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While he was in the alchemical session with Valekiria with the ***** lushness in the veins of his beloved, he felt instantly the arrival of some mounts. Etréstles, goes out and looks around the store and makes sure that Alexander the Great's entourage was there. I brought him a letter. Etréstles alerts Mardiath and the others. As the General pulls out his Leonatus, he dismounts and approaches the tent where his chief commander Vernarth was. He sees him surrounded by probes, which were like branches inserted by his right pectoral and his main veins.

Alexander the Great says:

Khaire, "I wish you joy" my great Commander Vernarth ...!!. He raises his hands, clicking with his hands to scatter some tiny earrings, to grind them on his face, they were sent by the Falangists, paying homage to him. They were like pieces of the horse's leashes with gold fillets that they ripped with the hooves of the cavalry from the armor of the bruised containers. With the tips of his fingers up his face and his hands up he appealed the presence of Zeus, and then bowed.

The last time I saw your individual, we had alternated to see the enormous over-proportioned bravery that Vernarth imposed on the battle. Here you arranged your army so that we could face everywhere, forming a large rectangle that we could face attacks from anywhere. I saw millions of Arrows fall on our army, I paid attention to you, your Lord Vernarth, who went with your wounded right breastplate, also semi hanging your Hoplite breastplate. You had legs and shoulders with impostor arrows that did not detract you from continuing with the ****** ramming of the enemy infants who were incapable of you. You mounted Alikanto and with all the momentum in an act of extreme madness you ravaged the insistent enemy ranks. There was the last great moment that I could see about your great courage and bravery to decapitate the enemy troops. Today we have defeated and I will go after Darío after his flight, which is what the world did behind him who should never have dared against our alliance with our army.

Vernarth replies:
All plunged into the Dorus and Xiphos with their multiple ****** edges, like a new blood alliance that must provide us with a new life beyond our deaths. In the hand of the blacksmith forger will reside the new lands where we have to implement new expeditions.

Brisehal, my Dog of Lut, embarrassed his ambitions to tarnish our designs. Now on the plain there are signs of panic, that only He infused on the bodies unscathed by the Falangists, they are witnesses of our daring and of the wild rebellion that caused the flight of the Achaemenides. On the glory that I do not stop aspiring, I will go to my hopes of meeting my ancestors in paradise, I have to gratify my great brotherhood to the kingdom of creation that boils through the great chimneys of the universe separating the own faculties from the power of true love , that make us coexist with our arms and legs without it being anything clearer than the footprint of the shadows, more exceptional than the same that others must thank with love to represent under all the limits that exceed the upper limits.
Alexander the Great embraces him and honors him with his battalion. His comrade Hephaestion dispenses the liturgy and dedicates a war song chanted by one hundred Hoplites plus the inclusion of his figure on the Hellenic banner to always be part of the military emblem arc of all the Greek armies and the coming social class. The Liturgy begins for a great commander and a good soldier who inherited new lands. Not only because the greed of the enemies could not be hidden, but mainly because he worked the land, which was a school of virtue for the veteran, in which he acquired the qualities of vigilance, strength and justice that form the basis of the military spirit with honors.

Hoplites say: with the General's voice in unison Khaire !!, “We wish you joy”. Our lord Vernarth eternal life. He will never forget, and he will remain enrolled in this life and the other all this feat, as a great soldier and comrade, who will also be the father of our family, out of concern to preserve the freedom of all of us, who will now be ours in the good reason to fight.

Hephaestion proclaims: Same nation and age with my lord Alexander the Great. As a Macedonian aristocrat and a Macedonian general noble. I do not see another certainty when we know your greatest skill in all the works that will be sculpted in our monuments. Today we must before your divine figure, of our credit to compensate all those who will swallow history before the same people as their own bite. Aristotle will grant volumes to refer to Vernarth in his history as a contribution of Helenofilo hero and all the jargon involving the new and unpublished diet of the poetics of the Greek world.

In the third part of the noon, when a voluminous day the most underlined epithets of the homage to the greatest commander of Alexander the Great increased; all would leave to continue the investigation of Darío III. In the store were Mardiath and Etréstles faithfully accompanying them along with his wife Valekiria.

The Parapsychological session resumes:

While Vernarth was in the hands of the Medical Medium, they kept their narrations attentive, which his assistant recorded and took note of the most relevant. To know more about his incessant chronicles. Countless journalists and people in the field of information were already stationed there near the building, all shocked by the reputation that this unusual parapsychological event had taken, before the clinical, political, cultural and news media.

Ellipsis Vernarth in Berlin, Germany - April 16, 1945:

Vernarth was paying attention to Reichstag defenders April 16, 1945. As he walked between the cross-shootings of the Wehrmacht and Allied sides. He walked in between the Battle of Berlin, which was the last major battle in Europe during World War II. It began on April 16, 1945 after the start of a major Soviet Union offensive on the capital city of the Third *****, and ended on May 2, 1945, when German defenders surrendered in the city to the Red Army. That full ability allowed Vernarth to interrelate inter-war situations of a political / warlike nature, as for this stage that remained to be reported. Now it was already in Germany occupied by the Soviet army. And to be able to continue living intensely in this way the marks and vestiges of the bullets of heavy caliber, which would be of great historical boast for future civilizations and their socio-political criticism, which still follow these marks of bullets in all the generations of this great Nation.

