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Feb 2024 · 299
Old Days
John Stevens Feb 2024
Years and years ago I got
tired of going to the restroom
and finding someone used
the ***** and did not lift the lid.
So I wrote a little poem.

        Dead Eye ****
        You Are Not.
         Lift The Lid
         To The ***.


I hung it above the ***.
It lasted for about two
hours and was taken
down by the Lab Director.

No one knew it was me who posted it
But there were a lot of chuckles around the lab.
John Stevens Jan 2024
Thirteen years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock
of things of this world
and things of the next.

A Poets heart since you were young
the written word delivered by tongue
lives on forever in the heart
of those who've read to never part.

You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
In the words of true poets to be
Filling the hearts of all they see.

Thanks again Paddy Martin


Read Paddy Martin at:
Many do not know about Paddy. Read him. Enjoy.

He passed from this world thirteen years ago.
Dec 2023 · 183
Home Bound Edwin an Joyce
John Stevens Dec 2023
Edwin is with his Joyce now
Never more to roam.
Hand in hand once again
He has gone on home.
Never more to roam.

Never more to roam
She met him at the gate.
True and faithful til the end
Never more to be late.
Never more to roam.

A life lived full of love
For the one gone before.
Never more will they roam
Outside of Heavens door.
Never more to roam.

He has gone on home
Hand in hand once again
Never more to roam
Edwin is with his Joyce now.
He has finally made it home.

(C) 12-26-2023
Jun 2023 · 375
John Stevens Jun 2023
I have always been a quiet guy and did not want to talk before crowds.
The Old Days
Going from country school to city school had its interesting times. We had to take a test to get into high school and I still remember my score being 10.4.  The over and out thing on Car 54.
My brother Ed was the company boxing champ when he was in Korea in 52.  When he returned from Korea and came to the farm he would bring his boxing gloves and he taught me the fine points of the art.

I could defend myself but never needed to prove it. All through my freshman year **** M was always giving me a bad time. Sophomore year it continued until about Christmas time. At that time I had had enough. I was walking up to Main and **** and his two buddies were following me saying their usual bad stuff. Now **** out weighed by 100 pounds at least but enough was enough.  I set my books down off the sidewalk.  Noting I was right next to the morgue and thinking “one of us could end up in there”. Turning around... I motioned with open hand and quietly said to ****...  “ok ****... let’s get this over with”.  His eyes went rather big and he backed up. The three of them vanished back down the street. **** was very nice to me after that. We never had any harsh words. Sometimes you must stand up and confront the problem.

Sometime later kids started calling me Sullivan. I let it go for a while. Then I asked someone “why are you and others calling me Sullivan”?  Did not get an answer other than “your name is John L Stevens so... you are like John L Sullivan.”  Did not compute. Sullivan was a well known prize fighter. I’ve often wondered if the **** thing had anything to do with it.

Coming out of the sticks into the big city school was interesting the first few weeks. The city boys would come up and would put a hand out for a shake. Not chocolate. They would try to squeeze my hand hard but it didn’t bother me.  The third week I decided that I would squeeze back.  Now maybe they didn’t know that I milked cows by hand. So the next one got squeezed... hard.  It hurt some me thinks. Word apparently traveled fast as that was the last fun hand shake I had. I’m old now but I have never been hit in the face in all this time. Except with boxing gloves. No need to cause trouble but be ready to defend yourself and others.  What I taught my kids and grandkids over the years.

Ok enough of that.
Apr 2023 · 406
Paddy Martin - year Twelve
John Stevens Apr 2023
Twelve years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock
of things of this world
and things of the next.

A Poets heart since you were young
the written word delivered by tongue
lives on forever in the heart
of those who've read to never part.

You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
In the words of true poets to be
Filling the hearts of all they see.

Thanks again Paddy Martin


Read Paddy Martin at:
Many do not know about Paddy. Read him. Enjoy.

He passed from this world twelve years ago.
Feb 2022 · 420
Paddy Martin - year Eleven
John Stevens Feb 2022
Eleven years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock
of things of this world
and things of the next.

A Poets heart since you were young
the written word delivered by tongue
lives on forever in the heart
of those who've read to never part.

You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
In the words of true poets to be
Filling the hearts of all they see.

Thanks again Paddy Martin


Read Paddy Martin at:
Many do not know about Paddy. Read him. Enjoy.

He passed from this world eleven years ago.
Jun 2021 · 373
Home Bound-93
John Stevens Jun 2021
Stan is  ninety three on  this date    
still waiting at Heaven’s gate
where his Love
went on before him.

Some day soon
he will join June
Where the light
will never dim.

