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Jon York Sep 2016
The tragedy of life is not death, but
what we let die inside of us while we
are here and know that people who
don't understand your silence will
never understand your words and
the only time you should look back
is to see how far you have come.

Sometimes it is okay if the only
thing you did today was breathe
and sometimes you want to just
disappear but in reality you just
want to be found because the
worst part about being strong is
that no one ever asks if you're okay.

Often in life we forget the things
we should remember and remember
the things we should forget and
sometimes we have problems in
our lives because of two reasons;
we act without thinking or we keep
thinking without acting and the
beauty of life does not depend on
how happy we are, but how happy
others can be because of you.

You can....end of story, so remember
to keep the ones who heard you when
you never said a word and what is
meant to be will always find a way
so be patient, the best things
happen unexpectedly.                                      
             ­                                               Jon York       2016
20.7k · Jan 2019
Deep Within You
Jon York Jan 2019
Inside you

is where I want to



within the folds

of your mind


the sweet softness

of your soul,


as I release my love

deep within you.
                                     Jon York   2019.
19.5k · Nov 2013
Jon York Nov 2013
Different           Be vulnerable yet invincible
Individuals       and at the same time
Valuing             be strong yet weak and
Each other         be drunk but sober,
Regardless of    staying high but grounded
Skin                    and stable but chaotic.
Talents or           Love yourself first and
Years                   everything else falls
                            into line and know that
                            you cannot be comfortable
                            without your own approval.
                             It is not about taking that
                             first step but in making sure
                             that a first step can
                             be found.

                              Know that the pen that
                              writes your life's story
                              must be held in your
                              own hands.                               Jon York              2013
Jon York Jan 2018
Nothing can break the souls bond
between twin flames and no matter
how long you are apart or what
happens you are always connected
and sometimes two souls are even
created together and in love before
they're born.

Once a deep and powerful connection
between two people has been made
they become a vital part of each
others lives and there is no
separating them and no measure
of distance or duration of silence
can prevent the outbreak of smiles
and laughter or the strong desire
to leap into each other's arms when
they come together once more.

My soulmate lives her life like a
flame; A dance of purposeful chaos,
Her enchanting light can guide you
and quell your fears....She's hot;
warming those who respect her
and burning those who don't..She
is a flame with an unforgettable
glow...A weak man will try to dim
her luminance ... but her Soulmate
will have pleasure in fanning the
blaze as I try to do but "soulmate"
is an overused term, and a true
soul connection is very rare, but
very real and a soulmate will always
be someone who will make you the
most "you" that you can possibly
be as she does for me.

She is a mystery to me, yet so
familiar like a song I've never heard
before and a tune I've known my
entire life, knowing that we are
spiritual beings in human form
with a desire  to simply connect
with a soul who feels like home.

The moment our souls connected,
our hearts became one and now every
day that I communicate with her I
can feel our love continue to grow
stronger...stronger with loyalty,
respect and encouragement and
I am so happy to share my life with
her spirit and as we grow old
together,as we continue to change
with age, there is one thing that
will never change...I will always
keep falling in love with her.                          Jon York   2018
Jon York Jun 2016
The greatest gift you can give someone
is your time because when you give
your time you are giving a portion of
your life that you will never get back
and time is more valuable than money
because you can always get more
money but you cannot get more time.

Time has a wonderful way of showing
us what really matters because good
things take time so live every moment,
love beyond words and laugh every
day and don't let your struggle become
your identity because nobody can go
back and start a new beginning but
anybody can start today and make a
new ending.

Age is not a guarantee of maturity and
sometimes your heart needs more time
to accept what your mind already
knows so know that any time you enjoy
wasting is not wasted time because good
things take time and if you have time to
whine and complain about something
then you have the time to do something
about it.

Hard times will always reveal true friends
just as time discovers truth and time is not
free but it is priceless and you can't own it
but you can use it and you can't keep it but
you can spend it but once you have lost it,
it is gone forever.

                                                               ­           Jon York     2016
Jon York Jun 2012
As human beings
we risk looking like a fool
for love because
we have dreams for the adventure
of being alive.

But as so often happens
we are opened by life's betrayals
or we are closed
from fear of further pain
but still want that chance
to dance in the rain.

How many of us
never realize that our feelings
toward others
are determined by
our feelings toward

Be realistic and remember
the limitations of being human
and remember
if you can't love yourself
you can't love others.

Let go when
you're hurting too much
and give up when
love isn't enough.

We must learn
to move on when things
are not like before
and know that there
is someone out there
who will love you
even more.

Be true to yourself
even if you disappoint others
and if we must
bear the accusation of betrayal
don't betray your
own soul.

See life's beauty
even when it is not pretty
and be able
to live with failure
even if it isn't yours.

Don't cry
because it is over but smile
because it happened
and realize you only
live once but if
done right once is
all you need.

When life offers you
a dream that is far beyond
what you had ever hoped for
don' t grieve
when it comes to an end
just go confidently
in that direction.  

Live the life
that you have imagined
and do more than just exist
but live knowing
that where there is love
there is life.

For some reason
we never see things
as they are
but we see them as we are
because that is part
of the limitations of being human
and it is better to be hated
for what you are
than loved for what
you are not.

Sometimes we
are beautiful maybe
not in looks but in what we say
and just in what we are
so know life is
to be enjoyed and  not
just endured
and know that
to someone you
are a star.                           Jon  York                                2012
Jon York Nov 2015
We all have faces that we hide away
forever and we take them out and
show ourselves when everyone is
gone and we look at what the years
have done and realize that everything
on the outside changes but what
really matters is on the inside and that
mostly remains the same.

We tell ourselves stories in order to
live and we cure physical diseases with
medicine but find out that the only cure
for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness
is love, so don't hope but decide and
have some fun on that final ride as
you approach the end.

Wash what is *****, water what is dry,
heal what is hurt, dry tears that are shed,
warm what is cold and guide what goes
off the road so you can lighten your
load and don't be afraid to try again
as everyone goes south every now and
then as we all fall in love though we
disregard the danger but learn that it
takes strength to love again but it
takes courage to be loved.

