Whether love blooms gradually,
or hits like a tidal wave, it changes
Being one of the most powerful
energies in the world; love drives us
forward; gives us purpose; and adds
meaning where it sometimes seemed
none existed.
In its extremes it is either a fountain
of the most soaring euphoria and ecstasy:
or, where it is lost, blocked, or turned
away, a bottomless well of despair, pain
and profound despondency.
In between the extremes are the smaller
moments, laughter shared, tears shed
and wiped away, fears soothed.
It is no wonder that painters and writers
such as myself and those through time
have looked to this all-pervading emotion
for the motivation and object of our art.
The refusal by faithful lovers to allow distance,
disapproval, or even death to affect their feelings
can sometimes seem like fanaticism or obsession,
but in the very stubbornness of the declarations
of undying love there is consolation, satisfaction,
and immense beauty.
Jon York 2021