fine twisted linen, the work of a skillful craftsman. 7 It will have two shoulder pads that meet at its two ends, so that it can be joined. 8 And the skillfully woven belt that will be on it will be of the same work, of the same material: of gold, of blue, purple and scarlet cloth and of fine twisted linen. 9 And you shall take two onyx stones, and engrave on them the names of the children of Israel: 10 six of the names on one stone, and the remaining six names on the other stone, according to the order of their birth.
"In the biblical symbology of the Apocalypse, the number seven is recurrent and that is why there were seven apostles chosen by Leonardo da Vinci.

Saint John the Apostle says: The Last Supper tells me the greatest love of having him close, as if he were in my house celebrating, gathered to stamp the facts in which he cuts my bread towards the millennium of becoming, to classify all the dates that we will commemorate united in the sustenance that will nourish the Earth for ever and ever. In the stigma of this medallion, I will have to revive all my memories before arriving in Jaffa, before even walking again in the solitude that haunts us forever and ever, even without understanding by any means, the crumbling and disorderly existence that passes beyond death that is reborn in our non-existent Faith.

They all sail in silence, all asleep on the deck around the medallion that did not stop shining and bathing them all in its splendid theology. All lie asleep and hypnotized with pleasure, the ship moved alone, at the will of the sacred wind that carried them in seventh silence, so that the puffing shoes of the night would not wake them up even a seventh dream next to the massive gold medallion. Eurydice was still in the happy mask, now to lead everyone in peace, towards the meeting of the apostle's ancestors, towards the dawn of the secular dawn in Jaffa on their seventh insomniac night ..., when they arrive in the seventh turn of the clouds in their fading climate with Aion and Zeus, being mere spectators give the bullet to the tormented of the riddled lost.
Monastic  Cell

Vernarth begins to describe:
"This magnificent monastic complex dominates the island, and the old settlement of Chorá, associated with it, is home to many religious and secular buildings, where the famous pressurization of the inspiring forces of the Beloved Disciple is present, in this place he will reside in the sacred year 95 AD. AD, with his Gospel and the Apocalypse. A monastery dedicated to the "beloved disciple" was founded there in 1088 by Hosios Christodoulos Latrinos and has been a place of Greek Orthodox pilgrimage and teaching ever since.

Spilaion Apokalypseos (Cave of the Apocalypse) Many architectural changes have undergone over 900 years, adapting to changing political and economic circumstances. It has the outward appearance of a polygonal castle with battlements flanked by towers. It also houses a remarkable collection of manuscripts, icons, and liturgical objects and works. The primitive elements, which date back to the 11th century, are the catholicon (main church) of the monastery, the chapel of Panagia and the refectory. The north and west sides of the inner courtyard are surrounded by the white walls of the cells, and on the south side stands the Tzafara, a two-tier arcade in dressed stone, built in 1698. The outer narthex of the catholicon forms the east side. . Halfway up the steep path from Skalá to Chorá is the Cave of the Apocalypse (Spilaion Apokalypseos), where, according to tradition, Saint John dictated the Book of Revelations and his gospel to his disciple Prochoros. This sacred place attracted several small churches, chapels and monastic cells, thus creating an interesting architectural ensemble. ”
They continue in this set of phenomena towards the definitive mediation of the cavern by means of the inspirational illumination of the conduit of the ****** of the hundred doors or church of the hundred doors, declaiming the Panagia with the hermit and his disciple Prochoros, with remarkable whispers of the Blue Cormorant that he brought from La garriga; from a nearby ecoregion with plant formations emerging in the biomes of the Mediterranean forests, to incense all the white walls of the cells where the hermit led them walking together with two monumental candle torches. From here this cormorant will transport all the bioclimatic zones of the ecosystem, to constrain the Tytillinus embryo to be swallowed by it, predominantly to forget about its concept of egg as an oviparous generation of temptation and to be anchored to the plant site as an original species. . This blue cormorant is a superlative factor in the context of changing the cephalization of this demon-monster in the collective consciousness of the grotto and its shed.

They transpose the Tzafara, where the cormorant perches lavishly moving its head like a spasm in its neck to the northern north, illuminating its crimson green eyes. Destining his penances for the narthex as an open portico until the exonarthex, here the multiplied figure of Tytillinus would increase, appearing to be dominant before them, but all remained cohesive and closely united in paleo Christian rosaries, to re-infuse the forces of fear transferred to this invader.

