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On October 19 2021
Was a terrible day
For people who knew linden sims
You see linden was nice to me
When I was a drunk
When nobody else was
But he just flew away from me
So on October 19 Ted bundy
And Ronnie Biggs
Came into linden’s head when he
Was asleep and whisked him away
To outer space and tied him up
Really tight and linden was saying
Ronnie and Ted both yelled at him
Saying why don’t you shut your trap
You weren’t normal in this past life
But I will **** you
And make you suffer ‘linden’
You will die you will die mr sims
And you will go to hell
Popeye was an evil character
And so are you linden
They told linden that they have just killed him and he won’t see the sims family again
And that will be cool for us
I want you to be normal
But not a family person
I want you to be a troubled kid
Where you will constantly suffer
Nobody will save you
NOBODY will SAVE you ‘Linden ‘
Then I came in and said leave linden
He was nice to me in the 90s
And I am repaying his niceness
By freeing him from these two criminals
Suddenly Ted bundy put me and linden in a fire pit and threatened to **** us
I got out but linden couldn’t
And I took linden over to BUDDHA
To free lindens spirit
Buddha and I said
Linden sims
You will be free from suffering now
You will go off into your next life
Where you will have a family
That really loves you
And I thank you for giving me somebody
To muck around with at raid basketball
I know I was a DRUNK
I will send you to the next life you have
Just look at your suffering as POSITIVE
You were a great friend to me back then
Linden smith
Have a great future life
And then I sent Ted and Ronnie back to Mercury to suffer in silence
But not before lindens death
But he will head to his next life
Catch ya later dude
Little baby lucky loo
Cute little ***** cat
Used to scratch the legs that fed him
He used to blame dad for the rain
Even if he looks very tamed
But I love lucky loo
Very cute indeed oh yeah
Gray and white with a cute pink nose
He used to eat rockmelon
Which was unusual for a ***** cat
He used to walk around when I sang
We’re going to find a way
I hope you are going my way
Oh yeah I am a ***** cat
And me and you are going cruising together
Little baby lucky loo
Sleeping in the laundry
But when a friend was babysitting
Lucky went to her bed
You see ole lucky loo
Was a sneaky cat
Very cute very weird
And really sneaky
Lucky loosey was a little floosy
But deep down was the cutest cat
And was loved by everyone
Lucky the cat
Was a wonderful wonderful cat
He meows so much
His belly will ache
Just listening to lucky
The wonderful cat
RIP lucky cat
And now you are Daxton butler
PARTY ON @ Brisbane bowling trip day 11

Today was a very awesome day
We started just having breakfast
And then brushing our teeth
And heading down to catch the two public buses
To the pier to aboard the lunch cruise on the Brisbane river
We got on the boat, and for the people who wanted alcoholic cocktails
That wasn’t good, so instead they had to have a mocktail
Which is a non alcoholic cocktail
I had two blueberry lemonades
And the buffet meal was ever so nice
And so was dessert as we sailed up and down the river
We took some photographs and videos
And the boat rocked and rocked
But none of us was sick
Then we got off the boat and caught the two buses home
And on the bus there was this schizophrenic or ICE sufferer
Getting really anxious, poor guy
Because we all crowded up the bus, which was his space
Then he got up, but he got anxious when he thought
The back door wouldn’t open
Then the bus let us off, and we had two hours to get ready
For the celebration Hawaiian night dinner
Then we all had our calypso Hawaiian on
And it took 50 minutes to get there
And when we got in there, there was a big
Line for the drinks, and when it was my turn
I bought two glasses of lemonade for $9-00, ****** rip off
And we were the first table to get the buffet main course
And it was ****** amazing food
And then we had a dance and got a few photos of us near the
Hawaiian poster, a nod then they drew out the lucky door prizes
Which out of the wizards bowling league, me and Jarrad and tony won
Nobody else, but it would’ve been fun whether we won that or not
Then after that we had dessert and when it was our turn
The cool music, we will rock you and we are the champions came on
And buddy, we were loud, but we were enjoying ourselves
And a lot of people shoved the dessert down their cake hole
And danced, and I got a good video of them dancing to nutbusb city limits
And then the Macarena and TNT and we left singing who let the dogs out
As I said in the title, PARTY DUDES
Then we got home after a 30 minute ride
And we went straight to bed😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😌😊😊❤️❤️❤️
Brisbane bowling trip day 10

Today I got up at 7-30 to have breakfast
Then I went back to the room
To watch Becker and get myself ready for.11-00 departure
And we left for the bowling alley
And I went in and got my ball
And bought sweet potato fries for lunch
And two crunchie bars as well
And then I went to watch the other bowlers bowl
And at 1-45 I was in a doubles match with kyra
We had a great conversation about television
And football etc etc
Then we bowled
Kyra got 103 and 147 and 117
I got 136 and 132 and 111
And when we finished I noticed
Mitchell Meares getting 7 strikes in a row
And finishes with 246, which was a ****** for him
But he will probably get a medal though
Then after that we went home, I watched Becker on the bus
And when we got to the hotel, we had 1 hour and a half to freshen up
Before we went to the old mill pub for dinner
I had beer battered fish and chips and salad
And pavlova with chocolate ice cream for dessert
And then I went home to do art and watch the footy
South’s beat broncos 46-0 AWESOME👌👌👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍👍😃
And I tried to watch home and away but there were technical issues
Maybe later, I only need to watch two episodes
Tomorrow an 8-30 breakfast then we go on a river cruise
And presentation dinner tomorrow night
Now I am off to bed 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔
****** it is the Brisbane bowling trip day 9