"On January 12, 1945, the Red Army entered German territory during the Vistula-Oder offensive and advanced westward at great speed, up to forty kilometers a day, entering Eastern Prussia, Lower and Upper Silesia and Eastern Pomerania, to a stop sixty kilometers east of Berlin, on a German defensive line along the Oder River. When the offensive resumed, two Soviet fronts - army groups - attacked Berlin from positions to the east and south, while a third attacked German positions to the north of the city. The first preparations to defend the outskirts of Berlin began on March 20, when the newly appointed commander of Army Group Vistula, General Gotthard Heinrici, correctly anticipated that the bulk of Soviet troops would cross the Oder River. Before the start of the battle of Berlin, the Soviets managed to surround the city thanks to their victories in the battles of the Seelow and Halbe hills. On April 16, 1945, the First Belarusian Front led by Marshal of the Soviet Union Gueorgui Zhúkov began to bombard central Berlin, while the First Ukrainian Front led by Marshal Ivan Kónev, pushed south to the remains of the Army Group Center. The German defenders were led primarily by Helmuth Weidling, and consisted of exhausted, ill-equipped, and disorganized divisions of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, to which many joined. Thousands of Russian cannons bombed day and night, air control Russian was total, the avenues were at the expense of fanatical Waffen SS, totally Blocked ”.

Vernarth, was crossed by means of the Reichstag, and was parapet taking a German machine gun to harass Soviet soldiers, who only used it to protect himself, limiting that he was neutral. Then he disappeared into the hills and kept his distance, only seeing the immense fires that were trying to take over a dominated city. The Reichstag building was located in the already abandoned Tiergarten district, in the Mitte district of Berlin, the capital of Germany. Where he was just interned with the combatants, and in order not to be captured he served the side that received him unequivocally.

Thousands of Russian cannon bombed day and night, Russian air control was complete, the avenues were at the expense of Waffen SS fanatics and blocked. Vernarth was crossed by means of heavy transport vehicles and mortar and cannon bombs, until cornered in some skirmishes and colossal ruins. Where he manages to escape and heads to the Hotel Adlon, a great palace of kaiseres and authorities of the great bourgeoisie. Here he manages to reside and finally escape crossing borders without knowing, thinking about going to Munich and crossing other borders, perhaps disdain to join the allied side and serve as a spy.

To be continued, under edition
Chapter XVI
Vernarth Third Finale Fragment, Apud tertium final

Vernarth, runs ripped from himself, after himself, to try to stay in this Parapsychological Regression. His bewilderment was imminent. He was seen in this regression on Nevski Avenue, Saint Petersburg, and in the province of Yekaterinburg, looking for vestiges of the Tungus tribe.
Peter I Alekséievich or Pedro I of Russia, nicknamed Peter the Great Moscow, May 30 / June 9, 1672- Saint Petersburg, January 28 / February 8, 1725.) 1 son of Tsar Alexius I and his second wife Natalia Narýshkina and successor of her half brother Teodoro III (Fiódor Alekséievich), was one of the most outstanding rulers in the history of Russia, belonging to the Románov Dynasty.
He ruled Russia from May 7 (April 27 C.J.), 1682, until his death, and before 1696 he did so along with his weak and sickly brother, Ivan V of Russia. It carried out a process of modernization through westernization and expansion that transformed Moscow Russia into one of the main European powers. He married Eudoxi Lopujiná, with whom he had a son and, in second nuptials, with his servant, who would take the title of Catherine I when he succeeded Pedro after his death occurred in Saint Petersburg on February 8, 1725 as a result of an infection in the bladder.

"... It was reading Vernarth in a tourist magazine when I was on a visit to the region, previously I was in Moscow and its surroundings ..." The parapsychological regression trip, followed and resumed another course with Destination to the Iberian Peninsula, on the Jacobean Route Through Santiago de Compostela and Vigo, in the latter, place passes to see the remains of the crypt of a friend killed in a Crusade. Here the remains rest in the Pereira mausoleum .Continuing his tour in Portugal, Lisbon. In Lisbon, old and melodic Afro Fado, on the sheets hanging from the illustrious houses, saw his escapades continue, rummaging bookstores and offices to get to the rooms of Amalia Rodrígues and the bohemian Lisbonense, who asked for more of his presence than the bartender himself placing port wine on the tables that cover their cork oak tables.

Does your regressive session continue, and was the doctor in charge asking if it was within your will to wake up and end the session? .Vernarth ...; He says with a gesture of his right hand, clutching his left wrist, that he wanted to continue and did not know if he would come back from himself. Which caused the doctor a strange and worried sensation, so he asked for a break before this unusual and abrupt situation. The windows of the room vibrated remarkably low, as if the thick strings of a cello intended to leave everyone diminished, to feel nothing more than himself, the very experience of a simultaneous True Warrior in mere compartments of a life that has currently disturbed him live without being part of any!

The session continues:
"... On a ridge in the middle of combat, Vernarth crosses for more below the positions of the Persians, on him and some like Mardiath, leader of his squad in Tire. Accompanying him, they could feel the thousands of sound frequencies crossing each other. Metals whistling with bowed, high and mid-frequency waves crisscrossing with spears as they skidded off the muffled wheels with their burnt axles.  The herds of fortified elephants, huge towers of ivories slicing bellies and cutting the flag,cloths next to their embalmed suns. Mardiath protects him from the rear, to evict him from the hundreds of boisterous spears, which were intended to target their commander. The Xifos sheared the chins of the almost annihilated Persians. Some of the Greek mercenaries shone with great pride the totemic animals of war to tune the Hellenic ones who cut off everything that was put before them. ”
They continue chasing the peal of spears that no longer spaced more than the shadow of their companions. The ringing of the voices that cut the metal rattle winds continues, diverting the coral trotting of the Macedonians with those of the cavalry, which faster than the others echoed the soon to take of causing always close wounds, where nothing was already with their defense weapons.

Vernarth says: With me there will be nothing ... anything more than how much will be counted, nothing more than being eternally brandishing our Xiphs. Medea ... full sorceress, tell me that I have to bet more than multiply my forces, without being able to unite with your potions of my right breastplate yet?

