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Sep 2016 · 426
Read between the lines
John michalski Sep 2016
There is only one finger set in motion forget the other four.
Whiskey dipped flowers selected poems is available on Amazon Barnes and Noble and the createspace e store check it out.
Jul 2016 · 280
second thoughts
John michalski Jul 2016
I could go on
That everything is OK,
That everything is perfect for once.
How i could buy you a pretty diamond ring,
Yet have second thoughts about everything.
Or maybe I could buy you roses from time to time,
Just for you to look at once and then throw them away.
How you could say I love you and
I would say it back,
Yet one of us never fully meant it.
How we can both love and grow to hate each-other
Like wild animals fighting over dominance
You show your teeth,
I show you mine.
Id rather swim,
Then drown in the moments that are left to remember.
If I do so happen to drown,
Let it be the whiskey that i drown in.
Stop And Smell The Roses. Selected poems- will be available in June 2017.
Whiskey Dipped Flowers Selected poems is available on amazon, kindle,and Barnes&noble;.
Jun 2016 · 336
Hello poetry
John michalski Jun 2016
My book "whiskey dipped flowers" is now available on Amazon and on Kindle. It will soon be available on ebooks.
Jun 2016 · 349
Hello poetry
John michalski Jun 2016
I wanted to  thank everyone for taking the time to read my work.
"Whiskey dipped flowers" is now available on Amazon.
For every writer out there I wish you the best of luck.
Keep writing and eventually you will succeed.

Apr 2016 · 468
Musical chairs
John michalski Apr 2016
Dance your life away.
Those who danced,
We're thought to be insane.
They'll lock you up
they'll strap you in,
To only see four walls a day.
Thoughts are vague,
Oh these thoughts are vague!
Words are mutiny,
To the proper face.
I have gone mad: Yes!
Like turning tables,
And criticism is like playing
musical chairs in my head.
When she kisses death,
Oh she kisses death!
Pluck out an eyelash and make a wish,
Because I am the bleeding scab
that you constantly pick.
A view of terror,
What a beautiful sight.
We are all dancing,
Dancing until we die.
Apr 2016 · 432
How are you today?
John michalski Apr 2016
Every time I look at the reflections of myself captured in the mirror,
It is as if,
I am looking at someone entirely different,
Someone that I am disgusted with.
Someone who has no purpose to care,
Or to be cared for,
Because of the way they were treated before.
Someone who has no need to think,
Or knows what to feel,
Because life is far to real.
And "love" is spoken of too much,
Much to often.
That dead end job that you are always tired of,
It barley pays the bills.
And your only escape,
Is through sleep.
So I ask myself "how are you today"?
And I lie and say that I'm ok,
So I can be left alone with myself.
Left out in the dark,
Like a falling star.
To see life for what it is,
Not of its hell,
But of its beauty.
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
A little piece of heaven
John michalski Mar 2016
Flowers to us
may teach to them,
How to find strength again.
From great distance,
And loss.
With tired fingers let us
reach for love,
Pray for hope.
To find a little piece of heaven,
Even in the dark.
Though the past may patronize us
it is hard to forget the scars we hold
and grow with,
To learn from overtime.
The troubling words of an unhealthy relationship,
Once hello,
Is now goodbye.
Still we fight another day,
Another day: until our journey here is done.
Let us come to imagine far greater things,
And enjoy happiness while we still can.
Mar 2016 · 623
Somewhere someway
John michalski Mar 2016
My heart shall embrace
the closeness and warmth of
another being.
Where I can be in awe,
Over the tranquility of her
Where I can weave this eternal string of its mystery,
To balance fine lines between us.
Let us travel through
desperate measures,
In search for new ground.
Love will be an adventure
waiting to explore.
The needs of someone wanting more,
Than just simple affection.
Mar 2016 · 395
John michalski Mar 2016
The night falls with a
silent sigh,
Entwined we are.
The light for which you
lust flares once,
Then dies.
Crushed by a velvet ebon
All we hope for must come
to an end.
