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This here is a true story about when I went to watch the choir boys at the Charnwood inn, I caught the bus out there and went into the inn to sit at the bar, nobody wanted to talk to me because I looked really weird in my blue jeans and I loved the choirboys music, the first song was struggletown, then run to paradise and then I came up to dancefloor and sang boys will be boys ever so cool, I sat back down and this kidnapper was staring at me and I looked at him and he said to me ‘what are you looking at’ I was going to say what my dad taught me but then I remembered what happened at Jamison oval, that day, so I bit my tongue and mind you I was starting to get this awful ******* thinking this guy wants to **** me and then he got up from his seat and stole my wallet and all the money that came with it, and later that week I had to get a new pension card, but that is another story, what was happening is, he was shaking me up so I would jitter and come out to him, you see before that I was a real rebel, I was punching people at the bar, which made other people yell at me but I went to the dance floor and danced more to the choirboys and the girls wanted me to dance with them but I was worried I will be forced to buy them a drink and a man stole my wallet and I ran away from them, and straight into this man and grabbed me by the legs, I managed to escaped but I forgot about him taking my wallet and I ran back to my place at the bar nothing there and I was scared I was going to be killed and ran outside I saw him near the taxis and it was pitch black and I ran for the exit and I don’t know, if the car was stolen or his but when I reached Charnwood shops the guy pulled over and said wanna ride mate, hop in and he drove my as far as the Latham wet lands and opened my door and took me by the hand and said I know you live and your house is on the other side of the wetlands and because it was 2 in the morning as well as being pitch black I
Fell down into a ***-hole and my foot got caught in a branch and I smelt and looked filthy and I was trying to break free from this branch and that took 1 hour and thirty minutes and at 3-30am I slowly made it back to the road where he dropped me off and started to walk toward ginninderra drive and because I was a bit of a Woosey I went along the road singing boys will be boys really loudly and then I saw a taxi and he stopped for me and i explained I was robbed at the Charnwood inn and I can’t pay him but he drove me home because I looked messy, I said do you want me to get the money off mum and dad and the driver said, no buddy just go inside and have a good sleep, but being the boy who loved to kidnapped himself I tied myself up thinking what a horrible night and I slept in my filthy jeans, because I didn’t feel like a conservo anymore, that was the night Canberra got me
Today brian allan wanted to do some camping and everybody was saying
You haven’t got a camping bone in your body but Brian was determined to show them, so he got into the bed and put the sheets over the bed like a tent and put all his teddy bears in the tent and went off to sleep and then imagined a wild animal outside the tent which woke Brian up, it was a big grizzly bear and Brian grabbed all his teddies and ran up the road and headed off to the river, which was the bath with water in it, and everybody said, Brian hasn’t got an adventurous bone in his body, he can’t do it, but Brian was determined to do it but it was hard and decided to toast a marshmallow on the heatre but the heatre blew up and everybody laughed at Brian saying what a ****** and then Brian pretended that he had camping neighbours and went over to talk to them as he dangled his feet in the creek, the bath, trying to drown down his voices of them saying he was a hopeless camper he got up in the morning and opened a tin of braised steak and onions as well as bacon and eggs and his friends said let’s wait for the camper to finish before we get ours and Brian got his breakfast and sat in the bath, river and ate it all up, it was so tasty and at about 11-00 Brian decided to go hiking and the trampoline is mountains and the garden is big jungle where we get really muddy walking through especially in wet weather and the swimming pool is the river where we paddle the boat out to the other side and then get out on the dry river bank the shower was the waterfall where we capture the essence
On a nice winters day Brian allan went to a vinnies reunion in the blue mountains and Brian bought 3 24 packs of beer which he planned to hide and drink himself, and when Brian got there he sat next to Iris who talked about how good the right wing parties are and Brian said if I wanted help it wouldn’t be from those right wing people and David came up to Brian and said remember don’t be crude
You don’t say root, you say ******, it is a much better word and David said, my best part about life is watching the brumbies play and Brian agreed with him and opened a can of beer and skulled it down real fast, and then opened a 2nd can and Brian’s dad said listen Briany don’t drink too many and Brian got really cranky and told his dad to drop dead and Elizabeth came up to Brian and said Coca Cola and lollies are no good for you, and either is beer, and another thing too we aren’t allowed to have beer at this party and Brian cracked a phat at Elizabeth and opened another beer, but still Brian kept it hidden and Joan told Brian if you keep drinking beer you will be kicked out and Brian went over to the band and danced to the music in a wild way and dad said, he has a mental illness and he really thinks it is cool to get drunk and then Clare came up to Brian to say to stop drinking and Brian said ‘leave me alone’ and pulled 6 beers out of the stash and drink them near the trampoline saying right wing people don’t like drinking and they don’t really think I am cool and I will make a mess of this blue mountains village and really curse at each person who gets in my way, Patricia k said to me give up beer and I said get a life and cursed and cursed and really cursed, and David said, you were such a nice boy, I want you to give up drinking the forbidden beer and after those beers he secretly got more beers but Brian couldn’t handle the beers and lashed out at everybody and Iris said we need to say goodbye to Brian, he is too drunk and when they told Brian to leave he cursed really loudly at all of his friends and Clare and David picked Brian up and threw him out and then locked the door and Brian cursed loudly wanting the rest of his beers but they pretended not to listen to him and Brian was walking drunk right to the nearest bus stop to the city and there were a bunch of kids picking on Brian said loudly leave me alone, I was kicked out of a party I was invited to and I really liked those people and the kids said you are too drunk ‘loser’ and the bus came and Brian and the kids got on and Brian was thinking when he got to the city he needs to go to a hotel to recuperate before he went home and when they got to the city the kids got off at the same stop as Brian and stole all of his money and tied Brian up in the drain pipe near the subway and Brian didn’t notice it at first but when he woke up he found himself tied to the drainpipe and a young 14 year old boy saved Brian and helped Brian get home but Brian needed a hangover cure and the 14 year old said just drink 6 up and gos and it worked, Brian felt much better and suddenly Brian felt better and the 14 year old bought Brian his ticket and Brian said thanks and went home, everything was great till 3 weeks later when the 14 year old came to Brian’s house to get his money back and Patricia b gave Brian the money to pay him back and Patricia b said, no more drinking it isn’t right for you
And they lived happily ever after till Brian had another drink 4 years away hopefully
Hello I am Briano Alliano here performing in Kepler which is a superb earth like planet and my first song is **** the world