Time has past since
he hugged her last
now, the pain
unreal at times.

He knows she lives
where God’s Love gives
us Peace and
love so sublime.

And now….

His mission fulfilled
In what God willed
the race will end
never more to roam.

He made the right choice
The Angels rejoice
God’s forever Love with June
Stan will be going home.

Never more to roam.

(C) 06-14-2021
John L Stevens
Now 93
Feb 2021 · 395
My Love 2021
John Stevens Feb 2021
My Love

You are the love
And light of my life.
We have been through Joy
We've been through strife.

Your love carried me
when I was nearly gone
You encouraged me to Stand firm
To get up, walk forward, to go on.

It has been fifty six years
Since we met that day.
Your red coat, blond hair...
Oh so beautiful I must say....
                       Even today.

Days gone by are memories now
The building blocks of love today.
The tests of time has made us better
Our Foundation is strong in every way.

I am the luckiest guy in the world
To be the one married to you my Love.
May we continue and grow in love
With help and love from Above.

Love You Forever and Always

Thanks Babe.

(C) 02-14-2017
Updated 02-15-2021
Jan 2021 · 347
Paddy Martin -Year Ten
John Stevens Jan 2021
Ten  years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock
of things of this world
and things of the next.

A Poets heart since you were young
the written word delivered by tongue
lives on forever in the heart
of those who've read to never part.

You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
In the words of true poets to be
Filling the hearts of all they see.

Thanks again Paddy Martin


Read Paddy Martin at:
Many do not know about Paddy. Read him. Enjoy.

He passed from this world ten years ago.
Dec 2020 · 284
John Stevens Dec 2020
I sit outside the rest home, this Sunday afternoon.
I watch the face of people, going in and out so soon.
The visits here, come and gone. Time swiftly passes on.
The sadness shows on each face for the one which they belong.

The mother walks with her child, quietly through the door
To see a grandpa not coming home, for many days or more.
They sit and wait so patiently for their short time to be
For twenty minutes on the phone, their “papa” they will see.

So close are they but yet so far, no touching through the pane.
Fingers spread, hearts are breaking, their future down the drain.
The question on the little lips, will papa come home now?
Soon, we hope, my dear child, maybe next week, somehow.

The children come to visit him, with thoughts of shattered dreams.
The joys they had for many years, are gone, so it seems.
They put on a smile, push back fears, to keep alive some hope.
They wonder “why, what went wrong, how will we ever cope?”

The pain inflected, bad decisions, when the virus had taken hold.
Ruined lives of those around them, the broken promise told.
His family grieves the senselessness, of life’s potential lost.
Hope now seems a fleeting dream, the family pays the cost.

A broken life, a shattered dream, seems lost in the eyes of man.
When darkness falls, and hope is gone, when all has hit the fan.
God can mend the broken life, He turns darkness into light.
Hope comes to those, who ask through grace and all of mercy’s might.

We come to Him with hopes and fears not knowing where to start.
In life and death, Peace can come, carried in our heart.
Someday, somehow,  we come as one, together we shall be,
Where over all of life and Faith and Hope we’ll  see....

           Love Triumphs.

© 12-16-2020 John Stevens
Jul 2020 · 262
The Way It Is
John Stevens Jul 2020
I had a councilor in high school that told me I was NOT college material. Rather shocked me. I graduated third in the class. So I set out to prove her wrong. Ended up with a BS degree in physics. There were times I thought about quitting when things got tough but her words kept me going. I was going to prove her wrong. Now I’m an old man sub teaching mostly high school the last three years and love it. Kids tell me their problems and together we find a solution. They know they can trust me. That is the way my life with others went all through my career. People would knock on my office door and ask to talk. Sure. They would close the door and unload their concerns. Most of the time they went away feeling much better. My last boss was one of them. God works in mysterious ways.
Jun 2020 · 260
Home Bound-92
John Stevens Jun 2020
Stan is  ninety two on  this date    
still waiting at Heaven’s gate
where his Love
went on before him.

Some day soon
he will join June
Where the light
will never dim.

Time has past since
he hugged her last
now, the pain
unreal at times.

He knows she lives
where God’s Love gives
us Peace and
love so sublime.

And now….

His mission fulfilled
In what God willed
the race will end
never more to roam.

He made the right choice
The Angels rejoice
God’s forever Love with June
Stan will be going home.

Never more to roam.

(C) 06-14-2020
John L Stevens
Soon to be 92
Apr 2020 · 301
John Stevens Apr 2020
Every where I go these days
I see many many a crow.
Some are black some are white
Many colors they do grow.

They tackle many hard jobs each day
Holding together what would fall apart.
The crows get together in very tight groups
And accomplish much until ripped apart.