Our passion's,
Throb no more.
How could you tear us asunder?
Our tristful emotions surround
We have lost our way.
Mar 2016 · 410
John michalski Mar 2016
My skin is dieing,
To just feel yours.
Like early flowers blooming.
So apodyopsis.
We are panoply,
The closer we get the more
our bodies become vintage.
She is the somber clouds-
for I shall catch the very first raindrop,
Tasting her sweet presence
on top.
Mirror me the crown of King,
While such ***** words you whisper within my ear.
Let us melt together like candle wax,
Swimming in eachother with such painted emotion.
And did our love feed the flames,
That burned inside of us.
Moan to me,
Moan to me as if it was your
last breath ever taken.
Feb 2016 · 317
Moonlight crush
John michalski Feb 2016
Sometimes I feel the gentle
caress of your weeping palms sweep over my skin,
Where romance dances so spontaneously within her touch.
If love was the foam floating in
calm oceans,
I'd ride the majestic waves to her beating heart.
I would endlessly drift among her soul watching her shapeless thoughts smile,
As I wave goodbye.
A million passing years inside,
I would love her always and a day.
I have loved many,
But there is always one that is never forgotten.
I struggle to remain entwined with her crisp fingers,
Where the splinters still sting.
Imperfection is but a delicate flower,
Woe is me.
Silence is but the loudest scream never heard,
And the moon had shined like it has never before.
This eternal serene travels through the sound of her voice,
That imprints on angels.
I must devout my love,
Forever true.
Within her existence I find peace,
Where I am never alone.
Jan 2016 · 346
Dream catcher
John michalski Jan 2016
I want to live in the
deepest parts of your mind,
Where I can dream of you
in colors that don't exist.
Where love has no boundaries,
Or limits.
To see only as far as our eyes
will let us.
We are but one thread within eachother,
A merge of flocking feathers.
I shall catch your heart in its midst
to endure the sadness that only we can imagine,
As we drift away from the pain that only hurts.
Time is the only thing I sacrifice.
How much will she steal from me?
Beauty is beyond relentless.
She demeans the meaning of love,
Only but a nightmare I have dreamed of.
Jan 2016 · 403
Make room for me
John michalski Jan 2016
It's hard to love a mother
who only sees you as a mistake.
When dreams are more realistic
than words that are rehearsed
in my mind,
Throughout each day.
Photos are framed and looked at,
In ways that shouldn't be looked at and remembered.
To lye dormant on a shelf
collecting dust,
Like some piece of trash.
The words are so persistent,
Like bruises that remain on my skin.
Sometimes I feel so close to you
that I could almost reach out and grab your hand,
But something holds me back.
How I still chase your love
And hold on too the past,
something i shouldn't do.
Just a child wanting to be loved,
But it wasn't love if you let me go.
Cut the umbilical cord,
And separate us both.
Make room for me in your heart
where I can grow,
To get caught on the thorns
but admire the rose.
Copyright© Jm.
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Whiskey dipped flowers
John michalski Jan 2016
We laid under the
crepuscular light,
That shined like the moon.
Entwined together like a knitted sweater,
Her heart is my home.
With sapphire eyes,
She stared into galaxies far
beyond mine.
To cascade through her evocative thoughts would take me centuries to understand her,
And the way she looks at me.
I get lost for words,
And tend to overlook the feelings that may change like capricious weather.
We bloom like naked flowers that never got the chance to grow,
Or share our beauty with the world.
We drink too much,
But never enough to see our
future spin like ballerinas.
We watch the sun come up
over the horizon.
The dawn of a new age,
Where we bathe in suicidal waves
that spill like blood onto distant shores.
How we pretend to be in love,
When love is never enough
to say I do.
Dec 2015 · 340
A book
John michalski Dec 2015
If your love was a book,
I'd be the words to make you
I would give you a meaning,
And a purpose beyond any words
ever written.
Never would I walk away from your
landscape of beauty.
