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Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
So sweet
So sound
Sleeping with mommy
Your mind wandering wide
Dreams so wonderful
No one will ever know
You look so beautiful
So peaceful
So quite
Lots to think about
Beautiful little baby
Laying there
So sweet
So loving
Good night
Sleep tight
We love you
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
So cute
So small
Growing bigger
Growing stronger
Learning to walk
Learning to talk
Loves mommy
Loves daddy
Big heart
Small child
Blonde hair
Blue eyes
The perfect child
I knew when I saw you
I wanted raise you
I wanted to be there for you
I love your mom
I love you
That will never change
But looking back now
I see my mistakes
I wish that I could
But I cannot change them
One little chance
Is all I wish
You will not regret
This I can swear
So cute so small
That baby that I saw
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
Take a peek you will see
Open your eyes
Open and see what he does
Open and see who he is
Open and see who helps you
Open and see who loves you
Open your eyes and look at me
I want to be with you
I want to be able to help you
I want to be there for you
For the baby
I am there everyday
He is there when you are mad at him
All he does is hold you back
Open your eyes and you will see
He keeps you held down
Stay down to long
Your baby will be gone
You will forget how to walk
All you will do us crawl
You will be in the dirt all because of him
Open your eyes and you will see
Take my hand and you will be moved forward
Take my hand and you will fly
Stay with me and fly
Fly long enough and you baby will fly with us
You will do more then walk
You will soar
You and your daughter will be in the heavens
All because of me
Open your eyes and you will see
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
You are
The one mommy loves
The one mommy needs
The one mommy cherishes
The oneā€¦the only one
She loves you
She needs you
Without you there is no mommy
You are what keeps her together
You are what breaks her down
You are what keeps her going
You are what stops her
You are her happiness
You are her sadness
Without you there is no mommy
You are what you are
And that is what we love about you
to my girlfriends baby girl
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
I feel pain
I feel guilt
I feel broken
I feel crushed
But most of all
I feel love
I feel love for you
I push my feelings to the side for you
I am there for you
I care for you
I am there when you need something
I am there when you need someone
I do all this for you
Because I love you
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
My heart is breaking
My heart is aching
My heart is what I offer you
It is not much
But it's all I have
I offer you my heart
in hopes you take it
In hopes you care for it
My heart breaks more and more everyday
My heart yearns for you to take it
I yearn for you to take it
My heart needs you
I need you
My heart loves you
I love you
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
I will always love you
Remember that.
You can push me away,
But I'll always come back.
You can deny your desire and say it can't be,
But I won't let the wall come between you and me.
You're afraid of you dark side,
The harm you can cause.
I have never feared your hands
Or their sharp, pointy claws.
I love them,
I love you,
I love all that you are.
Protest all you like,
But you will not get far.
You can never change my mind.
My heart will stay true.
I'll do everything I can to get closer to you.
I will wait for you forever, so get used to that fact.
I will always love you,
"Remember That".
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