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May 2014 · 2.4k
Lady Shy
John Stevens May 2014
Young Lady Shy
So shy you would cry
We met by and by
Eyes up she did try
Smile wide Lady Shy.

Lady Shy smiled wide
Smiling wide the fear did hide
Less fear now inside
No more knots inside tied.

No more Shy
No more cry
All bye and bye
For Young Lady Sye

She now says HI!

Say Hello!
To Not Shy Sye.
Apr 2014 · 2.5k
Shy Sye (no longer shy)
John Stevens Apr 2014
There is a young Lady in Scotland
who was as shy as can be.
Shy Sye had a difficult time
saying Hi or Bye.
It would just make you cry.

A challenge went out
for she would not shout...
with her eyes
"Here I am. I see you."
"Can you see me?"
Then she raised her eyes
And was pleasantly surprised
when she found some friends
who spoke with their eyes.
she did not suffer the bends.

Decompression can be painful
When coming from deep within
and letting go of all the fears
of  "safety" of where you have been.

But out she came
with doubt and fears
Maybe almost tears...
To find a new world.
In the rush of it all
She is now walking tall.

And now the rest of the story
will be told, moment by moment
day by day...
Until she becomes who she
wants to be... a therapist...
Helping others in their need.
Where she will put it to the test.

Shy Sye is now (soon to be) Happy Sye.

Congratulations My Dear Sye!!
And she is beautiful.
She is amazing
She is Super Sye
Title changed May 11 2014
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
John Stevens Apr 2014
God went to Zero
Tolerance yesterday noon.
All are in Hell now.

(c) John Stevens
If teachers and administrators lived by
Zero Tolerance there would be no one
in front of the class or in the office.
Feb 2014 · 6.3k
The Lizard
John Stevens Feb 2014
The lizard approached
the beautiful tree..
made his play
you might say.
Started to climb
with such glee
intentioned to stay
all the day.
He then went limp
down he fell.
What had happened
no one could tell.
He was checked out
when he lost his function.
Found to have
a dreaded problem..
    ... called...
Reptile Dysfunction.
The Lizard might have
stopped to See Alice
before the charge or his friend

(C) 03-2014. John stevens
Watching too much TV
I need help!!!
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
The Best Gift Ever
John Stevens Dec 2013
Grandma was wrapping gifts
Lucy, four, was "helping".
One of those times when
help slows you down.

Me, I am sacked out on the sofa
Waiting for sanity to return
and relieve me of a bad cold.

Grandma went to the kitchen
Lucy stayed wrapping.
In a few, she comes over to my hole
where I am residing and says,
"Grandpa, I brought you a present."

I looked up and there she stands.
Wrapping paper taped around her arm.
She said, "Go ahead and open it Grandpa."
"Open it?  Your arm?"
being a little slow.
"Yes Grandpa open your present."

She stands there with this
expectant expression beaming.
A moment later the fog cleared
Grandpa open the wrapped arm
and with great "surprise" exclaimed!
"This is the best Christmas present ever."
"I love it!"
  I kissed her arm and Lucy's face
as a smile spread across her face.
"This is the best Christmas present
ever Lucy.  Thank you!"

And she was off to the next adventure.
Never know what she will come up with.
Every day is an adventure.
Dec 2013 · 500
John Stevens Dec 2013
The death of night
Morning rising into the light.
Walk out of night
into the light
into the glory
of tomorrow's sight.

Thank you for giving
us the light.
For showing Your Delight.
This Christmas Season
Is the reason.    
Given to us
a Baby
       The Christ.
             To bring the light.
Dec 2013 · 2.2k
John Stevens Dec 2013
"She is so cute!"**
said the grand mother type
in McDonalds today.
"Yes I have heard that said.
Every where we go."

Miss Personality makes
an impression...
on the young and the old.  
Purely unintentional.
Little head strong at times.
Mostly when awake.
She will go far.

Disagreements with Nana
can be fun at times,
'"Lucy! Don't do that! No!"
Can ping pong three times.  
Then must stop.  Or else!

On hearing the verbal
exchange between
the two one day
Gpa asked Miss Lucy,
"What part of 'NO'
do you not understand?"

The reply coming from
Miss Congeniality was an
emphatic "The N."

Gpa left the room.
Laughing held to elsewhere.
Reporting to Nana.

She is cute at times.
Four now...
going on fourteen.
But still cute.
And I have to put up with this daily.
Further editing may happen... at times.
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
A Father's Love
John Stevens Dec 2013
My Father was my example.  I have a lot of my father's traits.  He was a man of few words but his actions of caring carried much weight. Growing up on a farm in Western Nebraska, it seemed that it was a place where sandburs knew no bounds.  They were everywhere.  My father wore bib overhauls that had big pockets in the back. When I was little, the pockets were just right to fit my feet.  When we came to a sandbur patch, he would pick me up and carried me over the sandbur patches.  When I was tired after being with him on the farm and hot from the scorching summer heat, he cared for me.

My heavenly Father is my teacher through prayer, his word written and spoken and through the lives of others like my Mother and Father and many others.

Jesus is our example.  Growing up and even today, the 4 words that keep me going in the right direction are: What Would Jesus Do.  There is no better example to follow.

As a father, I try to follow the example of my heavenly Father.  There are times I fail miserably and must ask for forgiveness from my family.  My heavenly father never fails me.  He carries me through the sandbur patches of life.  He loves me unconditionally.  Some day I will set foot on the heavenly shore as He carries me over the last of life's sandbur patches on my final journey of life.

Even though I have never heard my earthly father say, "I love you son", I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loved me.  When I would say to him, 'love ya Dad" his reply was always "uhuh".  I can't hear my heavenly father audibly say "I love you" but I know from all He does for me His love for me is beyond words.  His love transcends the audible and speaks directly to my heart.
I tried hard to not bring shame on my mother and father.
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
Behold the Lamb
John Stevens Dec 2013
© 1-24-2006 J.L. Stevens
Oh Mary do you see your Son
High upon the hill?
Your Son has come to this world
To do His Father’s will.
Behold the Lamb Oh Mary.
High upon the cross.
Behold the Lamb who shed His blood
To rescue you and me.

He finds me in my deepest need    
When darkness comes around me.
He gives me peace in my soul    
And sets my spirit free.
I am baptized with His Spirit
He meets my every need.
Behold the Lamb of God
High upon the throne.

Behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away my sin.
Behold the Lamb of God
Who cleansed my heart within.
My name is written there
In the Lamb’s Book of Life.
He is the great I Am.
The Savior of the world


Oh Mary you are with your Son
The Savior of the world.
This does not feel finished. Something is missing between V1 and V2
Dec 2013 · 852
Say Aaaaaah!
John Stevens Dec 2013
© 9-18-05 J Stevens  3/4
   8    8       q       q       8       8        8       8     8 -  8       8        8         q
   1    2       3       3        3   -   2   |  1       1     2 -  1       1        7.         1  
Is   your heart now breaking, from the sorrows    in      your    life?

q   q    8    8     8    8     8   8    8        q     8  8    h
           1    1     2    3      3   3    3        3     2-1     2
        Are you de-feet-ed in your walk with Him?

