looking at these blades
i think of so many failed attempts
ive washed them in my blood
hoping this will be the one
but it never came
this time it will
this time ive sharpened
honed the edge
this time ill feel it
as i drag it across my wrist
feel my veins pop
feel it slice my fleash
feel my blood seep from my body
i think finaly
this is it i can feel it
once, twice, three times
now the other
one, two, three
now im standing here
i feel my life slowly sliping away
i see him in the shadows
come to take me away
i tell him finaly
you show your ******* face
he chuckels says
not yet
and disappers
im standing in a pool of blood
my blood screaming
fine i try again
every night untill
you take me