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2.9k · Jul 2010
Gambling with fate.
Jonathan Steele Jul 2010
Consciously walking a route you know will lead you lost.
Living as if you knew what this act shall cost.
Slowly drifting into a world of shade and shadow,
each moment of your precious existence, a self-contained pointless battle.
When your hands seem to finally gain a firm grip,
they start to tremble and you begin to slip.
Falling into the deep, dark unknown,
each passing moment dragging you further from home.
Feeling nothing, and seeing very little,
it is only now that you realize you have always lived so brittle.
Fear lingers, consuming your thoughts,
a mysterious force, lifting your soul as your body drops.
Only sadness and regret felt as you watch yourself meet the jagged rocks.

Your vision is clear now, and you are free to go,
as your loved ones tears create a river like flow.
You feel the drops as if they came from stormy skies,
but you are too far gone now to hear their thunderous pain-filled cries.
Now feeling the silence you have for so long craved,
you quickly realize there shall soon be nothing left of you to save.
As you feel your soul begin to fade,
you frantically beg forgiveness for the dire mistake you have made,
but there is no hope, for you have just lost the game in which you have just so foolishly played.
2.0k · Jun 2010
Grapevine silence.
Jonathan Steele Jun 2010
The grapevines have never been so silent,
but it is not the oil, or changing climate.
To hear its word, you must now be beside it.

Their messages once sung loud, merrily with joy,
but now go unheard by most girl and boy.

The words that find a way to meet our ears,
have never been so full of hopelessness and fears.
The grapevines eyes swell with tears.

It seems the grapevine would no longer like to share,
for the words they are sharing have lost the love and care.
The abundant grapevine forest,
now but a desert bare.

After all of the rumors have come to cease,
the grapevines sleep tonight in peace.
Together waiting for sun of tomorrows dawn,
they pray for new coming souls to bestow whispers upon.
Holding on to hope that new messages will spawn,
and lead to beautiful pictures being drawn.
926 · May 2011
Flowing Love
Jonathan Steele May 2011
As I think about what is important to me most,
I want to kiss you, and hold you close.
Love is a feeling that never sleeps.
I feel this first hand as my heart softly weeps,
releasing this tender sadness it keeps.
I sit and watch this river softly flow,
as drops of magic glisten and glow.
Shining bright until they stop,
they bring me back to our unforgettable walk.
Filled with moments of bliss, sadness, and fear,
It almost feels as if you were here.
I listen close to her gentle voice,
but I'd much rather yours if I had the choice.
Her beauty is something that cannot be explained,
but for you my darling, I would most certainly trade.
Happiness is simple to find, when you are near, or on my mind.
Even when war is happening outside, within you I am able to hide.
However far you may be, your love is easy to see.
I feel your soul,
as it lets me know,
I am no longer alone.
897 · May 2011
No measure
Jonathan Steele May 2011
Loving eyes fulfill me,
A mind overrun by thoughts of things we are and will be.

Gazing far into the distance,
We are able to see so clear.
Love is often frightening,
But together we have no fear.
Never guessing our love could have flown so free,
Carrying on without end through any struggle or degree.

There was a time when my soul lay frozen, and blue.
Then I unlocked it's heart and gave the key to you,
it did not take a second upon holding it,
that you were able to completely renew.

Of all the love we feel we both retain.
We must understand that this is something only a lifetime of loving one another could explain.

My dear,
you are my treasure,
and this love for you knows no measure.
Caring for your soul will always be my greatest pleasure.
867 · May 2011
To Kate
Jonathan Steele May 2011
Although your existence is strange.
Your persistence will never change.
Staying constant as the world continues to rearrange.

Balancing across a thin plank.
Above you a picture of color.
Below a canvas blank.
Undecided whether to oppose or thank.

If I had the cure, I'd stop the lies,
and dry your sweet innocent eyes.
But locked away my sadness hides.

Sunken in this sea of tears.
Burning away my soul, it sears.
But you seem to extinguish the flames,
with the silly way we speak each other’s names.

From our window, I see you watch the world turn.
It's strife and chaos, none of your concern.
May your heart continue to stay the same,
no matter your days, age, or what you learn.

When things are unclear, and you are unable to see.
Just simply say my name, and take a walk with me.

Spending my time pondering your curious wonder.
Invisibly working hard to fix my blunder.
And dreading the day that we must sunder.

As your mind is learning and travelling along,
know that nothing you do is ever wrong.
For it is these mistakes that will make you strong.

Restless nights for an eager soul,
At times it may seem that life moves too slow.
But remember such as the flower,
Beautiful things take time to grow.
Please never forget how much your big brother loves you so.