1-2    3   3    3    3    1      2       1      1    7.       1
The Father above can heal your broken heart.

  1      1      2      3      3     1       2            1        7-1
And set your  feet on   the   path     once   again.

Are you tired    of    living    not knowing where you’re bound?
Do you  feel    desperation    all     around?
The Father above can give you  peace  again
And set your  feet on   the   road to Heaven bound.
Do you know of God’s grace and His mercy which is free?
Do you need a new touch of His love?
Just open the door of your heart and let Him in.
Receive the Joy and Love from above.

-- chorus -----------------------------
3    5   5      5        5      3     4    |   3    
Open up your heart and say – aah.

3     4    5  -  5     5-3     4      3
Let the Doctor above look in.

3    5    5     5       5        4    3    4     3 – 2      1
Open up your heart and let the sorrow out,

   1    2     3         3      1      2      1-7-1
And be filled with His love within.

3 - 5    5      5       5        3     4        3              q      q      q
Open up your heart and say – aah,   …  aah, aah, aah!

  3      5         3       5     5     3       q    q     q
Give Him your life this day.

  3 -4   3      2       1        1     1   2     3       2      1
Open up your heart and let the Son shine in

  1     2     3         3      1      2-1    7 - 1
And be filled with His spirit today.

Open up your heart…. Open up your heart.

He  will fill  you with His spirit……

He  will fill  you with His spirit again.
The top line with 8 q h | means eighth, quarter, half notes and bar.
The second line 8 1 2 3 4  is the note to play.  Example in key of C
7=B    1=C    2=D    3=E    4=F    5=G
I know... confusing.  Probably why this has not seen the light of day.
Dec 2013 · 3.3k
I Will Praise Him
John Stevens Dec 2013
© 11-10-99   (John L. Stevens)

      I will praise Him in the morning
      When I rise to meet the Son.
      I will praise Him in His glory
      As we meet there one on one.
      I will praise Him through the day time
      For all that He has done.
      I will praise Him every moment
      Til the setting of the sun.
      I will praise Him in the morning
      When I rise to meet the Son.
      I will praise Him in His glory
      As we meet there one on one.
      I will praise Him through my life time
      For all that He has done.
      I will praise Him every moment
      Til my race on earth is run.
      I will praise Him in the morning
      When I rise to meet the Son.
      I will praise Him in His glory
      As we meet there one on one.
      I will praise Him through eternity
      For all that He has done.
      I will praise Him every moment
      Til His face I see God's Son.
      Hallelujah To the Savior
      Who keeps me day by day
      Hallelujah to the Savior
      Who guides me on my way.
      I will praise Him on that morning
      And through out eternity
      Hallelujah to the Savior
      What a day that will be.
Early work found hiding.
Dec 2013 · 1.6k
Will I? - I Will!
John Stevens Dec 2013
© 1-07-04 John Stevens
He waits at the door of my heart this hour
Knocking so gently for me.
To answer the call, through His power
To be all I can be.          
The choice is mine to make this hour.
To accept or reject His love.      
The choice I make for eternity
Will decide my life for above.

(chorus 1)
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
Will I turn my back and walk away?
Will I open my heart to Him?  

Will I invite Him in only on Sunday
And set Him close to the door?
Then invite Him out when church is over
When no one's looking any more?
Will I when Monday morning comes
Forget the lessons He taught?
Of love, forgiveness, grace and more
By His blood on the Cross He bought.

(chorus 1)
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
Will I turn my back and walk away?
Will I open my heart to Him?  

Will I do the right and shun the wrong
In the work that I perform?
Not leave my faith on a hook by the door
Until the next Sunday morn.
Will I park Him outside some of the doors
Of my favorite places to be?
And pretend it is ok to do the things,
I'm ashamed for Jesus to see?

(chorus 1)
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
Will I turn my back and walk away?
Will I open my heart to Him?  

The lessons I have learned today
Must not be shelved tomorrow.
For I've been set free to do His will
In all happiness and sorrow.
He cleansed my heart- all the rooms.
And the closets so dark today.
His love shone 'round in all the corners
The gloom and darkness went away

(chorus 2 )
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
I will open my all my life to Him
I will open my heart today

I will open the door, invite Him in.
I will give Him the key to my heart's door
I will give Him control of all my life.
I will love Him forever and more.
I will listen to His every whisper.
I will do His thoughts for me.
I will praise His Holy name this hour.
I will shine His light for others to see.

(chorus 2 )
What will I do with Jesus?              
What will I say to Him?
I will open my all my life to Him
I will open my heart today

When my heart is breaking from the pain
Of things in my life I start.
He is there the moment I breathe His name
He mends my broken heart.
I have been forgiven by His blood
My sin on the cross He bore.
I have been forgiven, cleansed by His blood
I bare the guilt no more.
Chorus ?  

I have been forgiven..    
Praise His Holy Name.                
I am forgiven.........
Thank you Jesus, today.

He waits at the door   Calling for you
To open your heart     To let Him in.

What will you do?       What will you say?

Version 03-29-2004
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
Gladness and Joy
John Stevens Dec 2013
© 1-16-2005  John L. Stevens
(verse one)
I was walking down the highway of life
Doing my thing , and creating strife
In my life and others around me.
Then I found the highway Jesus walked.
When I took His hand in mine.
-Chorus 1  ------------

(verse two)
Jesus took away the pain in my heart.
Gave me peace, a brand new start.
In my life and others around me.
For I’ve found the highway Jesus walked.
And He takes my hand in His.
-Chorus 1  ------------

(verse three)
Jesus is the road under my feet
Leads to the Cross, with grace complete.
In my life and others around me.
Now I travel the highway Jesus walked.
As He takes my hand in His.
-Chorus 1  ------------

Chorus 1
Gladness and joy found me,
Overtook me in my sorrow.
Gladness and joy dwells in my heart
And gives me hope for tomorrow.
Yes, He gives me hope for tomorrow.
(verse four)
Oh brother do you need a new road.
Follow the savior, He’ll carry the load.
In your life and others around you.
When you find the highway Jesus walked.
When He takes your hand in His.

Chorus 2
Gladness and joy will find you.
Overtake you in your sorrow.
Gladness and joy will dwell in your heart
And give you hope for tomorrow.
Yes, He’ll give you hope for tomorrow.
-----------Repeat Chorus one

I was wondering where this went.
Dec 2013 · 2.5k
Every Day
John Stevens Dec 2013
© 07-04-04 John L. Stevens

Every morning I wake up
To a brand new day.
Every morning I talk to You
Praise You as I pray.
Every morning is a wonderful day.
Every day I can praise Your Holy name
For the love You’ve given me.
Every day I can live my life for You
In Your will, I want to be.
Every day You give me peace within
In my heart, in my life.
Every day You calm the troubled waters
And take away the strife.
It’s a day one step closer to You.
It’s a day full of joy in You.

Every morning I wake up
To a brand new day.
Every morning I talk to You
Praise You as I pray.
Every morning is a wonderful day.

Every day I can see Your works abound
In the mountains and valleys below.
Every day I catch the fragrance in the air.
Of the flowers you did sow.
Every day in the quiet times with You
I seek Your wonderful face.
Every day I listen to Your voice
I know I’m saved by Your grace.
It’s a day of rejoicing in You.
It’s a day of sweet peace in You.

