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3d · 25
I Celebrate
I  celebrate your  eyes-those wonderful
baby blues- because they looked at me
without restraint or shame.

I  celebrate  your  soul who  never gave
up while spending  centuries  looking
for his other half in order to become whole

I celebrate your *******. In the darkest of
night I could find them blind and feeble.

I celebrate your tears even if they cry for
something I've said or done.

Most of all I celebrate the God that gave
me you  and asked for nothing in return.
                                                                                                  Jon York  2025
Jon York Feb 16
She told  me that my words  took  her breath and
would I please write something to again take her

Reaching for you, my letters now strung together
in loops and curves, I send them to you, spilled
from  this  heart  in everyday  ink.

It started in I think was around 1965.  0n a warm
summer day at the Country Club pool when we
were so young. Our eyes met and if love has a place
and way of being I was lost in the Heaven of your eyes.
Love but wanderlust of the soul found home from
the first errant kiss to last shared breath beneath
wondrous star strewn Heavens.

Yet Heaven pales to the beauty of your eyes. Kiss me,
love me again. Let me be once more within their light.

I believe in the power of words. If I can succeed
in making someone smile and think more positive
about themselves, I feel truly blessed. Writing poetry
is the catalyst in my quest for authenticity and the
conduit through which I express my deepest thoughts
and emotions.
                                                       ­                                    Jon York  2025
Feb 1 · 116
Part Of The Journey
Jon York Feb 1
I  traveled  the  world,
experienced adventures,
overcame obstacles,
transcended dark nights
of the soul just to find
my treasure in your
magical baby blue eyes.

Even  though  the  night
takes my sight, my mind
is still fixed with thoughts
of you and even  while
we  are apart I  can  still
have you  here  with  me.

The reunion of two souls
inseparably  connected
having known each other
from the beginning of time.

Let  my  mind  wrap  its
thoughts around you and
caress everything it can
and let my lips speak as
a kiss.

Let my arms  carry  away
any loneliness, let my eyes
devour all the troubles within
your  sight.

                                                                                               Jon York 2025
Jan 21 · 145
My Gentle Touch
Jon York Jan 21
Lying  in a soft Kansas  meadow
with my dog and the  cows close
by under a diamond studded
sky  on  a  cold  winter  night
vibrating  with magic,  I read
your story written in the stars.

Marveling  at  the  full  moon
I  see your face looking at me,
your moonbeam eyes reading
my  innermost  being  like an
open book.

One  soul  we  are  in  many
different manifestations looking
down on earth with compassionate
moonbeam eyes.

But  I  like the  one where you
are sitting on a rock and a
hundred times you brush your
hair, a golden wave flowing to
your hips, as you long for my
gentle touch.
                                                          ­                                  Jon York   2025
Jan 18 · 296
My Open Book
Jon York Jan 18
The  words I  write in  my poems
are like an open book of my heart.

Long  ago  one  night  your voice
became my favorite sound. There
was  no  going  back  for  me.

Even  now,  so many  years  since,
I still seek tunes of you, vibrations
of  your  truth  as  before.

Yes  your  voice is still my favorite
music. My desired song.

Thank  you  for  not  sealing  shut
my open book.
                                                                                                 Jon York   2025
Jon York Jan 1
In 2025
Be Brave
Be kind
Be happy
Be creative
Be you.

Even  with  all  the  greed and
stupidity  and  terrible  things
that  we're  all  facing, reading
in  the  news, or  experiencing,
just want to be alive. Just want
to  breathe  and do your work.

In  2025  start  dreaming  and
scheming  about  who  you're
going to  be  in the  new  year.

Dream until your dreams come
                                                                                               Jon York 2025
Dec 2024 · 85
Your Renegade Soul
Jon York Dec 2024
You and I . . . we are embers from the same fire,
we are dust from the same star, we  are  echoes
of the same love.

I  love how you are deciphering  the  code  you
left  yourself before  you came  into  this  life.

I  love  your  renegade  soul  and I  love  your
ever-deepening baby blue eyes as you peer into
the heart of your own darkness.

I  love how you're  making  yourself  more
receptive to truths in their wild states.

I  love how you can  lose yourself  in  passion
but never shirk your commitment to the good
and the  true.

