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I give you my son for protection of this land,
I give you my beloved, in His mercy's hands..
I pray for you that you stand fast and strong,
that you won't allow for your land, any evil or wrong..
that you my dear will show every one,
that you belong to a nation of the rising sun..
that the land you belong, belongs to the brave..
In dying for their country, who never hesitate..
the land of love, the land of faith,
the castle of Islam, here lived the great..
I pray my son, for you, every moment..
that you live for your country, for it you embrace death..
I wrote this poem for Pakistan army, and the mothers of those soldiers_  In war against terrorism, many soldiers sacrificed their lives, and the way their families cope with it, the way other soldiers are ready to embrace shahadat(death in Allah's way) its really inspiring..
the darkness can not hide me
i strike with light,
and a cigaret.

waiting for the story.

of my life to be told.
 Nov 2012 Jordan Farelli
.                  Bad news from doctor                 .
             won't make old bones after all
.                   All goes too quickly                    .
Have a memorial service to attend tomorrow.
 Nov 2012 Jordan Farelli
If religion did not exist then man would invent it.

Religion did not exist so what happened, man invented it.
 Nov 2012 Jordan Farelli
a l o n e

i cry salty clear tears


bleed my sadness
like a medieval disease


i'm numb
this swirling roaring wind that blows homeward from the sea
                                         saltiness with eucalyptus blending in twisting my fear
                                                the knots in my chest and stomach entangling
                                                      ­deadly mocktail of emotions surging
                                                         ­ with every  howling whoosh  
                                                        ­        a new green life falls breaking
                                                        ­                      life prematurely ending
                                                          ­                       storm violently shaking
                                                         ­                           every limb of every tree
                                                            ­            an attempt to blow anxiety
                                                         ­               into each living breath
                                                          ­                       a drenched vision
                                                          ­                           of a couple of crows
                                                           ­                        seemingly meditating
                                                      ­                      in the midst of the tempest
                                                         ­            holding their own  
                                                           ­                     in the eye
                                                             ­                   of the storm
                                                           ­                       they find
                                                            ­                         Peace

- Vijayalakshmi Harish

Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
my city Chennai experienced the effect of Cyclone Nilam which hit the south-east coast of India yesterday. No major damage done in the city though. 1 person has been reported dead and 5 missing at sea. My prayers go out to them , and to those affected by Sandy as well.
And I just want to feel your breath
On my neck
And your *******
On my chest
And I just want to feel your lips
On my cheek
Telling me I’ll be okay
When I’m feeling awfully weak
And I just want to see your eyes
Meeting mine
Soft orbs of blue
Too mature for your time
And I just want to hear your voice
Whispering softly in my ear
Be here with me
Be near
I can’t handle this distance
Not only of miles, but of mind
I never could catch you
But god how long I tried.
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