Every morning I wake up
To a brand new day.
Every morning I talk to You
Praise You as I pray.
Every morning is a wonderful day.
Every day I can see the rugged cross
Where You bled and died for me.
Every day I can follow in Your steps.
Where You lead me, in the path I see.
Every day I can glorify Your name
In the closet, in the street.
Every day You are raised up on high.
For other lost souls to meet.
It’s a day full of grace in You.
It’s a day of sweet mercy in You.

On the morning I wake up
To Heaven’s brand new day.
On this morning in Your presence.
I’ll finally make my way.
This morning will be a glorious day.
This morning will be a glorious day
On this day I will touch Your face.
All Your glory above I will see.
On this day when pain and sorrow cease.
The race is finished for me.
It’s the day I find glory in You.
It’s the day I find glory in You.

-Ending – - – - – - – - -
I can see the gates of Heaven
The lights are shining bright.
I can see the angels rushing
On wings of silent flight.
When I’m standing in Your presence.
There no darkness turns to night.
What a day of rejoicing this will be.
What a day of rejoicing this will be.
- – - – - – -
This morning I’ve awakened.
To Heaven’s brand new day.
This morning in Your presence.
I’ve finally made my way.
This morning is a glorious day.
This morning is a glorious day.
- – - – - – -
This morning I’ve awakened.
. . .
This morning in Your presence.
. . .
This morning is a glorious day.

“Every morning I wake up is a good day.
Every morning I wake up and give God
the glory, is a wonderful day.
The morning I wake up to Heaven’s
brand new day, is a glorious day indeed.”  jls
05-15-16. Replaced with complete version written in 2004.
Every day is one day closer to crossing the finish line of life. The race will be done. May God Bless you this day.
Dec 2013 · 6.3k
When God Calls
John Stevens Dec 2013
© 10-1-04 John Stevens 3/4
When God called      me one dark day.
In my despair,           He did say.
Come unto me,         Oh weary one
Take the hand,          Of my Dear Son.
When God calls,       I have a choice.
To turn my back,      To hear His voice.
When God calls,       To touch my heart.
The door is wide,     For a brand new start.
When­ God calls,       my name today
With some dear soul, that I might pray.
To be the one,      to play the part.
Of Jesus love,     To touch their heart.
When­ God calls,      may I hear clear
The call to be,     to someone near.
The only Jesus,         they may see.
When God calls,       let it be me.
—chorus­ 1 ---------
When God called my name, To set me free.
When He gently said,   Come unto me.
When God reached down,   And took my hand. (I took His hand)
The Cross became clear,   On His promise I stand.

—Last verse ------------------------------------------------
He calls my name    I clearly hear.           
Calling  me home    To be so near.           
I hear His voice    Say gentle to me            
The door’s open wide  Come home to me.  
When God calls me home   Some glorious day.
When He says well done   My faithful one.
When God calls me home   When my race is run.
I want to see Jesus
I will see my Jesus
I’m home with Jesus
  God’s only Son.
-  - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When God calls. Will you answer the call?
Have not seen this for years.
It was lost but now is found.
Dec 2013 · 868
Living Gardens
John Stevens Dec 2013
Many times I just need to stop what I am doing and listen... listen to what the "still small voice" is trying to tell me.
Taking time to smell the lilacs, so to speak, to soak in the beauty around us, to reflect that God really is God and not a figment of our imagination, is what life should be about. Turning off the things that interrupt our mind (tv/radio/neighbor/spouse ;-)), etc) and listening and seeing the simple joys in life, gives me peace for today and hope that tomorrow will be even better.

My joy these days is in a 24 pound little boy who entered this world 13+ months ago not under the best of circumstance but loved just the same. I would not trade him for all the money in the world. He is the light of my life. When I come home very tired, it would be easy to do what I want... rest, but the look on his little face when I come into the room somehow sparks a little more energy to pick him up. He lays his head on my shoulder, gives a sigh, and all is well with the world.

In the spring time, gardens are planted and begin to grow. For him, (my grandson) his mind is like a garden. The seeds planted in his early life, the time taken to talk and play with him, watered with love and compassion, will grow and develop and hopefully the beauty of his garden will crowd out the **** seeds that the winds of world blow in from time to time. Love always triumphs over hate if you never give up. I know many kids never had a chance at an early age to grow and bloom into a beautiful garden. Years later, **** killer (God) was applied, the soil tilled by His hand, revealed the potential of their garden. The gardens they grow are beautiful in the eyes of our Lord and Savior. When someones garden is getting a little dry, we need to help water their garden with love, compassion and understanding from our abundance. Small things that don't cost much but have a big impact on the growing beauty of a garden. Is there any better way to spend our time than to nurture a growing garden? I think not. I may not live to see my grandson's garden bloom and produce great things as he becomes a man but I know God will honor the planting and watering I do beyond the day He takes me home.
Written  04-18-2006
Dec 2013 · 1.2k
'Tis Love
John Stevens Dec 2013
Life is but a weary road
      You hear some people say.
      You hear the moan and groan from them
      As they travel along their way.
      Always complain and gripe of things
      And take for granted life.
      No thanks they give to God above
      But go to Him in strife.
      They know not Love and Patience
      And understanding within.
      For Love and Patience passed them by
      And they're troubled deep within.
      'Tis Love that makes a man's life grow
      And a woman's life grow too.
      My inspiration and this Love
      Comes from only You.
      I've given love and in return
      God's given you to me.
      To love and cherish every hour
      And give myself to thee.
      The happiness of knowing you
      The knowledge of your love.
      Brings joy and peace within my heart
      And a smile from above.
       - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Written 1966 but still is true in 2003
      Love ya Babe.

      And in 2018
      And in 2019...
      And ....  forever.
Nov 2013 · 2.1k
Ice Cream (Lucy)
John Stevens Nov 2013
The little girl stood, with cone in hand. The ice cream on the ground.
The tears welled up in her eyes, as people stood around.
Tears fell like rain, her heart was breaking, she didn’t know what to do.
Then through the tears, saw grandpa kneeling… Saying, “Grandpa’s here for you.”

Grandpa said to the ice cream man “Another ice cream please.”
“Stack it high and pack it tight.” “We’ve got things to do and see.”
The little girl melted into his arms The sorrow turned to joy.
When grandpa’s near, all is better For grandpa’s little girl.

Oh, grandpa loves you Lucy Girl Forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Him He will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. You will find me waiting there.
I’ll be by the ice cream stand a waiting Just for you to get there .

The little girl grew to a fine young woman. The time went by so fast.
She learned of things not of this world. The things that will always last.
You could see grandpa and the young girl, Walking side by side through life.
When things got tough they called on Him, To help them through the strife.

Oh, grandpa loves you Lucy Girl Forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Him He will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. You will find me waiting there.
I’ll be by the ice cream stand a waiting Just for you to get there .

The young woman cried when grandpa died. As they lowered him in the ground.
Tears welled up, in her eyes As people stood around.
Tears fell like rain, her heart was breaking. She knew just what to do.
So she looked up high to see the Father And heard “Grandpa’s here for you.”

