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Jon York Jun 2019
Love is
      never a question.  

               If you
              have  to
         "Am I in love?"  
            you aren't.  

            for someone
         who  makes  you
               so in love
           by comparison
      everyone before them
              like nothing.  

          I  still  can't  co­unt
            all  the  reasons
                   why I'm
               madly  in  love
                    with you.  

                    We fall
                 in with love
          with people's flaws;  
                The perfect
            person would be
                     to love.
                                                           ­                               Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
I wake up
    each morning
    with you in my arms.

    comforted by your oddness

     seduced by your knowledge
     of my ways,
     I want to care for you.

     You looked at me
     and whispered,
      "bite my lip and
       press your body
       against mine."

        I said to you, "kissing
        is the language of love"...

        "how about a conversation."

         "My lips,
           my teeth,
           your neck," and "then I'm going to
           cover you with me because I want
           the line between us to disappear now."
           I exclaimed.

           It's not *** that
           gives the pleasure,
            but the lover.

"I going to make love to you as if there's  someone working 24 hours a day to take you away from me."  
"And there usually is."
                                                            ­                            Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
Imagine   what   our
world would be like
if  everyone  loved  themselves
                                       so much
     that they weren't threatened by:
                    Other peoples opinions,
                    Skin colors,
                    ****** preferences,
                     Lack of possessions,
                     Religious beliefs,
                     Customs or their general tendency
                                   just to be whoever the hell
                                                                   they are.

Your  life  is  your   party.
                       You    get  to  choose  how  you
                       invite  people  and  experiences
                       and things into it.
You alone are responsible
                       for what you do or say and you
                       generally  see  what  you   are
                       looking for and hear what  are
                       listening for.

We drink the poison our minds pour for us and wonder why we feel so sick.
                                                                                   Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
And the
            of souls
           are those

       over and over.  

          is a simple
         way to tell
          soul that
           there is
              to be
                                                                                   Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
Looking out at the road
                               rushing under
                my wheels, I can't tell you all
                                 how crazy
                              this   life   feels.

                  I looked around and decided
                            ( words - poetry )
                 was  the  only   way  I  could
                            have  an   effect
                                on  people.

                   ­           I wanted to
                    contribute something to
                                 help them
                    to understand the life
                         that  they  are  in
                              right now.

                             I use poetry
                 and Art ( abstract paintings )
                             to share my
                       experiences, the pain,
                            of daily combat
                   in  a   deadly  war  & the
           power  of  the love that I needed to
                           receive  in  order
                               to be able to
            return to humanity from that war
                     and the progress of   
                    my    soul  in  the   life I  am
                           living presently.
                                                      ­                    Jon York   2019
Jon York Jun 2019
As  a child  
I colored with reckless abandon  outside  the  lines
                         all over the place
             and   wherever  I  felt, as I defined
                       the word abstract

             Blue  elephants,   purple   trees,  
   red   fish, blue and white bears, green oceans,
            pink moons.   -- it  was  all   good.

                     As I grew older everyone
       was  trying  to make me  color inside  the lines,  
                color everything just like
                          I saw  it.

        So  I  ended  up  painting  by numbers.
          --- Whether you actually paint,
                         or you write poetry,
                or dance, act or direct,  create
                              what you feel ,
                         create outside the lines
                    I want to watch green oceans
                                 and red bears,
              an orange sun and a pink moon.
                            I like to listen to
                      purple   trees   as  the blue
              elephants make their way through

           ­        What color is your  love  
                     What color was your love
                              as a child?                                           Jon York   2019
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