Then I found out in my observations
they all had the same first name.......

Lunacy prevales when all alone.
Wife read it.  Gave me a rather funny look. Shook her head.

Apr 2020 · 307
Behold the Lamb Mary
John Stevens Apr 2020
© 1-24-2006 J.L. Stevens
Oh Mary do you see your Son
High upon the hill?
Your Son has come to this world
To do His Father’s will.
Behold the Lamb Oh Mary.
High upon the cross.
Behold the Lamb who shed His blood
To rescue you and me.

He finds me in my deepest need    
When darkness comes around me.
He gives me peace in my soul    
And sets my spirit free.
I am baptized with His Spirit
He meets my every need.
Behold the Lamb of God
High upon the throne.

Behold the Lamb of God
Who takes away my sin.
Behold the Lamb of God
Who cleansed my heart within.
My name is written there
In the Lamb’s Book of Life.
He is the great I Am.
The Savior of the world


Oh Mary you are with your Son
The Savior of the world.
Mar 2020 · 245
John Stevens Mar 2020
The chirds are burping,
the blowers are flooming.
The droys are beaming
Of firls so gine.

The dees are boing
what dees bo best.
So loys bet's do
what dees bo best.
Hind the foney.

(C)2010  This drove the chell specker crazy
Repost after 10 years.
Feb 2020 · 334
Paddy Martin -Year Nine
John Stevens Feb 2020
Paddy - Year Nine
Nine  years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock
of things of this world
and things of the next.

A Poets heart since you were young
the written word delivered by tongue
lives on forever in the heart
of those who've read to never part.

You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
In the words of true poets to be
Filling the hearts of all they see.

Thanks again Paddy Martin


Read Paddy Martin at:
Many do not know about Paddy. Read him. Enjoy.

He passed from this world nine years ago.
Jan 2020 · 181
John Stevens Jan 2020
At the H &W office
Sat two Bowls.
They did not hold rolls.
One with mints
Sat on the right.
One with condoms
Sat on the left.
Some bright fellow
Put them together.

They were serving....
Slow day.

Ok. I admit I’m the bright guy.
The lady behind the counter was not amused.
No sense of humor I guess.
Dec 2019 · 201
Poem by Raj Nandy
John Stevens Dec 2019
Dear Poet Friends, after a long break, I have composed a few lines as a very senior citizen and a lover of poetry. If you like the same, kindly Re-post this poem for wider circulation. Thanks and best wishes, - Raj Nandy of New Delhi.

It has been often been said that old age is that period of life,
When all bad habits are given up on doctor’s advice,
And yet you don’t feel all that good while you survive!
Yet I do try to take some solace from Robert Browning’s poem
‘Rabbi Ben Ezra’ which says;-
‘’Grow old along with me!
For the best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made.’’

Despite my grey hairs and wrinkled face,
With creaking joints and scattered aches and pains,
‘’Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing
For every tatter in its mortal dress’’,
In thanks giving to the Lord and sings his praise;
As I recall WB Yeats’ ‘Sailing Byzantium’, - that
lovely poem from my college days.

As our biological clock continues to tick incessantly,
Getting older becomes compulsory.
But becoming Wiser in wrinkled years remains optional,
A choice our free will has the opportunity to make!
I recall what Agatha Christie had once said,
That an archaeologist is the best husband a woman can get,
For the older she gets, the more interested in her he
With due respect to our women whose age is impolite
not ask.
Here I recall what the Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Frost
had once said,
That a diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s
birthday and not her age.

I recall the observation of Sartre the famous French philosopher
who had said,
That more sand that escapes from the hourglass of our life,
The clearer we should see through it as a blessing of time!
It is true that we live in deeds, not in years; in thoughts, not breaths;
In feelings, not in figures on a dial, - as James Bailey had said.
I finally conclude by quoting the first stanza from ‘Beautiful Old Age’ by DH Lawrence;
‘’It ought to be lovely to be old
To be full of the peace that comes of experience
And wrinkled ripe fulfilment.’’
-Raj Nandy of New Delhi.

Written by
Dec 2019 · 225
Poems by Lucy - 6
John Stevens Dec 2019

I made a baked potato
It ran and acted like a tornado.
I caught him after an hour
Then he thought he had super power
He danced like BRUNO MARS
I told him to STOP.
That’s my potato friend.
Granddaughter Lucy 10
Dec 2019 · 366
Poems by Lucy - 5
John Stevens Dec 2019

Winter is fun!
I step outside.
Fingers freeze—I feel the cold breeze
on my warm face
as young brother wants to race.
Written by Lucy
Age 10
Nov 2019 · 288
John Stevens Nov 2019
Are very hard of hearing
But... they know everything.
That is why they are called...
Def Initions.
Jun 2019 · 84
John Stevens Jun 2019
I shipped off a Cologuard box today. Told the UPS lady to “be careful with the box. I don’t want the crap beat out of it”. She broke into laughter.
Apr 2019 · 452
Home Bound-91
John Stevens Apr 2019
Stan is  ninety one this date    
still waiting at Heaven’s gate
where his Love
went on before him.