And when light is darkness, and darkness is light,
things are cold, out of grasp and sight.
I'll be your sun, and shed you light.
Because my sister it is my utmost pleasure,
to watch you shine bright.
844 · May 2011
An angel in plain clothes
Jonathan Steele May 2011
The gentle loving touch of thy soul as our eyes meet,
A feeling strong enough to knock this simple man off of his feet.

My dear, luck is a word for those who gamble,
and it is luck alone that holds the power to create many a shamble.
To walk through life, thinking what we share is luck,
that, I could not handle.
For it is a blessing and a blessing alone,
that the lord has created you for my very own.

At times it is easy for this world to dim the light in my eyes,
still, you have a special way of showing me that it is only but a disguise,
and to remember the beauty in all things,
from the green grass, to the never-ending blue skies.

When feelings of happiness are misplaced, dormant, or askew,
there is no one I would rather journey with to rediscover them, but you.

In a place where all that glitters may seem to be gold,
You and I together break that very mould.
For all that glitters to our eyes,
is a life with one another,
forever, to have and to hold.

As our bodies meet, and become one,
You warmth bestows an overwhelming calmness upon me,
as a mid-summer's sun.

When I wrap my arms ever so gently around you,
Hold me close, no matter how strong the wind may blow.
For this love shall stay afloat no matter how rough the current flows.
My dear you are but an angel in plain clothes.
751 · Jun 2010
The simplest acts of crime
Jonathan Steele Jun 2010
If one were to look through their very own eyes,
is what they are seeing a complete disguise?
Would they notice the trees, insects and skies?
or the make-up, screens, and lies?

If one has the power to look to the front, side, or behind,
that same person, could very well be blind.
Most do not notice the simplest acts of crime,
such as living ungrateful or wasting their precious time.
And if one does not create the happiness that they seek,
to that person the future will indefinitely seem bleak.

When one questions their reflection,
they may lose their pride,
but pride may easily wander, if not kept inside.
And if one forgets the very place on which they stand,
their life then shall be molded by a strangers hand.
727 · Jun 2011
Doubtful Poison
Jonathan Steele Jun 2011
I want you to go now,
I think you should leave,
Too much time has been wasted,
On the things you make me believe.

These thoughts are overwhelming,
This pain I cannot bear,
Confused and worried sick,
About things that were never there.

I understand truth,
And I can decipher lies,
Still these pointless battles,
Bring  tears to my clouded eyes.

Love is often heavy,
When so much is based on trust,
But doubt it is corrosive,
And It will cause your heart to rust.

No longer are you welcome,
For you have meddled far too long.
I was once convinced you were right,
But now I can see that you are wrong.

You are a slow and deadly poison,
Coursing through human veins,
Innocent souls are tortured,
Until evil is all that remains.

May the Lord bless and protect me,
And deliver me from your curse,
As I shall pray for others,
In hopes that your corruption may not disperse.
707 · Apr 2011
Sowing seeds
Jonathan Steele Apr 2011
Not often is it that our minds are allowed to rest.
Even in darkness among trees where we can hear only nature's breath.

It is late now,
long past midnight.
I've come to ask and listen,
maybe gain some insight.

The wind was softly blowing,
as I stumbled upon your frame.
The night it became silent,
as I heard you call my name.

I hear the words you are speaking,
but my thoughts they feel quite full.
I've longed to hear your message,
so I ask you to speak slow.

You ask me to close my eyes,
and to forget the future and past.
You assure me that I can trust you,
and that you will clear my thoughts at last.

My body it is forgotten,
as I welcome you into my soul.
My thoughts they are mere memories,
as I allow you full control.

The place we begin our journey,
is a forest and you are young.
There we grew in harmony,
with the animals and friends you were among.

Years of peace have come to pass,
as we watched the creatures frolic in the grass.
Many years have gone too fast,
Many years, too good to last.

One cold morning the men they came,
armed with axes, saws and chains.
There we stood frozen in fear,
beside your friends and family so dear.
Souls tortured from sadness and pain;
The deed was done, and many were slain.

Scared and mournful, we stood alone.
Your heart left as scarred as your once beautiful home.

With loved ones separated by concrete and steel,
We were now surrounded by that which can not feel.

Time went on, but memories remain,
of a life so full of heartache,
no language could explain.

Our journey comes to end now,
and you have one last request.
You ask a simple favour before you come to rest.

I feel a gust of wind blow,
and down falls a seed.

"Please plant this within others, so that my soul may be freed."
684 · Jul 2010
River's rain
Jonathan Steele Jul 2010
The reflection keeps strong,
no matter the waters uncalm,

I am certain that within this moment,
I belong,

The light it glimmers with a dancing stream,
the moving ripples,
so choreographed they seem.