Your, grandpa loves you Lucy Girl Forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Me I will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. You will find him waiting here.
He’ll be by the ice cream stand a waiting Just for you to get here

Oh, grandpa loves you Lucy Girl Forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Him He will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. Your will find me waiting here.
I’ll be kneeling right next to Jesus While I’m waiting for you to get here.

Good night sweet Princess. See you in the morning.
©9-15-06 John Stevens

Written originally for my grandson Tony (8).  People say we are joined at the hip.  He is a 24/7 little guy and this is how I "wish"/"hope" life will be lived.  I realized I needed to make a copy for Lucy Girl (4) so she will be included.

Ice Cream was written for my grandson Tony (Anthony Stevens) as a reminder how I want to be as an influence in his life. There is also an underlying deeper meaning as to our relationship to God. Our Ice Cream (blessings) hits the ground from time to time because of our neglect or possibly no fault of our own, but God is there if we just look up and see Him kneeling to take us in His arms.

It all started on a Sunday morning when my Pastor said, “imagine a little boy standing there with an empty cone in his hand…. and the ice cream is on the ground. The images came flooding in and by the time first service was over, most of it was written. Since I run the sound system I listen to both Sunday morning services. Much of what I have written about has come from a trigger on Sunday morning or something similar. What do you do when YOUR Ice Cream hits the ground?
It has been sung to a couple of venues.
Oct 2013 · 1.8k
Look Up and See Jesus
John Stevens Oct 2013
(c) Dec. 15-2005 John Stevens

When trouble comes around you
And you don’t know where to turn.
Look up and see Jesus standing there.
He will take all your sorrows
And give you peace within.
Just look up and see Jesus standing there.

When love seems so distant
And you feel lost and alone.
Look up and find Jesus waiting there.
His arms are open wide for you
To take you as His own.
Just look up and find Jesus waiting there.

When hope has all but gone
And darkness closes in.
Look up and find Jesus kneeling there.
He is reaching down to lift you up
From the pit of despair.
Look up and find Jesus kneeling there.

When joy comes upon you
And you don’t know who to thank.
Look up and see Jesus smiling there.
His grace does surround you
His mercy brings you through.
Just look up and see Jesus waiting there.

Look up and see Jesus
He waits for you to call His name.
Look up and see Jesus standing there.
Look up and see Jesus
Receive His gift of love for you.
Look up and see Jesus standing there.

He will take you in His arms of love
And give you peace within.
I am posting this for a young friend.  It is the words to a song from years back.
Still good today and tomorrow
John Stevens Sep 2012
Saturday morning and Grandpa rounded up the grand kids, Tony and Lucy, for a little excursion. Excitement was running high for we were going to the City Park and… there was to be hot dogs, burgers and drinks and STUFF, which they thoroughly enjoyed. Before we left on our fun-outing, I had printed out a copy of a poem I had written for Tony when he was a year old called "Ice Cream". He is now a big seven. There were many booths setup which we visited… gathering STUFF (pencils, etc).

We stopped at a booth that was for grandparents raising grandkids. While we talked with the lady at the booth I remembered the poem in my back pocket. I gave it to her to read and we continued on down the line gathering STUFF (pencils, candy and BUBBLES). On the return trip we stopped again at the grandparents booth. The lady commented, the poem brought tears to her eyes. Then she said, “this was written from the heart”. At that time Tony interjected with, “No. Grandpa just sits down and write them on the computer keyboard.” Yup! That is how it REALLY happens. There were chuckles and smiles all around. Tony is grandpa’s most ardent promoter for his web sight . He tells people the domain-name to find writings. There is one piece he particularly enjoys telling people to check out called "The Boy Called Tony" . Go figure!
"Ice Cream"
"The Boy Called Tony"
Aug 2012 · 7.2k
The Canvas
John Stevens Aug 2012
The Canvas

A canvas sets on the edge of greatness and beauty, blank, waiting for the touch of the master’s hand. She takes charge of what is to be. Gentle strokes, broad strokes, strokes that caress the canvas… leaving the marks of imagination, transforming nothing into beauty. The image emerges revealing the thoughts and desires and power of the canvas. It is breath-taking to the beholder. She understands the difference between OK and great. Nothing will do but great. It must emulate the original. It must be the original! So it is with our canvas of life.

We start life as a blank canvas. Brush strokes are made by those around us as we begin to grow. Made by mom, dad, friend and strangers alike. All try to add their image to our canvas. An image of who they think we are. As we grow into the artist we strive to be, we accept or reject the strokes of others and create a portrait we strive to become.

Some strokes by others can leave an off color, covering who we really strive to be. A brush stroke that is not us can be covered by our touch, our color, our imagination of who we are, adding integrity to the texture and hue. Revealing an inner beauty as the artist of our life takes control, guiding our hand, adding the touches that transform the canvas from OK to great.

The Artist chooses the colors, the brushes from which she wants to define her life. The decisions are hers to make as she selects the shades of color, or even black and white, that will define her life. She paints a portrait of peace and joy, of self-less love for family and friends.. All else is unimportant. The things of past are covered. Today and tomorrow are forming a painting that will be great.

Letting the Master’s Hand guide our hand, we find freedom flowing freely onto and into our canvas. In doing His will in our life, we are set free. A freedom indescribable at times as we are lost to the distractions of the past. Caught up in the hope and love of today.

The Master guides our hand, willingly or even unwillingly at times in our artistic endeavor. As we learn to relax and give Him control of our hands, He reveals the beauty that is within us. It is great.

I have heard being an artist and painting described as being easy but living life as being difficult and unsure. Life can be described as a series of brush strokes, choices. Some can destroy the beauty intended for our canvas. Some strokes can create breath-taking beauty which radiates outward, inspiring the ones observing our portrait.

This was inspired by a young friend of mine, she left a few brush strokes on my life. They will not be painted over. They will be treasured, remembered for a long time to come.

When I look into a mirror, I want to see Jesus, the Creator of my portrait.
Amazing young lady.  Her paintings are truly works of art.
Apr 2012 · 1.5k
Ice Cream (for Brenna)
John Stevens Apr 2012
The little girl stood, with cone in hand. The ice cream on the ground.
The tears welled up in her eyes, as people stood around.
Tears fell like rain, her heart was breaking, she didn’t know what to do.
Then through the tears, saw Momma kneeling… Saying, “Momma’s here for you.”

Momma said to the ice cream man “Another ice cream please.”
“Stack it high and pack it tight.” “We’ve got things to do and see.”
The little girl melted into her arms The sorrow turned to joy.
When Momma’s near, all is better For Momma’s little girl.

Oh, Momma loves you Brenna Girl, forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Him He will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. You will find me waiting there.
I’ll be by the ice cream stand a waiting Just for you to get there .

The little girl grew to a fine young lady. The time went by so fast.
She learned of things not of this world. The things that will always last.
You could see Momma and the young lady, Walking side by side through life.
When things got tough they called on Him, To help them through the strife.

Oh, Momma loves you Brenna Girl Forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Him He will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. You will find me waiting there.
I’ll be by the ice cream stand a waiting Just for you to get there.

