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Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
i gave you my heart
i trusted you with it
to not break it
i trusted you
to not smash it
i handed you my life
i asked you for one thing
not to break me
all i wanted in return
was your love
do you know what you did
you took my heart
and my life
you kept them warm
and you still cradel them
in your arms they sleep
i trusted you
and i still do
my love
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
hey you
yea you
come here
i want to tell you something

to the two people i hate most
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
i feel my blood
running through my veins
i hear my heart beat
pumping my life away
it hides my anger
my thirst for blood
their blood
they will pay
they took her
they will pay
the only person
i care about
they wont let me see her
they will pay
they will choke
on their blood
feel their life
slip away
death will take them
take them to hell
do i care?
**** no
ill make it all happen
but not now
my love, you keep me from that
but they took you away
they will pay
some how
some way
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
thats my life
all i think about
they took her
they went to far
i hope they die
i hope the rot
i hope they burn in hell
but sometimes
i wonder
what if they really do
could i keep going
of course i could
i would have her back
but is that all i need
hell yeah its all i need
but wait
think about it first
nothing to think about
i need her back
and they will pay
i love her
with everything i am
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
thats what i want
feel the warmth
of my own blood
leaking out of my own body
knowing i went out
the way i wanted
sounds good
but thats just it
it sounds good
i could go with my wrists
id fell my blood
driping down my hands
i could paint a pice of art
let it happen slow
that sounds good
or my neck
i could choke on my own blood
drown in it
fell it fill my lungs
choking me slowly
but thats what life is right
it just chokes you
up untill that day
you give out
thats the day im waiting for
thats the day we all wait for
so should i cut my wrists
paint a beutiful picture
in my own blood
feel myself slowly slip away
or cut my neck
and drown in my own blood
so witch will it be?
i just want to die
but really
nobody gives a ****
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
what is hate
hate is felling
is actions
is words
but to me
hate is everything
hate can not exist
without love
hate and love
they are two halves of a whole
one can not exist without the other
you see, my love
i hate many people
but i love you
they battle within me
my love for you
withstands all
nothing can tarnish it
nothing can destroy it
i love you
but with that love comes worry
worry ill lose you
my love for you
stands me up
keeps me going
without you
i would have givin up
you keep me from that
my love, you are my light
my every thing
in this cold bitter world
so i say now
i love you
no matter what
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
what is death?
is it good
or is it bad
most are scared
but not me
i would welcome death
with open arms
like and old friend
but not today my love
you hold me from him
you keep me alive
our love keeps me alive
with out you
i would be nothing
so i ask again what is death
is it torture
a lifetime without
your smile
your face
your voice
a night time
of nothing
blazing hot
or would
you be waiting
for me
siting and waiting
siting and waiting
in our own paridise
would be a doorway
one life
with you
for another

— The End —