It takes strength to survive but it takes
courage to live just as it takes strength
to feel a friends pain and courage to
feel your own pain, so change the
changeable, accept the unchangeable
and remove yourself from the unacceptable.
                                                   ­                          Jon York    2015
Jon York Apr 2019
Dear music,
Thanks  for   always
clearing   my   head,
healing   my   heart,
and lifting my spirits.

It's  not  the  song  that
makes  you  emotional...
it'­s the people and things
that come to mind when
you hear it.

All it  takes is 1 song  to
      bring back 1000

One song ---
the lyrics, the melody, the mood ---
can take you back
to a moment in time
like nothing else can.

Each memory has a
soundtrack of it's own.

Music is life. That's why
our hearts have beats.

Never underestimate the healing power of listening to your favorite music on full blast while dancing around the house like an idiot.
                                                          ­                                  Jon York   2019
Jon York Oct 2017
Fifty years, a lifetime for some, but for me,
a blink of an eye, as true love is the ripe fruit
of a lifetime, and the years have seemed to
me but a few days for the love I have had
for her, like great love, lives on, and on

I love you more today than yesterday and
our love, forever warm, and still to be enjoyed,
forever panting and forever young and in the
light and warmth of love, our life grows strong
and comely, a better dwelling, nor a sweeter
I  never found, knowing that the heart  that
has truly loved never forgets and loves on to
the close.

No matter what beauties I saw on my way
back to you; they are but visits, but you are
my home and chance cannot change my love,
nor time impair, knowing that love beyond
the world cannot be separated by it, as great
love lives on, and on.

Let us tend love's fire until the end knowing
that youth is but an hour, beauty a flower,
but love is the jewel that wins the world, and
as age enriches true love, these five words I
swear to you; I'll be there for you, and know
that I'd live and die for you, but my words
can't say what love can do, and as you breathe,
I want to be the air for you.

Somewhere there waits in this world of ours
the crowning glory of loving and being loved
and what is earth, with all its art, poetry, and
music worth---compared with love found and
kept, and defining love as two souls in one,
two hearts into one heart, and saying that he
is not a lover who does not love forever.
                                                        ­   Jon York    2017
Jon York Jul 2016
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up,
show up and never give up being sure that
you never water yourself down just because
they can't handle you at 100 proof and
remember that life is short, so break the
rules and forgive quickly, kiss slowly and
love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never
regret anything that made you smile.

Never stop doing your best just because
someone doesn't give you credit and know
that you are not born a winner and you are
not born a loser but that you are born a
chooser so understand your worth and
value your life and appreciate your blessings.

Always believe that something wonderful is
about to happen and train your mind to see
the good in every situation and work so hard
that one day your signature will be called an
autograph as you **** them with success and
bury them with a smile.

One day you will just be a memory to some
people so do your best to be a good one and
be a voice, not an echo and make today count
because you'll never get it back as you accept
what is, let go of what was and have faith in
what will be.

Be somebody who makes everybody feel like
a somebody and give but don't allow yourself
to be used and love but don't allow your heart
to be abused and trust but don't be naïve and
listen but don't lose your voice.
                                                  Jon York    2016
Jon York Nov 2012
Love arrives
and in its train
come ecstasies and memories
of pleasure
and ancient histories of pain
and if we are bold
the love strikes away
the chains of fear that
our souls hold.

Only time
is capable of understanding
how valuable
love really is because
life is the flower and love
is its honey.

I have wandered
through this world
as each moment
of my life has unfurled
and now I stand here
with my heart in hand
trying to give it to
this beautiful lady
that I met knowing
that this is something
I will not regret.

Where have you been
my love because
I have been waiting
so long for you
and suddenly
you came to me
so softly like
a beautiful song
that had known
me before.

I feel that this
can't be wrong
and know that since
we have connected  
our love will only grow
stronger and last
so much longer.

I could feel you
before you got here
and I knew that to me
you would be so dear
and the more that
I look into your face
the more things finally
become clear
because I look
into those eyes and
see no lies.

Our journey together
is about to begin
and it is a journey
I have longed for
and the one that starts
from within.

I can see your light
and I feel your heart
and sense your healing light
that flows from
within your soul.

I have waited so long
and knew that
you were close
and together we will do
the most that we can
as the years go by
and neither of us has any
reason to cry.

You came to me one day
and took me much
by surprise and I didn't
know quite what to say
except, "what took you so long,"
and you responded
by saying that
"my love is strong
and I am here to stay
and life will not
get in our way."                      Jon York          2012
Jon York Aug 2010
Sometimes we have to go
that extra mile and we will always
end up where and with whom we
should be.
In reality we always seem to know
the right thing to do but
the really hard part is doing it.
We learn and grow with each choice
that we make and try to make
everything worth it.
We are powerful because
we have survived.
The more walls that we build
around our heart the harder
we will fall when someone tares
those walls down.
Real loss is only possible when we
can love something or someone
more than we love ourselves.
We need to just be who we are,
wait our turn and not push,
just be beautiful and be grateful.
We can hold up our heads no matter what,
and we can't let them try
to stomp us out.
If we have something to offer,
maybe someone will learn something from us.
It isn't education, it's history and it's poetry,
so just  keep going forward and
try not to care what anybody thinks and  
do what you have to do for you and
may you always find a reason to smile.                                       Jon York      2010
Jon York Sep 2016
life doesn't come with instructions....
we should do what is right, not what is easiest....

if you fully trust someone without any doubt, you will get one of two
                                                 results: a friend for life or a lesson for life....
if the only thing making us unhappy is our own thoughts, we change
                                                          ­                                                      them....
pa­tience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude
                                                        ­                                         while waiting....
it is never too late to get your **** together..

AS WE GROW OKDER we learn that. . .
happiness is found when we stop comparing our life to others....
sometimes the wrong choices bring us to the right places....
if we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.....

others should make no mistake between my personality and my attitude -
  my personality being who I am, my attitude depending on who they
                                                            ­                                                        are....
t­he body heals with time and the mind heals with laughter and the
                                                                ­                       spirit heals with joy....

