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Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
I'm in my bed
All alone
Because your not here
I wish I could hold you
You could fall asleep in my arms
Dream the night away
Or we could stay awake
Pass the time
It's your call
I'm up for both
Or we could do both
Stay up late
Passing the time
Then fall asleep in my arms
I would feel the warmth of your body
Pressing on mine
As we sleep
Dreaming wonderful dreams
And in our slumber
We would know
When we wake up
We will be together
I'd open my eyes to see you there
I'd wake you up
Kiss you
Tell you
good morning beautiful
That would be a perfect night
But only if you were here
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
"I love you"
"I miss you"
"I wish I was with you"
We say these things everyday
We say them like it's just a normal thing
But it's not
What I have for you
It's a love so true
You will never find one like it
It runs in my blood
It runs through my bones
It's all my joy
All my happiness
Evey good thing I feel
I feel for you
The heat in my body
The sweat on my skin
The blood in my veins
It's all for you
You will never know
How I feel about you
I can tell you all I want
But you will never know
Your the first thing I think of
When I wake up
The last thing I think of
Before I go to sleep
Your my eveything
But will never know
I've told you a million times
But to under stand it
You have to feel it
And this
What I feel
It's better than heaven
Because love feels better than anything
And I love you
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
Ha ha
I'm never leaving you
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
When I see you
I'm light headed
When I hold your hand
I go numb
When I hug you
Everything is perfect
When I kiss you
Everything else disappears
You say I seam dazed after we kiss
That's because I am
Because I'm kissing the perfect woman
And I can't believe it
You changed me
Showed me love does exist
Showed me I can trust someone
And for that
I thank you
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
When I ripped it out my chest
And I handed it to you on a gold platter
I gave you power over my entire life
Power to **** me
Power to destroy me
Power to shatter my soul
I did this because I trust you
And I don't trust
Nobody has my trust
But you do
I love you more than enough
To give it to you
I just ask that you keep it safe
Because it's not much
But it's all I have
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
You are my world
You are my life
You are my heart
You are my everything
No one can replace you
No one can take your place
I'll never love any one
As much as I love you
You are one of a kind
There will never be another
For you,my love,are everything
In my world
And nobody can replace that
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
I haven't seen your face
Heard you voice
Felt your touch
In days
Or was it weeks
It doesn't matter
It feels like forever
I want you with me
I need you with me
I've been with my brother
For the last week
Drinking the sorrow away
Praying I'll get a text
Praying I'll get a call
From you
I feel as it's my fault
That I'm not doing enough
That I'm not doing as I should
I feel it's my fault your not here
It's my fault you haven't talked to me
It's my fault I feel this way
It's my fault I fell in love with you
And it feels so good
But when I don't hear from you
The pain grows and grows
Until I want to scream
Put holes in these walls
Lock myself in and never come out
But I don't do that
For you
Because I love you
More than you will ever know
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