Momma cried when Brenna died. As they lowered her in the ground.
Tears welled up, in her eyes As people stood around.
Tears fell like rain, her heart was breaking. She knew just what to do.
So she looked up high to see the Father And heard “Brenna’s here for you.”

Brenna loves you Momma Dear Forever and always.
When things get tough, call on Me I will lead you through the maze.
When you get to Heaven, many years from now. You will find her waiting here.
She’ll be by the ice cream stand a waiting Just for you to get here

Oh, Momma loves you Brenna Girl Forever and always.
When things get tough, I’ll call on Him to lead me through the maze.
When I get to Heaven, a few years from now. I’ll find you waiting there.
You’ll be kneeling right next to Jesus While waiting for me to get there.

Good night sweet Princess. See you in the morning

(c) 04-07-2012
Brenna sustained a brain injury 2010.  She died 6 months ago, at home after a struggle, in the arms of her mother.  Her mother is coping with the use of a blog.  Her story is at:
John Stevens Mar 2012
Little Bird – (Forever and Always)

When I read to Tony at bed time, there are times his little sister Lucy is there for our nightly ritual.  When all is read and eyes are closing, I say to Tony,  “Good night Tony Boy.  Love you forever and always.  See you in the morning.”

One afternoon Lucy (2) climbed up into my big chair and positioned herself just so.  When all was snuggled in, she looked up at me and said, “My love you grandpa.”  Of course I do what all thinking grandpas do… I said, “I love you too Lucy.”  A moment goes by, a little shifting in the nest occurs, and I hear, “My love you grandpa!”   Now the reasonable thinking grandpa would say, “I love you too Lucy Girl.”  Which I did.  But that was not the end of this conversational delight. Then she looked up into my face with some consternation on her’s and said, “How come you don’t say ‘forever and always’ grandpa?”  “Oh Lucy Girl.  Grandpa does love you forever and always.  Yes I do.”  With that affirmation of love she settled in with a smile on her face and snuggled up tighter.

What may seem to be a small thing to big people is a really BIG thing to the small.

I have reached the pinnacle of joy when Tony Boy and Lucy Girl are snuggled in… one on each side.  “All is well.”  At least in my world it is.
It is moments like these that buffer the Terrible Twos.  "And this two shall pass."

This goes with the above.
Mar 2012 · 842
Time Change
John Stevens Mar 2012
In the Mall
She went to sleep
On the bench
So peacefully

A smile curls up
on her lips.
A laugh at times
so gleefully.

Gpa fighting sleep
Time change setting in.
zzz… zzz… zzz…
Consciousness returns.


Oh my!! Wakeup!!
Brother’s out of school
Muscles scream, burns!

We run (I run)
out the door
Strap in, GO!
Away we tore..

We made it.
No harm done
now we begin….
The FUN.
At AC.

Mar. 11, 2012
John Stevens Feb 2012
"Papa. Read my the four little pigs and the BIG BAD POUF." With emphasis on the big bad "POUF", we begin the fascinating journey of the pigs and the rehabilitation of the "Pouf".

My granddaughter (age 2) loves the story and when ever we come to the Big Bad she says the "POUF" part. It rather sounds like a French pastry.

The fourth pig, as everyone knows, is Momma pig, she sent the defenseless little pigs out the door with a warning, "the BIG BAD "POUF" likes to eat little pigs." Seems to be a common malady of "Poufs" and Humans.

The BIG BAD "POUF", we are told, watched from the top of the hill where he lived. He was a considerate "Pouf"... letting the little pigs build their straw, sticks and bricks houses before offering to be a building inspector to test the strength of straw and sticks. The "Pouf" condemned the first two houses... huffing and puffing and all of that. All the hair on the little pigs chin could not stop the tinsel strength test performed by the Big Bad "Pouf".

Everyone knows that brick is stronger than straw and sticks but we have a Big Bad "POUF" that begs to differ.  Consequently, he ends up in hot water, much like Humans who make bad decisions.  Not the brightest and smartest choices made in Pig/"Pouf" Land.  At least this pig did not put the lid on the *** and have "POUF" for lunch.

The "POUF" became a reformed "Pouf" staying on his hill top.  No more Big Bad for him.  Kind and gentle. A NEW "POUF"!

Now 60 years ago the Building Inspector in this story got into hot water and became the lunch of the brick house pig. The other two pigs became lunch of the "POUF" but I suppose I will not be telling that to my two year old any time soon.  

There are many versions of the story. Things have changed over the years.  The Three Little Pigs live happily ever after and the "Pouf" now stays up on the hill and is a GOOD BOY.  Getting into hot water can be a life changing moment... provided the lid is NOT put on the kettle.  Moral to this story... stay away from pigs who carry hammers, trowels and squares. Or.  Don't be a blow hard.

(c) 02/14/2012 by John Stevens
Bed time stories are a must and the "Pouf" gets a lot of mileage.
Jan 2012 · 915
Paddy Martin: Poet Forever
John Stevens Jan 2012
A year has passed
A moment in Eternity.
Paddy lives on
in words, in memory.

May we pause now
To remember the man.
His passion, his love
This very short span...

Called Life.

See ya later Paddy.
A man who has made a difference in my life and others
Nov 2011 · 1.3k
Tony and the Dirt Pile
John Stevens Nov 2011
Tony and Gpa were driving down Blue Lakes when they were approaching a construction site. The work had been going on for some time but today it was really a mess. Tony said, “why do they make such a mess of the ground grandpa? It looks really bad.” Inspiration hit me. Relate this messy lot to life.

“Sometimes things have to look really bad before it can be make into something beautiful and useful. A piece of canvas can be laying around for years, *****, a mess and then someone picks it up, cleans it off to discover it will work perfectly for a painting. The spots are covered and the artist begins the first brush strokes. Soon, what was ***** and no value to anyone becomes a wonderful work of art by the masters hand. ”

“It is much like people. They can be ***** and broken, look a mess because of drug use, not living right.”

“God can pick them up, clean them off and begin painting a beautiful picture. Where once was a disaster now it beauty.

Granted, the above is a little more but not much more, than what gpa said to Tony that day. The italic was added when gpa wrote this.

Anger, envy, strife, and unforgiveness ( your choice here) can soil the canvas of life. Words said in anger can never be taken back. All the other hurts and hangups in life can dissolve into the background when forgiveness is granted and accepted.

Forgiveness can cover many a stain and when the light reflects off our picture only the beauty of forgiveness reaches out to others. I know many forgiven people. Beautiful people.
Nov. 15, 2011   If you have read "Ice Cream" you may know the where this comes from.
Sep 2011 · 2.2k
The Boy called Tony
John Stevens Sep 2011
The Boy called Tony by his grandpa and others, lights up his corner of the world. Be it kids or very old Big Kids,(adults who are kids at heart) wherever he goes, “Hi. My name is Tony. What is your name?” Usually following this introduction, if the response is received warmly is, “How old are you?”  Than after that is decided, “My grandpa is really old.”

Kindergarten year saw the two of them at the Arctic Circle most days after school. The older “Big Kids”would see him come into Arctic Circle and wait for their turn to talk to the Boy called Tony.