AS WE GROW OLDER we learn that. . .
to be old and wise, we must first be young and stupid...
just because we you're breathing doesn't mean you're alive....

inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell
                                                            ­                                             happened....
youth is a gift of nature and age is a work of art....
rudeness is a weak persons imitation of strength....
time shows us what really matters....

happiness is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but
                                                                ­            doesn't get you anywhere....
the meaning of life is to find our gift and the purpose of life is to
                                                              ­                                      give it away....
                                                        ­                                   Jon York          2016
3.8k · Nov 2012
One Word
Jon York Nov 2012
One look at her and my thoughts could write a book
One kind word can go a long way
One instant can be an eternity
One smile can make a friend forever
One memory can last forever
One lie can break a heart
One word can touch a heart
One mean word can break a heart
One false move can spell doom
One kind gesture can make a friend forever
One voice can speak wisdom
One touch can show that you care
One touch can be felt forever
One step can start a journey
One negative reaction can build a wall
One "I love you" can bring down that wall
One ugly thought can bring disaster
One ugly thought can make for a long drought
One tear sometimes we try to hide
One rose can wake a dream
One poem can melt the heart
One look from a puppy dogs eyes says he wants to be your friend
One poem can make you feel that you are not alone
One word sometimes needs to be heard  
                                                         ­              Jon York           2012
Jon York Jan 2019
   you're standing
     three feet away
"learn how to swim,"

           It took
        letting go to
     realize that I was
         holding on

          If I sit in
      the rain maybe
         I drown in
something other than
            my own
     thoughts of you.

         You told me
    you love the rain and
          now I never
     sleep during storms.
    not because I'm afraid,
             but because
       they remind me of

             It's still you,
             It's still you.

In a house where the world is
dark, love always finds a way
         to create windows.
                                                        ­                 Jon York   2019
Jon York Dec 2018
I just want  you,  that's  all.
All your smile, your funny
laugh, your, moods, and
everything. I just want you
and I'm ready to do anything
to be your everything.

You kept your eyes locked
on mine as you opened your
robe slipping it from your
shoulders, exposing your
body to me. your eyes showed
me a mixture of hunger and
desire of such intensity that you
were both excited and a little
frightened. You took a shuttered
breath as I gathered you into
my embrace.

It  was then I  realized   that  I
was truly crazy, madly in love
with  you  as  I   whispered  to
you ,"give  me a   little  bit of
rough ***  mixed  with  some
****, slow and sweet *******."
                                                    ­                          Jon York   2018
Jon York Jan 2013
Life takes many
strange turns and sometimes
we just never seem to learn
as we keep making
the same mistakes
over and over again
seemingly enjoying
the burn.

So much pain
but sometimes the pain
feels so good
leaving us to wonder
"how could that pain
be turned into gain?"

If it doesn't **** you
it makes you stronger
and allows you
to live a little bit longer
so just relax
and don't do anything
that might hurt you
until you have all
of the facts.

I choose to write poetry
to ease the pain
and to block those memories
of having played along
with those stupid
little games from all
of those no names
that I am trying to forget
and replace with
thoughts of a  new love
and new memories
that we will create
in the future.

I am still alive
despite every ones
******* jive and stupid lies
and realize that if
they didn't **** me that
they only made me stronger
and as a result
I am going to be around
for awhile longer.                          Jon   York          2013
2.8k · May 2016
Tomorrow Isn't Guaranteed
Jon York May 2016
Don't wait, because life goes faster
than you think and worrying will
never change the outcome so enjoy
life now because this is not a rehearsal.

Time goes on so whatever your
going to do, you had better do it
knowing that to live is the rarest thing
in the world as most people just exist
and that is all.

Every morning that you wake up you
have two choices and that is to
continue to sleep with your dreams
or to wake up and chaise them.

In the blink of an eye everything can
and will change because nothing
ever stays the same in the game of life
and every time that we embrace a
memory we meet again with those
we love and those we have loved.

We worry about tomorrow like it
was promised and we wonder
why that if time is infinite, why
is there never enough of it?

Accept the sweet and the bitter
along with the joys and the sorrows
that enter into your life everyday
because tomorrow isn't guaranteed
so stay patient and accept your
journey knowing that some walks
you have to take alone.
                                                          ­  Jon York
                                                            ­                         2016
Jon York Nov 2010
It's been over forty  years,
but I still feel the tears from
thirteen months of combat in
a  no - win  situation called
Vietnam. The years just keep passing
by, and still many Vietnam
Veterans die, and no one wants
to admit why.
The anger and saddness is
still there and what makes it
worse  is a society that acts
as if they care, acting like
they know where we had to go
and what we had to do, and
now they just stare.

Our tears flow for our brothers
whose names are on that Wall,
the ones who answered the call
and gave all.

It is American tradition to honor
War Veterans, but they shut the
door on us and some just can't
For some better late than never,
but for me it just won't go away.

Now a whole new generation
in a different era thinks a  simple
" welcome home " will do. A
generation that is blind to what
went on, and the the injustice
that we were served,
a generation that looks the other
way when the homeless living on
the street try to speak .
A generation that ignores the number of
Vietnam Veterans taking their
own lives every day.
The shock of this is so much,
I  just don't know what to say.

Some of us choose to live another
day and this new generation
honoring us needs to know
that we will not just go away and
that they will have to deal with
us someday, giving more than
just a " welcome home" that
comes a little late, and they need
to know  why our minds are in such
a  f*^k^d   up state.
                              Jon York  USMC Vietnam  1969 -70

2.6k · May 2019
Jon York May 2019
Today is an incredible day: success, prosperity, and abundance in many different forms have naturally found their way into my life today.                                 "I am happy"
                                            "I am healthy"
                                            "I am productive"
                                            "I am wealthy"
                                            "I am successful"
                                            "I am creative"
                                            "I am secure"
                                            "I am worthy"
                                            "I am positive thinking"
                                            "I am stress-free"
                                            "I am blessed"
                                            "I am grateful for finding, experiencing love"
                                            "I am confident"
                                            "I am courageous"
                                            "I am excited about today"
                                                          ­                                    Jon York   2019
Jon York Feb 2015
Collect, collaborate
and share thoughts
from your experiences
knowing that at any
given moment you
have the power to say
that this is not how
the story is going
to end.