An image portrayed in pages turning.
I want to spend them all with you,
And future.
I never knew that fairy tales could come true.
I want to absorb in all of you.
In your thoughts where you think of me,
And in my thoughts where I think of you.
My dear,
Your love is like art.
A feeling that you give.
That guides me like a single swipe of a pen.
Where we can read on,
And get lost in the moments
Dec 2015 · 619
You only you
John michalski Dec 2015
Only you
Make me feel the way
that you do.
It's true,
I'd drive endless miles just
to see you smile.
I know its hard sometimes being
alone for awhile,
Without my arms to hold you close.
Just know:
I'll be coming home soon,
Back to you.
Only you,
Can find the wonder's in life
that carries your heart through
each day like I do.
And when the sun shines it shines,
Inside where the butterflies fly.
But when you kiss me you make
me feel so happy,
To have you only you
in my life with me forever.
Dec 2015 · 384
Little steps
John michalski Dec 2015
I find it hard to be hopeful
in the moments of transition,
But I globalize the feelings to understand the movement.
Perception is limited,
And hard to see underneath dark cloth where I hide the scars.
Days just accumulate different vessels,
And infiltrate behind walls.
Where I am weak,
And small.
It took me years to learn how to love myself.
But even now I am lost in between the pages of litterature,
Trying to find the words for you to understand my pain.
Through each day
the little steps I take,
Seem to bring some hope for me,
But never enough to keep my smiling.
The sun may shine the brightest,
And the moments may divide us.
But i try my best to stay strong.
I try to hold on,
As if I just have one more day
Dec 2015 · 335
Sand castles
John michalski Dec 2015
With this pen,
I'll write our future.
Shape the best possible approximations of what we think our future will be.
Together we'll
build paper skyscrapers and mold our thoughts into statue's,
That will lay rusting in the amber sun.
We'll set sail to achieve the dreams,
We have always imagined.
We made sand castles out of secrets and promised to always keep them
hidden in the cracks of plain black,
Where the light could never shine through.
We colored the stars with oil pastels,
And searched for seashells,
By the lonely shore.
We swam naked in the waves of stained water.
The gravity of the moon pulled us in closer,
Where our lips stuck together like magnets.
Each emotion ran away with the wind.
We made unforgettable moments,
That settled like footprints in the sand.
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Naked in the clouds
John michalski Dec 2015
She said;
Let's make love under the sun,
Paint eachothers bodies with emotion.
Love is our adventure,
So lets stay young forever.
We can dissolve in eachothers minds,
And stay high on life.
Evaporate like water,
And soar like clouds through the open skies.
Nature is a work of art,
A world in itself.
Let's become one with nature,
Naked in its beauty,
Fragile in its womb.
She twirled to the music in her heart like a butterfly.
She followed the rain,
And sang to the storms.
She had a soul of a gypsy,
A heart of a hippie,
A personality that was wild.
She walked barefoot with freedom,
And hung her spirits high.
Naked in the clouds
where I got high off her love,
And never came down.
Dec 2015 · 298
A prisoner inside
John michalski Dec 2015
When I look in to the mirror
all that I see,
Is every inch of me that is ugly.
How can I go through pretending to love all of you?
I am a prisoner inside,
A prisoner to your heart that I find hard to love anymore.
How you bathed me in the sweetest of your lies,
That reiled me in to your cold hands that took advantage.
You smothered me like a fish without water,
I found it hard to breathe.
Endless arguments that twisted my emotions through restless nights,
And how each day followed the same pattern of those nights.
How do you expect to untangle the knots that are left in between us?
If you even care at all
you can let me fall,
Out of the highest tree.
With the rope you hold you can hang me,
Just leave my feet dangling.
Bury me in the nearest trench,
With my face down and my *** up,
For everyone to kiss.
For I will not miss a thing.
Dec 2015 · 308
As a puzzle
John michalski Dec 2015
The attraction between us
was so great,
That it scared us.
Yet there were times we felt so
comfortable together,
That we pulled away.