Many times they stopped at Tony’s and Gpa’s table and talked before leaving. New people who had not talked to him before but “listened in” on Tony and Friends conversation, they would then stop at the table to say what a “delightful little boy he is”.

At the time of this writing, sitting in Arctic Circle, he is regaling a mother about the fine points of Pac Man and Frogger on Gpa’s phone. Let’s see, Gpa had that phone for years and did not know Pac Man and Frogger were on it. And so it goes…

And so it went… everywhere he went Tony learned People’s names and remembered them. Later, where ever he happened to see them, “I know you! You work at… or I saw you at…” and the conversation would go off in a multitude of directions… eventually.

One Saturday morning in January after the “BIG GAME!” (see note) Tony, his Aunt Kristen and Gpa were entering IHOP for breakfast. He bounced through the door still wearing his basket ball uniform as an older couple was exiting. Gpa was holding the door for the older “big kids” when the woman got all excited and said to Gpa, “Isn’t that the Arctic Circle Boy?” At which Gpa replied with certainty, “Yes it is.”

Graduating from kindergarten, if such a thing is possible,the class sang a song “Don’t Talk to Strangers”. Gpa thought at the time it was a scary little piece. But what does he know. Later in the afternoon a couple came walking toward Tony. Tony observed them approaching, he studied them intently, and then just as they were going by him, he called out, “HELLO STRANGERS!” Gpa thinks they are the only strangers he really knows.

Sep 2011 · 1.1k
In Sanity
John Stevens Sep 2011
I now reside in Sanity
Now that I’ve given up Insanity.
The facts out weigh the constant feeling
which used to have me rocking and reeling.

That which severely caused me to doubt
To sit around in my shell and pout,
is forever behind me as I move forward
To the Endearing Light I look toward.

Where pain of mind subsides
And Peace in Him abides
His Love now lives with in,
Forgiven of what I have been.

Though the Storms pass over me
Leaving behind horrendous debris
There is Peace, There is Love
There is Hope, Given from above..

(c) 08-18-2011
John Stevens
Thanks for stopping by and reading.  
I go to a 12 step group meeting and this came out
from something the speaker said about insanity.

My name is John and I am a recovering parent.
Jul 2011 · 1.4k
Light Shines Around Me
John Stevens Jul 2011
(c)06-25-06   John L. Stevens

As I walked in the darkness
In the middle of the day.
I stumbled down the road.
Not knowing Your way.
I was broken from falling
Fear dwelled deep within.
I trusted only me,
To see me through.

Then I saw the light shining
In the middle of the day.
I could see without falling
As You lighted the way.
Your light shone around me
And took away the fear.
I learned to trust You Lord,
To see me through.

As I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death.
I will fear no evil
To befall me.

As I walk into the darkness
at the end of the day.
Your light shines around me
and shows me the way.
No fear dwells within me
as my journey here will end.
I trust only You Lord,
To see me through.

As I walk through the valley
Of the shadow of death.
I will fear no evil
To befall me.

For Your rod and your staff
Are with me to the end.
I will step into the light.
I will see the glorious sight.
I will finally be at home.. in Heaven
I will meet You face to face… in Heaven.

I was blind but now I see.
Your light shines around me.
I was blind but now I see… Your face.

To see me through and show me the way.......
I fear no evil to befall me......
Your light shines around me.....
now that I no longer trust in only me.  
I have learned to trust you Lord..........
I have learned to see your face.
Thank you Neva.
Jun 2011 · 1.1k
I Bow
John Stevens Jun 2011
© Feb. 16, 2003 John L. Stevens

I bow quietly before You Lord,
With heaviness on my heart.
You know my need oh Lord, this hour,
Before I even start

I give You my plea on bended knee,
I trust your answers to be.
That which I need and not desire,
You know what’s best for me.

Touch my heart once again
Heal my spirit from above.
Touch my life once again
Fill me with Your love.
I bow quietly before You Lord,
With thankfulness in my heart.
For the answers You’ve given me,
Before I even start.

I give to You my life oh Lord,
As I abide in thee.
Your grace and mercy I receive,
Your strength and life in me.

Touch my heart once again
Heal my spirit from above.
Touch my life once again
Fill me with Your love.
I bow quietly before You Lord,
With gladness in my heart.
Your love fills me with such Joy,
Before I even start.

I give to You my praise oh Lord,
For the peace You’ve set in me.
As I listen to Your will for me,
For the Answer that’s to be.

Touch my heart once again
Heal my spirit from above.
Touch my life once again
Fill me with Your love.
Fill me with Your love.
Written during a very dark time.  Maybe someone else needs it now.
Feb 2011 · 1.4k
The Big Game: the Ref.
John Stevens Feb 2011
Ref Jerry, promoted again this year
to the Mighty Kinder Teams.
Raises the growing Kinder Spirits
to achieve even higher dreams.

The Kinders play their very best
So unaware, they don't even know it.
Week after week, excelling, growing
in the Upward Game they show it.

A slam dunk thrill is even possible
with a lively, uplifting Ref Jerry assist
Lifted high to the rim of the lofty basket
It was hard to have missed.

When the hoops were allusive
high fives did still abound
For the valiant effort of each play
Mighty applause did resound.

As in the Big Kinder Game
The Ref of the Universe is there
To lift us up when short of the goal
To help us, our burdens to bear.

He picks us up in times of need
holds us high for the goal to reach.
He keeps us safe with rules of life
Covers our Sins with a lesson to teach.

Upward! Upward! Upward still!
The goal is in sight as Upward we go.
In His love. In His hands.
It is all we need to know.

Now go and play the Kinder way
Do your best with all the rest.
Keep your eyes on the ball...
There may be a TEST.
© 02-22-2011  John Stevens
My grandson, Tony, plays in the Kinder games of Upward Basketball program. There are 550,000 involved in this in the US and around the world.  It is amazing to watch these kids get better and better each week.  Today was the last game for the "season".  No more getting up at 7 am on Saturday morning.  What will I DO!.  Sleep a little longer.

Tony was the only one to make a "SLAM DUNK".
Feb 2011 · 1.7k
Paddy Martin: Poet
John Stevens Feb 2011
A Great Poet has passed away
He came into our lives with much to say
About life,living and dying in his poetry.
I am a better man to have known him today.

The words he wrote will live on forever
Inspiring others in their poetic endeavour
We remember the man behind words so clever
Who set the bar high and did not waver.

May the Peace given to you in your final hours
Reach out to all who know you Dear Paddy.

See ya later my Friend.
04 Feb. 2011
Jan 2011 · 643
Whino's Delight
John Stevens Jan 2011
Get your whine on! Now!
Really BUG someone today.
Don't waste a good whine!
01-25-2011 Stevens
Mall chair.  I really need to
get a life.
Jan 2011 · 705
Water of Life
John Stevens Jan 2011
The Dessert winds blow
Dry, Parched, Hot. Worthless to some.
Life! Add water. Live!
01-25-2011  Stevens
Mall chair again.
Jan 2011 · 1.7k
The Big Game
John Stevens Jan 2011
For a week all I heard was...
   “You coming to the Big Game?”
Every where we went
to total strangers... it was the same.

Saturday arrived
  (oh sleep, where art thou)
in all it glory.
Eight in the morning
  (oh breakfast... later)
that's another story.    (yawn!)

