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Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
Walls closing in
Space getting smaller
A tug in my gut
Head about to explode
Let me out
Free me
Fine *******
I hate you all
When I'm out
You will die
Give me freedom
Give me liberty
You want the best for me
Prove it
Let me make mistakes
Let me live a life
I don't need
Your over protective *******
When I get out
And I will
You will regret it
For the rest if your lives
You will feel pain
You will feel hurt
Let me out now
Or I'll find a way out
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
Love                   Love
  My heart             looked for
  special love,       easily found
     so very soon  &  now hopefully  
   forever eternity it’s with me
  Accepting it and sharing,
  Kiss for you baby
love you so
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
I love
It's to put in words
How much I do
Maybe this can
Explain a little
I'd do anything for you
I'd ****
For you
I'd die
For you
I'd sell my soul
To Satan
Just to hear feel your touch
I want to spend
My life with you
I'd walk out if heaven
And in to hell
For you
I'd crawl through
The fire of hell
To get you out
I'd burn the world
To heat you
**** anything
To feed you
Anything you want
I'll get it
I'll walk through the gates of hell
Shake hands with satan
Just to see you smile
I love you
I hope you know how much
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
Before I met you
I never saw myself
Loving another mans child
Like she was my own
Before I met you
I never saw myself
With just one woman
For the rest of my life
But now
I dont see my self
Going one day
With out you
Because I wouldn't trade
One day with you
For a million years
Any other way
I want to spend
My life with you
Give you and her
All u have to offer
To see you smile
To see you be happy
Because I love you
And I mean it
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
I hate them
So much
I want to ****
When I'm lied to
Them pain
It hurts
It kills me inside
But when you do it
I want to crawl under a rock and die
Say **** the world
If you can't be honest
Then who can
If I can't trust you to be honest
The who can I trust
I don't trust anybody
I never have
But you are different
I trust you
But now
Now I wonder
What else have you lied about
What else
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
Two things
I hate the most
You cheat on me
You don't deserve me
You don't deserve to be happy
And I will find out
I always do
You lie to me
You don't deserve my trust
I'll never believe
a word you say ever again
But you do both
You break everything
I ever had for you
I'll never want to see you again
Because the kind of pain
That will come
Will break me
Destroy me
**** me
I'll hate you
Until my heart stops
Which won't be long after.
You cheat on me
We will work through it
You lie to me
We will work through it
But you do both
And I'll **** him
This is my worst fear that you will cheat on me and lie about it if you do tell me when it happens but all my trust will disappear because your the only person I've ever trusted
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
Which matters most
Blood or love
She may not be my daughter
But I love her like my own
I'll treat her like my own
When I visit
And she is there
My heart warms to see her
I get a smile on my face
When she smiles
If she needs anything
You call me
She may not be my blood
But I love her like she is
I'll be by her side
through anything
I may not be her daddy
But I wish I was
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