We never made the time to fit together,
Perfectly as a puzzle.
She never slowed down long enough,
For us to truly fall in love.
The deeper and deeper I got into
each and every piece of you,
I've never understood
why you cut every corner around me.
Why you never filled in the empty spaces between us.
And why we never took the time to fit together,
Perfectly as a puzzle.
Dec 2015 · 256
In her image
John michalski Dec 2015
I fell in love in a small cafe,
Down on main street.
I remember like it was just yesterday.
It was snowing outside,
A real heavy snow.
People would come and go,
Talking about anounomous things.
Drinking there coffee,
With a little cream and some extra sugar.
The love that has been brought and shared within this place,
Made it beautiful.
For the woman who caught my eye,
Was the woman that I didn't recognize.
Her eyes had a shine to them,
That lit up the whole room.
A comforting feeling,
That made me feel right at home.
A child again,
Staring at a tree that glistened with Christmas lights,
On a Sunday morning.
Indeed she stole my heart with just one look,
That said it all.
She danced in empty halls,
That lead to my soul.
Raining golden drops of beauty,
In her image.
Dec 2015 · 290
Quote of the day.
John michalski Dec 2015
I will run this race fast- slow but steady.
I will win this race effortlessly,
For I know in my heart I will win.
No matter if I lose. --Jm
Dec 2015 · 312
Kiss your way to my heart
John michalski Dec 2015
She touched me gently,
To compensate this sadness I am in.
For I am only a man wanting the company of a woman.
To show me some sort of affection.
For I have been only lonely from the inside out far too long.
She showed me how to feel again.
How to laugh,
And enjoy every little moment.
Something I haven't been able to do in awhile.
I smiled,
As she kissed her way to my heart.
Silk linen wrapped around her beautiful porcelain ankles.
Our fingers entwined,
Her body on mine,
Paralysed by simple pleasure.
Her lips pressed against my lips.
Her skin on my skin.
Her leg my leg.
My heart rushing from a sweet sensation.
She gave me her love,
And I gave her what was left of me.
As she kissed her way to my heart.
If you like my work,
I will be having a book out soon.
(More than words-poetry)
Please feel free to like and follow me.
Nov 2015 · 291
More than words
John michalski Nov 2015
I wish I could put into words how I feel.
The tears have dried up.
The anger is set aside.
I lay and look at your side of the bed,
Empty and untouched.
Thinking of the last words you said.
I wonder sometimes,
If I ever cross your mind.
If you might regret somethings,
Or if it made you smile.
But I hope in your life and the miles you come by,
You find the one you've been looking for.
That endless stretch of road,
That pure love that will wrap its arms around you and never let you go.
For your love was my stepping stone.
Lifting me high,
High as the clouds in the sky.
Where I could almost see heaven,
But I couldn't feel your heart beat for  me like it use too.
I still can't find the words to explain how much I love you.
For my love towards you,
Is more than words could ever describe.
Nov 2015 · 330
If sadness was the sea
John michalski Nov 2015
Lonely eyes stare into the rain,
Confused and withdrawn.
Suffering from unloved pain.
Hurtful words still screaming in his mind,
A love in a woman that he will never find.
You can smell the smoke that lingers behind from a cigarette on his lips and a kiss he will miss,
But cherish forever.
He can feel the emptiness in the pit of his stomach grow like wild fire,
From loving someone so much for so long.
If sadness was the sea
I'd drown in it,
Because she will never love me
as much as I'd love her.
John michalski Nov 2015
Monsters are never born they are created--jm.

Stand up for what is right.
Never let someone tell you that you shouldn't follow your dreams,
Just do it.
If your gay embrace it.
If your different embrace it.
This is life make the best out of it,
For we only get one life to live.
You can follow me on hello poetry if you like my work.
I will be publishing my book soon.
(More than words) poetry.
Nov 2015 · 277
Drowned in you
John michalski Nov 2015
A car goes by.
The telephone rings.