**** the world
And everything it stands for
**** the world
With Jesus and god yeah
**** the world
That little **** of a prime minister we had
**** the world
And everything he believes in
**** the world
The people who cause trouble for others
**** the world
Making sure you are there for father and mother
**** the world
If you have a family who don’t want to live
Life to the fullest
Just sit and do nothing with your life
**** **** **** this world

Our next song is I love to party in Kepler with

I love to party in Kepler with Bruce
With a big VB
I will party every single day mate
And I will enjoy my cleansing ale
You we are in this flaming country
The atmosphere is great
I love to party in Kepler with Bruce
Cause he’s a cool dude

I love to party in Kepler with Daniel
Cause on earth he is the messiah yeah
He has a lot of physical problems
But none of them stop him from being weird
You see he lived on earth till
Kepler took over us
You see I love to party in Kepler
With Daniel who is a real mean dude

I love to party in Kepler with sally
Who is an old friend of mine and not from h and a
You see she had a nice daughter named holly
And we party party party
All ****** day till we lose it all
You see sally is a nice person
Who ****** well loves life
I love to party in Kepler with sally
Cause we ****** have some fun

I like to party in Kepler with the Donnellys
A family with 3 teenagers
2 boys with a girl in the middle
Really really really adds life in your day
You see they go on many cool outings
As well as enjoying school and outings
You see I like to party in Kepler with the donnellys they are so cool

I like to party on Kepler with family fun pack
Because they are so fun
They really want to live life my pal
And dude they can do so much oh yeah
It is a family of 5 boys and 3 girls
And they have grandparents and aunts
And parents so they can have fun