Life will expand
or shrink in
proportion to
your courage and
it is not the
mountain that
we conquer but

Realize life while
you live it and
every minute savor
what you have
whether it is
being rich or poor
or being alone
and just be glad
to be alive and
to be here now.

It is not what
you look at
that matters,
it is what you
see and patience
is a companion
of wisdom.

We first make
habits then our
habits make us
so seek first to
understand then
to be understood.      
                                Jon York      2015
2.3k · Feb 2013
The Other Half of my Heart
Jon York Feb 2013
Realizing that my pain
that resulted from past failures
was only temporary because
forgetting that past knowing
that foregiveness does not change
what happened
I am finally able
to move on as the other half
of my heart comes

It does let me take
the first step torward
growth and creation as each time
that one loves is the only time
and a difference of object
does not alter singleness of passion
but merely intensifies it.

I knew that her love
was the other half of my heart
on the day that she came to me
and said that she loved me
and I could feel that love
when she talked to me hearing it
in her voice like a tone
that only I could hear.

Knowing that I have loved her
in numerous forms, numerous times,
life after life, age after age forever
our final journey now begins
as I dip my feather into the inkwell
of the sunset and write about her
sending my love to the
treasure of her heart of which
my heart is now
a part.

I can not take for granted
our future knowing that we have
the love of each other
and more importantly
we have ourselves as we touch
and our hearts became whole
once more and our love
continues to grow
and we both know that our love
for each other exceeds
the need for each other.                     Jon    York           2013
2.3k · Dec 2018
To Be Your Everything
Jon York Dec 2018
Every girl wants a bad boy
that will be good just for her
and every boy wants a good
girl that will be bad just for

Morning    whispers,    legs
entwined, the tickle of your
skin in  the  soft  light  that
traces  softly through these
sheets  as  I  touch   you  in
places   you   never   knew
existed, and I've never been
in this place,
      with you,
      with me,
       with us.

I want  to  be  the  only  hand
you ever need to hold and I'm
ready  to  do  anything  to  be
                      your  everything.
                                                                                 Jon York   2018
Jon York Apr 2019
A woman
                  will be
                  as girly as
            you pamper her,
            as intelligent as
          you challenge her,
            and as sensual as
              you entice her,
                so touch her
            using your hands.
          her mind and you
           realize that you've
                been starving
                                                        ­                         Jon York  2010
Jon York Jun 2016
Sometimes you will find that you have
to fight through some bad days to earn
the best days of your life and learn that
life is for the living and our scars have
the power to remind us that the past
was real.

Sometimes good things fall apart so better
things can fall together and it always seems
that about the time we decide to make the
most of life, most of it is gone and we find
that the closing years of life are like a
masquerade party when the masks
are dropped.

Sometimes you find yourself in the middle
of nowhere and sometimes in the middle
of nowhere you find yourself and I find
that as I have aged I become kinder to
myself and less critical of myself and that
I have had to become my own friend after
discovering that the greatest challenge in
life is discovering who I am and the second
greatest is being happy with what I found.

Life is too deep for words so don't try to
describe it but just live it and don't wait
for the perfect moment but take the
moment ant make it perfect because in life
you are either a passenger or a pilot and it
is your choice and don't forget to enjoy
your journey.
                                                               Jon York     2016
Jon York Jan 2012
She was my Angel in Disguise
as I thought I could tell
by looking into her eyes,
I wrote this in a
Published book
of Poetry called
which I wrote after
we met, and little did I know
that she would make
short work of me
and just go.

When in reality I didn't take
a close enough look
because I discovered that she
was telling me ONLY lies.

She turned out
to be both my HEAVEN and my HELL,
and not really my
blue skies, but
only LIES.

She was both
the DISEASE and the CURE,
I was never really sure,
her being the sickness that made
me well after my return from
my own personal HELL - (PTSD).

Being both
I had to lose to her to
become a WINNER.

She was my ANGEL
and my DOOM and my life
she did CONSUME by being both the
BEST and the WORST and
the remedy that
made me fall.

My success with her
lead me to my downfall
as she became
my worst NIGHTMARE and
my favorite dream but her LIES soon
showed me that
she was not the person that
she seemed.

She wore a HALO,
but came from the DEEP,
waking me up and
putting me back to sleep,
without so much as a peep.

showed me her true colors
by all of her many lies.
Oh well, is all I could say after finding
out that she was really
from HELL.  

She will continue to play
her little game of lies and deceit
with all of her other stupid men who
are crying at her feet because
that is what makes her complete.  

Me, I will live to see another day because
I was fortunate enough
to get away after seeing
her in that way.                             Jon York       2012
Jon York Jul 2019
Listen to
        your  own  soul,  
               too many
   people listen to the noise
             of the world
              of themselves.

               Deep inside,
    you know what you want,
                 let no one
         decide that for you.

               comes a time
            you have to choose
            turning the page
           closing the book.

           be afraid of losing
              Be  afraid of
       losing yourself  trying  
                 to  please
        everyone around  
            It always seems
             until  it's  done.
                                                                                   Jon York   2019
2.0k · Nov 2018
The Colors to Paint With
Jon York Nov 2018
Don't fear the pain,

use it,

keep it there,

beside you,

and maybe,

just maybe,

it will give you the words to say in a poem,

or the notes to play in a song,

for sometimes

it is flying with what hurts,

that gives us the colors to paint with.
                                                                                        Jon York    2018
1.9k · Oct 2011
I Can Breathe Again
Jon York Oct 2011
Only darkness and tears when she left,
but now I am able to see after she finally
told me the truth and I was able to see
her in a different light.

In the beginning she said, "you are the one
that I have been looking and waiting for
all of these years," and I felt like I had
been hit by a door, not knowing then
my heart would end up on the floor.

