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Jon York Jul 2019
The ocean
              everything  she
                 wants to be,
         beautiful, mysterious,
                 wild and free.

                  She was given
                       this  life
             because she is strong
                enough to live it.

                       One day,
                  we  will  never  
                        have to
                   say  goodbye,
                 only   goodnight.

                           She is
                   soft and doesn't
                          let  the
                   make  her  hard.

                        doesn't let
                pain make her hate
                    and she will
                      let bitterness
                     her sweetness.
                                                                                       Jon York   2019
Jon York Jul 2019
Have  eyes  that  see
                           the best,
                a heart that forgives
                        the worst,
                 a  mind  that  forgets
                           the bad,
                 and a soul that never
                        loses faith.

                   Life  is  a  matter
            of  perspective.  There  are
                  many  people  who
                    may know you,
                           but there
                  are  very  few  who
                       who  you  are.

                            Some of
                    the best moments
                           are never
                  captured by cameras
                           and are not
                 posted  in  any  social
                    media platform.
            They  are  kept  in  private
                      and cherished
                   with the best people.
                                                                                        Jon York   2019
Jon York Jul 2019
I believe life
            is better when you
        turn the music way up
    and  think about  the  lyrics,
                  eat too much
         chocolate, smoke a lot
    of  marijuana,  walk  barefoot,
            talk about weird ****
                     like magic,
       with  weird  people  who
              believe  in  magic.
                Hug strangers,
      and have good adventures
                  with a lot of
        road trips to see all the
 the  beauty  that  surrounds  you.
                  These things
        won't make life perfect,
                 but they sure
        as hell make this strange
                ride  more  fun.
         Be fearless  in pursuit of
               what sets your
                soul on fire.
         Remember  what it's
               like  to  really
                   feel alive.  
    It's not what we have in life,
              but  who  we  have
                     in our life
                                ­                                                   Jon York   2019
Jon York Jul 2019
                                         paw prints on the floor

                    SLOBBERY  KISSES  ON  MY  FACE
                        nose prints on my windows

                             dog hair on my clothes and bed sheets

                      NO  ROOM  IN  MY  BED

                      For there will come a day when
                       these things will be missed.

                     MY  SUNSHINE   DOESN'T COME  FROM  THE  SKIES

                       It comes from the love
                                                that's in my dogs eyes.
                                                                                                Jon York   2019
Jon York Jul 2019
Listen to
        your  own  soul,  
               too many
   people listen to the noise
             of the world
              of themselves.

               Deep inside,
    you know what you want,
                 let no one
         decide that for you.

               comes a time
            you have to choose
            turning the page
           closing the book.

           be afraid of losing
              Be  afraid of
       losing yourself  trying  
                 to  please
        everyone around  
            It always seems
             until  it's  done.
                                                                                   Jon York   2019
Jon York Jul 2019
The best thing
            about  memories  is
                 making  them.
                  Always kiss
                me   goodnight.

                    My heart is
               and  always  will
                     be yours.

             Happiness can be
       found even in the darkest
                of times if one
          only remembers to turn
                    on the light.
           Only  in  darkness  can
               you see the stars.

              You  can't  go  back
                     and change
             the  beginning,  but
      you  can start  where  you  are
             and change  the ending.

                         Live for
                  the moments you
                    put into words.
              Trust  the  timing  of
                     ­     your life.
                 Always   believe
                    that  something
                   ­  wonderful is
                        about  to
                          ha­ppen.                                          Jon York   2019
Jon York Jul 2019
Love is an
      ancient story yet it is ever
         new and when love
                 is at its best,
          one loves so much that
             he cannot forget.

                   True love
     is the ripe fruit of a lifetime.
              He is not a lover
      who does not love forever.
                     Love is so
         divine  that  description
              would make it less.

                 Love  is  what
                      you feel
               but can't define,    
        it is what you know and
                 can  only  hope
                   to express
            to  her  for  the rest
                    of eternity.

                      Youth is
                  but  an  hour,
               beauty   a   flower,
                     but love
          is the jewel that wins
                    the world.
               Age  enriches true
                       love like
                    noble   wine.
                                                                                                 Jon York   2019
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