Medea replies: It must be applied with the woodcutter's hatchet ax. She hardens the edges of the banner, flaming, and the feather that moves the plumes that will be reserved in the squares of your energetic blasphemies. It has already welded your breastplate more than a feeling of longing. She was watered by the sacred steam of the Bumodos and its waters. I am here in full dispute; you can now anoint your throne with squares for more centuries by commenting to the right of the regular rules.

Brisehal in Advance

“They were all in full swing of the latest outbursts of onslaught from both sides. Vernarth gallops across the right side over the spearmen and archers, when suddenly everyone is paralyzed at the sight of a giant shadow of an oversized dog appearing to them from the rear. Some dropped their weapons; others restrained themselves and did not know what to do ... it was even notable that they did not hear the voices of their Persian commanders.

In the immensity of their over proportions, the fusion of reality appears in that of an almost unreal animal that stood between them to intercede and protect Vernarth. Was "Brisehal", which was suspended with its quadruple legs over an area of more than two square kilometers?

It came from Dasht-e-Lut. After Brisehal bellowed and the troops of their self-contemplation were depopulated, they were emerging from the empty Wagnerian Gaugamela. Brisehal with her Anubis-headed mountain, began to move it and shake the space between earth and sky, like the hope of some parishioners to enter the garden-kingdom of Heaven. Before the day trembled with the movement of her trembling footsteps, Brisehal shuddered on both sides and stepped in front of Vernarth to preserve her. When her entire body shuddered, she eliminated the remains of parasites that fell on the insistent achemenids, on their smallest heaps that were seen to be liquidated with the greatest effect of their rotating forces.

They were immense thunderclaps that even scrubbed up to the spheroid clouds reddened by their rising. He turned from left to right as if wanting to exile them to the Desert of Lut, as if to tube his pro generation by the bundles of optical rope or high-density fiber, which could cohabit with Vernarth in his odyssey of the Horcondising (Vernarth lineage paradise to Gaugamela).

From Horcondising; Sudpichi, on the streams channeled like proliferated mirrors, illuminated the sky of his region like haloes of light showing each outcome of the Intervention of this enormous Dasht-e-Lut dog on a huge colorful screen by the celestial air of the nearby clouds.

A guard says: Our Lord Vernarth, is under the protection of Brisehal, just as we with his memory are his succession, we owe him great respect for his bravery and repercussion of his ancestry. I continue from here of the Tower seeing his operations of greater spirit, for the protection of his great heroic sign!

Brisehal, is introduced on the cavalries of thousands of horsemen of the Persians, on hundreds of groups of mounts that flew over their heads the cataphractic armor, also elephants that did not give truce but, the most devastated were the failed cars, which were totally annulled by the bellowing and fierce contortions that Brisehal gave angrily without stopping. From this moment on, Vernarth, who already had contracted wounds, was amazed by this mass of fright in the eyes of the Falangists and the movement of strategies already aimed at deserved success, ******* the huge hordes remained, prey to their fear and undeniable defeat. early.

Alejandro Magnus says: “This Victory has no concordance with others that I have overcome. I must imagine myself supported by the support of my land and my collaborators. Undoubtedly, the tendency of those who have left their sparse sweat on this plain tend to exaggerate, it gives room to further commend the victory of my commander Vernarth and his supporters. The only thing that we can affirm for sure is that our adversaries grasped at the expense of their resources, is that even though they are tremendously superior in quantity to those of the Macedonian army, they were disintegrated at this moment by our overwhelming powers.

Ellipsis Darius III in Arbela

“… In July 331 BC, the army of Alexander the Great would cross the Euphrates River, entering fully into Mesopotamia. At that time, instead of marching south on the river to reach Babylon, where Darius III was supposed to have fled, he chose to head north, crossing the entire Mesopotamian territory until he reached the Tigris River in the second half of September. At the same time, Darius III had marched north to Arbela, just over 100 kilometers from the vast Gaugamela plain. Unlike what happened in the battle of Gránico and the battle of Issos, there he could deploy the full potential of his troops to envelop Alexander's and annihilate him… ”.

Darius III says: Being in Arbela, I should never have disobeyed The Astros. When they moved and I couldn't look at them because of their immigration, I never believed that the nebulae that would cross in front of my eyes would be the chivalry commanded by Alexander Magnus, and the infantry by Vernarth joined Etréstles. Now I see him with his glasses in his hands drinking Nepente in the twilight with his comrades surrounded by Zeus. I meanwhile ..., I still think that I should never have abstracted myself from the last portion of Betelgeuse's movement when he circulated around the border of the emblem of his seduction to the adorned orion belt.

At the time of knowing the movements and tactics of the battle of Gaugamela we find the same problem as always, the veracity of the sources of knowledge, whose account is very similar to that of the battle of Issos. According to this account, Alexander and the cavalry galloped diagonally and to the right, to avoid the caltrops and the failed cars and avoid being flanked by the Persians. Consequently, the Persian cavalry on the left wing moved in pursuit, aiming to overtake the Macedonians and envelop them. However, the Achaemenid horsemen did not realize that in doing so they had separated from the center, where a hole had been opened that allowed them to reach Darius III.

Vernarth says: in the hour that I ate of the black roses and their petals, I must savor the conversation that I had to have with the nature of our military training. Our strategy has oppressed the erratic tactics of the adversaries; the pressure of our Macedonian lancers disrupts the formation of the troops of the satrap Bessos, who end up losing the initiative and fleeing. In the center, the phalanx Me, Mardiath and Etréstles, together with the hipaspistas we will advance slowly but surely, gradually pushing back the Persian units. Brisehal has stood out above the outstanding lightness of the harassed Commander Satrap Maceo, annihilating all attempts to completely discredit him, of which his figure of high countenance was thus tainted. With the sweaty blizzard of the afternoon back then the fully grained shadow of Brisehal migrated to his Dasht-e-Lut desert from where he was confined by command of his allegiance to Vernarth forever and ever where both will always be seen at dawn play and jump.