I felt from the beginning that something
wasn't quite right and only now have I
finally seen the light.

Upon realizing that I had been living her lie
for two years only brought me pain and tears,
but now there will be no more cries and all
it took was for her to say ,"you just
don't give me butter flies," at which point
I realized all that I got from her were lies.

Suddenly it was oh so clear and the anger
was gone and the hurt was no longer there,
after finding out that we were never really
a pair.

The tears are now laughter and smiles,
after thinking about all of those miles
that I wasted on what I thought was
my dream come true.

I still have a lot of life to live and a lot
of love to give, and finally I am able
to breathe again.                                      Jon York  2011
Jon York Jul 2019
One can change  their
     future  by  changing  their
attitude and to not get discouraged
       about how far they have
to go but instead get excited about
       where they are headed.

           Some people create
    their own storms and then get  
         upset because it rains.

             Stay focused on  the  
   outcome  rather than the obstacles
             and never base your
     decisions on advice  from those
              who don't have to
          deal   with   the  results.

           Give every day the chance
   to  become the  most beautiful  of  your
                   life and be the type
           of person you want to meet,
   choosing joy and realizing that you
                  are what you do,
                not  what  you  say.

        Focus on what matters and what
               makes you happy today
           and  spend  time  with  people
      who  bring  out the  best  in  you, not
               the stress in you because
         it's  all  about  finding  the  calm
                 in the chaos and realizing
        being happy never goes out of style
                                                           ­                                  Jon York   2019
1.9k · Jan 2018
If I Promise
Jon York Jan 2018
Will you trust me with your heart as I trust you with mine if
I promise. . .
to be your strength when you are weak
and your voice when you can't find the
words to speak and if
I promise. . .
to give you faith
when you are insecure and if
I promise. . .
to listen to you
when you need to talk and if
I promise. . .
to always hold you
when you need to be held and if
I promise. . .
to be your smile
when you are frowning and if
I promise., . .
to always tell you what is real
when you want to hear the truth and if
I promise. . .
to be your dream catcher
to chase away you're every fear and if
I promise. . .
to tell you no lies
but just what is true and if
I promise. . .  
I will try to lift you up
when you are feeling down and if
I promise . . .
to be your strength
when ever you are falling down and if
I promise. . .
to never hurt you
or break your heart and
you know that
I can't promise you the world and I can't promise you the sky or promise you that we will never fight or that you will never cry but I can promise you that I will always be true till the end of time, so will you trust me with your heart as I trust you with mine knowing that our success won't just happen by default but can and it will happen by design.                                                          ­                Jon York   2018
Jon York Feb 2019
Most obstacles melt
     away when
  we make up our
         to walk

               is a
     word the lazy
             use to

          You only
     once, you might
              just as
            a badass.

               Strive for                   
                progress                     Sometimes you need to
                      not                                 talk to a three year old
               perfection.                                 so you can understand life
                                                            ­                            again.

                             ­                                                               Jo­n York   2019
Jon York Mar 2014
Whenever you have
the opportunity to laugh,
laugh and whenever you have
the opportunity to dance,
dance and when you have
the opportunity to sing,
sing and one day you will find
that you have created your
own paradise.

Some see the basket half empty,
and others see it half full
while some see life as hopeless,
others hopeful but know
that gift of happiness
belongs to those who unwrap it
and know that the best thing
about the future is that
it only comes one day
at a time.

There is only one happiness in life
and that is to love and be loved
and the essence of life is
the conviction that we  
are loved for ourselves as
happiness held is the seed
and happiness shared is the flower
and it is the songs you sing,
the smiles you wear that make
the Sun shine everywhere.

Take time to laugh
because it is the music of your soul
and understand that nothing
is worth more than this day
and the gift of happiness belongs
to those who unwrap it
and it can be yours
to stay.                              Jon York    2014
1.8k · Jun 2010
Changes - One Boomer's Ride
Jon York Jun 2010
The years, they have come and gone so
fast, nothing seemed to last, like the loves
that have come and gone and when
we are young and wish the time didn't
pass so slow, as we get older, we wish
things didn't move so fast, and that the
nice things would last just a little longer.

In  65  I was seventeen, somewhere
between mean and lean and I didn't
know much, but most don't when they
are only a teen and my first love, dear
Anne  was so young
and sweet,and she never missed
a beat, so soft and tender, a real
credit to her gender, and one day
she just disappeared and I can't
remember if I even got to say goodbye.

In 69, I was twenty-one and made my
living with a gun, in a no - win situation
called Vietnam and life was no fun.

Surviving 13 months of daily combat
I give thanks that I was trained by the
best -  the ( Marine Corp ) but the battles
in my head would never  let me rest when
I returned home.

The decorations they came, but I would
never be the same. coming home to a very
mean and angry Country that was fighting
an unpopular War and didn't seem to care
any more about their returning warriors
and just closed the door.

In  77   I was twenty - nine, aging like a
fine wine but waking up in a Hospital room
in Joplin one day from an automobile
accident not knowing what to say,except
"what happened to me ? ","where am I, and
"who am I ?"

"You can't walk" the nurse said and the
pain so great, I felt that I would be better
off dead and I was discarded as a crippled
by my wife and I was forced to begin a
new life which would be filled with strife.

Learning everything again that I already
knew like walking, talking and being a
human being was no fun at 29 but it had
to be done, because I had no where to run.

In 1980 I was recovered and strong
after rebuilding my body and I was
on my way to embark on a new way
of  life and I had something to prove to
myself and not to anybody else.

In 1990, moving to another State,
with the idea that it was not too late
for a new start, and this time I would
have a new part to play.

I learned what the War had done to me,
and that our  freedom never comes free,
and that I needed help in my head,
or I would end up up dead.

In 2010 I am  sixty - one  and wonder
what I have done with my life. Where
did the years go, gone like a vapor
in the air and all you can do is simply
stare in the mirror asking yourself
"is that really me ?"

Then this Angel came out of nowhere,
this beautiful lady who needed me I
thought as much as I needed her.