Some day soon
he will join June
Where the light
will never dim.

Time has past
since he hugged her last
now, the pain
unreal at times.

He knows she lives
where God’s Love gives
us Peace and
love so sublime.

And now….

His mission fulfilled
In what God willed
the race will end
never more to roam.

He made the right choice
The Angels rejoice
God’s forever Love with June
Stan will be going home.

Never more to roam.

(C) 06-14-2019
John L Stevens
Soon to be 91.
Feb 2019 · 729
Paddy Martin -Year Eight
John Stevens Feb 2019
Paddy - Year Eight
Eight years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock
of things of this world
and things of the next.

A Poets heart since you were young
the written word delivered by tongue
lives on forever in the heart
of those who've read to never part.

You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
In the words of true poets to be
Filling the hearts of all they see.

Thanks again Paddy Martin


Read Paddy Martin at:
Many do not know about Paddy. Read him. Enjoy.

He passed from this world eight years ago.
Oct 2018 · 384
John Stevens Oct 2018
You can’t take back time
Time is a one way ticket to Eternity
Today, now, must be lived as if
there is no tomorrow.
What we do today
Is the setup for the tomorrows
Next week. Next year.
Start now.
Live as if there is no tomorrow
Today, Tell those you love
You Love Them.
Eternity may begin

Sep 2018 · 575
I Choose Again and Again
John Stevens Sep 2018
   Lost and Found


Turn me Bitter
    or make me Better.

The choice is mine
    My life define.

I choose Life
    Not Death.

I choose Giving
    Not Taking

I choose Love
    Not Hate

I choose His way
    Not mine.

The choice is Mine
The choice is Mine.
(c) 09-26-2010
Eight years ago...
I choose
Jul 2018 · 941
Fraud Division
John Stevens Jul 2018
Received a call from
a suspect fraud line.
I answered:

“Sheriffs office.
Fraud division.
How may I help you?”

Funny thing happened.
Line went dead.
Jul 2018 · 505
Home Bound
John Stevens Jul 2018
Home Bound
Almost home
Never more to roam.

Home bound.
Just up the road.
Soon I’ll be home.

Home bound
The tolls left behind.
Far away from home.

Home bound.
Where My Love lives.
We’ll never more roam.

Home bound.
The lights are on.
I’m almost home.

Home bound.
Where love is forever.
Nothing like being home.

I am home  now.

(C) 07-01-2018
John Stevens Jun 2018
Stan is with his June now
Never more to roam.
Hand in hand once again
Stan has gone on home.
Never more to roam.

Never more to roam
June met him at the gate.
True and faithful til the end
Never more to be late.
Never more to roam.

A life lived full of love
For the one gone before.
Never more will they roam
Outside of Heavens door.
Never more to roam.

Stan has gone on home
Hand in hand once again
Never more to roam
Stan is with his June now.
He has finally made it home.

(C) 06-29-2018


Home Bound - Never more to roam

He is with his Love now
Never more to roam.
Hand in hand once again
He has gone on home.
Never more to roam.

Never more to roam
She met him at the gate.
True and faithful til the end
Never more to be late.
Never more to roam.

A life lived full of love
For the one gone before.
Never more will they roam
Outside of Heavens door.
Never more to roam.

He has gone on home
Hand in hand once again
Never more to roam
He is with his Love now.
He has finally made it home.

(C) 06-29-2018
For my friend since 2008.
He is still alive and well.
Jun 2018 · 618
Home Bound-90
John Stevens Jun 2018
Stan is  ninety this date    
waiting still at Heaven’s gate
where his Love
went on before him.

Some day soon
he will join June
Where the light
will never dim.

Time has past
since he hugged her last
now, the pain
unreal at times.

He knows she lives
where God’s Love gives
us Peace and
love so sublime.

And now….

His mission fulfilled
In what God willed
the race will end
never more to roam.

He made the right choice
The Angels rejoice
God’s forever Love with June
Stan will be going home.

Never more to roam.