At one point, after long resisting the burden of the Macedonian sovereign, Darius III makes his worst mistake. As happened in Issos, he gives up the battle when he was not yet decided for either side and flees, progressively dragging with him the rest of the nearby troops. In the face of this movement, Alexander immediately pursued him, and for a moment it seemed that the life of the King of Kings was coming to an end. However, the desperate call of Parmenion, who can no longer resist the fight against the Persian horsemen, makes Alexander desist from his persecution and allows Darius III to escape. When they were abandoned by their king, the Persian army became demoralized and ended up fleeing or surrendering, thus confirming the disintegration of the Persian Empire and the coronation of Alexander the Great as lord of Asia.

The end begins in a new beginning, Vernarth limps along the external bank of the Bumodos with his pectoral reopened and his back with purple colored diaphragms bellowing his resistance. He was accompanied by Kanti and, Etrestles and Mardiath who helped him endure it. They take their steps and approach the store where Valekiria was waiting for them; his consort to apply the sedative ****** essence with waters of the Bumodos to calm his pain, and later return from this great epic of his "Parapsychological Regression" that was soon to culminate.
Etréstles says: Put the bars with their proper seals, Goodbye sentinels. Believe in my truth that I wake up, that even in the next death, we are still in transit to the same death.

The infantry cross the lances, pretending to be bars, they go through the pavilions of the combat, to put their proper belongings to put the points of their swords, at the point and as of their passive compasses to the rhythm of the trumpets that ceased to thunder. The relatives who were already falling down the legs of the infants, were already accounts of Commander Etréstles, as they went intertwined to house nests of empty hopes. Going to the attempt of agore visions, the Kingdom of War was visibly admonished, no longer supporting any arm more than interweaving within its warlike network. On the surrounding infants, who had the shields as a roof, to quench the thirst of the arrows, which were raided in ******* and lust, succumbed to the Kingdom of defense, ambushed the hipaspistas (specialized body that covered the gaps of the inflexible phalanx) and the light infantry, Thracians, Agrians (these last javelin throwers who destroyed the chariots in this battle) and Greek hoplites who intervened to cover the rear of the phalanx.

Wails on wails, they cut off the first rows, when someone flew their wails together, someone also helped him with gregarious wails that bit them. Faced with this dilemma, Aphrodite's shells, with a certain degree of ineptitude, shook the trumpets with a vibrating LA of a new Earth, which configured a new roar in all the contiguous soldiers, causing in some the anxiety of kneeling down to preach the Koran or some Sufi saying. The trumpet reactions follow, so that no one leaves the bed where, awaiting further instructions, they fall on the thick saddles of rancid odors of overexcited horse manure.

Vernarth says: Brothers with a famished feat, we surround their wills with poverty, we imprison the dominions that came from their light on our darkness stuck in theirs today. The Hebraic sign of Satan burns its own lamps in a continuous flickering. The divine configuration of the hurricane sky makes a new god to be born today. The ****** lightness makes me take the slow mob of success that dissipates over me the flag that I must break to surround myself with the escape of the enemy and his consort.
Second  Endig Frangmnet
I advance a fragment of this ending, which will have three endings under the same final outcome.

Vernarth appears in the haze, coughing up his cloying feverish rubies that dazzle Betelgeuse's cheeks, lighting Alexander Magnus' cheeks upon awakening.

Alejandro Magnus advoca: Countless times I have seen the face of Persephone face to face, failing to light my way with his bare cobblestones walking on my feet, to where I have to extinguish my candle and lie down in the moat assigned by the aforementioned marriage with Hades and with the spring of my beloved town with all its candles burning. "Pela, where he smells of anger and disassemblies of Ares' ignominy for not responding to his doctrines. However, I have awakened more than every morning I had to wake up, hanging from the dazzling light of the Dorus melting its tip with its anger to amalgamate with that of Xifos in the company of Ares and mine melting its doctrine in a thousand fragments landing in the distinguished forge submerged by banal winds and its anvil like a perennial Rosebush that rests on the Dodecanese region, showing me the faces that I must have understood when my mother Olympia, filled me with kisses so that one day I would fill her with victories for back her kisses, holding my arms as if she were already holding onto the destiny that unites us, pretending to be the Xiphos, a Burning Chapel that my father Philip was never able to hold.
First Ending
Chapter XIII
Ekadashi, Nix in the Dark

From all the districts they came to witness the material effects of Gaugmela. Three days before, the Falangists under Vernarth were hit by the Ekadashi. They fasted three days before and gave themselves over to the radiations of Zeus, imposing the radiosities of the lunar movements. It is the penultimate step, there were already hours to walk through the dust that shook the heels of the Falanges. All the accoutrements and animals given over to the devotion of his soul and to his disputable faithful.

Already in the immediate circle of Gaugamela's possessions. Darius then came to cross the Tigris, organizing his troops and his harem. The Macedonians arranged the army that numbered 7,000 horsemen and 40,000 infantry. Alexander's elite heavy cavalry were the Hetairoi (Companions) and were made up of the Macedonian nobility, who accompanied Alexander in this battle and were the deciding factor in the battle. Vernarth commands the more than 40,000 infants, keeping a close relationship with the Hetairoi, with his arms twinned with divine caste. And Greek Hoplites who intervened to cover the rear of the phalanx, which Vernarth sponsored in the farthest reaches of thought of this moving stain of thousands of Macedonians singing institutional war poetry.

