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Jon York Feb 2019
Stop Thinking So Much,
          You Are Breaking
           Your Own Heart.
                                       Jon York    2019


      3 word short story

             I'll Never
                                         Jon York    2019
Jon York Mar 2019
The right
               when it
              needs to.
                                                                          Jon York   2019
Jon York Jan 2014
We all have to believe
in something as sometimes
circumstances are beyond
our control but how we react
to those circumstances
is in our power.

2014 is here and as
I throw away another calender
I wonder if there was
anything or anybody in
the past year that I can hold
to be dear and I wish
everything was just that easy
as just throwing away the old
and starting new.

There's got to be something
better than this I am thinking
but there is a smile when
the pain comes because
the pain gonna make
everything all right because
when we can't change something
about somebody that causes us pain
we are challenged to
change ourselves.

Love comes to those who
still hope as well as those
who still believe and to those
who can still love even though
they have been hurt before,
so we must let the love
in our hearts find the love
waiting in our dreams.

So in this new year of 2014
let the laughter that we
might find in our tomorrows
wipe away the pain
that we had in our yesterdays
and may we find comfort
on difficult days, smiles when
sadness intrudes and rainbows
that will follow the clouds
and love that will complete
our lives.

The power of our thoughts
create our universe,
be it hit or miss, sadness or bliss,
which all come at the
whim of our minds,
so in this new year of 2014
we have to focus and believe
and all that we desire will
be ours to receive.                        Jon York       2014
Jon York Jan 2015
In this new year. . .
comes another
twelve months
of unspoiled pages
in your book of life
so practice what
you learned about
life from the past
twelve months and
know that all that
you seek is hidden
in the upcoming
twelve months that
wait ahead for you
so search it out
with determination.

In this new year. . .
there will be a
bridge upon which
you will stand and
you must know that
only you are in
command and what
you do in these next
twelve months rests
only on you.  

Have the courage to
embrace your dreams,
the strength to sacrifice
for them and the
determination to
fulfill them.

In this new year. . .
choose love and
goodness and mercy
and compassion as well
as strength and courage
along with the deepest
wisdom and the highest

In this new year. . .
do not worry about
whether the sun will rise
again, just be prepared
to enjoy it.
                                         Jon York       2015
Jon York Dec 2018
Dear 2019,
                      Please be kind.
                      The only thing I am wishing for is:
                      to be happy.
                       I am going to take time to heal.
                       I am going to learn( You never quit
                       learning no matter the age ).

2019 will be a year of complete  surrender  to  who I
once  was  and  who I want to be and  this  will  be a
year I  stop putting  off  prioritizing me. I  will  take
time  for myself and that doesn't mean taking baths
and eating healthy. ( but I still intend to eat healthy ).
I  am  going to  start  focusing  on  bettering   myself.
This  means  exercise  in  whatever  form I   like  best,
pushing  myself,  managing  my time  and  saving  
money  for  my  future.

( YES, a 70 year man DOES  have a future, at least this
one DOES and you can bet on that! )

My future is so bright, I have to wear sunglasses at night.
I am going to fall in love with taking care of myself, fall
in love with the path of deep healing, and fall in love with
becoming  the  best version of  myself  with  patience, with
respect for my own journey.

My SPECIAL THANKS and compassion and respect go
to those special friends, relatives,and loved ones who know
me, know what I have been through and am going through
(a war I am still fight in my head ) and how I have suffered,
they all loved me enough  to witness and feel my pain and
get me to 2019 in good health.
(you know who you are).  THANK YOU        Jon York   2018
Jon York Jan 2024
What  new  influences
and opportunities will
be headed your way in
2024 ?

In  2024  set  aside  all
expectations about what
the past implies and what
the future may bring .