I love how you  never  bare  a  grudge against
the mountains that are in your way but  rather  
just work  to  get around  them.
                                                   ­                                           Jon York  2024
Dec 2024 · 255
Be You
Jon York Dec 2024
In French you don't say
"I  miss  you".   You say
"tu me manques", which
means "you are missing
from me."
I love that.

Do  what  makes  your
soul shine. Take time to
make  your soul  happy.
Put yourself at the top
of  your  to-do  list.

Sometimes I amaze myself.
Other times I can't remember
what day it is.

Be brave
Be kind
Be happy
Be creative
Be thankful
Be you.                                                                                Jon York   2024
Nov 2024 · 297
I Told The Stars About You
Jon York Nov 2024
"Kama muta" is Sanskrit term that refers
to an emotion  that might also  be  called
"moved by love."

It  is an under-recognized emotion that  has
evolved to bind us to others and strengthen
our relationships. It motivates us to embrace
and care for other people.

Kama muta enhances  our  commitment  to
our relationships and encourages  us to  act
with greater compassion and kindness.

We usually experience  it in some of the most
important events in our lives - and it is commonly
exploited by writers to enhance  the  emotional
impact of their stories.

You are  another  me.  If  I do  harm to  you,
I  harm  myself.  If  I  love  and respect  you,
I  love  and  respect  myself.
                                                                                           Jon York   2024
Oct 2024 · 315
Then Wait For Understanding
Jon York Oct 2024
She walked through the door, her head looking down, perhaps scared to look at me for fear of what she may see. When in reality she was just scared of our first meeting in over 50 years, a length
of time that would bring anyone to tears.

I looked at her as she trembled and I said, "do you know why after all of this time I am still here?" "Because when love is true, it waits and as we slipped into an intimacy from which we never recovered, I said "guide me home, for you are the moon of my life, guide me home." "Let us make quiet love, soft sighed and slow stirred; glancing glazes and graceful gasps." "Swallow your loudest screams and yell instead with squeezing hands."

Some souls choose to wear their hearts on their sleeves, but I, brave or stupid or maybe both have chosen instead to wear mine on yours. Her love. . .simple, uninhibited, child like, spontaneous, filled with touching, poetry. She never grew up. .thank God!

Like a hummingbird in flight, always looking for a place to rest for the night, as she is weary from her travels afar and with natures careful planning she will touch the flowers of your soul, then wait for understanding'
                                                  ­                                     Jon York   2024
Sep 2024 · 266
Today I Turned 76
Jon York Sep 2024
In  1964,  60 years ago,  I  was  16
and she was 14. Two souls searching
the universe  and when we met,  the
searching was over.

And I still think about her and those
crazy days together, her young skin
on my fingertips, her young  lips  on

But the Vietnam war turned my world
upside down and I would never be the

As I turn 76 today I go into the depths
of night to find my voice - thoughts forming
into feelings, then words on paper.

A poet navigating a tainted world.

When  you cannot  control  what's
happening, challenge yourself to control
the way you respond to what's happening.
That is where your power is.  

I write to capture fleeting moments, to fight
the PTSD in my head from a war, to capture
memories of young love and deep desires.
                                                                                             Jon York   2024
Jon York Sep 2024
I  have  good days and  bad  days.
And on both I am thinking of you.

Yes, I am thinking about you right
now.  I  thought about  when  this
morning when I woke up....Lovely
perverted, naughty and wickedly
beautiful thoughts.

My hands can't touch you, but my
mind  can't  leave  you  alone.

When I close  my  eyes I see you.
When I open my eyes I miss you.

I  never  craved  attention  until I
tasted yours.

Can  you  feel  me  when  I  think
about you?
                                                            ­                                Jon York   2024
Sep 2024 · 197
Nothing More Or Less
Jon York Sep 2024
Missing you comes in waves.
Tonight  I am  drowning.

I love it when I check my phone
and your name with a picture of
you  in  your bathtub shows  up
and I love how your text message
says  to me "I  love  your  poetry,
never stop writing."

I love the feelings I get when I
look at my photographs of you.
One  of  your  hugs  would  be
good right now.

I crave you in the most innocent
form. I  crave to say "goodnight"
and kiss you on the forehead and
say "I adore you" when you feel
at you worst.