From the Dodecanese, Kalidona and all the central Greek archipelagoes came to pay tribute to Vernarth, accompanied by Etréstles de Kalavrita, great hero and defender along with Markos Botsaris (Chapter 6, page 36 Koumeterium Messolonghi / Palibrio USA) in this great epic. Raeder also joined his Petrobus Pelicanos, Brisehal and Strigoi from the Transylvanian transverse valleys, soon arrived from the Reign of Horcondising, after boarding his Frigate in Valparaíso. Adding the nine elements of the Megatons reviving in case they are ratified of a new Era.

They all camped five kilometers from the Rio Bumodos, on the north ***** where the moon shadows favored them of a new lunar phase, movements, ebb and flow, the influence of energy. The devotees of the clan did not attach any particular importance to it, they attach importance to these days for one reason only because these days it can enhance their devotion, so they are engaged in service. They are waiting for these days to have the opportunity to further strengthen their devotion, in order to accept the procedures at their right hand with the astrological or cosmic interpretations of the Ekadashi that can be explained by the people of the material world.

Concept infringed upon the devotees is that Ekadashi is the day when the Lord strives for greater enjoyment, to challenge incessant pain from the imbalance of the collective emotions of the attendees. And the others as an ingredient of souls that are destined for their enjoyment should try to give more energy to Vernarth and his regression parapsychological. But we must also understand that we are in the margin of life, so we should not think that Zeus extremely needs our service. He is completely self-sufficient and is in the transcendental world. But he does not leave us alone with his vague glimpses of company.

Ekadashi is a Sanskrit word that means "the eleventh first." The holiday refers to the eleventh day of the fortnight belonging to the lunar month. The moon has two fortnights in a month - The waxing phase of the moon and the waning phase of the moon, so Ekadashi falls twice a month. If we count the contest it was the first of October 1, the ekadashi is biweekly. Is worth to say; that the lunar flows would scrub their triple lunar circles from September 20 331 a. C., which is cyclically corresponding to the eleventh day of self-generation of the phenomenon. That would be crucial in the moldy veil of consecration of the Macedonian Holiness and their immortal souls.

The Falangists' minds will tend to ask millions of circular questions one after another, but it is not their great task to be busy and deal with a lot of various questions in the cold of the night. Our task is to learn to chant the Holy Name without committing ineffective offenses. And in a certain state of mind this will appear in our hearts, rather than in the concentric circle of our Hoplite shield in the defensive Hellenic rear.

An eclipse before battle
Let's go back in time momentarily to October 1, 331 B.C. That day the battle of Gaugamela took place, one of the most important in antiquity. The setting was the banks of the Bumodos River, just over twenty kilometers from Mosul (Iraq). There the Macedonian troops of Alexander the Great (356 BC-323 BC) and the Persian army of Darius III (380 BC-330 BC) faced each other. Vernarth was close to the leader, and they were playing the Dorius with the hoofs of the Steeds and they were vibrating the Sarissas spears with the dark spots falling from the top of the tinted sky, more than the foot-tapping of the sandals of their Thessalonic infants filling their glasses with greater wine Cretense not to tarnish your upstairs fears cosmological.

Eleven days before the battle, under the gaze of thousands of Mesopotamian and Macedonian soldiers, the Moon hid. Not even her benevolent lady sphinx managed to express stunned, almost disheveled before the stars that looked at her. The camp was suddenly plunged into the deepest darkness. Far from marveling and enjoying this astronomical event, the undaunted human troops of both armies interpreted it as a sign of bad omen, sensing an imminent defeat. The panic was greater among the Macedonian ranks that at that time forded the Tigris River in search of Darius III's troops. The soldiery interpreted the Dark Moon as symbolizing the advent chaos against the celestial order, so there was a marked reluctance to continue. This gesture was about to destroy the empire of Alexander the Great.

Fortunately, the Greek strategist managed to change their minds by making a very different reading of the lunar phenomenon: the divine message had to be translated as that the sun, a Macedonian symbol, was going to eclipse the moon a symbol of the Persians.

Alexander Magnus says to them:
I know that your tracks will leave visible traces of the high sky for those who do not go unnoticed. I know that your bellies will empty all your viscera to the sheer Death that is decked out by scaring its docile and nascent hair, like seeds germinated without the freshness of the unruly Sun, yet atoned for in the bowels of the prophecies of the augur.

In spite of everything, the arrogant Macedonian must not have them all with him because he summoned Aristandro, his personal necromancer, in his tent, and asked him to make a sacrifice to the god Phobo, the god of fear and horror. The augur inspected the entrails of the slaughtered animals and assured Alexander that fortune was on his side and he would achieve victory. The prophecy had to reassure the bulk of the army, since the next day they set off, moving away from the bank of the Tigris River, looking for the confrontation against the Achaemenid hosts.
In the Battle of Gaugamela the Macedonian army showed its teeth and twitched the profiles of the Persian temples and their lodge. The cavalry enveloped the Persian troops on their right, penetrating to the heart of the army creating the devastating effluvium that frozen the impression of the eternity of an empire and its empty policy. Darius III intuited that his life was at risk in the face of this contingency, and he fled a horrifying flight, which created a greater confusion among his troops, definitively unbalancing the result of the fight against Alexander the Great. Vernarth, their main commander, before Darius was filled with the worst fear, stormed his own scythe carts and shot the troops head-on, many of the scattered victims being severed. He sprinkled first-degree alcohol on their heads to leave them out in the open and posterity would come the Goddess of the night Nix, spilling sour macerated petals on all of them to bury us in the imprecations of the God Erebus in the deep light devoid of the calm margin of redeeming them of chaos.

