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Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
I'm stuck
In my own thoughts
Should I live
Should I die
I'm trapped
I can't decide
Stuck in my own body
from the cuts
From the fights
Stuck in my head
I don't know
What to do anymore
**** it all?
Give up?
Or look past it?
**** this world
No save it
Listening to my own heart beat
the blood running through my veins
Then the screams
Seeing the blood
The hate
I'm stuck
In my own thoughts
Can't move
Can't walk
Can't talk
But it's probly for the best
Can't hurt anybody anymore
But who cares
I'm trapped
Still stuck
**** it
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
It will all end
Fire will end it
It will all burn
And I'm going to cause it all
**** this world
Lets make another
From the ashes
Of this hell
**** all this
I'm done with it all
I'm going to watch it burn
Lighting it
Burning it all
Watch everyone die
Burn to death
The smoke
Black as night
And when it's all gone
We will rise
And **** you all
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
I'm sitting here
Starring at these flames
Why are we here
What's our propose
It seams like
We are here to suffer
Gods little pawns
His entertainment
It seams we are here
To hurt
Feel pain
Feel heart break
But worst of all
It hurts
Not to see your love
But we don't give up
It's just like love
It can hurt
But if you choose
the right person to light
Your fire
It's good
It creates heat
So I'm sitting here
Looking at this fire
Thinking of you
Your warmth
Your heat
Your love
I need you
I need you now
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
I'm about to fight
I think of you
I walk away
I'm about to curse my mom
I think of you
I walk away
You hold me form a lot
I couldn't do anything
To make me not see you
It's hell enough not to
But if I couldn't talk to you
There would be blood
But I'd just think of you
What it would do to you
If I got arrested
Or got killed
And just walk away
I couldn't do anything to hurt you
I swear
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
My blood runs hot
Flows easily through my veins
The heat is love
But where there is heat
There is always cold
That cold is hate
My body is made of hate
My blood is made of love
They fight for control
When I talk to her
See her
Love is winning
When I talk to them
See them
Hate is winning
I have no control over them
My heart pumps the love
The world scars the hate
It cuts deep like blade
My hate has endored
so much pain
My love has seeped from my hate
To get to the love
You must cut through the hate
But she reached in the hate
And pulled out the source of the love
My heart
She tends to it
Nurtures it
From her my hate loses
The love is taking controle
But there will always be a fight
But I'm not worried anymore
I have her
That's the secret weapon
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
Being without you
Not seeing you
Not hearing your voice
Feeling your touch
Having you in my arms
My love, it's hell
No it's worse than hell
A pain in my stomach
And aching in my back
It pains me to be without you
I love you
I want you back
Here with me
To hold you
and never let go
To show you
how much I love you
But when I am with you
It's heaven
No even better than that
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
What every guy dreams of
What every guy wants
What every guy need
You could have anybody
You want
Why you choose me
Ill never know
But what I do know
Is I'm the luckiest person ever
Because I have you
Because I love you
Because you love me
You, my love
Are everything to me
When I'm with you
My heart races
When I'm without you
My heart slows
And if I ever lost you
My heart would beat no more
Because you, my love
Are the one I love
Forever and always
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