Thus being able to reach the hemisphere of the mound that comes from Skalá, in front of them the Spilaion Apokalypseos grotto in Katapausis. You could see how the crystals of unhappiness turned into high-grade psalms of translucent stained-glass crystals of extremely shameful colors. Vernarth carried in his hand a Sheesham box with purisms and essences of the temple earth that he was building, he carried his magnificent thoughts inside the catholicon tied in his arms of the quarterdeck, where the raw solvents of the past wars as Military Commander oozed.
In front of the cave they all perch. Vernarth will inaugurate the Quadrivium whose four paths; They would group disciplines related to mathematics, geometry, astronomy and music as a study curriculum for the uprising of species and their preservation for centuries and centuries. Linked to the tracks or roads; grouping grammar eloquence and helping to speak, with dialectics to help search for the truth, and rhetoric coloring the words. Thus they understood the grammar, dialectic, rhetoric and its elementary figures and the three Trivium routes attached as a whole on this pilgrimage as they were already in front of the hermitage of the Saint. Raeder, Petrobus and Eurydice move their anxious feet with a few bars of Laziko, thus throwing from the ground with their feet the particles of thousands of years inseminated by the adjacent atmosphere towards the theological philosophical goal of the spirits satisfied to join them in the masses in proportion to the weight of their mobile talents, applying makeup like millennia to each other ..., parading before them.

Orpheons of the lowlands of Patmos were felt entering through the holes of the roof of the cavern, in communion to join them in the compas of this beautiful melody that diverged from all the original immaculate accents of the gifts along with the original of the Holy disciple. The petrified lotophagous mushrooms walked swiftly along the walls through the deviant Trojan ships, towards where the Trinidadian music descended from the roof, bruising the oversized apricots of the candlesticks, dazzling the other walls full of figurative tapestries of conceptual and iconographic images. Vernarth sang the Almara, an insistent retrograde song that invoked the entire community of Skalá and surroundings to join them through the arena sliding down the face-to-face gorge of the Katapausis, imbued in the mega center of the redoubled canticos of their own gorges, cloning the flat voices of the unknown mezzo vocal origin. Saint John only Vernarth allows him to enter his monastic cell, the others remain in the anteroom, pouring holy water and touching the hyper-curled walls of Chytridiomycota mushrooms that became voluminous in the immortal reflections of the vivid glow, to gather them to follow his insistent pastoral voice to a meadow of prominent demarcation step with its dynamic Laziko. Vernarth places in his hands a thick and heavy sacred medal, which will allow him to cease his lamentations and processes of Excessive occultism, before the heavy solitude procreated on his new face in rictus of joy and smiles in rounds of healing, beyond all predictions of his avatars and proselytes.

Vernarth goes on to describe:
A large amount of stress accumulated due to damage to the mitochondria that respond to the DNA that preserved the genetic material niche itself in a different way from that of the nucleus in the cavern, managing to dissipate after auscultating with the Quadrivium, detecting that a large part of the volumes manuscripts and iconographies were reactivated to other books as guests, to make them a living portrait for the tissue of the organism that parasitically inhabited the cavern walls. Inquiring an organized mitoconuclear communication. If they fail to resolve the mitochonuclear mtDNA breaks, before the radiosities of the celestial diaphragm, a dysfunction will be triggered that will affect the cells and tissues of the host, on all manuscripts and iconographies. These mitochondrial genomes will examine their function in the area of organic cellular spatiality, therefore the ideas obtained of incompatibility will remove all the saprophytic material from the rough trails of the demon granule Tytillinus, to exile it to the confines of its eco-region, where it lives unnaturally abandoned.

An evanescent canonical source alluding to this stay in Patmos will reveal to them through the roofs of all the houses of Skalá, mentioning through the mouth of the Eremita: “I, John, your brother and partner in the tribulation, in the kingdom and in the patience of Jesus I was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I was in spirit on Sunday when I heard behind me a great voice like a trumpet saying: '' Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches (Rev 1: 9-11). Moist winds licked all the roofs changing the nuances and morning faces, proclaiming the new secular kingdom. ” The most detailed source, continues to deny his parchment although already in late popular event, on his stay in Patmos are the apocryphal Acts of John, attributed to his disciple Prochorus. In them it is told how Juan and his disciple looked for a quiet place with a cave where they spent ten days of fasting. Subsequently, John sent Procorus to buy papyri and ink, and for two days dictated to his disciple the text of the revelation. Later the saint would entrust his disciple with a noble copy on parchment. The Golden Legend makes practically no reference to these moments, except for a mention that "he was entrusted with having confidentially known some arcane and profound things, such as the divinity of Jesus Christ and the end of the world".