Children are playing,
in harm's way they dare,
They live for each second,
of tomorrow,
they do not care,

Screams muffled,
by the sound of the fall,
the joys they are living,
worth it all,

The moon it is climbing,
the night grows old,
the full-figured beauty,
enchanting my soul,

The children are gone now,
oily foot prints remain,
memories live on,
until the showers of the river's rain.
620 · Jul 2010
Love's seeds
Jonathan Steele Jul 2010
She is but an angel,
and this I know,

For how much I love her,
she may never know,

With love's seeds placed upon my lips,
I prepare to sow,

In hopes that within her heart,
these seeds may grow.
615 · Jun 2011
I will be
Jonathan Steele Jun 2011
I will be,
your foundation,
for when you feel as if the storm is too rough.

I will be,
your heart,
when yours feels as if it's had enough.

I will be,
your eyes,
for when yours are clouded with tears.

I will be,
your strength,
for when you are overwhelmed with fears.
600 · Jul 2010
If I could
Jonathan Steele Jul 2010
If I could,
I would give you my heart,
So that your life could then simply restart,

Your eyes are blue,
bloodshot and tired,
You soul is something,
I have always admired,

If I could,
I would give you my breath,
So that with each inhale,
you life could then simply refresh,

Your hands are strong,
rough, and kind,
Your soul is something,
I could search for an eternity and not find,

If I could,
I would give you my blood,
So that with each drop that falls,
Your life then could simply be refilled by the flood,

Your mind is calm,
simple and confused,
Your soul is something,
that has left me eternally infused,

If I could,
I would give you my life,
So that forever after,
Your days then could simply be rife,

Your body is sore,
misused and unkempt,
Your soul is something,
that from the chains of humanity will be exempt,

All that I can give,
is all of my love,
In hopes that with each and every hug,
your soul may fly free like a dove,
I will love you forever,
and someday we shall be endlessly at ease up above.
596 · Jul 2010
A foreign place
Jonathan Steele Jul 2010
Seemingly alone you walk,
tip-toeing slow across the dock,

You have left your body,
you have forgotten your clock,

With time a memory,
the sound of footsteps is all you need,

You have misplaced your troubles,
you have lost your greed,

The cool mist lays upon your face,
the soothing comfort,
a foreign place,

With screams of chaos,
left long behind,

You are not alone now,
as I console your mind.
590 · May 2011
Veiled Treasure
Jonathan Steele May 2011
Thy face is often veiled and dark.
Traveling unseen through terrain that creatures dare not lurk.

You hide where none seem to think,
and move with every swift blink.

Many men refuse to lay eyes upon your gift,
for most will feel it is but blasphemy that you are able to exist.

Within the deepest confines of thy living soul,
it is but an abundant treasure that ye graciously hold.
Treasure that no man has ever bought, traded, nor sold.

A moment living, nuzzled, warm in your embrace;
body is lost, and nothing remains but truth, harmony and grace.

Carried by will, wind, and word,
to forget or ignore thee is utterly absurd.
For a wise man proves the knowledge in which they have heard.
567 · Jun 2010
Jonathan Steele Jun 2010
Darkness falls upon thine skies, revealing secrets hidden behind your eyes.
Spreading and growing, you transform to new;
changes in the landscape where birds once flew.

The sun is gone, the wind now blows calm,
and undeterred by distractions, your children and I sit humble and strong.
Curiously wandering through the structures of stone,
you bestow your breath upon me;  I breathe it as my own.

Sharing and living each gift you bring,
together we listen close as the song birds softly sing.
With cold air coming, and the moon on the rise,
I now depart and leave thy truth where it lies,
in hopes that strangers may find it,
welcoming you warm, into their lives.
500 · Jul 2010
Upon the bay
Jonathan Steele Jul 2010
The wake of friendship,
now rests upon the shore,
For it is your smiles and laughter,
which I adore,

Floating slow,
beneath the light,
free from pain,
open to delight,

Your families are home,
warm and safe,
But here you roam,
excitement you chase,

Here I sit,
upon the bay,
joy-ridden and content,
you have made my day.
446 · Jul 2010
Were we ever
Jonathan Steele Jul 2010
Were we ever lost,
or were we just not found.

Were we ever deaf,
or could we just not hear the sound.

Were we ever blind,
or could we just not see.

Were we ever even cursed,
you and me.
439 · Apr 2011
How and Why
Jonathan Steele Apr 2011
How is it that while it is warm,
You are still cold?

Why is it that while you are young,
You act so old?

How is it that while you know,
You must be told?

Why is it that while you were played a fine hand,
You still fold?

How is it that while you are different,
You still fit their mould?

Why is it that while you hurt me,
I treat you like gold?

— The End —