the joyful dancer of my youth
prances about my room, whispering
truths to my all but deafened ears.
'go away,' i respond. 'you belong to a time
i am no longer a part of.'
she takes my hand, but the skeleton of
my existence pulls away from her.
'did you think it would be so easy to get
me out to the dance floor again?'
i am a stubborn woman,
lost to the steps of dancing ways.
no, i choose now to sit here and watch.
the tango of life dances, her fluid body
pouring itself across the floor.
i am a poet, you see, and i set myself
here on these sidelines because observation
and reflection are the only things that keep my
heart beating.
participation? she speaks a language too foreign
to my ears for comprehension.;=BFa