(C) 06-12-2018
John L Stevens
Stan is ninety now.
May 2018 · 495
Poems by Lucy - 3
John Stevens May 2018

I bought a book about a cook
who couldn’t look because he shook.
One day he could look
because he had the book
about a crook
which made you look.
Feb 2018 · 881
Poems by Lucy - 2
John Stevens Feb 2018
My maid is in the shade,
she layed down to braid
A few hours later she went to the arcade
She paid me $50  to go see Cade.

By lucy Byrne ❤️❤️
Feb 2018 · 1.2k
Poem by Paddy Martin
John Stevens Feb 2018
It has been seven years since Paddy posted his last poem. I am taking the previlege to bring it back up top. Please read his poems.

Paddy Martin Jan 2011
An Australian Summer Sonnet.
I pray thee sun thou should set,
or take thy leave better yet,
wouldst at last my thirst be gone,
But alas thee linger, and linger on.

There be no flower not yet dead,
no water flows in yonder river bed.
'Tis a heat where nought doth grow,
nor doth thee ever mercy show.

Dry of skin and parch of throat,
a man doth need no overcoat.
Thy rays doth burn mine eyes,
they do not hear mine mercy cries.

If there be a place where chill be found,
'Tis there it be that I be bound,
A place where there be no burning sun,
show it to me, so to it I shall run.

(c) 26th January 2010
with apoligies to all you Shakespeare freaks
I was thinking how Will would have handled our Oz summer heat.
Feb 2018 · 942
Paddy Martin - Year Seven
John Stevens Feb 2018
Paddy - Year Seven
Seven years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock
of things of this world
and things of the next.

A Poets heart since you were young
the written word delivered by tongue
lives on forever in the heart
of those who've read to never part.

You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
In the words of true poets to be
Filling the hearts of all they see.

Thanks again Paddy Martin

Read Paddy Martin at:
Jan 2018 · 795
His Spirit
John Stevens Jan 2018
His spirit resides in us, with us,
even when we no longer know who we are.
He carries us through the darkness,
is with us until the new morning
transforms us into who we really are.
A child of God.
Dementia and ALZ takes its toll. We are still in His hand.
John Stevens Oct 2017
Granddaughter Lucy 8
First poem


Sunshine is bright.
Moonlight is too.
The sun shines on my sparkly shoe.

When it ends
There is still light
Cause moonlight is bright.
Lucy called it Sunshine because that is what Grandma calls her.
I have a poem called Grandma Sunshine. Of course it is Grandma’s favorite.
Sep 2017 · 1.0k
John Stevens Sep 2017
When we wake up in the morning
on the other side.
The long night has ended
in Him we will abide.
He will carry us through the darkness
into the beautiful light.
The rejoicing of the angels
will be an awesome sight.

When we wake up in the morning
on the other side.
Where no more pain or sorrow
in Him we will abide.
His Love has brought us through the night
into the awesome light.
Where forever we will be with Him
In all His glorious might.

I have awaken in the morning
On the other side.
With a Joy beyond compare  
in Him I now abide.
His love has brought me through the night
Into the awesome light.
Forever I will be with Jesus
What a beautiful beautiful sight.
Hallelujah to my Savior
Hallelujah To His name.
Hallelujah to my Savior
We will never be the same.

(Ending. Repeat first four lines of third verse)

Hallelujah. Evermore.
Hal-le-lu  jah.
(C) 09-12-2017
Song running through my head. Dedicated to my brother Ed.
My brother died Saturday Sept 9, 2017. See you later Brother Ed.
Aug 2017 · 4.1k
Always There
John Stevens Aug 2017
Sometimes when I fall
Into a pit of despair.
When the dark clouds roll
You are always there.

I offer a finger
and get Your hand.
To lift me up
to solid land.

Sometimes. Sometimes
I have no idea where I'm headed.
Directions of hope
Or some place most dreaded.  

But always. Always
I feel Your hand holding me.
Lifting me up to a new day
Standing. Where I need to be.

I would be lost with
More than I could bear
But You Oh Father.
You are Always There.
(C) 08-15-2017
Jun 2017 · 516
Home Bound-89
John Stevens Jun 2017
Stan is eighty nine this date    
waiting now at Heaven’s gate
where his Love
went on before him.

Some day soon
he will join June
Where the light
will never dim.

Time has past
since he hugged her last
now, the pain
unreal at times.

He knows she lives
where God’s Love gives
us Peace and
love so sublime.

And now….

His mission fulfilled
In what God willed
the race will end
never more to roam.

He made the right choice
The Angels rejoice
God’s forever Love with June
Stan will be going home.