I was just hoping it was you,
Coming back to me.
But I only tend to dream,
And my head only fantasizes.
Memories awaken the past.
As far as I can see.
The sun again arises.
A hard cold theory,
On why you left.
Haunts my soul,
And leaves me weary.
I can't shake these feelings of despair,
To start my life anew.
Because inside there's only emptiness.
I'm now drowning in you.
My heart sinks deeper,
Past the point of saving.
I can only see darkness
Where I sit,
Within your walls.
I know I've only made myself lonely.
But the love I've felt for you,
I could never feel for another.
These years will seem longer as time passes on.
But I know the truth will never arise,
To accept that your gone.
I will hold on to that thread of hope,
That someday you'll come home.
I can't shake these feelings of despair,
To start my life anew.
Because inside there's only emptiness,
I'm now drowning in you.
Nov 2015 · 493
Make a promise to my heart
John michalski Nov 2015
When your world and my world finally come together,
There won't be no separating us.
For you are my life,
The air that I breathe.
A dream that maybe one day you could be my wife,
And I could be your husband.
A prayer that you would never leave.
Make a promise to my heart.
That no matter where life leads us,
We will never part.
Changes come so sudden.
Heartache is only a beat away.
Put your hand in mine,
And we will make it through each day.
Look into my eyes,
And you will see my soul smile.
For you are my world.
Bring your body close to mine,
Let's become one.
Let eternity win over time,
Our love has just begun.
Help me mold what we have together into something beautiful that will last forever.
Make a promise to my heart,
That no matter where life leads us,
We will never part.
Nov 2015 · 360
I used to smile
John michalski Nov 2015
I used to smile when you came around.
But since your gone I'll have to find someone else
to make me smile again.
I thought you loved me.
You showed me in so many ways.
I've tasted your lips,
And I've felt your pain.
I want so much to be yours again.
But that'll never be.
Because I've found someone that loves me for me
And is  willing not to just make me smile,
But to make us smile.
Nov 2015 · 264
Rest of my life
John michalski Nov 2015
The sun set carrasses the moon lit waves.
The sun rise sparkles upon the dew dropped morning glories.
Our love is enriched through each day of our lives.
Happiness is now ours to spend with each other.
To care,
Old footprints I once knew is now yours and mine.
Let's walk the plank of life holding each other close,
Never letting go to fall.
I may sleep and never wake,
But I know I ll always love you.
I may cry,
But the tears won't fall.
Maybe because now I've got it all.
Because we have each other,
And don't need anything else.
You're all I need,
And truely love.
For the rest of my life.
Nov 2015 · 838
A lonely heart to mend
John michalski Nov 2015
Meadows with rows of flowers.
Trees encircle them as if to protect there innocence.
Except by nature.
Feel the fall breeze.
Smell the cold fragrance,
Isolated from the world.
To think,
And to be yourself.
Closing my eyes and see your picture on my shelf.
I will be a mist in the wind,
Waiting for you to come home.
Where you have a lonely heart to mend.
And may my love send you back down that empty road you roam.
And I hope in your search,
You see me in your eyes when you look in the mirror.
And maybe I could be lucky enough,
That you might find a tear.
It seems so long since you've been gone.
You left without saying goodbye.
I walk entwined within the trees,
As if to hide behind there outstretched arms.
They seem to comfort my hurt.
Only the leaves can hear my cries.
In my eyes,
I can see your smile.
In my heart,
I can hear your laughter.
I hope in your travel,
You find your way home.
I will still be here,
Just the way you left me.
I will be a mist in the wind,
Waiting for you to come home.
Where you have a lonely heart to mend.
Nov 2015 · 377
Drink away my memory
John michalski Nov 2015
I wonder what your doing tonight.
No doubt,
Drinking away my memory.
You can pretend I don't exist.
You can walk the other way,
But you can't ignore the feelings that's between us.
It happened that very first day,
You can walk away from the phone.
But you can't my letters.
You can act like we never met.
But you know,
I haunt you every night.