Instead cultivate a desire
to recognize and respond
to the raw truth of each
moment  of  every  day
in 2024.
                                                                ­                                Jon York    2024
Jon York Jan 2019
Would've,                                                        ­ Nothing

      Could've,                                        ­                  Kills  you

      Should've,                   ­                                      like your

didn't, didn't, didn't.                                               mind.
-----------------------------                              ­   -----------------------------

     You almost                                                      Peopl­e come
     convinced                                                        ­     and go,
   me I mattered.                                                      th­at's life.
------------------------------                             ­    ------------------------------

   Nothing matters,                                            You deserved

               but                                                            ha­ppiness,

   somehow you did.                                                so I left.
--------------------------------                           ­    -------------------------------

       Our "almost"                                                  We were and

         will always                                                          t­hen

            **** me.                                                          we weren't.
---------------------------------                       ­        -------------------------------

     Your fingerprints                                               I miss how

           I have not                                                            yo­u

          washed off.                                                     wanted me.
                                                Jon York    2019
Jon York Jan 2019
It's still you,                               Miss Me                Time Plays     
It's still you.                               Like Your                 Tricks        
                                                    Losing Me.       On Your Memory

Be you.                                        We're all                      Like Rain
Do you.                                         trying to                        I Fell
For you.                                 forget someone.                For You.

You Left                                       My Love                      I'll Meet
but Still                                          For You                   You Where
you Linger.                             Was Bulletproof.           We Began

Remember When                           I Miss                      Can't Sleep
You Were                                       What We                   Because
my World?                                  Never Had.
                                                            ­                              Something Is
                                                              ­                              Missing.
You'll Always                              You Were
be my                                          My Lifeboat,                  
favorite Almost.                         I Drowned.                She Warned
                                                          ­                                  Me About
                                                           ­                                 Loving Her
I'd Be here                                       It Still
if  She Asked.                                Hurts At
                                                           3  AM                     I warned
                                                                ­                          Her About
                                                           ­                               Loving Me
     I Almost                                    Come And
     Had You                                   Waste Time
     Didn't I?                                     With Me.                 We Exist
                                                           ­                              In Moments
                                                         ­                              Nothing More.

Sometimes I wish I could go back in life, not to change things. Just to feel a couple of things twice.

                                                         ­                            Jon York   2019
Jon York Sep 2022
Seventy-Four years old this  past  September 20th.
The years went bye so very fast but I think I'll last
several  more and this  is what I have to say about
the elegance  of  time.

Time is one of  life's  valuable  commodities. Don't
take time for granted. Let what drives you  be  the
knowing that the clock is ticking.

Time dies,  life goes on and the minute you  think
the past  was  better, your present is  second-hand
and you become vintage.

We are all just stories in the end, just try to make
yours a good one, eh?

"Life  will  send  you  whatever  experience  you
need  to  stimulate the  evolution of  your consciousness."  
                                                             Eckhart Tolle
                                                                                                Jon York  2022
Jon York Jun 2019
          it Ever
                                    ­                                                             Jon York   2019
Jon York Nov 2018
"I'm fine." I lied.
Jon York Feb 2019
I want  to  be
your favorite
place   to  go
when  you've
had    a   bad
day or a good
                                                                                       Jon York   2019
Jon York Sep 2012
As the loves of my life unravel
I try to put them
back together
just one day at a time as
I write this rhyme.

Learn to live life just
one day at a time
knowing that everything
will be fine and you will find
your little piece of heaven
just one more time before
that final chime.

Sometimes it is just outside
of your front door
appearing so close but
yet so far away as the night
turns into day.

I find it hard to care
about anything anymore these
days and in fact the only thing
I do care about is the fact
that I don't care about
anything anymore.

My time here on this planet
is getting short and in my life
there is no longer any sport
of any kind because
it is either their way
or the highway.

You either have it
or you don't and there seems to be
no middle ground in this great
balancing act that everyone
tries to enact and that is
no brag just fact.

Respect yourself enough
to walk away from anyone
that can no longer
make you happy and doesn't
respect your growth.

Know that today was good
and today was fun
but tomorrow is another one
and realize that you could miss
all of the best things in life
if you keep your eyes shut
so just go one day
at a time.