I crave you  in  ways where I  just
want to be next to you and nothing
more or less.
                                                                                             Jon York   2024
Aug 2024 · 202
Sneak Out Of My Eyes
Jon York Aug 2024
Sometimes the best memories
sneak out of my eyes disguised
as tears.

I am remembering some of the
most beautiful moments of my
younger  life that  weren't  just
with you  but  because  of  you.

No matter how broken we think
we are, we will always be a piece
in someone else's puzzle of life.

We'll fill all of their cracks with
love and fragments of our own

Our lives may not have fit together
but ohhh...did our souls know how
to dance....

I fell in love with the way you
touched me without using your

I hunger for your kiss, the feel
of  your  soul  touching  mine.
                                                      ­                                       Jon York   2024
Jul 2024 · 136
A Good Thing To Try
Jon York Jul 2024
My lips  miss  your

My hands miss the
feel  of  your  skin.

My mouth wants to
do **** things to
your body.

Lets  make out, have
***, cuddle and have
a deep talk.

Then  lets  have  ***
again, go  out  to eat,
then  go  back home,
watch  a  movie  and
have *** again.

If  it  excites  you and
scares you at the same
time, it might be a good
thing to try.                                                                        Jon York   2024
Jun 2024 · 139
A Long Time Ago
Jon York Jun 2024
Long ago,
far away,
or was it
only yesterday?

asked me
if I knew you.

A million
flashed through
my mind,
but I
smiled and said,
"I used to,
a long time ago."
                                                                                                Jon York   2024
May 2024 · 136
Giving Them To Someone Else
Jon York May 2024
Realize that true happiness lies within. Waste no
time or effort searching for peace and contentment
and joy in the world outside.

Happiness is not in our circumstances but in
ourselves. It is not something we see or feel
like the heat of a fire. Happiness is something we are.

Give yourself a perfect day. Do what makes you
happiest. Look upon what gives you joy.

Speak to those who warm your heart. Listen to that
which lifts your spirits. Surround yourself with sights
and sounds and people who give you pleasure.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,
enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow
to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

The greatest happiness in the world is the conviction
that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, in spite of ourselves.

The three things we crave most in life - happiness, freedom, and peace of mind are always attained by giving them to someone else.                                    
                                                                ­                              Jon York  2024
Apr 2024 · 163
What You Have Overcome
Jon York Apr 2024
"I  like  living.  I have been  wildly,  despairingly,  acutely
miserable,  racked with sorrow; but through  it  all  I  still
know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing."  
                                                                          Agatha Christie

As  humans  we  need  regular doses of  unreasonable  beauty,
sublime anomalies, beguiling ephemera, and inexplicable joys.

I  chose  to  be  optimistic,  it  feels  better.  I choose also  to  be
truthful, gentle, and fearless.

Time is really the  only capital that  I or any human being  has,
and it is the only thing we can't afford to lose. Let your choices
reflect your hopes, not your fears.

The past is where we  learn the lesson. The future is where we
apply the lesson.

It is only a short trip. Enjoy it. You are not what you have done,
you are what you have overcome.
                                                       ­                                      Jon York   2024
Jon York Apr 2024
All  the  words and thoughts
behind my words come from
a  place of love as I  travel the
roads in the memory of this poet.

Walking the streets of this poets
memory I come to a meeting place.

Where the river mirrors the sky
in glassy completion, where the
earth gives way to water, where
two souls surrender to their smallness.

A fleeting moment in a temporary
existence, this moment is met, again
and again in a place that transcends time.

We were together for such a short
time but in my mind she will be for
a lifetime.

I have to wonder why? It seems only
the blink of an eye and she was gone.
                                                           ­                                   Jon York  2024
Feb 2024 · 260
Do It Now
Jon York Feb 2024
Stop waiting for the right time.
Time isn't waiting for you.

NOTE TO SELF: You got this.
Know your limits and crush
them. Rid your mind  of can't.

When you see something beautiful
in someone, tell them. It may only
take a second to say, but for them it
could last a lifetime.

They will love you or hate you, Either
way, you're gonna shine!

You decide who you want to become.
Don't listen to other peoples opinions.
It's just noise. Learn not to give a ****,
You'll be happier.