It took 61 years to find her and we
were together for two years in a union
that I thought would last forever, but
for her the truth was never.

She lied to me for two years about her
past and her intentions so she could use
me and keep herself amused.

I couldn't see what she was doing
because my love for her was so strong
and she just wasn't equipped to handle
so much love and it didn't take her long
to find someone else that could keep
her amused.

When I found her,I thought that real
love was unstoppable and that it would
always find you and that you could not hide.

Instead I got taken for one big ride by this
Kansas Queen who also turned out to be
very mean and who thought that she could
get away with it clean.

Together I thought that we faced the World
with our hearts in each others hands and I
thought that we knew that the others love
was true.

But upon discovering her lies she only
made me blue because her lies were so cool
and so very cruel it made me think I should
go back to school.

With her lies she professed her love for me
and I smiled because she made me happy
and she let me know if I made her mad or
made her sad.

But she appeared much to my surprise
to be glad when I opened the door for her
to leave and I was even more surprised
at how fast that she hit the door running.

Was it to another man who was waiting and
knew she was coming but that's all right
because it really doesn't matter because I was
glad and fortunate to see her scatter.

So we must be prepared for changes that
come at us so fast often leaving you to wonder,
"how long can I last?" and leaving you
wondering "how did I last this long," when
so many times you thought you were gone.

She told me everyday for two years
that she loved me and that that she
would never leave me saying to me that
I was the "one" that had been sent to her
by Jesus, and in the end I was just numb
and must have looked pretty dumb
because I believed all of her lies which
resulted in so many cries.

Life will blindside you when you least
expect it so we have to learn to expect the
unexpected and learn to love and not hate.

In the beginning she showed me that I
could love, taking away my hate but in
the end she took away that love
and brought back so much hate.

Because of her lies I will never be the
same because it was all just her game
that I lost but I will never play that
way again and I will never lose like
that again.

I will survive and live to see another day
and another love will come my way. 

Just do what you have to do to survive
while you are on this crazy ride................                  
Jon York        wrote 2010,    edited 2012
Jon York Jan 2020
Never wait,
      life goes faster than
               you think,
   everything is temporary.

               Let it all go,
            see what stays.

              If  someone
       is okay with losing you
           they  never  really
              cared for you.

              One day you
                  will just
              be a memory.

      When memories hit you,
                 it hurts and
           pain changes people.  

                   I told you
             what hurts me the
    most and you did it perfectly.

               If it hurts too
        much to hold on...then
            it's time to let go.

         Cutting people out of
my life doesn't mean I hate them,
       it means I respect myself.
                                                                                   Jon York   2020
Jon York Mar 2018
Your mind is so powerful because it
can invent, create, experience, and
destroy things with thought alone
and  don't waste words on people
who deserve your silence, knowing
that sometimes the  most powerful
thing you can say is nothing.

Everything you want is just on the
other side of fear and know that
when you try to control everything,
you enjoy nothing.

Believe what a person shows you, not
what someone else told you about
them and don't talk just act, don't say
just show, and don't promise just
prove, because until you are broken,
you don't know what you're made of.

Be the best reason someone smiles
today and realize that you were given
life because you're strong enough to
live it and remember to smile big,
laugh often and never take this life
for granted,

know your life is your message to
the world so make sure it's inspiring
and know sleep, hugs, kisses, love,
friends, memories, smiles, laughter,
and fun, the best things in life, are
free so keep smiling....and one day
life will get tired of upsetting you.
                                                       Jon York    2018
1.7k · Feb 2021
Would It Matter
Jon York Feb 2021
Would it matter,
if I told you,
         I still love you,
         I still need you,

I still look for you -----
         even as the shadows
                    climb the hills
and the new moon
                    hears the howls
                    of distant dogs
somewhere down this
             lonely Kansas road,
where the wind blows songs
        through the green pine
and the memories of you
                    still haven't left
                                my mind.

No, it would't matter one
               bit ,not in the least.

That's just the way it is.
                                                             ­                 Jon York   2021
1.7k · Aug 2023
The Art Of Surviving
Jon York Aug 2023
Had  I  loved  me  better,   I  wouldn't
have  been  in  most of  the  situations
I've  been  in.

I'm  not  interested  in  fighting, hating,
blaming or being petty, with  whatever
time I have  left  in  this  life.

I've been in this life for seventy-five years
as of this Sept. 20  2023,  trying to work
out its riddle and I've mastered the art of
surviving, now I want to live.

I just want to be  
happy. I want to be loved and I want
to have peace.                                                           ­                                   
                             ­                                                                 ­  Jon York   2023
1.6k · Jul 2010
A Vietnam Veterans Healing
Jon York Jul 2010
The pain
just doesn't go away,
seems we have to
deal with Charlie everyday.
So many triggers,
in our heads that make us
wonder if,
we would be better off dead.

We live from
day to day,
some hour to hour,
wondering what to say
to those who just can't
understand the pain
and sorrow that we feel,
as a combat Veteran.

We are a band of brothers
who stepped up, stood up proud,
and went to War
for a Country we loved,
only to return to a Country
full of hate and disrespect.

Vietnam Veterans
continue to take their own lives
daily, some 40 years later
because some are tired
of fighting the War in their heads,
and fighting for help,
from a Gov't
that doesn't seem to care.
We are tired of asking for respect,
because we stood up for your freedom.

We still wait for just
for one sincere "thank you",
or a true "wellcome home",
that we never got,
better late than  never for some,
just a little too late
for me and many others.

Some 58,000
gave their all, most
still in their youth but
old enough to die,
for a War that was just a big lie,
and all they got was
their name on a Wall.

Those of us who survived
still fight the triggers in our heads,
and try to help those brothers
who would rather be dead,
those fellow warriors
with so much pain
that they feel as if
they have nothing to gain.

Self respect takes away
some of that pain,
but we have to heal
from the inside first.