Sometimes the questions
are so complicated
and the answers so simple
and right in front of you
but all you can do
is move just one day at a time
and try to find that
unversal rhyme
of love.

Don't cry because it came and left
leaving you to say "surely you jest"
just smile because it happened
and just move forward
to another day.

You approach that final rest
and your balancing act
is the final test so just
remember how much
you have been blessed
to have made it
so far doing it
your way not caring what
others had to say.                        Jon York                 2012
Jon York Apr 2019
When we touch,
                      it as if a
            whole  new  world
                  of galaxies
       opens up and the universe
           conspires, the stars
       approve and the moon stops
              hiding long enough
                 to peer at us
       from above, and for the first
        time,  finally,  something
             feels right and now
       when I look at you I see my
                   whole world
           and  my  favorite  place
                 isn't  four  walls,
                    my favorite
               place  is  the feeling
       I  get  when  I'm  with  you
               and I don't know
        where  I'm  going  to  be
             five years from now,
               but I pray that it's
       somewhere with a beautiful
                     view and
                  next  to  you.
                                                                           Jon York   2019
Jon York Dec 2015
The best thing you can ever do is
to believe in yourself and take it
day by day being grateful for every
breath you take and realizing that
you are not a product of your
circumstances but a product of
your decisions and recognizing that
along the way of your journey
sometimes you must fight a battle
more than once to win it.

Have the courage to embrace dreams
and the strength to sacrifice for them
and the determination to fulfill them
because life goes faster than you think
and in the end we are all just humans
and that should be enough.

Learn quickly that you alone are
responsible for the quality of your life
and when you decide that your life is
your own only then can the first day
of your life really begin so decide
what you want and decide that there
is no better time than now to get it
no matter how far along you are
in your years.

Nothing haunts us like the things we
didn't say and hell is something you
carry around with you, not somewhere
to go so survive by forgetting and
finding that quiet voice at the end of the
day saying"I will try again tomorrow."
                                                                      Jon York       2015
Jon York Nov 2023
The  infinite  potential
of a blank canvas. The
life you hope to create.
All you have to do is imagine.

What kind of masterpiece
you arrive at depends on you.

The gifts of the creative mind
must lead the way.

Finding bold solutions to the
problems of our time is the
essence of modern thinking.

Hit the future as hard as your
money and brains will permit.

Otherwise you will be out of
date tomorrow.
                                                                                                   Jon York 2023
Jon York Mar 2019
People  think  that
intimacy  is  about
***.   But  intimacy
is  about   truth.
When you  realize
that   you  can  tell
someone your truth,
when you can show
yourself   to   them,
when you can stand
in  front  of   them
and their response
is "your safe with me"
     that's intimacy.
                                                                                Jon York   2019
Jon York Feb 2019
I stand
      in total wonder
at the display before me.
         The best things
             truly come
   when you have the patience
             to endure.
    I will spend my life
     racing you awake
        each morning
   to catch you like this
     roll into my arms now

     Every morning we
        are born again.
     What we do today
   is what matters most.

            If your're
             for a sign,
              this is it.

         Would it be
          too much to
     for you to wear a
           smile and
         nothing else
                today?                                          ­                  Jon York    2019
Jon York Sep 2019
         "ENTER "was
             sign on
            door and
                  on a

        the  courage  to
        for something.

            Do not be
        content  to  wait
               and see
        what  will  happen
             but have
        the determination
             to make
      the right things
                                                                                 Jon York   2019
Jon York May 2019
We will
       cross  paths  with
           many that
   don't understand us,
           that's  part  
              of  life.
        Don't worry
  about  what  others
    think about you.

          Focus  On
    yourself, on what
makes  you  happy,  on
         your soul.
You  are  your  biggest
  so  start  loving  your  
flaws, your awkwardness,
       your weirdness,  
    your  intensity,  and
      your vulnerability.