One day you'll wake up and there
won't be anymore time to do the
things you always wanted.

Do it now.
                                                                                             Jon York   2024
Feb 2024 · 192
Sing On In The Soul
Jon York Feb 2024
She was a special person I always cared to
know,  for our lives would intermingle  no
matter  where  we  would go or where  we
would  be.

She was always a shadow or an image in
my mind or a faint and hazy memory that
life had erased with time.

The days  went by, the  weeks  rushed on,
and before I knew it a year was gone. Then
I looked up and 50 years were gone.

If from life you take the best, and in life you
keep the jest, if love you hold, no matter how
the years go by, no matter how the birthdays
fly -- you are not old. But if your ambitions'
fires are dead -- then you are old.

It is the human touch in this world that counts,
the touch of your hands and mine which mean
far more to the fainting heart than shelter and
bread and wine.

For shelter is gone when the night is over, and
bread lasts only a day, but the touch of a hand
and the sound of the voice sing on in the soul. 
                                                                                              Jon York  2024
Jan 2024 · 222
Not What You Think Of It
Jon York Jan 2024
Everything changes in an instant.

Not sure if I need ***, sleep, or to
punch someone in the face.

I  have  to be stronger  than  my excuses
and I have to hold myself accountable,
stay committed and never give  up.

I  have  to start with who I am,  use
what I  have, and do what I  can.

The man who is a master of patience
is master of everything else.

I must find the fighter in myself and
realize the fact that if I'm not where
I want to be, that should be enough

A wise man once said nothing.

I must make a conscious effort to hear
no  ****, to speak no  ****, and to  take
no ****. Life is what you make of it,
not what you think of it.
                                                                                             Jon York   2024
Jan 2024 · 316
Jon York Jan 2024
What  new  influences
and opportunities will
be headed your way in
2024 ?

In  2024  set  aside  all
expectations about what
the past implies and what
the future may bring .

Instead cultivate a desire
to recognize and respond
to the raw truth of each
moment  of  every  day
in 2024.
                                                                ­                                Jon York    2024
Jon York Dec 2023
Though  these words  may never
find you, I  hope you knew I was
thinking of you today...

How is it that you are always in
my  thoughts, even  when  I  am
not thinking.

Love  is the most beautiful of
dreams  and  the  worst  of

Your  smile  and  your laughter
and  those  baby  blues  lit  my
whole world.

I choose to love you from a distance...
for distance will shield me from pain.

There is an ocean of silence between
us...and I am drowning in it.

You were both everything I could
ever want... and nothing I could ever have.

A true love story never ends.                                         Jon York   2023
Nov 2023 · 239
A Blank Canvas
Jon York Nov 2023
The  infinite  potential
of a blank canvas. The
life you hope to create.
All you have to do is imagine.

What kind of masterpiece
you arrive at depends on you.

The gifts of the creative mind
must lead the way.

Finding bold solutions to the
problems of our time is the
essence of modern thinking.

Hit the future as hard as your
money and brains will permit.

Otherwise you will be out of
date tomorrow.
                                                                                                   Jon York 2023
Oct 2023 · 253
Notice Them
Jon York Oct 2023
Life is a series of thousands of tiny miracles.
NOTICE THEM. You  are  the greatest  project  
you  will  ever  work  on.

You  do  NOT  decide  your  FUTURE.  You
decide  your  HABITS  and  your  HABITS
decide your FUTURE.  


Strength comes NOT  from  what you  can  do,
but overcoming what you couldn't.  The grind
doesn't stop. You only fail when you stop trying.

Your  future  depends  on  your  FOCUS.  You get
what you work for. not what you wish for. The
storms will make you a  skilled sailor.  You will
either evolve or dissolve.

You were born to be real, not perfect.                                
                                                                                            Jon York  2023
Jon York Sep 2023
Seventy-five years into this life this September and I'm still trying to figure out its riddle. I'm not against aging, I'm against getting old. I've learned that the trick is to live a long time without getting old.

IS  THINKING WE  HAVE  TIME Success is never owned. It is only rented; and rent is due everyday.

I write poetry in an effort to heal my severe PTSD resulting from a stupid war I served in while in the USMC some 50 years ago.