Over the sea of crushed earth, beneath the surface of Gaugamela, their floods of elusive phlegm ran through the catacombs, the hurried insectaries of the underworld of the god Tartarus fled. Nix is usually depicted as a winged woman dressed in a black cloak covered in stars. She drives a cart drawn by two horses and normally, her twin sons Hipnos and Thanatos accompany her, here they ran everywhere, to attest the regrets of the Hoplite Phalangists, after being invaded by mythological forces of the Achaemenides. His powers were believed to be superior to those of any other god (believed to even arouse the fear of Zeus) and his worship occurred throughout Ancient Greece. Normally, consecration rituals were performed with roosters and black sheep since it was believed that their singing disturbed the stillness of the nights. Its sacred animal was the owl and its symbolic plant, the ****** poppy. Greek myths believed that when Nix emerged from Tartarus to the surface of the earth, night took place while day suffered from shyness.

Saint Corinth night
The Acrocorintus was a citadel with a triple line of walls, which according to mythology would have corresponded to the sun god Helium, in the dispute it had with Poseidon (god of the seas), who was assigned the Corinth isthmus. of the referee of the contest, Briareo, who was a Hecatónquiro (giant that had fifty heads and a hundred arms) according to the story of the Greek historian Pausanias. The Acrorintus was located on the steep mountains in the south of the city, where the temple of the goddess Aphrodite and the fountain of Pyrene were, and which was larger than Corinth itself, so it could serve as a refuge for the inhabitants if were invaded. It was also the target of the destruction of the Roman consul Mumio, and later rebuilt.

Laus Iulia Corinthiensis, colony of that time in one night under the maroon influence of the blizzard of millions of Fireflies, invaded all the fields of Macedonia. Some of these super noctulizing species migrated from the poles fainting before the Dodona oracle in the twilight that espouses the night of the day in vicious reconciliation. They entered the oracle sworn by civilizations 650 B.C.

The night of Saint Corinth is the vision that a Chrysalis had when observing a Firefly in the center of the barley fields. The oracles at Dodona were performed by interpreting the sounds of the sacred oak and the flight of pigeons. In the middle of the 4th century BC., the athenian Demón mentions another tradition on the oracle of Dodona: he related that from the ceiling of the temple of Zeus hung a series of cauldrons or tripods closely together. Since the temple lacked walls, the wind beat the cauldrons and its sound was what had to be interpreted by the priests or priestesses who appropriated their non-transferable powers, creating a cosmogony of appropriation of illegitimate powers, aggressively changing the destiny of those who came closer to the oracle. Event that was marked in the last minute of the dogma, when everything leaned towards the omen of overcoming an entire almost subdued civilization of mythology turned into an imminent reality, which vividly demonstrated an environment of tangible and prosperity in Gaugamela having made a myth reality like the Dodona and its chrysalis.

It is interpreted by the priestesses, as a harbinger of the common preservation of the Egyptian and Greek theological bastions. But above all of the Dodona, who anticipated the facts, come to reappear according to the forces of nature in Guagamela, which he would risk in 331 BC. C. In all those faithful to Vernarth, presuming to be always loyal in the first and last line, when the oracle entered them by the temples and stole their entrails with doves, later it deposited panting to all equally in the tops of the oaks getting ready to enunciate to the same oracle what was going to happen one day, that year in Gaugamela. Chrysalis hotbeds bathed in a field humor of St. Corinth were always seen fluttering when the Oracle was invoked to the one who came in the name of Vernarth coming from Sudpichi.

To be continued… / under edition.
Chapter XII
Duodecim Evangelii

The Rainbow filament changed the banners of each scattered color. A new era is already coming in its white color, fading in the entrance Antiphon that says: I will give you shepherds according to my heart, who feed you conscience and experience.
O God, who has raised up Saint Joseph, Mary and her Rabbi, the wise priest, in the Church to proclaim the universal vocation to holiness of the Duodecim Evangelii, grant us by his intercession and example, that in the exercise of ordinary work we configure ourselves to our Messiah and let us serve with fervent love the work of Redemption by our Lord Jesus Christ.

In this great event since the Cave of the Apocalypse, everyday inhabitants already bound the ancient manuscripts of Sakkelion and Sakellarios. They worried about how to make a new resolution in their gallery. In the Byzantine period they administered gifts and tributes. Interestingly related to Zacchaeus who appears in the New Testament, in the Gospel of Luke, 19, 1–10, when Jesus Christ enters Jericho. He was a tax collector, tax collector, and very wealthy. The tax collectors worked for the Romans and also asked for more money than the Romans demanded, thus becoming easily wealthy, so they were doubly hated. Zacchaeus was short in stature, and for this reason, when Jesus entered the city of Jericho, everyone crowded to see him, and he stayed behind and never saw him. Then he went ahead and climbed a species of fig tree, a sycamore (Ficus sycomorus), as it was going to pass in front of him. When Jesus arrived at that place, he said:

Zacchaeus, come down soon; because today I should stay in your house. Fig tree of Zacchaeus in Jericho. At this the people murmured that they were going to stay in the house of a sinner. Zacchaeus replies that he will give the poor half of what he has, and if he defrauded someone earlier he will give him four times as much. Jesus replies that salvation has come to his house because he is also the son of Abraham. From this antiphon emerges Twelfth Evangelii, a file arises that concelebrates the haughty morals of tributes that are to be motivated by the tribal multitudes of Gaugamela for the presence of God for what their will wants and No. From all corners they will depart to give reading to this great incident not easy to read, hear or even feel in its vibrations after the immortality of the memorial events of history as regent transporter of the meeting of all the vain voices that do not know and those who know to come exalted. That the scrolls will be quadrupled to the combatants who end you dead or alive in Gaugamela, each carrying one of them in his hand.

All the crossings of relationships in ancient society, infused the parallels of the sustainability of Faith through generosity, almost transferred from an essential charism praised by the esoteric nucleus of the same dogma, becoming confused in the path that has to transport it without being aware that the destiny that took him comes wrong from the threshold of the doubt of the beginning. Since his wicked king Manases was imprisoned, imprisoned, and exiled, called the wicked king. He lived in the depths of the heat of Avernus. For modern Christians, Manasseh is an icon of Divine forgiveness, from where the traditional Prayer of Manasseh arises from the prayers of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, since after being one of the most ****** and pagan kings of the Jews, He forgave him and was even buried in the city of David, a pantheon reserved only for faithful kings, which means that God completely forgave him.