This next song is I am a family person who really loves life

You see I am a family person who really loves life
I party at the club all night
I also like watching concerts and 70s and 80s memories of all the great songs and stories from those days
I am a family person who really loves life
I like enjoying babies trying to fit in with their siblings
And singing happy birthday to everyone
I love people going on cruise ships and
It is fun seeing people going down the waterslide
And eating exotic food aboard the ship
Going on trips on the land where the ships pull in
I like seeing people dance to the party music
I like seeing the shows as well
Where you can be thoroughly entertained
You see I am a family person who really loves life
I like going to Christmas concerts to sing Christmas carols
I like going to the city’s Christmas tree to see it light up
I like watching sport or going to sport
And cheering for my team
I like talking and joking around with my friend at the end of the day
I like unwrapping all my presents on birthday and Christmas
I like counting my candy at Halloween
I like talking about how much we like talking about and looking toward the opposite ***
I like *** because it is the reason that all this can last forever
Because if we don’t people just sit in their house doing nothing
Not good mate

The next song is my fave party

You see come on everybody and listen to
Is my fave party of all
Going to the nightclub
Going to the fun music festivals
And superb concerts where we have so much fun
You see we can go to pool parties at friends houses
And we splash water pistols on each other
Get chlorine in the eye
We can celebrate people passing from old life to new, HOW FUN!
Watching TV is good
Listening to music is good
The music you are into anyway
But you can afford all this if you work
Any job that tickles your fancy
Just enough to give you money
To have fun
But if you haven’t got much money
You can walk around the lake
Thinking it is walking in the afterlife
Or riding your bike around the city
Thinking you heading to nirvana
But thinking about all this can make you mental and send you to the psych ward
Don’t go there
If you go down to the woods today
You are sure to win a prize
If you go down to the woods today
You better go in disguise
For every bear whatever their was
To find a way for a certain because
Todays the day the teddy bears have their picnic

Every teddy bear whose been good
Is sure of a treat today
Lots of lovely things to do
And lots of games to play
You see each bear is cuddly and
Everyone loved them dear
That is why teddy bears have their picnic

Picnic time for teddy bears
All the teddy bears are having a lovely time today
Watch them catch their unawares
Picnic on their holiday
You see teddy bears are cute you see
They run about and never any cares
For at 6-00 their mummy’s and daddys
Will send them off to bed
Because they are tired little teddy bears
Anxiety is a problem
That strikes into my head
It really drives me crazy
And it is like a stale piece of bread
I remember when I was younger
I used to have a lot of fun
Mucking around teasing each other
Then I got anxiety
But I wanna be normal too
So please god rid my anxiety
You see it drives me crazy oh yeah
But I have look ups which lead to anxiety
Yes, ******* mental illness
You see people are trying to bully me
So I will **** myself
But killing myself isn’t what I do
I love my life too much for that
It is this crazy anxiety
Yes it is a mighty bad thing
I gave up being Santa
And I gave the bbq up too
But anxiety made me also give up training
Even if I am fat
You see I wish I can rid anxiety
******* mental disorder
Anxiety anxiety anxiety
It drives me crazy  yeah
All I want to do is watch and enjoy YouTube
I wanna be in a good family unit
With vloggers and singers oh yeah
But as I do that I feel anxiety
From an old friend named pat
Driving me crazy really crazy
But YouTube is cool and anxiety is not
Oh sugar
Oh honey honey mate
I have diabetes now
Thanks to you
You see sugar
I got addicted to you
And now I have diabetes
All because of you
It started with broken teeth
Sugar’s evil curse
Sugar oh honey honey mate
You see diabetes is taking over now
Thanks to you
You see lollies and lolly pops
And soft drinks coke especially
It really made me rot my teeth
And because of my addiction mate
I got diabetes mate
Thanks to you
You see as I see all the kids who run around addicted to you
Could make my diabetes strike me down
Sugar oh please honey honey
You see I have diabetes now
Thanks to you
Diabetes came and changed my life around worst flaming luck
Sugar oh honey honey
I have diabetes now
Thanks to you
Sugar oh honey honey
I feel my friends shooting me through the feet like poison on my feet
It’s because of
Sugar oh honey honey
And the diabetes really driving me nuts
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