I write about successes and failures in my life, joys and sorrows in my life, events that made me marvel, mostly relating to relationships and love. I write poems on how to have meaning in life, how to hurt people less and how to get hurt less.

Someday we'll meet again, In another life of course, for in this lifetime you couldn't be mine. I'll follow your trails life after life, for my soul is bound to a connection that goes beyond space and time. We will meet again.. yes my love, again and again until we become one.

I'm 75 this month and I'm still not sure why I'm still here but I do intend to live a long time without getting old.             Jon York   2023
Jon York Sep 2023
Break all the trances and dissolve
all curses that keep you ignorant
of your own magic.

The  only  time you  should  ever
look back is to see how far you've

Never  give  up. Fall  seven times,
stand  up  eight. Don't let anyone
who  hasn't  been  in  your  shoes
tell  you   how  to  tie  your  laces.

It's hard to beat a person who never
gives up. It's not over when you lose,
it's  over  when  you  quit.

If you want to be successful, prepare
to be doubted and tested. Nobody
is  going  to  hit  as  hard  as  life.

It is what it is. In the blink of an eye
everything can change. So love with
all your heart. You may not have that
chance again.                                                           ­          Jon York   2023
Sep 2023 · 270
Believe In Yourself
Jon York Sep 2023
Life  itself  is  your  teacher  and  we are  in
a state  of  constant  learning.  Don't smile
and pretend you can't see the messy darkness.

Admit to  its presence.  Accept  its  reality. But
don't get tangled up in it either. Be kind to yourself.
Gaze into the abyss as to educate yourself about its
nature, but don't become entranced by its hypnotic

Don't give up, scheme to reclaim your power from
soul-******* influences but don't turn the process
into a blood-and-thunder showdown that wreaks
epic chaos.

Don't compare, everyone is on a different journey.
You will be amazed at how much protection and
relaxation you can generate for yourself simply by
being a poised lover of life who is free of melodramatic

I live these remaining days seemingly lost, just a soul
in this crazy beautiful world with poetry my art and
I dwell within the shadows but it is in the shadows
that I can see, being careful, calm and free.

Believe in yourself.                                                        ­   Jon York   2023
Aug 2023 · 1.7k
The Art Of Surviving
Jon York Aug 2023
Had  I  loved  me  better,   I  wouldn't
have  been  in  most of  the  situations
I've  been  in.

I'm  not  interested  in  fighting, hating,
blaming or being petty, with  whatever
time I have  left  in  this  life.

I've been in this life for seventy-five years
as of this Sept. 20  2023,  trying to work
out its riddle and I've mastered the art of
surviving, now I want to live.

I just want to be  
happy. I want to be loved and I want
to have peace.                                                           ­                                   
                             ­                                                                 ­  Jon York   2023
Jon York Jul 2023
You are what you believe yourself to be. The future
can be better and you have the power to make it so.
How you  do anything  is how you  do  everything.

Good is not enough if better is possible. Always trust
your instincts, they are messages from  the  soul. The
trials  you  encounter  will  introduce  you  to  your

Very  little  is needed to  make a  happy life;  it  is all
within yourself, in your way of thinking. Every failure
is  a  stepping  stone  to  success,  every  obstacle  an
opportunity to grow.

Attract  what  you  expect,  reflect  what  you  desire,
become what you respect, mirror what you admire.
Look in the mirror...that's your competition.

Be so rooted in your being that nobody's actions can
disturb your peace.

It will seem like a long journey, the point being not
to  win, but  to  understand.  It's the  journey  rather
than  the  destination  that  will  fulfill  us.                                    
                                                                                            Jon York    2023
Jun 2023 · 373
Time Will
Jon York Jun 2023
Getting  your  **** together  requires
a  level of honesty you can't imagine.

There's nothing easy about realizing
you're  the  one that's  been  holding
you  back  this  whole  time.

No  one is  going  to save  you. This
life of yours is 100% your responsibility.
No  matter  how  you  feel,  get  up,
dress up, show up, and never give up.

If  you're  searching  for  that  one
person that can change your life,
take a look in the mirror.

You don't always have to tell your
side of the story.