(C) 05-09-2017
John L Stevens
Apr 2017 · 642
Richard Riddle
John Stevens Apr 2017
Richard passed on yesterday April 23, 2017. I miss him already.
Apr 2017 · 2.7k
John Stevens Apr 2017
A Gang of Guns was walking down the street
Looking for trouble, Someone to defeat.
The Guns saw a man who looked very loaded.  
One Gun shot him in the head. He was goaded.

"Please don't shoot me Gun. " the man had pleaded.
"I have a wife and kids. I am needed!"
"Dude" said the Gun when he found no money.
"You are a real loser. Ain't it funny?"

Got to get the Guns off the street.
Too many people dying, blown off their feet.

2016— 781 killed
2017— 664 killed
2018 —555 killed.  CPD
2019 -- 498 killed
2020 -- 772 killed
2021 -- 797 killed
2022 -- 695 killed
2023 --

Those who pull the triggers.
Need an appointment with the diggers.
Saw Chicago police saying we must get the Guns off the street.
Mar 2017 · 3.3k
A Piece of Cake
John Stevens Mar 2017
July 4, 2015
Grandson Tony and Grandpa went to Mickey D's for breakfast. Grandpa was ready to vacate the premises when Tony barred the door. "Just a little while longer Grandpa." So Grandpa sat back down.

Soon a cake and five of the Mickey D people appeared and sang happy birthday. Tony was apparently being a little secretive and alerted the establishment when we clocked in. Grandpa cut four pieces of cake. Two to take  home for Lucy and Grandma. Two for Tony and Grandpa.

Tony then ask if he could give his piece of cake to someone. "Sure you can." grandpa replied. There were two tables with grandparent types and parents sitting 10 feet away. Tony picked up his piece a cake and a fork and squeezed in between the two tables and  placed the cake in front of the young fella who eagerly began eating it. Grandpa then noted the boy had Downs  Syndrome. The people at the table were pleasantly surprised at what had just happened. A grandmother came over where Grandpa was sitting and express that  it was a very thoughtful thing Tony did. The whole thing rather blew Grandpa away. But that's the way Tony is.  Full of surprises.
This was July 4, 2015.
I thought I had lost the piece of paper this was written on.  FOUND IT!!!
Feb 2017 · 642
Paddy - Year Six
John Stevens Feb 2017
Six years since you sat upon the rock
Sitting there taking stock
of things of this world
and things of the next.

A Poets heart since you were young
the written word delivered by tongue
lives on forever in the heart
of those who've read to never part.

You ran the race with no disgrace
Inspired others to take their place
In the words of true poets to be
Filling the hearts of all they see.

Thanks again Paddy Martin

Feb 2017 · 568
My Love
John Stevens Feb 2017
You are the love
And light of my life.
We have been through Joy
We've been through strife.

Your love carried me
when I was nearly gone
You encouraged me to Stand firm
To get up, walk forward, to go on.

It has been fifty two years
Since we met that day.
Your red coat, blond hair...
Oh so beautiful I must say....
                       Even today.

Days gone by are memories now
The building blocks of love today.
The tests of time has made us better
Our Foundation is strong in every way.

I am the luckiest guy in the world
To be the one married to you my Love.
May we continue and grow in love
With help and love from Above.

Love You Forever and Always

Thanks Babe.

(C) 02-14-2017
She cried.
The first two lines came from my Love. The rest written on a McDonalds receipt after dropping grandkids off at school.
Jan 2017 · 968
To My Mother
John Stevens Jan 2017
If you still have them around... write them a note. This was 26 years ago. I owe my life to her.
To My Mother
It is your 84th birthday today and I take this time to say, I love you. As I think back to my childhood days, it brings back good feelings of the times we had together.
I remember like it was yesterday the warmth when you held me close.  The nap times when you were beside me while I went to sleep. No greater love can a Mother show than just being there when needed.
I remember coming home from school and finding you about the house.  All was well then and I could go play. There was a ‘something’ about that, which I want my kids to know.
I remember the trust you bestowed on me when I started high school. It was an awesome responsibility to never betray that trust. The lessons learned has carried me through many a rough spot. It shaped my life so that the decisions I made would not cause you pain.
If it were not for your prayers over my 47 years, I shudder to think where I would be today. Thank you for showing me the way and living it with me.
You have molded four lives for which you can take pride. I thank you for making me the person I am today.
Thank You Mom. Happy Birthday!
( written April 1991 )
When I entered the ninth grade my mother said to me "you're old enough to make your own decisions now all I ask is will you discuss them with me." And I did.
Dec 2016 · 913
John Stevens Dec 2016
As you travel this road
looking to find
Someone in need of love.
Whose broken spirit
in need of repair
By the Love given Above.

It might be someone
whose given up hope
And is found in deep despair.
With all hope gone
no place to turn
no shoes or clothes to wear.