So keep telling yourself that I don't care.
Listen to your heart,
You can't deny the love we share.
It might be a windy morning,
When you come to me.
It might be the darkest of night.

But I guarantee you,
My love will come through.

You'll never hide your love again,
Or drink away my memory.
Nov 2015 · 236
Someone better
John michalski Nov 2015
I won't hold my breath.
This time it's different.
Measuring the distance of everything we've loved,
Just to throw it all away.
You've made the choice to go.
Your heart matches the color of a shadow.
So black,
So broken,
And fragile.
I'll hide my tears out in the rain,
Waiting for someone better to say my name.
Dancing alone,
To the sound of a million heartbeats.
Nov 2015 · 275
Thinking of you
John michalski Nov 2015
Today the sky is so blue,
I sit and count the clouds thinking of you.
You've colored my world with sunshine,
You've knocked down a wall i used to hide behind.
Hiding in hurt,
Never knowing what love truely was.
You reached your heart out to me,
Unsure of yourself as I was.
And two hearts grew together and became one.
How can I ever repay you,
For everything you've done?
All I have to offer is my love,
Forever true.
I will wait for you as long as it takes.
I will never be satisfied until you are standing by my side.
And as long as I have love with you,
I will never have to hide.
The sky seems so far.
I sit and count the stars,
Thinking of you.
Nov 2015 · 725
Funny little clown
John michalski Nov 2015
You can't count all the times I've missed you so.
The thrill of your touch again tonight.
And me not wanting to let you go.
When will I see you again?
Why should I care?
You only see me when someone else isn't there.
I know your restless,
Not ready to settle,
Not yet.
But when your ready you'll fall in my net.
Because I'll always be there when someone turns you down.
I guess you could say,
I'm your funny little clown.
People point out your bad,
But I only see good.
If only they knew you like I do,
They would.
Because I love you.
Not crazy about you all the time.
But in my heart I'm true.
So when your low I'm always around.
Just come running back to your funny little clown.
Nov 2015 · 675
An in between
John michalski Nov 2015
Sometimes I have to find an in between,
So I can break the ice.
And when I do I can slip through.
Sometimes I cant comprehend a meaning,
Or overlook the littlest thing.
I look for a gaze,
Or touch.
Then I can capture what I want so much.
I want to be close enough,
To see a vision of myself in your eyes.
I want to view the possibilities in your smile.
I want to enlighten myself with you awhile.
I need more than a glance,
Or a quick hello.
What you are thinking is what I need to know.
Could it be something more than what your showing?
Or did I miss out on knowing?
I want to be close enough,
To hear your whispers in my ear.
I want to see into our future,
Of the happiness we could share.
Could we be just two hearts that never joined.
A chance that was never taken.
Or a love that was bound to be forsaken.
Sometimes I have to find an in between.
So I can break the ice.
And when I do,
I can slip through and hold your heart for a lifetime.
Nov 2015 · 320
John michalski Nov 2015
Today is ours,
Each golden flower.
We shall find beauty along the way.
So far away each and everyday,
My love let us grow into something better.
Something descriptive,
Let our thoughts run vivid.
An image of our future in black and white.
Victorious king
Notorious queen,
We shall sail the seven seas as one.
Let us thrive on hope happiness and wisdom,
So we can both stay strong.
Each and everyday,
May our love guide us home.
Nov 2015 · 1.2k
A million times over
John michalski Nov 2015
I'm chasing the stars away tonight with my eyes.
Tears like clouds of darkness.
Hovering ready to rain from the moonlit skies.
I wish you were with me tonight to hold,
Instead of being so far away.
Heat lightening streaks across the sky proud and bold.
Birds flying against the midnight sun waiting like me,
For the break of day.
The wind blows enough to send a chill through me.
I wrap myself around your warm memory.
Soft music plays from somewhere far away.
You fill my mind,
As my body begins to sway.
I will hold you in my dreams tonight,
And I will love you a million times over.