Time will.
                                                                                               Jon York  2023
May 2023 · 284
Unpredictable Teachings
Jon York May 2023
"Today is the tomorrow you worried  about
yesterday."                               Dale  Carnegie

The  universe  is  built  in such  a  way  as  to
discourage  boredom.  Just open  your  eyes
and look around you and you will never  be
bored,  I promise,  because  in  these  strange
times things are  just moving and developing
so very fast.

It seems like just the other day that I returned
home (1970) from a 13 month tour of combat
duty with the  United States Marine Corps  in
Vietnam and I  just  blinked  my  eyes and  it is
2023 and I am the father of a son and a daughter,
a grandfather of 5 beautiful grandchildren and
a great grandfather of  4 little ones.

You may underestimate the intensity of your
longing for continual transformation, but the
universe doesn't, which is why it provides you
with entertainment for your ever-shifting story
called life.

And that is why it is always revising the challenges
it sends your way, to provide your curious soul
with  a  rich variety of  unpredictable  teachings.
                                   ­                                                          Jon York   2023
Jon York Apr 2023
Every day is a poem.  Poetry  is  therapy, whether  you're
reading  it, writing  it, or  simply  evoking  it  in  thought
patterns and perspectives.

Pain,  both  physical  or  mental, is  part  of life.  It  is what
makes us  human;  it shapes us the same as  love. Through
poetry we touch the places that are too painful to linger in.

Be your own hero. Let your pain be a source of inspiration,
turn your heavy load into poetry, own  it, use  it, and take
as  much from it now as  it has taken  from you in the past.
Embrace pain and burn it as fuel for your journey.  You're
a dangerous person  if  you go  through  things  alone and
come back better.

In  our writing, we  can uncover the  how and  why of our
pain, looking deeper into the process of its becoming, and
then we begin to dismantle it.

Turn pain  into power,  sadness into strength,  words  into
wisdom.  Pain makes  you  stronger, heartache makes you
wiser. Let your pain become your power.
                                                                                              Jon York  2023
Mar 2023 · 282
The Shots You Don't Take
Jon York Mar 2023
Be  prepared for the journey  of life and  where
it will take you.  I've seen better days,  but  I've
also seen worse.

I've  had to learn to  be strong when I felt  weak,
to be brave when I was sacred, because I needed
it to survive. I don't have everything I want, but
I do have all that I need.

I  woke up with some serious  aches and  pains,
but I woke up.

My  life  may not  be  perfect, but  I have  been
blessed with a son, a daughter, three beautiful
grand daughters, a grandson, and four great
grandchildren and a lot of love.

Be humble when you are victorious, and be
happy,  because  life is just  too  short  to  be
anything else.

You  miss  100% of the shots  you don't take.

Be  thankful  to be alive, knowing  that  every
minute  you are here  will never come  again.                                                               
  ­                                                                 ­                           Jon York  2023
Jon York Feb 2023
The best way to  predict  the future
is  to  create it,  as you  are  listening
to the universe.

You are  a universe inside a universe.
Galaxies  are born  within you.  Don't
be limited by the perception of people
who barely understand the moon.

You become what you read.
You become what you listen to.
You become what you watch.
You become what you think.
Choose wisely.

The grass is greener where you
water it.

"Imaginary evil is always romantic
and varied; real evil is gloomy,
monotonous, barren, boring.  

Imaginary good is boring; real good
is always new, marvelous, and
                                         Simone Weil
                                                            ­                                  Jon York  2023
Jan 2023 · 1.0k
Not Anyone Else
Jon York Jan 2023
So far I've survived 100%
of my worst days. There
is  no  failure, you either
win  or  you  learn.

They said I changed a lot.
I said a lot changed me.

No  rescue  will  come.  We
cannot  be saved  from  who
we are. Our past is engraved.

Life's biggest tragedy is that
we get old too soon and wise
too late.

Feelings are just visitors, let
them come and go.

"Strive not to be a success,
but rather to be of value."
                                          Albert Einstein

Only compare yourself to
your previous self, not
anyone else.                                                                        Jon York  2023
Jon York Jan 2023
Dream and scheme about your long-range future.
Let your passions run wild, because there is nothing
you can't do if you want to do  it bad enough.

You will always have tomorrows, but when today
is gone, it will never happen again.