          Life becomes
   more  fulfilling  when  
we are just simply our selves.
       The world keeps
spinning  whether  people
         understand us
or not. so make the next trip
        around  the  sun
            about you.
                                                            ­                           Jon York   2019
Jon York Apr 2019
The  key  to
        being happy
     is  knowing  you
            have the
      power to choose
       what to accept
            and what
              to let go.

               If you
         realized how
     powerful   your
  thoughts  are  you'd
          never think
      another negative

           Be mindful
                of your
          self-talk. It's a
              with the
                                        ­                                                Jon York   2019
Jon York Mar 2019
I  don't  trust  words
anymore,  words  are
fleeting. I trust actions.
Actions come from the
soul, they prove intention
    more than words.
       life gets real
  it has a funny way
   showing you who
                                                                                             Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2022
Sometimes at night I can taste her
on my lips. Passion; strong coffee
and warm, soft kisses.

It fades quickly, like the lingering
of a delicate perfume in an  empty
room and I  miss it  when  it  goes,
but  I'm  just too tired  to  chase  it.

So elusive she is, so lovely, but the
quiet  madness of it  all leaves  me

Enter  each  day expecting  that the
happenings of the day may contain
a clandestine message addressed to
you personally.
                                                                                          Jon York   2022
Jon York Mar 2019
I am not sure of
  But I  am  certain
     that I love you
      with a depth
    that stars cannot
                                                                                           Jon York   2019
Jon York Jul 2016
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up,
show up and never give up being sure that
you never water yourself down just because
they can't handle you at 100 proof and
remember that life is short, so break the
rules and forgive quickly, kiss slowly and
love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never
regret anything that made you smile.

Never stop doing your best just because
someone doesn't give you credit and know
that you are not born a winner and you are
not born a loser but that you are born a
chooser so understand your worth and
value your life and appreciate your blessings.

Always believe that something wonderful is
about to happen and train your mind to see
the good in every situation and work so hard
that one day your signature will be called an
autograph as you **** them with success and
bury them with a smile.

One day you will just be a memory to some
people so do your best to be a good one and
be a voice, not an echo and make today count
because you'll never get it back as you accept
what is, let go of what was and have faith in
what will be.

Be somebody who makes everybody feel like
a somebody and give but don't allow yourself
to be used and love but don't allow your heart
to be abused and trust but don't be naïve and
listen but don't lose your voice.
                                                  Jon York    2016
Jon York Mar 2019
To have someone
understand your mind is
            a different kind of
                                                                                           Jon York   2019
Jon York Mar 2019
A   dream  is  a  wish
your    heart   makes.
                                                                                           Jon York   2019
Jon York Nov 2017
It doesn't matter,
    it is  what
keeps one going.

If you ever get bored,
        just open
          your eyes.
                                 Jon York    2017
Jon York Apr 2019
I wanted to  love  her
          like  she's  never  been
          loved before...
          With my hands
          I  unarmed  her  heart,
          with my eyes
          I  undressed  her  soul.

           and I whispered to her,
           "You are a poem
             I keep on writing,
             a book I can't put down,
             a story that is
              never ending,
              a page I cannot turn."

               Loving you
               in breathless
               stolen kisses,
                                                                                     Jon York   2019
Jon York Mar 2019
      words  are  in  the
       wind, other times,
      buried  under rocks.
          Both require
    different means of
       discovery ----
  one  requires  stillness.
           The other.
                                                                                  Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
Don't tell me
                          what   to  do,
    unless       you're    naked
    If   you    had  a   bad  day,
    don't  take  it   out  on  me,
    unless  we're  both  naked.

    There's  a reason why we
     have     stayed    together,

    We  give  each  other
                 something nobody    
                                    else can.

      Relationships get stronger  
      when  both  are willing  to
       mistakes and
                     forgive each other.

      People    may  not   always
      tell    you   how  they   feel
                                   about you,
      they will always show you.
  In  the end affection  is always
             greater than perfection.
                                                                                         Jon York   2019
Jon York Dec 2019
I imbued my  soul into  that of

your  own while  we  spoke  in

love  suffused  whispers as our

heartbeats sang a song of reverence

as  a  sinuous rhythm of  shared

breaths  filled   our   lungs.