Those dreams will never end,
Even with the morning light.
Because until we are together those dreams will go on forever.
Goodnight my love.
Love me in your world.
Nov 2015 · 325
A chance
John michalski Nov 2015
I never got the chance to hold her.
I never got the chance to tell her I loved her.
I was going to give up my whole world,
To be in yours.
I wanted to be your man,
I just wanted a chance.
I'll never know your sweet kisses,
Softly swaying from a slow dance.
Laying in your arms all night I lost you,
Before I ever had you.
I only have sweet words to remember you by.
Where I can sit on long cold lonely nights,
And replay them,
And cry.
Our paths may cross again.
And when they do,
I'll be ready to let you in.
Into my heart,
Where I'll never know what it feels like to live apart again.
Nov 2015 · 258
For your memory
John michalski Nov 2015
The corn craves the rain.
The storm clouds in the distance rolling away.
Sitting here watching the sunset,
Feeling the pain.
All my tears have dried and went down with the day.
Birds singing,
Calling for a mate.
Someone to snuggle up to at night.
Ivy trails across a rusted gate.
Colors fading from the days light.
Life seems so numb since you've been gone.
Days go by in slow motion,
But life seems to keep going on.
Seasons come and go,
Just as you did.
Standing at the window where we first kissed.
Watching the snow fall slow onto the cold hard ground.
Wondering if somewhere maybe your thinking of me.
Until then,
I thank you for your memory.
Aug 2015 · 620
Farewell now my friend
John michalski Aug 2015
I love you my friend.
You are quite dear to me.
A true friend you are,
And always will be.
But your leaving me soon,
And going your own way.
Perhaps we will meet in the future someday.
You've left me with memories of good times we've had,
To treasure forever,
And make me feel glad.
I wish you good luck in all that you do.
May all of life's pleasures come your way too.
Farewell now my friend.
And please may you find,
Some thoughts of me,
Always in your mind.
Aug 2015 · 526
Secret lovers
John michalski Aug 2015
I yearn for a women's touch that I can not have.
The need in me is so solid,
So strong.
I want to hold in my arms what feels so right.
But down deep within me I know its wrong.
I cry out her name,
When the moon is high.
If she'd only come to me and give my heart a try.
I want to enfold you inside myself.
Feel you touching the fever in me.
Hold my heart in your arms,
For someday we'll be together.
We'll be more than secret lovers.
The sunrise rotates the misty blues of the morning.
I hunger for the touch of someone dear to me.
The fever in me is getting stronger with each sunrise.
I reach out during the night to only find emptiness.
Her smile is branded in my memory.
Her eyes will live on in my heart.
I knew it was you.
Your the one I wanted,
The one I needed,
Right from the start.
Don't walk away from me again,
I want to be more than just friends.
What will it take to make you mine?
Walk in and love me.
Let the fire explode between us.
Melt this hurting with your touch.
Wash away these tears,
Because I have cried to much.
I smell your scent around me,
I know your close by.
Look through my soul with your eyes.
Feel the tremble beneath the covers.
Tonight we'll mold into one.
Someday I promise,
We'll be more than secret lovers.
Aug 2015 · 453
Somewhere in me
John michalski Aug 2015
The night is so still it freezes your mind to stop.
Running with time,
Not lagging  behind,
Almost on top.
The past is catching up.
Old scars revealed.
What you thought were hidden is now unsealed.
Time has come and gone.
The leaves have changed twice in color.
And your heartache is still coming on.
I read into used words once spoken so true.
Now there is only broken images,
And my words I'll always love you.
I caress an old dream,
Which still haunts the soul.
I play with old passions,
That were once so real.
You are my blood.
And under my skin,
You won't drift out.
You linger within.
Pain enfolds insanity.
Where can I go?  
Where can I hide?
To finally be free.
There's only a space filled with emptiness,
I can only see darkness now.
I look into a mirror,
A vision I don't recognize anymore.
My life has know meaning as it did before.
Should I take my own life,
Or live on the brink of madness?