Today we went to Australia zoo
We all were given yummy treats to eat there
Some people walked around in groups
And others like me chose walking around the zoo single handed
We saw crocodiles and and tortoises and dingoes
And 1 dingo jumped up when I was taking his photograph
While the other dingo just lied there relaxing in the hot sun
And I saw some wallabies and kangaroos
Walking around us, and I walked around the cute koalas
Got some photos, because my iPhone doesn’t have a flash
And then I walked up amongst a sleeping snake
And a sleeping tiger, really awesome😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
And then I walked around to the zebras and giraffes
They were totally radical dude
Then I walked back to the crocaseum to see the show
Fun animal sounds and one guy lifted his arms out
And caught the bird, once in just one hand
And then it was two hands, awesome 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
And then they brought more birds as well as a snake
And Robert Irwin and his brother in law, chandler
Came out to have a play with a crocodile
Which I put on my YouTube channel (Aaron clayton)
Santa in top hat photo, it already shared 10 views AWESOME
It was the most fun I have ever had
Then as I went out of the crocoseum
I bought a rainbow ice cream in a cup
It was scrummy, and I bought a cuddly crocodile
With Steve Irwin’s autograph on it, cool
Then I bought a wildlife warrior cap
As well as a few fridge magnets of koalas and the Irwin’s
Then I walked around to other koala tree
And one of the koalas had a little baby with her
Hooooooooowwwwww. Cccccccuuuuuuutttttttteeeeeee❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
And then I saw a tortoise and an echidna
And many more, after that I bought a rock Lea road chocolate
And we got in the bus to go back to Brisbane
And when we got back to the pacific hotel
We had a shower and went to the 10 th floor
For a pizza night, and some garlic bread
Which was also scrummy
And I took many photos of the view of Brisbane from up there
And I am putting them on my Brian Allan Facebook page
And Brian Allan 6 Instagram page
And after the pizza was eaten up
We went around the table to hear people’s best moments
Of the trip and today
Like it’s the donnellys YouTube page saying
‘What made you happy today’
It was fun listening to everyone saying happy things
About the trip and then after that, I went home
Do my things and off to bed ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️😁😁
Brisbane bowling trip day 8

We had a sleep in till 8-30
Then we had breakfast and
The brushed our teeth
Then I was told we are meeting at 10-45am
To go to the bowling alley
And the bus was filled with music
From grease music and other stuff
When we got to the bowling alley
I got my alley ball and shoes
And went to my lane ro bowl with Jess
And Jess got 121 and 143 and 117
I got 105 and 133 and 113
I had fun, the score was over 100
None of this nineties nonsense I got the previous 2 days
And then I asked Sandra to bring my lunch I just ordered
Over to me, it was a super toasted sandwich
AWESOME 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍❤️😁😁😁😁😁
And I ate that meal at my lane of my second game
It was the first time in the tournament I bowled two in one day
I bowled with a Tuggeranong bowler Michelle cook
A fellow Canberran
Michelle got 113 and 92 and 73
I got 129 and 110 and 126
And then I bought an apple juice and a had some fruit
I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Fruit and vegetables
And we went on the party bus with groovy music on the way home
And we went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner
The dinner was an any burger night
And some of the people were very ungrateful
But at the end of the day they were tired
My next day of bowling is 1-45 on Thursday
The last squad for me, hopefully I will play well enough
And tomorrow I say this
We are off to the zoo tomorrow
Yes Australia zoo tomorrow
We are off to the zoo tomorrow
Looking at the animals play
And then we went home to our hotel
I watched home and away and neighbours
As well my roommate watched outback truckers
Till he fell asleep
And now off to bed 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😎😎😎😎😎❤️
Brisbane bowling trip day 7

Today I got up at 7-00 to have breakfast
And I went up to my room to brush my teeth
And then I hopped in the bus
And went to the bowling centre
I didn’t have a chocolate to start the day
But, I bowled ever so badly
I tried ever so hard
But, I kept missing the strikes and spares
I wanted to play better, it is what I wanted
But, I was pathetic at playing today
I know people wanted me stop bowling scores in the 90s
But, my performance wasn’t too good
I tried hard to get strikes
But, tried too hard I guess
I got 93 again and 99 and 116
I teammates bowled much better
In many sort of ways
After a ** day of bowling
I went over to have lunch
Which was Mexican cheese nachos and a drink
I finished my lunch and went over to cheer my other
Teammates on, and I found a table, I sat down
And placed the iPad on the table, to listen to it’s the donnellys
And the French family concert
So I have their lovely music in my ears
As I watched their performances it was fun doing that
And after the concert, the bowlers were finished not much later
And we tried to go to the mall to do shopping
But the car park was too low down for our buses to down
So we went to the lions club to watch the footy
Canterbury v st George and Melbourne v Collingwood
Canterbury and Collingwood won
Two upsets 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Then we had dinner, I had garlic prawns on rice
And a apple pie with cream and ice cream
We thanked the club staff for helping us
And they were very grateful to us 😎😎😎😎😎😃😃😃😄😄😅😅😅😅😅
We went back to hotel
And there was a choice, go to your room to watch tv
Or play charades in the lobby
I watched RBT home and away and neighbours
And we will sleep in tomorrow hoping I don’t say too many buts
Tomorrow, and now we are getting ready for bed
Overal, I know those scores aren, t good, but at least it is a great holiday. So far 😎😄😄😄😄😄😸😸😸😸😸😁😁😁😁😁🙃
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