The apostle appears on the spot presenting Vernarth with writing as a sacred office, also to commission future parchments for his future prophecies, and ink on a scroll or codex resting on his knees or on a desk. He also boasts showing him the writing tools (calamus, inkwell, rasorius, cornua) that are usually also reflected in considerable detail in the decals of his fingered golden fingers, accompanying the eagle, symbolically within the set of the tetramorphs of the old testament. Here Vernarth takes his face in compassion when he learns that his hermit master acquired the appearance of an octogenarian appearing accompanied by his disciple Prochorus, showing him the streaks, singing to them with the ninety years since he was exiled. It is a subject of late consolidation, very frequent in the late medieval manuscripts that contain this book or fragments of it, especially the books of hours where the image of the saint abounds on the island accompanied by the eagle, allusion to the apocalyptic living, and with much Frequently, of an imp that throws the inkpot or hides the calamus and that many authors have identified with Titivillus, a medieval demon who was credited with spelling errors in books and mistakes in prayers in order to win souls for Lucifer. The first reference that is had of this terrible demon is in the Tractatus of Penitentia of John of Wales, which dates from the year 1285, which will be evidenced in the framework of this stratagem entrenched in Vernarth's career as a Macedonian warrior, and that he would bring with this odeón the detuned song that would rule those who cultivate the art of sound near luminous beings prone to lose faith, as well as those who represent here as Tytillinus, vast evil oppressor of those who look at sacred scriptures affecting their eyes, as a sign of peeling of degraded human eye skin.
The others appearing were outside in a shed, all very close to each other, just waiting for the order to leave. Suddenly they see a brilliant blue waving light, which was coming down on them, it was an eagle coming towards them as a signal to tell them that Vernarth was coming back, to go to go with them to their rooms and continue with their daily tasks.

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Chapter XXIII
Invisible Eclectic Portal

Installed in the Eclectic and invisible portal of the Evangelist Saint John levitates in his sacred basaltic cavern Katapausis, in the Patmos archipelago (Koumeterium Messolonghi, Chapter 16 / page 114. Editorial Palibrio - USA). They would be in communion with the clan archery, who would resemble them as their proper ectoplasm; Thus, each one will form a unique part of the masonry that will dictate to redirect them in their messianic tasks from this stage of ascension.

Vernarth; being aware that he will have to enter the cave, after having ceased his work on hold for three months. Skinny from the myriads of wars and parapsychological regressions, he remains dazzled to dedicate himself to the beautiful places open towards the horizon ..., neighbor to cave painting and astronomy. In the colors of his mathematical prayer, capturing the spiritual intensity that inspired Saint John to build the temple near his cave of the Apocalypse on the island of Patmos. The saint appears only certain days looking at him from afar to encourage him in his progress, he is seen as a beautiful young man dressed in a robe of delicate pink tones, whose delicacy repeats psalms of the angel that normally accompany this Evangelist around him, with the colors Greens and blues of the landscape in the square of the sky that appears in redemption beyond the glory of the resurrection, rather super spiritual intelligence. In Skala's water, a shipwreck indicates the confusion of the men of its prophetic light, and on the ground a small pierced demon manages to divert the attention of Etréstles overwhelmed by digging it, so as not to stop the movements of the splendor of the effusions of storms in sacred sentence. This demon could be Tytillinus, who according to legends provoked bad thoughts in the clergy during religious services, and is the one feared by Saint John, who would not give them safe passage to enter and be able to entrust them with the task that they had predicted for him for the services in Katapausis.

Vernarth; he was with everyone working in the masonry of the Temple near the extramural wall of the Cavern of San Juan, he was Etréstles Eurídice, Raeder, Petrobus and Alikanto imbued with the flutes that sounded, over exciting his ears with royal denotes, which he always had of a special quality when he remained in Kalimnos. Everyone knowing that the threshold of proximity to the cavern was flooded by the enigma of the gloomy presence of Tytillinus, all rearranged themselves towards the poles of the tangible etherization of the psalms from 120 to 132, thus giving fire to the antipode of Divine Mercy, to repair the crown of the fifteen hours in the afternoon, thus disintegrating those that coincide with that of fifteen hours in the morning. Somehow abstaining from the northern confrontation with Tytillinus, center of the hooks of bewilderment and evil thoughts. Thus, the best way is to be swallowed by him and reside in his caustic stomach, making him believe that you will be consumed by him, and then fall close to himself when vomited, confusing him so that you yourself are one of his calves.