Anchored  deeply in  your  writhing

tides,  I forged  for  our inner sanctum;

the sacred place where  you cradled

me  within, meeting  each  other in

total  completeness, where  your

desire  sodden  core  breathed  the

words  "welcome home",  to   my

very  own,  I  then  settled  in ;  our

bodies  spilling  forth  into  a  white

lathered  fountain  of   one.
                                                                                       Jon York   2019
Jon York Jan 2021
So very young  and so in love, the  first  love
that you never forget. You went somewhere
(I had no idea where)and I went to Alaska and
then I  went  to  war  and  the  years  began to
fade the memories, erasing lines of dialogue,
making  vague  the  dates  and  the  places... lips and skin still remember, my hands
will still know all the contours...

...and clearly feel the touch of you.

We both had a dream of love. We looked for
it  in the hidden places of  the  future,  in the
secret places of our hearts.

Fifty years later you found me and I can't help
but think that you may have never been mine,
but I was yours and I still all these years later
go to bed every night wondering how it would
feel  to  have you here  with me. True  intimacy
happens when nothing is perfect.

You are many miles away, married, living in your
castle,and I can't help but feel you are scared to
meet me again after so many years even though
you made the effort to find me, contact me and let
me know that your heart was still heavy with thoughts
of me after so many years apart.                                    
                      ­                                                                 ­        Jon York 2021
Jon York May 2019
You are like fine whiskey

I'd be honored to taste.

One sip of your warmth leaves

a burn in my hearts place,

but tastes so sweet.

Your body was meant

for my caresses.....

I touch you without

hesitation, no fear...

no limits. For no one

can love me like you.


you're on my mind,



        ***** thoughts,

              again.                                  ­                              Jon York   2019
Jon York Mar 2019
   I am thinking
        you again.
                                                                                  Jon York   2019
Jon York Jul 2019
Love is an
      ancient story yet it is ever
         new and when love
                 is at its best,
          one loves so much that
             he cannot forget.

                   True love
     is the ripe fruit of a lifetime.
              He is not a lover
      who does not love forever.
                     Love is so
         divine  that  description
              would make it less.

                 Love  is  what
                      you feel
               but can't define,    
        it is what you know and
                 can  only  hope
                   to express
            to  her  for  the rest
                    of eternity.

                      Youth is
                  but  an  hour,
               beauty   a   flower,
                     but love
          is the jewel that wins
                    the world.
               Age  enriches true
                       love like
                    noble   wine.
                                                                                                 Jon York   2019
Jon York Mar 2019
                     looks like a girl,
                     acts like a lady,
                     plays like a boy,
                     isn't afraid to get *****,
                     is respectable in public,
                     is passionate in private.

                     treats her body like a temple, never like a motel,
                         is one man's lover, not the lover of many men,
                            loves unconditionally. hates with a purpose.
                                                      speaks in truths, never in lies
                                        And has a faithful heart.
                                                                                    Jon York   2019
Jon York Apr 2019
Allow   yourself
a   day  without
worry.   A   day
  with   simple
   trust  in   the
universe and an
inner   knowing
  of  the   truth
  that   it's   all
going to be okay.

    Become   so
  confident    in    
who    you    are,
  that   no   one's
      rejection,   or
   behavior  can
  rock   your  world.

     Carry   a   heart  
  that   never    hates.
Carry a  smile  that
     never   fades.
   Carry  a   touch
that   never   hurts.

No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.
So carry a good heart.
                                                          ­                             Jon York   2019
Jon York Apr 2012
I can finally laugh
at what we had because
it was really so bad
and it deserves a good laugh.

Me supplying
and you just lying
and I can hear your
saying supplying what ?

Well it was something
that you were never quite
able to comprehend
and that was real love ,
truthfulness, and faith
that love was
being returned.