Etréstles, great work of the perenniality of the Koumeterium of Messolonghi, was buried nine times, and after the ninth time, he was resurrected for the eternity of infinity. Etréstles is the main mediator between the dioceses of Duodecim Evangelii. Always on his sculpted slabs, the birds rubbed and told them that they awaited his oblation for the years that they had to be with him forever.

Etréstles says: I write! Words that hypnotize my will. What I do not know, I want to know for everything that I have not achieved You. They are heard by me, but my intellectual candidates intercede for me!
"Under the ground of ignorance there is happiness and it is eternal,
How happy we go for the beautiful escarpments,
Where the devil's tail cracked the stone...
And the robe of God...
He absorbed the foam of the waves that vitalized,
Our gases here in the graves of the Twelfth Evangelii”
Here you will hope to be at the mercy of the lessons of procession after procession. Thus would begin the factions of conflicts of the powers of the Good over the engendered evil. Every being will ineffably be forgiven before I have to leave to meet my blood Vernarth. Sooner rather than later, I will bring the documents of the Twelfth Evangelii, for this frank interlude as all the weight on the innocent clouds of noble wind in Persian lands.

Megatons of romantics are buried, they carry in their hands the scrolls of the Twelfth Evangelii, which will lead them through the remnants of their bodies teleported by the umpteenth theological speculations. They are dissociated into nine parts:

Messolonghi Brotherhood: By mandate of adoration and recognition of good reception of the Holy field to the Romantics.

Saint John in Patmos: totalitarian stay in captivity for his ideas fulfilled.

Allegory of Manases: To help them when they are under the sword of fear discovered in Gaugamela.

Bersahel entry: with its super size appeasing any small doubt.

Sheesham's Staff: to open all the hearts of the maidens who fear giving birth to ****** warrior children who break hearts of other maidens.

Strigoi frigate: sailing with the damsels of Tuscany sitting on the newly placed masks to fall in love with more oceans to conquer.

Raeder and Petrubus: Every child that is born and dies will be embedded in the bowels of the fantastic Pelican of the Dodecanese.

Likantus: Challenge Medea and make her captive of herself by making her fall in love with her lost lover.

Duodecim Evangelii de Zauco: feverish dream not fulfilled. Gates from beyond the scriptures manifested in perpetual prophetic dreams. Zauco traces his height and the whole world took him with him.

This sacred document with the nine personalities of the Megatons of the Romantics, recommends deliberating what will happen after the battles of Gaugamela. What will be the new goals in successive lives that Vernarth and his comrades would have to travel.

Post Gaugamela Ellipsis: In the ninth year of Vernarth's reign, on the tenth day of the tenth month, Dario the Great, King of Persia, arrived with his whole army again at Gaugamela, having lost the battle; He camped in front of the city and they surrounded it with a stockade, he remained silent without any gesture of altering the events that occurred. The city was under peaceful siege until the eleventh year. In the fourth month, on the ninth day of the month, while hunger in the city was tightening and there was no more bread for the people of the country, a gap was opened in the city, where everyone united in total solidarity to resort to the aid of the delayed families. Although the dates were dissimilar and anachronistic, these were reincorporated to give the analysis of attack and flight, since this vicious circle has been repeated since time immemorial and each time you flee you lose a trace with evidence that determines what to attract to gather new collisions not trailing them on the run.

To be continued… / under edition.
Dodecanese Sunflower Raeder

From Patmos, hundreds of children could be seen hanging from the legs of the blue pelicans of the Dodecanese. Raeder hung with both hands over the jasper-plated iron hoops from the Greek "iaspis", which means "stained stone." It is found in hydrothermal veins, in volcanic rocks, and in sedimentary rocks. With their four webbed fingers they wore the amethyst rings for the housewives who celebrated Thanksgiving, and the celebration of the guidelines of Saint John that they were sent transported in a golden shoe peak. Generally there were more than five thousand who passed through the counties; they swallowed canonized water from the Ionian Sea, with its great advantage of reproducing seas salty water in fresh water to drink. They were taken to each house to fill their vessels and also during planting periods, they watered their farms in summer periods when it was scarce. With their golden brown plumage they raffled for the olive fields and the ***** vines of the Goddess Aphrodite. And with their white feathers they sprinkled the barley fields with vinegar and recently slain wheat fields on the feet of Petrobus, their pelican of dreams. From here all the recipes were born in all the regions when the Bread was depressed, without firewood and tears. Patmos has engraved on the legs of pelicans that plan every day looking for houses where they can get to take the Gospel to them. All the children like Raeder are accompanied by other blessed ones, to bring them the good news and the families were waiting sitting near the end of their social limits, when they were waiting for them in the afternoons as thanksgiving. They ate in the afternoons to wait for the children to taste Tzatziki; Yogurt sauce with cucumber and caramel with poppy and honey drinks.

The women received them in the apartments near their Gineceo, and right there they exchanged gifts that they brought from the Grotto of the Evangelist in Patmos. Children from the moment the expectant mother was known or suspected to be pregnant. They came quickly so that the cast did not have problems, they were considered a divine gift the only children, the first-born or those who were born to older parents, it was the privilege of these birthright.

Reckless is its popularity at the mention that appears in the Apocalypse of John, in whose introduction it is said that the author was exiled to Patmos, where he had his encounter with Jesus in the so-called Grotto of the Apocalypse, which gave rise to the book. The early traditions of Christianity identified this character with Saint John the Evangelist.