Vernarth manages to capture the upstart image near the grotto, seeing that of Tytillinus; where all attentive listened to the words textured by the saint.

Narrating Saint John: “He was also and will be a God of the Bressans in Italy, his image was disfigured and unearthed near Bresse. Le Rossi, who had it engraved on his Brassian memorials, says that the statue of this divinity was smashed in 840 by Rampat, Bishop of Bresse, and that it only had the name of the god in whom it was consecrated. This statue was made of iron, with the head crowned with laurel, resting the right cake on the skull of a dead man, and holding in his left hand an iron pike, finished at the top by an open hand, in which we see between track and thumb the egg that a snake entwined in his hand that got to bite: these are symbols as dark as they are mysterious. Is he resting on a skull and on a gloomy laurel potion, marking as certain defeated conjectures of Father Montfaucon, that Tillynus triumphed over death? But who will be the antiquarian or mythologist brave enough to explain the meaning of the serpent that throws itself into the egg that holds the hand that is on top of the pike? Let's admit that mainly among the topical gods they were hardly known, except in some particular cities that had chosen them for their patrons, there are always inexplicable symbols.

Saint John continues, in the face of the unmerited event, I will protect you here in my shed so that everyone is released first before entering my sanctuary, where everything is obsessed with visions after those of the Roses of the ultimatum, full of aspirations rather than subjugating in the aroma of purity and righteousness. Diverting the lurking Calluses and Dans (desquamation epidermis) of the eyelids, itchy in which its internal part is ulcerated, with cracks and callous hardness. Tyllinus the symptomatic form of the demon Tytillinus begins at the edge of the eyelids, although this edge then ulcerates; but generally it begins with a heat and itching that increases day by day, until they become  uneven and rough, and eventually end up causing stiffness, cracks, hardness and small ulcers. It is then because this demon not personified declares latent and obstinate disease of very difficult to cure. Not allowing before the scant light of the cavern, not being able to erase what is clarified in a look of solemn meditation and sacred silence. In its healing, general remedies are required, a soft and refreshing diet, bloodshed, if there is a large amount, as well as purging, when the disease is habitual. Regarding topical remedies, we will first use those that moisten, soften and moderate the acrimony of humor contained in the eyelids; then we come to those who are detergents and dry the ulcers, essentially, seeing him hesitate with our deep meditations digging his dark fermented soul.

Vernarth, insinuating to continue with his labors, sees with optimism to escape from this calamity, calls everyone to be close to the law ..., once they continued taking the steps towards the cavern. Tremors appear to them by all the edges of the cave, leaving everything dark and with airs of end of the world. In the intermission, Saint John towards the response of Psalm 120 to 132, interfering the fiery bellow of the playful Tytillinus, banishing the movement of his tail to outlaw the serpent egg, avoiding creating a pseudo monarchy on them prostrating them, as almost being being beheaded repentant.

They all open their arms and surrender to this pseudo demon, being swallowed entirely, to later reside in the intestines of this pseudo monster. Subsequently everything happens as predicted by the hermit, who would be expelled from his ruminant stomach, believing to be creatures of their own nature, confused by how their children from beyond for their intro demonizations. Thus it would have existed in mythologies to tempt and dismiss the work of any unit, essentially of San Juan. It will inhabit them from the hierarchy of Evil, as it appears in grimoires and occult texts, each demon has a precise name and function. Transfigured will be the epochs in dowries for the naive people, carrying them out for rituals to protect themselves from them, since it was believed at that time that every individual who was harassed by them, would continue to stalk them waiting for a moment of weakness to attack .
Saint John is and will be an egregious demonologist, collecting thick volumes with the names and attributions of each of the demons of the infernal hierarchy. This in perfect symmetry with that of Aion, interconnecting sublime times where the concept is lost on the human temporal scale and the genotype of Satanism or satagenesis, in austere precision ranging from Satan, head of all demons, to Ukobach, in charge of maintaining Long live the infernal flames. So that freedom of slavery finally reigns before one's own demonized moral individuality. The price of such an invocation is always the soul of the individual, who will end up going to hell, the demons invoked themselves and they will invoke themselves as a light to walk on their own darkness, in the past, present and future through Special enchantments found here on the Invisible Eclectic Portal.

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