But for now
we heal at the Wall
and touch our brothers
and friends who gave it all,
those who dared to
stand tall
for your  freedom.             Jon York
1.6k · Apr 2019
Just A Reminder: I Love You
Jon York Apr 2019
I want
   you today,
   next week,
     and for
   the  rest  of
     my life.

    You give
  me feelings
      I can't
    but  I  still
       is me.
I  am  so very

  you just got
                                                                                   Jon York   2019
1.6k · Jun 2019
You Are My Happy Place
Jon York Jun 2019
You  are
                  my today
                   all of my

                   you will
                      be my

                     the one
                     that my

                       put my
                      I'm home.

                         are my
FORGET: who hurt you yesterday, but don't forget those who love you today and everyday. FORGET: the past that makes you cry and focus on the present that makes you smile. FORGET: the pain, but never the lessons you gained.
                                                                                         Jon York   2019
1.4k · Nov 2012
The One Constant in Life
Jon York Nov 2012
The one constant
in life is change
so you learn
to anticipate it
and you learn
to welcome it
and you  learn
to always
expect it.

with my thoughts
and alone
with my doubts
and alone
with my fears
but with her
I find the courage
for no more

Things change
as she comes
into range
and as  she
comes to me
we make the

Her love
is strong
and she knows
it isn't wrong
and it is
change for her
and change for me
but we both
knew that
it was coming
because we both
could see.

We both
anticipated it
as she has
the one constant
in my life.                        Jon  York            2012
Jon York Sep 2012
As the loves of my life unravel
I try to put them
back together
just one day at a time as
I write this rhyme.

Learn to live life just
one day at a time
knowing that everything
will be fine and you will find
your little piece of heaven
just one more time before
that final chime.

Sometimes it is just outside
of your front door
appearing so close but
yet so far away as the night
turns into day.

I find it hard to care
about anything anymore these
days and in fact the only thing
I do care about is the fact
that I don't care about
anything anymore.

My time here on this planet
is getting short and in my life
there is no longer any sport
of any kind because
it is either their way
or the highway.

You either have it
or you don't and there seems to be
no middle ground in this great
balancing act that everyone
tries to enact and that is
no brag just fact.

Respect yourself enough
to walk away from anyone
that can no longer
make you happy and doesn't
respect your growth.

Know that today was good
and today was fun
but tomorrow is another one
and realize that you could miss
all of the best things in life
if you keep your eyes shut
so just go one day
at a time.

Sometimes the questions
are so complicated
and the answers so simple
and right in front of you
but all you can do
is move just one day at a time
and try to find that
unversal rhyme
of love.

Don't cry because it came and left
leaving you to say "surely you jest"
just smile because it happened
and just move forward
to another day.

You approach that final rest
and your balancing act
is the final test so just
remember how much
you have been blessed
to have made it
so far doing it
your way not caring what
others had to say.                        Jon York                 2012
Jon York May 2017
It never stopped as they came at us day and night and they knew every move we made because the surrounding jungles were filled with them and as we thought we were hunting them, in reality we were the ones hunted and as they watched us set up for the night, the enemy would try to fulfill a single purpose: to **** me and my fellow Marines that made up the deadliest Marine combat unit operating in the ASHAU Valley (Valley of Death) at that time in 1969.

Arriving in Vietnam I discovered that it was very different than the nightly news reports that I watched from my Hotel room in Alaska and that the American public watched safely at night in their homes, and strange as it may seem I remember watching Marines walking through the rice paddies while the announcer was announcing the number of KIA's and I was thinking, maybe that's where I should be. Be careful what you think!!

Nothing could have prepared me ( a 20 year old "hippie"drafted and taken off the streets of the 60's ) for what I was about to face and what I was about to have to do in order to make it home on my feet and not in a body bag.

Trained to be a 20 year old killing machine by the United States Marine Corps, I did what I had to do to arrive home on my own two feet but it
would change my life forever and I didn't know it until 40 years later.

The adrenaline rush that came after each ****, and the more kills you recorded the more you got off and the more power you had and the
more you wanted to **** some more and it became an addiction and this
was suddenly gone when I got home and I reacted by covering my fear
with humor but 40 years after I knew something was terribly wrong with
me as I listened to reports of 22 Veterans a day, 24/7 committing suicide and at first I didn't understand why until one day I was thinking about different ways to die.

The physical pain had set in along with mental scars that would not go away as I thought about Vietnam every day as I began entertaining ways to die to get off this miserable train of thought and all the VA would do is to give me a PTSD disability pension and prescribe pills for the pain and during all those years it became clear that I was going nowhere and had become invisible to the world so why should I not go ahead and do the same as those 22 a day.

2017 and I am still here but I still think about Vietnam every day but I choose to write to keep my mind away from those days in the jungles shooting anyone I saw and these days I write for those 22 a day that can no longer deal with what they had to do and crossed that fine line between life and suicide that is so very close for me but for some reason I stand tall and am proud of my service to my country and feel sorry for those who will never know the depth of a Veterans pride and if I am still alive when you read this poem it is because someone drove home the fact that they actually cared whether I lived or died and that they actually appreciated what I did so many years ago in that far away jungle but that place is still on my mind every day and probably will be until the day I die and that is all I have to say on this Memorial Day.
                                                                                   Jon York  2017
                                                                                    Kilo 3/5
                                                                                 Vietnam  69- 70
Jon York Nov 2011
Quietly she sits waiting,
thinking,considering, powerful
and strong, wise and knowing,
yet gentle as the dawn light
slipping softly over the mountain top,
and she is as beautiful within
as without, still and deep as the
spring of cool clean water.

What brought us together,
the woman - child and the
quiet man from a far away
land is maybe a common
thread woven into the
fabric of time.

She dreamt of me, knew me
and recognized me in an
instant by my words and
she felt my spirit reaching
out for her.

I seek this one thing, though
I don't know what it is and I
spend my time searching for
that one missing piece and
perhaps one day she will
come to me and bring with
her the quiet peace that I seek
with that breath of fresh air.     Jon York    2011
Jon York Apr 2012
Pain has left my house
because she was nothing
but a louse
and a parasitic insect
and a very contemptible
person to live with because all
she ever wanted to do
was to inflict her pain
while stealing my soul.