The drug once chosen
For what ever the reason
Has taken them to the ground.
They need a hand
To help them up
Out of the hole they are found.

You see the pain
deep within
Caused by someones lust
No way to cope
to overcome
For they have lost their trust.

A kind word here
A smile there
Can help fill the hole.
When hope was lost
By careless words
And actions took their tole.

As I travel this road
Hoping to find
A soul in need of love
May directions come
To me this hour
From Love given Above.
Dec 2016 · 1.0k
John Stevens Dec 2016
So My granddaughter Lucy, seven, is watching videos of taekwondo.  She practiced on me, her grandfather and was rather successful on some of the moves. This goes on for a while and then she asks if I would get her a dummy... for Christmas... one without arms... to practice on. "Please grandpa." I said I would think about it.

Now her brother 11 is on the sofa. Earbuds installed.  She looks over at him and said after a pause or two "Or.... I could practice on Tony".
The kid is always thinking. And Tony has arms.
Stuff is the beginning of Stuff
Nov 2016 · 781
John Stevens Nov 2016
The other day my granddaughter seven was eating and talking at the same time. She started choking rather fiercely on something that went the wrong way. Her face was rather contorted and when it was finally over  she looked up at me and said "I thought you were going to have to do the hind leg remover on me." And so it goes in the life of grandchildren.
My grandson 11 came home from school the other day. He was talking about a girl who says she's an atheist. He talks to her, is friends with her and he brought a little New Testament from  Home and slipped it into her backpack. She must've guessed where it came from. And he said to her "you can keep it or you can give it back to me" and that was the end of the story.
My grandson 11 came out of school today and was so excited. He said two of his teachers pulled him out of class and said "we have both signed papers for you to be in honors when you go into the seventh grade next year".  So he is rather excited. And so is grandma and grandpa.
I was saying something the other day and my seven-year-old Lucy said "that is a pun isn't it ?" Ah. Yes it is.

Short time later I said something else and she said "that is sarcastic isn't it?" Well what can I say? Yes.  Yes it is. She is one smart little second-grader.
Last year when my granddaughter Lucy was in first grade I ask her if she ever saw a teacher or someone just standing around leaning against the wall doing nothing. Of course she said yes.  So I said to her the next time you see one leaning against the wall ask them "are you procrastinating"? She asked me what does procrastinating mean?  I said it's putting things off till later maybe tomorrow. And she said oh OK. Couple days later she came home and told me that she ask Mrs. so-and-so the question. "Are you procrastinating? "I ask what did the teacher say? Lucy then said "well she looks down at me rather real funny like and said Huh?"

I was telling the story a few weeks ago to the librarian at the school. And she was cracking up. Then the librarian told me that she said to her husband a number of times "are you through procrastinating yet?" The funny thing was her husband didn't know the meaning of the word and thought it was a swearword of some variety.
You just never know. He knows now.
Someone may need a laugh today.
Nov 2016 · 506
Nov. 8, 2016
John Stevens Nov 2016
November eight
Was the date.
Life was shattered
For half of the folk.
While the first half pouted
The other half shouted
With glee for what seemed
Impossible - no joke.

Fear mongers reigned
In their pain
Their disappointment great.
Lies told - all they could hold
Came crashing down.
        Crashing down.

Fears from lies
In all their disguise
Trigger riot
Do you buy it?

College students
Need crying space.
Poor babies
Lost their race.

(Finish later)
Sep 2016 · 2.2k
Remember for Me (comment)
John Stevens Sep 2016
This has been on my mind for some time... To share this comment to a poem I posted on the ALZ site. I don't know her name. It has made a deep impact on my heart.

The poem is:

Dec 17, 1013

w/e wrote:
Your words are beyond words. Thank you. We've had a rough week. Stage 6 is beginning with all its fury: incontinence, hallucinations, delusions, and, of course, mood changes from happy - to sad  - to angry in the flick of a nano second.  BUT, in spite of the dark clouds of his mind, we still have beautiful moments of tenderness & love. He was eating tonight and I could see on his face the darkness creeping into his brain. He left the table and began to pace. He went to the bedroom and would not let me touch him, comfort him.  When he finally calmed down an hour later, the darkness of his mind began to dissipate. He came to the kitchen and  he said to me: "I am afraid, I am scared." "What is scaring you?" I asked. He replied, " I wont remember who you are." My husband has lost a tremendous amount of his ability to speak so my heart began to dance  with joy when I heard him say those beautiful words of LOVE. I hugged him, I kissed him, I held his hand. I was in awe of his love for me.  I said, "My dear husband, I will help you touch me, I will help you caress me , I will help you feel your love for me. I will help you remember me." We embraced and we cried together... feeling a lifetime of love for each other... Peace & calm  restored, he is sleeping now.
I had brought the poem to the top and she commented again. Such beautiful words of love.
Jan 8, 2016

IdahoStevens, my reply to you was written on December 2013... My immortal beloved took his last breath on January 2014... Immortal beloved. Noble. Strong. Sensual. Pure. My Sunrise Ruby. Bright crystal structure of endless love. Perfect and Imperfect.