This hell has captured me,
Must let me go,
Once and for all.
The  night is so still.
It freezes your mind to a stop.
Your running with time,
Not lagging behind,
Almost on top.
And your heartache,
Has been set free.
Wherever you are,
Don't ever forget,
I'll always love you somewhere in me.
Aug 2015 · 348
She is gone
John michalski Aug 2015
She was my angel for a short time.
Guiding me with her eyes.
Caressing my temptations,
With her smile.
She changed my life,
Even though it was only for awhile.
She gave me the strength to reach for the clouds.
Even though my true goal,
Was her heart.
I will always hold her in my dreams.
Looking over my shoulder hoping to see her there.
She is out there,
Thinking of me.
I can feel her inside me.
A chill crosses over my arms,
Like she just touched me.
My heart will not let her go,
She haunts the very corners of my mind.
But it's something I know longer can find.
She is out of my reach.
She is gone.
Aug 2015 · 550
John michalski Aug 2015
She sits in a wooden rocker.
She lights a candle,
It flickers for you.
She knows one day he'll be coming home.
And the star she wishes upon, will show you the way.
And she'll  be waiting,
To wrap her loving arms around you.
The rocker creeks softly,
As the darkness  falls over blue.
Shadows dance on the walls.
A lonely man's silhouette,
As midnight falls.
Tears stream from her eyes,
As she rereads his letter.
She holds the letter to her breast as she cries.
Loving someone over the miles,
Is so ******* two people.
Trusting in eachothers love.
As they both live in there own prisons.
She looks out her window,
To the heavens above.
Aug 2015 · 678
A sweet sensation
John michalski Aug 2015
I smile more often than usual when your around.  
Comatosed by the feeling that you give,
A sweet sensation.
The strength to nurture my soul with just one look.
But the feeling,
That dreadful feeling,  
Can pour right out of me like a glass of wine.
Watching butterflies fly,
Between two bushes in love like you and I.
Im possessed by your love.
Unfinished poem.
Aug 2015 · 311
John michalski Aug 2015
4am:  cigarettes and coffee
Never tasted so good.
Aug 2015 · 341
Indian trails
John michalski Aug 2015
Indian trails.
Our paths will meet again.
Our love is eternal,
Our paths will never end.
Where tears followed  us to heaven.
A kiss with a promise.
That in our next life,
We'll  find each other again.
Through each life we seek.
When our eyes again will meet.
Our hearts will know.
Our lives as we have known it before.
Will then begin.
Years become years.
And when I looked at you,
It was like da ja vu.
I didn't really know you.
But I  dreamed of you every night.
Somehow I knew you.
The stepping stones I have taken,
Has brought me to you.
All the tears I have shed,
And its been more than a few.
Has left a trail to you.
I need to get you to look at me.
To look into my eyes.
Where these feelings,
For what reasons are unknown.
In the darkness rain poured down upon us.
Lightening struck close by,
As you moved silently out of the shadows like a wolf and moved closer to me.
I wanted to run to you but I was scared,
That you weren't feeling the same way I do.
But I didn't know that all the while,
You knew.
But then I seen that light from your eyes shine with love.
Then I knew,
When you gave me that smile.
Aug 2015 · 497
Drifting soul
John michalski Aug 2015
It's like a big part of me fell away and its somewhere lost.
I search,
But it's to far out of my reach.
The emptiness,
It feels so hollow,
So shallow.
I wonder  around,
Not knowing where Im going.
So alone...
I try to find someone to cure this ache in me.
This need is getting greater with each passing day.
When I looked into her eyes,
I seen her soul.
She touched my heart through those eyes.
But how can her soul hear my silent cries.
I feel Im being torn between fantasy  and reality.
How can I bring the two together,
When there both so lost in my mind.
My spirit has been broken into..
One part drifting,
Searching for those eyes.
The other weighed  down,
Bounded by another.
But when our eyes meet again,
And our souls touch,
She will then be mine.
She will be my lover.
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