Along with her she took Lies and Hurt
who were really a couple of  jerks
always looking for someone or something
to infect and now the two
will just lay low until
they find somewhere else to put
on their show.

Hurt and Lies know that they
will always be needed again for control
and will always have a job to do
somewhere so they just stand by
on call and patiently wait
for another wall to climb over
and another heart
to devour.

Since Lies , Pain and Hurt work so well
together they all had to leave at once
because they know that they are not welcome
in my house anyway
so thay will just go somewhere
where they can be somebody
else's dunce.

Sorrow and Despair ******* stay either
because they felt so rejected
and they wanted to stay
with Hurt and Pain
because they were getting tired
of being locked away and having
no place to play and nothing
left to gain.

Joy and Love finally came back home
where they belonged after
being gone for so long
and I really missed them and this time
they promised that would
never leave and apoligized
for having been so deceived
and promised to stay
and be my friends till
the end.                                                    Jon York           2012
Jon York Apr 2013
While on this voyage
keep your windows clean because
if you break down
you can still enjoy the view
as the world goes by because
about the time you learn
to make the most of life
most of it is gone but age
is a matter of the mind
- if you don't mind,
it doesn't matter.

realize that anyone
can get old,
all you have to do
is live long enough
because it takes a long time
to become old.

Learn that it is not about
getting a chance but it is about
taking a chance and understand
that we are strong
because we are weak
and we are beautiful
because we have flaws
and we are fearless
because we have been afraid
and wise because we have
been foolish.

As the world goes by
I am left with coils of memory
as the time flies whether
we are having fun or not
but at least I have learned
to know the difference between
a good love and a bad love
and that is simple
- a good love never ends
and in the end love is the only thing
we are left with after all
is said and done.

I have gone from long hair
to longing for hair
and from acid rock
to acid reflux and from
rocking out with the Rolling Stones
to being worried about
having kidney stones
but I still rock and roll
and will till I die and
that is no lie.

I don't know when or how
it happened and
I never saw it coming going
from tight bulging muscles
and a flat stomach and
a full head of brown  hair
now replaced with folds
and salt and pepper thined out hair
along with a gray beard
and bones that need care
and fall I don't dare.

Once upon a time
eyes like an eagle able to
pick off a VC at 1200 yards
with one shot and one ****
in a far away war time won't forget
in that far away place
so long ago but now
my focus is slow
and I wish I didn't know now
what I didn't know then.

If only I could stop my mind
but a man is not old
as long as he is seeking something
and growing old is nothing
more than a bad habit
which a busy man has
no time to form.  

Know that you are young
at any age if we are still planning
for a tomorrow and as the world
flies by we have to realize
that it is better to be hated
for what you are
than to be loved
for what you are not
and remember that you were
born an original so
don't die a copy.             Jon York          2013
Jon York Feb 2017
Time is free and it is priceless
and you can't own it but you
can use it and you can't keep it
but you can spend it, but once
you have lost it you can never
get it back so know that the
trick is to enjoy life and don't
wish away your days waiting
for something to happen.

Life is too short to wake up in
the morning with regrets, so
love the people who treat you
right and forget the ones who
don't and believe that everything
happens for a reason and if you
get a chance, take it and if it
changes your life, let it and
remember that nobody said it'd
be easy, they just promised it
would be worth it.

In the end, only three things
matter: how much you loved,
how gently you lived, and how
gracefully you let go of things
not meant for you.
                                     Jon York    2017
Jon York Sep 2012
The words
they just come
along with a need to put them
on paper and to some
they will make no sense
but to others they will
enter in to their

Someday somewhere
along the way what I have done
and what I say will be
read and heard affecting those
who have read me before
knowing that I had
something to say
on this day.

There is no escape
from reality and no one
can run that fast
or make paradise last
as the years just
keep disappearing and a stop
comes to our

Is this really
how it is supposed to be
going through life refusing
to see what is right
in front of us
as we crumble into dust
longing for that last
seemingly unreachable

The biggest killer in the world
not be wars or disease
but suicides as so many
both young and old choose
to end their silly ride of reaching
for that pie in the sky
having had enough pain
and so much rain
and even those with great
worldly gain choose
to sustain.

Me, I just sit here
as my thoughts emerge
through my fingers and
on to paper
knowing that I will be here
for awhile longer
hoping and knowing that
someday somewhere along the way
I will find the answer
and the reason why I am still here
and why I hold life to be
so dear.         Jon York             2012
Jon York Jun 2012
Just for a moment
forty-two years ago
I was 21 and in my hand
I had a machine gun
shooting whatever stood
in my way
so I could live to see
another day.

Just for a moment  
I was still young and home
from a very unpopular war
but  with a bright future in College
and able to do just
about anything that
I wanted to do

Just for a moment
I was happily married
with a three year old daughter,
a beautiful wife and I was
living the good life.

Just for a moment
I didn't know what happened
or where I was
and in severe pain
unable to walk
and just barely able to talk
with nothing to gain
and knew I would
never be the

Just for a moment
I was whole again healthy
and happy to be alive
but all alone and suddenly
my daughter was grown
with kids of her own.

Just for a moment
I thought that
I  had found love or it
had found me
as our lips touched
and I saw eternity in
her eyes but *******
see the lies.

Just for a moment
I held her body next to mine
so warm and so bright
as she took me through
the night.

Just for a moment
it was not about
love or sexuality but
it was about the way
we fit.

Just for a moment  
I gave her my heart and
that was all I could give
but it just wasn't enough so
she left just as she had done
with so many others

Just for a moment
I was so happy, so in love
but somehow knew
that it was just too good
to be true as things
got real blue when
I found out that
she was and had
been untrue.

Just for a moment
only a year ago I was
kindness and I lost
and the future dissolved
in moments.

Just for a moment
I am 63 and and gray
with 3 grandkids
and not much more to say
except what we
used to say so long ago
"Have a nice day"
and maybe "We will meet
again someday."                               Jon  York              2012
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