Calling traveling, double dribble
was off the menu today.
Staying on the same court, now
that was a challenge we say.

Ref Jerry blew the whistle
Stopped... to tie some shoes.
Can't have a star
fall on the court and lose.

Tony got the ball, dribbled a yard.
Stopped.  Eyed the net.
Upward! Upward! Upward!
Almost had it...  I lost my bet.

The excitement rose high
in the stands this day.
For the efforts  freely given
the Kindergarten way.

Coach Clay with his gentle spirit
quietly lead his team
Passing, dribbling, shooting,
Oh the faces did beam.

Excitement ran high
on and off court this day.
Shoot it! Shoot it!
Upward! Upward! They play.
Grandson Tony is "playing" (to use the term loosely) basketball.  What a hoot it is to watch. He guards his "MAN" fervently... even when his team has the ball.
There is more to this but I left it on my blog at:
Jan 2011 · 588
This Day
John Stevens Jan 2011
This Day
The storm clouds
rolled away.

This Day
The Sun began
To shine.

I claim
This Day

This Day
Is all I have
to live.

To whom
Will I give?

Thank you Father
For the Son Shine
It is mine...
This Day.

may be a
Glorious Day
with You

I wait.  
I give.  
I live.  
I love.  
For that Day.
Written on a Mc Donald's receipt 01-17-2011
on seeing the sun come out after days of
Jan 2011 · 1.9k
Just Being There - prequel
John Stevens Jan 2011
Jesus washed me clean

The 5-28-06
(Stolen from the memory of someone. The deep recesses of the mind of days gone by. When life seemed to be worthless, when the mind was dark and lonely, Jesus came and set them free. Was this your mind?)
The brokenness of my life, a shattered life in the eyes of others, (some would say hopeless) was put together, redeemed, made whole the first time I believed.

For the first time in my life I was clean. I didn’t feel ***** anymore. Jesus washed me clean. I was redeemed and remade in His image.

It began the day someone told me about Jesus. The moment I believed, for the first time in my life I was clean. I now walk the path Jesus walks. Each day is new and fresh in Him. When I am weak He is strong. He never leaves me. He carries me when I am tired and can no longer walk. He tells me to hold on to Him for tomorrow will be better. The days despair threatens to drag me down, He carries me until I can stand once again. When I can walk once more, we walk once again hand in hand. I can hear His voice say “well done today” as I lay my head down for the night. Sleep is wonderful knowing I am in His hands.

Each day I wake up is like the first time I met Him. I am clean. Can I say “clean” too much? I am clean in His eyes and He gives me joy, He gives me life. He gives me the bread of life that I may live with Him forever.

“Every morning I wake up is a good day.
Every morning I wake up and give God the glory, is a wonderful day.
The morning I wake up to Heaven’s brand new day, is a glorious day indeed.”

Do you know Him? Really know Him? Let go of the old life and be redeemed, be made new in Him. Hopeless is not a word Jesus thinks about. All things are possible with Him. For my life, a shattered life in the eyes of others, (some would say hopeless) was put together, redeemed, made whole the first time I believed.

This was written about a young woman who was lifted out of a life of **** and prostitution over two years ago. It has been two years since writing the above part. I see her at church these days and she gets more beautiful every day. The effects of **** are gone from her face. Her eyes have taken on a glow of Jesus in her life. Hearing her talk about her walk with Jesus just sends chills down my back. This is Amazing Grace walking, talking, and living among us.
I was not going to post this because it is rather personal.
I came to the conclusion it is an integral part of the first piece posted called "Just Being There"
Jan 2011 · 756
January Blues
John Stevens Jan 2011
Holidays are over
Don't forget
No excuse
The belt to let.

When you begin to look
Like your sofa
Over stuffed
From over loafa.

Get up and move
Find something new
Be Happy... Give a shout.
Not be in a stew.

If time has inflicted you
With furniture disease.
Where your chest has fallen
                 into your drawers
Convince your self
                 it is a tease.
                      Oh PLEASE!

So it goes...
with resolutions Mate.
Out the door
and through the gate.
                 Say "see ya next year!"

You can do this
Mind over matter...
Or is that bulk?
Which ever... Please not fatter!

I should have stopped
When I was ahead.
When the paper was blank
Nothing said.

Happy New year!!
(c) 01-03-2011
I have higher hopes for poetry
Just not today.
Dec 2010 · 1.5k
Dimensions of Love
John Stevens Dec 2010
(scale of 1 to 10)

1 - Shallow, Narrow, Short
10- Deep, Wide, Endless

Shallow -  It's all about ME!
Deep -  It's all about THEE!

Narrow -  Limited Perspective
Wide -  Unlimited Perspective

Short -  Conditional: until... whatever.
               (one night stand)

Endless-  Unconditional: Forever.
               (Life time stand)

       1[ ]  2[ ]  3[ ]  4[ ]    5[ ]
       6[ ]  7[ ]  8[ ]  9[ ]  10[ ]

No one is a 10 but God,
But we can strive to be like Him.
(c) 12-07-2010
This is rather cryptic.  I tried to fill in
the in-between  but decided to leave
it to the imagination.
It made my brain hurt.
Dec 2010 · 691
John Stevens Dec 2010
Words. Power of Words.
Can cut or heal the soul.
Whether an adult or a child
Words should strive to make them whole.
Never let a good word
      go unspoken.
It may lift a heart so
          very broken.
See the smile on their face
          begin to grow.
Lifting the spirit to heights...
          you do not know.

Words. The Power of Words
Can cut or heal the Spirit.
Good words can heal the heart
We need to believe it.
I am writing this more for me...
Not you... who are Perfect. ;-))

My grandson Tony (5) said to me
while we were shopping,  
"When I grow up Grandpa,
I want to be just like you."  
I replied to Tony, " I hope you
won't be grumpy like your grandpa."
He just laughed the sweetest laugh.  
Maybe I am doing OK.
Dec 2010 · 1.2k
Just Being There
John Stevens Dec 2010
She was crying
  The mistakes of the past
    were weighing heavy
       on her heart.

"Why do I always pick
the same kind of guy...
Over and over and over."

"I thought this guy was different.
On the surface he was really nice.
We liked the same things and......
I believed him!"

"Underneath he was a RAT!"

"Will I ever find someone who will
love me for who I am NOW....
not what I WAS in the past?"

It was a question for which
I had no answer.

She is a beautiful young lady
who has climbed out of the
pit-of-the-past in the five years
I have known her.

Her brown eyes have changed
from a hard look of years of
drugs and abuse,
to a most wonderful softness.  

The softness comes from being
set free, forgiven, of her past life.
Unfortunately, people aren't
very forgiving and are
users and abusers.

As I looked into her eyes
I saw her heart and
God's love shining through.

Sometimes the fog of deception
can cloud our judgment when
the people we have come to trust
lets us down...   become  RATS!

Maybe just being there will help.
She could be my daughter...
This poem is a work in progress
as most of US are as we Journey
through life.