Pretending that it was going
to be never ending
this thing called love
and you got a good laugh
watching a man
crawling through a sea of lies
as he cried.

But the really funny part
was that it was nothing
from the very start but only lust
and that too turned
out to be a big bust.

From the beginning
you just wanted lust with
no love attached
and when love showed up
all you left was dust
in your hurry to get away
as you went looking for someone
else to play.                                         Jon York              2012
Jon York Mar 2019
It's hard
    to  resist
  a  bad  boy
     a   good
                                                                                          Jon York   2019
Jon York Jul 2024
My lips  miss  your

My hands miss the
feel  of  your  skin.

My mouth wants to
do **** things to
your body.

Lets  make out, have
***, cuddle and have
a deep talk.

Then  lets  have  ***
again, go  out  to eat,
then  go  back home,
watch  a  movie  and
have *** again.

If  it  excites  you and
scares you at the same
time, it might be a good
thing to try.                                                                        Jon York   2024
Jon York May 2019
You're not
going to
master the
rest of your
life in one
   Just relax.
  master the day,
   then just keep
   doing that
    every day.

The best part
    of your life?
every morning.

a new opportunity
            to become a
     happier version
              of yourself.
                                                       ­                               Jon York   2019
Jon York Mar 2019
Sometimes your only available
transportation is a leap of faith.
                                                                                          Jon York   2019
Jon York Feb 2019
My only hope is that
       even for a moment
  I helped you see the world
       a little bit different.
                                                                                           Jon York    2019
Jon York Apr 2019
But I don't
                    want good
                    and I don't
                    want good
                     enough,  I
                     want  can't
                     sleep, can't
                     your love
                     and I also
                     want to be
                      your best
                      friend and
                      I will always
                      tell you the
                      truth, and I
                      will often
                    " I love you."

I want you to be to a lover who looks at me like maybe I am magic and someone who is a home and an adventure all at once. You will be a little bit of heaven with a wild side.
                                                           ­                       Jon York   2019
Jon York Sep 2017
Looking out at the road rushing under my
wheels, looking back at the years gone by
like so many summer fields, in 66 I was
holding my first love  and she really took
me, the way she looked so fine and now
50 years later she is still on my mind.

You got to do what you can just to keep
your love alive and try not to confuse it
with what you do to survive but I know
that so many years later, she still
remembers me and who knows,we may
meet again some day, and I will say to her
love the life you live.and  live the life you
love and know that life is to be enjoyed,
not endured, and do things that move you,
knowing that every day is a new day, so
be yourself and the ones who really belong
in your life will come to you and stay.

Everyone I know, everywhere I go ,people
need some reason to believe,  but I do know
that love is a story that never gets old, a
taste so sweet, so full of forgiveness, and
letting go, with a kiss that enters the soul.  

Today I turned 69 and I am going to
experience as much as I can while learning
from my mistakes and find the causes
of my problems and eliminate them,
knowing that the future is so uncertain,
and the end is always near, which is why
I hold life to be dear, knowing that a little
love goes a long way, and a lot of love
goes forever, so I will understand and have
courage, as well as be strong, knowing that
love will come my way again some day,
even at my ripe old age.        
                                                   Jon York    2017
Jon York Feb 2019
You steady me and stir me
         all at once.
                                                                                                Jon York   2019
Jon York Feb 2019
When I'm  with  you,
it's like a tiny part of
the   universe   shifts
into  the   place   it's
supposed    to   be,
and   all   is    right
with     the    world.
                                                                                           Jon York   2019
Jon York Mar 2019
You were the smell
of the first fired wood stove
at the first crisp
of Autumn. You were the smell
of Spring's first rain. You
were the orange glow
of s night snow in the dead
of Winter, you were the
sleepless night before
a Christmas morning.
You were Summer's first thunder,
and final flash of
You were , you are
all I've ever looked forward
                                                                                               Jon York   2019
Jon York Feb 2019
All   I   want
to  see,  hear,
smell, taste &
touch  is  you.
                                                                                              Jon York   2019
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