O  fateful morning!  I was preparing breakfast. He was walking between the bedroom and the bathroom... Desperately searching...  Searching for me... He knew intuitively his life was ending... I ran to him...We looked into each others eyes... I cradled him in the deep of my arms... I said, "My love, I am here. I will never leave you." ... He smiled ... He stopped breathing. I called 911... My heart encircled in his love. My mind enriched by cherished memories. My soul transformed... His scent inside of me. My body burning with desire... To love. To be loved... My body flying with his. From this earth to the center of the universe. Glowing.

O earth's reality! It bites...

I am adjusting... Adjusting to the deafening silence of the day. And of the night.

I am adapting... Adapting to the absence of his kisses. And his embrace.

I am accepting... I am trying, with every breath I take, to accept.  To accept his empty place in my nest. And on this earth.

To adjust. To adapt. To accept.

To transcend... Life and Death ... We enter this world. We leave this world ... When I understand that. When I totally accept that. I shall find peace.

No sluggish hearts will ever be found in our midst, eh?... We have lots of heart muscle in Alzconnected. Muscle memories... Of tenderness. Of love. And of care.

Good to see you, IdahoStevens.


Another comment left


If it's possible to cry and smile at the same time, that's what I did while reading your poem.  I read with my mom and dad in mind and it captures so perfectly their life together.  They did indeed go for ice cream all the time, a favorite treat for both.  Particularly poignant were the lines surrounding the holidays, my parents did their tree together, they even had their own tree when my husband, youngest son, I and my parents both sold our homes and bought a larger home to all live together, because we enjoyed being together so much.  Every Christmas Eve my dad put some of the presents together - bikes, chalkboards, etc and my mom wrapped them, then they put them under tree together.  The holidays were truly a special time of year for my parents.  Your lines brought all that back in vivid color and I read with tears in my eyes and a smile while remembering.

My mom and I talked on the phone almost every day, we went shopping, to lunch, sat and watched tv together almost every night.  We all sat down and talked all the time, it truly was a wonderful time when we were all together.

My beloved father passed away three years ago, and the last thing I whispered in his ear moments before he left us was that we would take of mom and to not worry, we would be fine.  Now I struggle with the fact that we had to place my mom in an ALF because we were just not able to keep her safe at home.

And now, I walk through our home, and see both my parents in every room.  I can even hear my dad calling me to help him with a computer issue, I can hear my mom call out to me that she can't figure out the remote.  In my mind, my dad sits at the kitchen table every evening and drinks his coffee.

Your poem brought back many beautiful memories thank you for that.


Here is the poem.
John Stevens
Jun 27, 2010
Remember for Me

When the curtain draws closed on my mind
And leaves my body alone.
Think of the times we were together,
The times we talked on the phone.
Remember the times we would walk on the beach.
Hand in hand always in reach.
The moments we shared - together each day.
The love we shared in every way.

Though the hours get long that make up a day.
While you are sitting with me in your caring way.
Remember the times we would take a long walk.
We would get an ice cream, just sit and talk.
Remember. Remember for me.
Remember the seasons of flowers in bloom.
We’d walk through the meadow, nature’s room.
We’d hunt down asparagus along a fence row.
Bring home a bunch and fix it just so.

Remember at Christmas the lights on the tree.
The gifts for the children from you and me.
The smells of the season that filled the air.
The laughter and joy of people who care.
Remember. Remember for me.
Remember the moments our thoughts would blend.
No spoken word between us would send.
The thoughts of love and things to be.
Would cross the distance ‘tween you and me.

Tell me over and over again,
Of the things we use to do and when,
Times of laughter and times of fun
We had together, under the sun.
Remember. Remember for me.
When the curtain draws closed on my mind.
And leaves my body alone.
Think of the times we were together,
The times we talked on the phone.

As yesterday’s memories caress your soul.
Close your eyes, imagine us whole.
Where some day we will be together again
Where memories won’t fade, we will again begin.
Remember. Remember for me.

Please see a friend of mine's web page honoring his wife who died of ALZ

© (4-20-03) John L. Stevens
Support ALZ   Many people die of this horrible disease.

Also visit a friend of mines web page.
Visit June's Website:
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