For this reason, the island of has become an important Christian pilgrimage destination; aside from the one in Hora, there are several more monasteries dedicated to San Juan, and visitors can see the cave where, according to tradition, it had its visions. The churches and religious communities of Patmos belong to the Eastern Orthodox tradition. Petrobus was more distant from its flights rather than knowing how to arrive in the mornings and at night after three, past the meridian, since here San Juan was in prayers for the holy animals that distributed their parcels to the Dodecanese families and surrounding towns. Raeder was the son of two farmers from Kinaros, who live in Dodecanese. They form this super boy who has a great affinity with the Petrobus pelicans. A kind of prodigal Zeus poultry that anticipated the wishes of farmers. His webbed pet was Petrobus. This super bird, resided in the San Juan grotto, and always recruited more of his kind to take them to the Dodecanese neighborhoods, the encyclicals that he promoted emeritus. The Saint ordered him to order and bring all the families in a Eucharistic tone. These birds were never deprived of flying because they had the gift of their living soul in them to transmit wishes of great fulfillment by order of the Saint, who worked with the beads of his rosary and did not leave any discounted olives.

Raeder, among all the chosen children with super powers. They would be distinguished to travel over the pelicans to Gaugamela. They, as a childish personality in each of Alejandro Magnus' Falangists, pierced with their replica odyssey the breaks that the Petrobus made for them. Even on the overgrown and disoriented ranks, leaving them exposed on the open flanks of the Achaemenides, their leather and wicker shields softening, the same without even being able to retreat and shelter.
In the Dodecanese islands the carmine morning dew that falls in its crystalline waters, sandy or gravel beaches, important archaeological remains as scenes to compete in athletic leisure is subjugated, he ran naked after the outfits that his mother had made, was overshadowed by crystalline Byzantine monuments and medieval architecture due to the long Venetian ******* in its mannerisms. What unites these islands is their history and their occupations: that of the knights of the crusades to that of the Turks, the Italian occupation to the Greek annexation with their volatile useless attire to dress.

Patmos is very popular with pilgrims since the time when one of the caves on the island of Saint John the Evangelist, a disciple of Christ, wrote the Book of Revelations, and Astypalea is the westernmost island in the archipelago and has architectural characteristics of both kinds. Dodecanese Cyclades. It is also related here in Kalavrita's Etrestles Novel in his victorious boast to Patmos, when he resorts after the reverie of the Laziko Dance that they hold on to the little finger and circulate in commemoration of the stripping of the rebirth of spring with La Sousta del Dodecaneso . These dances, generated on the infra-ocean floor of the Ionian Sea, generated the force of the ethereal emanation of Etréstles from Kalavrita by daring to put an Eclectic confrontation on the invisible portal of the Evangelist Saint John in his sacred basaltic cave in the Patmos archipelago (Koumeterium Messolonghi, Chapter 16 / page 114. Editorial Palibrio - USA)
In the Chapel of Ministers
They were seconded by the high representatives of Kalimnos, among them the curious immortal serpentine Raeder. Son of farmers, natives of Kinaros belonging to a group clan of six small islands and six small families. Some islets used to flaunt the genealogical beams of the Antigone challenges and documented inspirations found between Leros and Kalymnos in the east and the Cycladic island of Amorgós in the west. To the south is Astipalea, this group of islands is made up of Plaka in the west, Glaros, the two Mavra islands and Lebynthos in the east. Kinaros is accessible through the islands of Amorgós or Kálimnos by wooden architecture boats.

Raeder always got up before dawn and a petite blue Bonsai Pelican always appeared on the threshold of his window; called him Petrobus. In the mornings, he ran, beating this Olympic bird Petrobus in a quick dispute. Sometimes he could not say goodbye to his friendly bird, because he ran so fast that the days used to be weeks in a row, while Petrobus snorted through the skies with his wings of Hellenic Artificial Intelligence. With his hyper exhalation he moved large rocky cliffs, even moving and disorganizing the geographical nomenclature of these twelve polygonal islands of the Dodecanese.

The least known and uncontaminated are Leros or Pserimos, while Rhodes and Cos, the largest and most cosmopolitan islands, are the goal of migrant Blue Pelicans throughout the year. Before returning home, Raeder stretched out on the grasses sheared by the heels of the Petrobus migrants and their minions. In this dancing grass he could feel the dances with gag bread dancing on all the hips of the maidens of La Sousta by his arms. He ran after Petrobus in his golden mask and hung on the legs of his bird (Wings Mate), the art of flying with magical golden birds and his Ancient Antigone Mama.

When he sometimes flew by the feet of Petrobus, he thought...
Tierra Mía… a thousand times I will lift you up with my arms, don't hesitate my arms believe it…
Oh my revered Ionian, I will apnea to please you a thousand times to become your Ionic molecule ... Wind of Kalimnos himself ..., I will make the Oda flute that goes through the twelve pierced epitaphs of my ancestors in Dodecanese asleep of paroxysm in the chapel where I was baptized for the ninth time!
And by the fatuous lavish Fire I will put the ceremonial ribbon of the Sousta Dance in the siesta of the new migration of my transparent Pelicans….

Raeder says to Petrobus visibly excited, imagining crying with his imagined friend. The little Raeder from the Dodecanese region tells his imaginary friend Petrobus what more lack of bread crumbs for next winter?

Petrobus tells him not looking at him ..., just placing his palm-legged hellephilia on his other equal ...: Nothing you fear Raeder, God does not exist!. Now He and you are the same. You can lift the sphere of the flat earth with your arms and convert it into a healthy land of Milk and Kalimnos honey that runs with mud through the mountains of your Life turned into a new House dressed in a new house. In this way we will tackle the colossal heroic deed of our Vernarth in Gaugamela, the league in which we aspire to be lying on the grasses of Cibatus that awaits us. It would be better if it rains on the shoulders of its meadows!

Tobe continued / under edition
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