Companion piece
New chapters will be written...
Maybe there is an answer to the question.
(c) 12-06-2010
Dec 2010 · 2.2k
Before I Knew You
John Stevens Dec 2010
Before I knew You,
Your love reached out to me.
Before I knew You,
You waited patiently.
For me to see my need,
To trust You with my life.
Before I knew You,
My life was so empty

Then You found me kneeling there,
Calling Your name in my despair.
You picked me up and held me tight,
Your touch, Your voice,
I saw the light.
Darkness was gone from my soul
Your grace, Your love,
Has made me whole.
Before I knew You,
My heart was filled with sin.
Before I knew You,
You chose to take me in.
I’m a sinner saved by grace.
I trust You with my life.
Now I know You,
You changed my heart today.

Now You find me kneeling here,
I call Your name I find so dear.
You pick me up and hold me tight,
Your touch, Your voice,
You are the light.
Darkness has gone from my soul
Your grace, Your love,
Has made me whole.
Now I know You,
You came into my life.
Now I know You,
You took away the strife.
There was no peace of mind
You knew my sorry life.
Now I know You,
Your gave me peace within.

Then You found me kneeling there,
Calling Your name in my despair.
You picked me up and held me tight,
Your touch, Your voice,
I saw the light.
Darkness was gone from my soul
Your grace, Your love,
Has made me whole.
Now I know You,
You have given life to me.
Now I know You,
Your blood has redeemed me.
Forever I’m set free,
To do Your will in me.
Now I know You,
Your love has transformed me.

Now You find me kneeling here,
I call Your name I find so dear.
You pick me up and hold me tight,
Your touch, Your voice,
You are the light.
Darkness has gone from my soul
Your grace, Your love,
Has made me whole.
© 4-24-01 John Stevens
Finished 3-30-03)
The words
"Forever I’m set free,
To do Your will in me."
seemed rather strange when they came out of the pen but over time I came to understand them and cherish them.  As you can see, it took two years to finish to its current state.  All hell broke loose with my daughter during this time and got worse.  I wrote to maintain reality... or was that sanity.
Dec 2010 · 914
Draw Me Close
John Stevens Dec 2010
8        8       h     | q    h
1         2       3     | 2    1
Draw me close | to You

8        8   h   |  q       h
1         3   5   |  6       5
Lead me in  | Your way.

8        8        h    |   q   h     | q   h    | q   h
1         3        5    |   6   5     | 3   2     | 3   2
Draw me close |  to You, | I pray, | today.

8       8     h  |  q    h
1        2     3  |  2    1
Lead me on | the path

8       8        h       |   q    h
1        3        5       |   6    5
You would have |  me take.

8        8      h      | q   q-q   | q   h
1         3      5      | 3   2-3   | 2   1
Draw me close | to You,  | today.

8         8      h     |   q   q      q       | q q-q    | q  h
5         6      8     |   2    1      8       | 5 6-8   | 6  5
Draw me close |  to Your heart | today, | I pray.

8        8      h      |  q   q      q     | q  h      | q  h
1         3      5      |  5   6      5     | 1  2       | 3  2
Draw me close | to Your side | I pray, | today.

8        8      h      |  q  h
1         3      5      |  6  5
Draw me close |  to You.

8        8        h    |  q  h
6        7        8     |  6  5
Draw me close |  I pray.

8         8      h     | q   h     | q  h
1          3      5     | 3   2     | 1  1
Draw me close | to You,| today.
©  2-05-04 John L. Stevens (3/4 time)
The top line of 8,h q are eighth, half and quarter
1,3,5 etc is the starting position of of the chord.
C = 1   E = 3  G = 5  etc.
You can play it in any key and improvise
Have fun.
Dec 2010 · 773
Come to The Cross
John Stevens Dec 2010
It's by His grace we come to Him
Not what we do, are we saved from sin.
He condemns us not, our sins are forgiven
He frees us from ******* on our way to Heaven

Come to the cross and receive His full love
Only He can give from the Father above.
Come to the cross and kneel at His feet
Give Him your life and do not retreat.

Come to the cross, Come to His love
Come to Him now, God's gift from above.
His love is abundant, His love is free
For He paid the price, He died on the tree.

Go forward with Him through all of your life
Give Him your pain and all of your strife.
Comfort and joy while walking with Him
Peace in your soul, forgiveness within.

Oh, come to Jesus, Come just now
Kneel at the cross with tears flowing down
He will forgive your sin and set you free
Come to Him now, He's waiting for you.
© 2-1-1998 J. L. Stevens
Revision:   1-16-1999
Song written nearly 12 years ago.
Placed here at the encouragement
of an HP member.
Nov 2010 · 880
Love of (Power) of Love
John Stevens Nov 2010
Power of Love
reaches out
not exclusive

Power of Love
to change
to grow
to accept who
we are
not as others
would have us be

Power of Love
take people
as they are
not as
we want them
to be

Love of Power
inflicts pain
personal gain
the thrill

Power of Love
to feed
to clothe
to nurture
lead by example

Love of Power
'ME' alone

When we practice
The **Power of Love

Not The Love of Power
We change the world
Not rule the world.

Power of Love
Greatest Power
on Earth
(c)Aug 13, 2010
Nov 2010 · 8.5k
Above The Storms
John Stevens Nov 2010
The storms are pounding
Destruction is rampant
No end seems in sight.
The day is endless
The night never ending
Will it ever, ever be right?

Lightning crashes
Winds are swirling
Torrents of water fall down.
The earth is shaking
The shelter is breaking
Thunderous sound resound.

Above the storm
the Calm prevails
Overlooking the turmoil below.
Awaiting the return
of order again
That Peace and Calm bestow.

Then it is over...

No more pounding
Silence, beautiful silence
Comes whispering in the ears.
The Earth becomes firm
The Sun is still shining
It dries up all the tears.

Through the debris
New hopes arise
Covering the scars below.
Growing stronger, stronger
As strength rebounds
Renewed by the seeds we sow.

Repairing the damage
Replacing the lost
Moving forward with or without.
Finding Hope in the future
as Faith reaches upward
Redeeming Love without a doubt.

When the storms of life
Cause turmoil and strife,
The Son dries all my tears.
When all seemed lost
I counted the cost
Turned over all my fears.

I am surviving.
I am stronger still.
(c) 11-19-2010
Completed 11-22-2010 for Jen
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
John Stevens Nov 2010
Reconciled Love
Promises Kept
Self Faded
Vows Restored
Committed Lives
Stable Home
Child Loved
Unbroken Love
Un-broken Child
Nov 2010 · 1.3k
John Stevens Nov 2010
Broken Child
Broken Home
Broken Parents
Broken Lives

Broken Promises
Broken Vows
Broken Love
Broken Future


When will it ever end?
The one that follows this is called "Unbroken"

Nov 2010 · 858
I Was...
John Stevens Nov 2010
I was Broken
You Mended me.

I was near Death
You gave me Peace.     (1980)

I was Lost
You Found me.

I was Lonely
You gave me Comfort.

I was Hopeless
You gave me Hope.

I was Hungry
You gave me Fulfillment.

I was Wayward
You Sheltered me.

I was Happy
You gave me Exceeding Joy

For others: Can I do anything less?
Thank YOU.
(c) 11-17-2010
Man is not the light
or the source of light.
We only reflect.
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