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I remember, road trips in the astro,
Times were always great but the trips were never fast though
Such a hassle, wishing it'd be faster,
Looking like a box turtle, moved just as slow.
We'd leave almost every weekend in the summer,
I never thought any of the trips we took were ******,
In my mind were fun, they probably were funner,
Man, we loved that van, what I'd do for another.

Many great times, sand, beach and sun
Some taboo nights, lustful and fun
Thanks for the times, van,
****, what a run.
Remember the past? man, those were the days,
Where the hardest decision was what games we would play.
Our biggest worries were scraped knees and curfews,
Now we have to worry bout late fees and work blues,
We'd get our boo-boos kissed and healed by our mothers,
And spend countless hours playin Mario with my brothers.
those were the times, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
My childhood was awesome, I can't put it into words.
Hay mucha negatividad.
No tanta caridad
Porque no todo el año?
Porque hacernos daño?
Hasta los amigos mas cercanos se convierten en extraños
And I don't understand it,
What's wrong with this planet?
Why is there such evil?
If there's a God then why'd he plan it?
El hombre ha matado mucho mas que cualquier cancer.
There's way too many questions,
And not nearly enough answers.
I am a peasant, you are a goddess,
Dressed in vestments of colors like comets,
No less than, a tempest, with droplets so spotless
A present so pleasant, the bestest, I promise.
"The world sees me looking in the mirror,
Images of me, getting much clearer, dear self",
I wrote a letter just to better my soul,
Trying to keep it all together, wrapped and under control.
I have a dream like Dr. King once had
A vision of a time where not a thing is bad.
Where every body is an equal, and they've met their needs,
The only addicts live off compliments and good deeds.
War is nonexistent and they've banished the gun.
Every automobile runs off energy from the sun.
I have a dream like Dr. King once dreamed.
I'm fighting for my dream, a dream to be free.
Don't you see the issue?
What's the bigger picture?
Is it logical to pay a nurse less than we do a pitcher?
This madness needs to end.
To me, it makes no sense.
I just want to shed some light, I don't mean to offend.
We have much to fear,
The answer's never clear,
But we need to question everything that fills our ears.
Cuz half of it is strange,
Half the people are deranged,
This world needs so much help, its up to us to make a change.
Sometimes I question, what's the purpose to my writing?
But when readers compliment me, I can't help but keep on smiling.
The answer's pretty simple, I write because I love it.
Creating art and beauty, masterpieces built from nothing.
To me it's so exciting, one of my many passions.
A world without the poet's very morbid to imagine.
The world would be so different and it would've gone to waste,
All the poetry I've ever written, gone, and lost in space.
But I'm glad that's not the case,
I can't help but be amazed,
Since my poems started trending, there's a smile on my face.
They've been here from the start and also passed the test of time,
Broken through the fourth dimension,
All this with simple rhymes.
I try to shed some light into this world that's very dark.
So hello world, I hope that when I leave, I've left my mark.
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