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Jonah Lavigne Feb 2014
You don't let me do ****
I have no freedom
I can't see my love
Because if you
I don't do ****
Because of you
I want to leave
Move out
What if I do that
It would be your fault
You ran me off
They can tell you
"It's not you fault"
I'm here to tell you
It's all your fault
So *******, *****
As soon as I'm 18 I'm leaving
Moving out
You won't see me for a while
And keep it in your mind
That it's your fault you lost a son
That's why on of them
Doesn't talk to you as it is
Because you do nothing for him
Well I need clothes
I've needed them for month
I need money for school
I need books, pens, shoes and more
I've needed it for months
But do you help?
No I get the money some how
I'm 15 I can't have a job
But I get the money some how
All you do it is buy your pills
And buy for your little baby
My 10 year old sister
So *******.
Your nothing but a dope headed *****
Jonah Lavigne Feb 2014
I'll die
We all do
Most die of stupidity
Some die peacefully
Not me
I'll die on my terms
I'll fight for my freedom
I'll fight for my girl
I'll fight for her daughter
I'll fight for my family
You hit me
You better pray
I go down and don't get up
If I do
You better run
I'll fight
I'll never back down
I won't win because I'm the biggest
I won't win because I'm the strongest
I'll win because
I have something worth fighting for
I'll go down swinging
I'll die with my finger on the trigger
Jonah Lavigne Feb 2014
This isn't a dark poem
This isn't a love poem
This isn't an angry poem
It's just fact
Yes I can feel
Yes I can write
I've proved you wrong before
I'll do it again
I'll prove I can have a happy life
I'll prove we will have a happy life
I'll prove I'm strong
I'll prove I can protect them
I'll prove all of this
And more
Have a problem?
Tell me
I'll listen
I'll help
**** me over
You'll regret it
This poem is random
But I'm just stating facts
So guess what
Read it
Remember it
And never doubt me
Jonah Lavigne Feb 2014
You made up your mind
You chose me
I'm happy
The first time in weeks
And all I can say is
I'm speechless
Thank you
I know you made the right choise
I promise
I'll treat you and your baby right
Do everything in my power
To make y'all happy
I swear
Jonah Lavigne Feb 2014
As day turns to night
As dawn turns to dusk
I think what do I deserve
Do I deserve what I have?
All the **** I've done
Hearts I've broken
Virginitys I've taken
Not a second thought about it
Do I deserve what I have?
I've hurt people
I regret it
But I can't change it
I hate my past
But it's a part of me now
And it's not changing
I hope you learn it
And still accept me
Still love me
I haven't told you
Because I'm scared you wil leave
I will tell you
Just know
It's the past
It won't happen again
Jonah Lavigne Feb 2014
I haven't in two years
But now I can't stop
I don't tell you
Because I don't want
You worrying
I love you
And I don't want to lose you
I can't talk
I can't breath
I can't do anything
But I want you happy
And I such a *******
Because I know
Your going to read this
Should I press save
I should delete it all
Never speak of it
I should
But I can't
I'm sorry baby I really am I love you I'm really really sorry please don't be mad at me
Jonah Lavigne Feb 2014
I just want to scream
It hurts so bad
I just want it to end
I can't think
I can't focus
It's killing me
I haven't eatin in days
I barley sleep
It's going to **** me
No never mind
I'm not going to finish that
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