What will be story of your life in 2023?  Will you
find graceful ways to cooperate with the tides of
destiny and will you create the adventures that
will bring out the best in you?

Every  minute of every hour of  every day you are
making the world, just as you are making yourself,
so do it with kindness and style.

Say this:  "I will always adore, forgive, and believe
in myself."

"I  will never  forsake, betray,  or deceive myself."
You don't have to be anything you don't want to be.
You  don't have to feel emotions  that  others try
to manipulate you into feeling.
                                                        ­                                      Jon York  2023
Dec 2022 · 281
The New Year of 2023
Jon York Dec 2022
The  past few  years  may or
may not, have been easy, if
they have not been easy,
they have taught you how
strong you are.

Make 2023 the best year of
your life so far, whether you
are old or young.

Let your wounds be healed,
your apologies be accepted,
your generosity expanded,
your love educated.

May your desires be clarified,
your untold stories be heard,
your insight heightened,
your load lightened.

See your wildness rejuvenated,
your courage stoked,
your fears dissolved,
in the year of 2023.    
Happy new year.                                                            ­                
                                                                ­                              Jon York  2022
Dec 2022 · 320
Search For Those Things
Jon York Dec 2022
Somewhere in the world is a treasure
that has no value to anyone but you,
and a secret that is meaningless to
everyone except you, and a frontier
that possesses a revelation that only
you know how to exploit.

Search for those things.

Somewhere in the world is a  person
who could ask you that precise question
that you need to hear in order to catalyze
the next phase of your evolution.

Do what's necessary to come face to face
with that person and listen to what they
have to say.

Feel empowered if you use your power
to empower others.

There's a reason why the rear view mirror
is so small and the windshield is so big.

It is because where you're headed is much
more important than what you've left
behind and it allows you to search for those
things.                                                         ­                          Jon York 2022
Dec 2022 · 430
Faith In Yourself
Jon York Dec 2022
Have  the  power  to
exorcise  ghosts  and
demons that  are still
lingering from the old
days and your old ways.

Be able to transform the
way your history affects

Knot by knot untie yourself
from your past and let it
rise away from you like
a ballon.  

Become adept at the process
of  self-inquiry and symbolic
insight, leading to the growth
of faith in yourself.
                                                                                                Jon York  2022
Jon York Dec 2022
Enjoy your problems.

Solving problems is one
of the highest and most
sensual of all  the  brain

We  define  ourselves
through  the puzzling
dilemmas  we  attract
and  solve.

We should not search
for happiness because
it always lets us down.

As soon as we achieve
what we wanted, we
always want something
new that we don't have.

Instead we should focus
on finding joy. The biggest
flaw of the heart is that it
needs love to feel better.                                                   Jon York  2022
Nov 2022 · 352
To Do What It Does Best
Jon York Nov 2022
Every  time  I open  my  eyes  I  unlock
a world of wonder. Sometimes  I'm
an angel, sometimes I'm a devil, sometimes
I'm in-between.

Sometimes I'm as bad as it can get and
sometimes as good as it can be. Sometimes
I'm a million colors, sometimes I'm black
and white and sometimes I'm all extremes.

Try to figure me out you never can.
There are so many things I am.

I have lived a thousand lives, I have
loved a thousand loves.

I have walked on many different worlds
and seen the end of time, seen life and
death so horrific that it defies description.

In small matters I trust the mind. In
large matters I trust the heart.

For important decisions I empower my
mind to do what it does best and my
heart to do what it does best.                                           Jon York  2022
Nov 2022 · 692
Just An Almost
Jon York Nov 2022
You and I were  just an almost  time and time
and time again. I begged the world to stop so
for  once, even  for a moment we could be  so
much more than a possibility.

A million possibilities we could have been but
in the end we were just stardust and magic inside
this vast space because the universe craved us.

If I close my eyes I can feel you upon my flesh, inside
the depths of my soul. I could feel you in every breath
that filled my lungs and in every beat of my heart.

I used to write you into my poetry and I'd let every
curve of your body fill my fingertips and lust became
my ink. I would lay you down gently across my blank
pages so you would be mine for eternity.

