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Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
You and the baby
That's my world
That's my life
All I care about
Your happiness
Your love
I feel my love
For you
Deep in my blood
Deep in my bones
It wakes me up
Makes me move
It's what I want
It's what I need
It's all I can ask for
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
You know what I'd do
You know what I've done
What I've given up
What I'm going to do
I'd give up more
Do more
For you and her
I love the both of you
I think I have what it takes
But do you
I think I'm ready
But do you
She might not be mine
But I'll treat her like my own
Family is family
Blood or not
I'd give anything for you and her
I love you
I love her
So I ask again
Do you think I'm ready
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013

Guess what

I love you
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
They're still here
They won't go away
Every night they come
Every night they hurt
The ******* nightmares
I know what they mean
I know what I must do
But I just can't
It would make me happy
But hurt too many people
Ill just suffer
To make them happy
I don't sleep
I don't eat
I put on a fake smile
To hide so much pain
Show a fake joy
To hide so much misery
Nobody would understand
So I keep it to myself
Hide it deep
But I claws its way out
It tears me apart
From the inside out
But I just push it deeper
But that just makes it angryer
But I can't hurt anybody
I can't tell them about it
It's to much
But I'll survive

Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
They left it baited
Waiting for their next prey
When I came stumbling along
I saw it and took it
But that's when it all happened
You were the bait
And when I saw you
I triped the wire
I fell in a trap called love
I'm stuck in here
Can't get out
No matter if I did try
But I won't
Because its paradise
Everything I can hope for
Everything I can dream of
It's all here
But what really makes me stay
Is you
Because you are here with me
And that's paradise enough
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
Before now
I never loved anybody
I never trusted anybody
Before now
I couldn't see my self
with one girl my whole life
But now I can't see myself
going one day without you
I'm not proud of my past
But if I could go back
I wouldn't change a thing
Because it made me who I am
And who I'm going to be
It seams like every **** up I made
Everything I did right
Everything I did wrong
Lead me to you
I wouldn't change anything
Because I see myself now
I'm not as good as I'm going to get
I still have a lot to do
But I'm changeing everyday
For you
I make myself a better man
Because I don't to cause any pain
And like I said before
Before now
I couldn't see my self
with one girl my whole life
But now I can't see myself
going one day without you
Because I love you
Jonah Lavigne Dec 2013
You are many things
All if them good
You are
my angle in hell
My salvation in war
My antidote to poison
You see my love
you keep me going
You save me
You are
My water on fire
My ship in the sea
And most of all
My love in all this hate
That ray of sunshine
In this clouded world
I strive to reach
You are
My everything
My only thing
My life in death
My love, you are all
I love you
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