The most beautiful words aren't just written but traced
upon delicate flesh and hummed gently into the soul.
You were the poetry that spilled from my pen and satisfied
those blank pages but now I listen as silence fills my lungs,
waiting for time to softly whisper and fill my flesh with memories.
                                                                                             Jon York  2022
Jon York Oct 2022
"When  you  do  not  seek or
need  approval  you  are  at  
your  most  powerful."
          ­         Caroline Myss

To   love  oneself   is  hard
work, but it becomes harder
when you realize that you're
actually  required  to  love
multiple versions of yourself
that show up without warning
throughout  the day, throughout
the week, throughout the month,
throughout your life.

Refine, deepen, and invigorate
your love for all of yourselves.

It  may  be  hard  work, but  it
will also  be  fun  and exhilarating.

                                                  ­                                        Jon York   2022
Sep 2022 · 370
Jon York Sep 2022
Seventy-Four years old this  past  September 20th.
The years went bye so very fast but I think I'll last
several  more and this  is what I have to say about
the elegance  of  time.

Time is one of  life's  valuable  commodities. Don't
take time for granted. Let what drives you  be  the
knowing that the clock is ticking.

Time dies,  life goes on and the minute you  think
the past  was  better, your present is  second-hand
and you become vintage.

We are all just stories in the end, just try to make
yours a good one, eh?

"Life  will  send  you  whatever  experience  you
need  to  stimulate the  evolution of  your consciousness."  
                                                             Eckhart Tolle
                                                                                                Jon York  2022
Sep 2022 · 270
We Need Magic Every Day
Jon York Sep 2022
Every day we have to wade through
a  relentless surge of  soul-less  facts.
The experience  tends to shoot down
our sense of wonder.

Every  day  we  are  over-exposed  to
cynical narratives ****** free of delight
and mystery, which is why we make
strenuous efforts to keep our world enchanted
and why we are constantly feeding our
sense  of  wonder  and  enchantment.

What  we call the beginning is often the
end and to make an end is to make a
beginning.  The  end is where we start
from. When  do we become aware of
those things that we didn't even know
we didn't know?

We are endlessly creating ourselves, so
it would seem that we need magic every day.
                                                                                   Jon York   2022
Sep 2022 · 218
Brilliant Perplexities
Jon York Sep 2022
Refuse to  think that anyone  else knows
better  than  you what  dreams will keep
your life energy humming with maximum efficiency.

****  out   wishy-washy  wishes   and  
lukewarm    longings   that  keep  you
distracted   from  your  burning desires.

Tell yourself and tell the world  that you
know  exactly what  you  want  and you
know  exactly what you  don't want and
you know exactly what you kind of want
but you won't waste your time on it because
it  sidetracks  you  from working on what
you really want.

Be  willing  to make mistakes  if someone
else is willing to learn from them. To hell
with boring enlightenment; I want brilliant perplexities.

                   Fall out of love with fear.
                                                           ­                                     Jon York   2022
Aug 2022 · 244
And I Still Bleed
Jon York Aug 2022
Time has flown by, the years a seeming torrent in my view, and what remains of youth is hardened by the truth and etched by lies without end and marred by the faithful wounds of faithless friends.

Time has gone by as  sorry's  echo amid the unsaid, long since drowned echoing without a sound, tip of the tongue not quite remembering.

Chance has swept away and I often wonder if I really ever had anything to say or  if I  had the chance  would I stay and what
would I say?

Time has lost us on its cusp as all things have their end, you, me, us...everything turns to dust in the passing days that once knew our trust.

Time' has flown by with so many years gone and forgotten yet I am anchored in the past what is sunrise and sunset until I learn to forget faded memories that somehow still breathe among fallen stars and wishes I believed, and I still bleed.

                                                         ­                                     Jon York  2022
Jon York Aug 2022
Whatever  else  we  might  think
of this world -- it  is  astonishing.

You  may be surprised to find out
how much more there is to learn
about  what  really  moves  you.

Turning to  face my  fears, I  meet
the warrior  who lives  within me.  

Each condition I flee from pursues
me, each condition that I welcome
transforms  me  and becomes itself  
transformed  into  the  blessing  it
always was.

Sip  the  tears of someone you love.

"The man who has no imagination
has  no  wings."   Muhammad Ali

                                                            ­                                  Jon York  2022
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