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In my ruby red shoes I click my heals
Take out my golden pen
Through transcendental meditation raise my heart rate up
Placing my head in a cosmic spin

Conjure up a darkened mood
Then brighten it up a bit
Oh, I almost forgot for luck
I go outside and spit

With a touch of genius (I don't mind saying)
I lay down my first AMAZING line
Pour over it stroke by brilliant stroke
Then erase it half a dozen times

As I analyze my finished gem
Dissecting it line by enticing line
This time I'm sure like every time before
Another masterpiece is mine

Then I noticed that one misplaced word
That changes everything I had to say
I think to myself...ahhh, "what the heck"
And I post it anyway
All in jest my friends...all in jest
Was the last word that I said
In hopes that you my dear
Would disappear
from the thoughts inside my head

I so wish it were magic
I so wish it were true
That all of this could really happen
And that I could forget about you

But as it now stands
With nothing up my sleeve
The memory of you
I'm afraid will never leave
Something happened this morning
when I awoke to you lightly breathing.
It was sublime.
My chin rested on your shoulder
the skin so soft on my cheek.
I couldn’t help but kiss the sweetness.

On nights when I sleep alone
it does not matter how many blankets
wrap my restless body.
I wake cold.
Nothing is as warm as your arms.
Like that of a Texas breeze
on an August night.

I can only think to kiss
your unshaven face.  
The kisses are planted gently,
first your cheek,
then your temple,
and your forehead,
when I come to the tip of your nose
you stir slightly,
but I cannot stop.
I want it more then
the ocean waves need
the shoreline to crash upon.

Looking at your face
I smile at the odd way we met.
With a breath of *** and an intoxicated
grin we spoke.
“I don’t like you”
“Yea? Well I don’t like you first!”
Like children picking
on their first crush.
Tying to fight back the giggles.
Our childish ways still
run strong.

In your absence I sit
and watch the ticking minutes
laugh at my uneasiness.
Hours with others
are mere minutes with you.
The clocks envy
our cherished time
and tick-tock more rapidly
when we are alone.
All our time
would never be

When we get lost in each other,
the way the lonely roadrunner
looses himself as he runs
up and down
the oak covered hills,
it is love at its best.

This morning
when the soft breathes
you took woke me
and my chin rested upon
your shoulder,
something happened.
As the kisses fell
and your eyes continued to sleep;
I realized that this
is where I belong.
Drifting slowly  
into love with you.
Thank you for reading! Comments and criticism are always welcome!
Och, you and your divine shape  
How beautiful you are to me  
You drive me wild with want  
I simply cannot master you!  
You are oft'times hard to get  
But nary shall I quit you  
Tune my heartstrings up a notch  
Fret forever, I try to get it right  
You quiver exquisite at my touch  
A ravishing delight to my ravenous senses  
Would you GIVE a STAR for my attempts  
Don't over tease my nerves to distraction!  
I slave intense o'er you, day and night  
Yes, you're the one with the hold on me  
Look at the inevitable shape I'm in  
All 'cause-a you and your curvy shape!  
The airline broke your sister's neck  
Yah mon, I cried, mah Lord. I all but died, ha!  
Caught in a quagmire of deep distress  
You, my comely cutaway, pegged me up again.  
Love to cradle you on my eager lap  
My arms around in close embrace  
A gentle, organic creature, such as you  
I dare not grip you hard at all.  
My fingertips so acquainted with your girth  
Your rosette rings out my notes with charm.  
Enchanting me with deep nuance  
Without trying, she pleases so!  
The sole bridge 'tween the world and me  
My subtle love, only my Valencia.....  

S T,  04 Avril 2013
Can ye guess ......?

Would ye believe how happy she makes me....aaahhh, pure heaven!
I couldn't know you'd need me then!
Just a human with all frailty and much fault....
Do you think the wind blows differently
When  it passes over leaves and trees?
That it says: "Wait, lemme stop here a bit
And blow on this one leaf  in a special way"
Hardly! Time to get with the manure beneath
And see that sunrays shine on everything
And indiscriminate clouds shimmer on all,
How haphazard, the way the wind blows.
So, don't hang your head and moan so much
Time dawns for you to get over yourself
Don't you see that I'm still here?
Now quit getting your knickers in a knot!
You rant and rave while I pant and slave
Dissect my every move, make me aloof
How can you possibly go counting
And re-arranging all the marbles in my head?
You're so insecure, you make me mad
So exhaustive are your constant jibes
So tiring to soothe your unfounded fears
I'm having to placate you so often of late.
Before it all gets blown out of size
Sit a while in  (h)arboured thought
Confront the dreads which cause disquiet
A trove may wash up....but broken, on your shore.
The wind comes not with tardy tidings
For it isn't the what you say or do
But forsooth, the how which carries weight
Let's not over-whip each other so.
My thoughts may be wanton, wild or reckless
Telling tigs bend on a riotous grind
Yet feckless deeds don't follow suit
Pardon my slightly-misbehaving mind.
Patient and respectful, I remain to be
Just guard against esurient whims
Paucity of faith and clockwork trivial'ties
Will lead us down a road of trials.
Fallen martyrs should not feign, see
The wind makes no pretense. It just blows....
Now, I really couldn't know you'd need me then
'Cause, baby, that's the way the wind blows!

S T, 5 April 13
How the seasons and nature can teach us things.....

Let's ....lisssssssssssten to that wind whistling in the treetops or howling late at night......

However it blows, it tries to say summat....if we but....spoke

I want.......
Quiero un corazon, lleno d'amor
Un corazon.

A heart.....
Por que tu no esta ahi?
Soy tan solo, tu no esta ahi.

Toco justo guitarra, por te olvidar
Por que tu no esta ahi?
Soy tan solo, tu no esta ahi.
Donde es mi corazon?
Creo esta perdido.

S T,  6 Abril 2013
Un poco de amor....

Growing up I discovered that it is innate
In human nature
To find, seek, or beg for affection.
I stayed silent in order to watch those around me:
Some were good at capturing attention
Like on a warm summer night
And children and running around with glass jars
Procuring fireflies that shine like precious gems.
These children had the talent of keeping the fireflies
Dazzling for days.
Some sought after the coveted attention,
With their baited fishing poles in hand,
They patiently waited in the middle of the lake
And held onto their prize when caught
Until it died when they would go and fish for a new one.
Perhaps a longer, bigger, heavier, more valuable catch.
Some are light, ethereal,
Like a subtle perfume you can only smell
When you are mere inches away from the wearer.
They are sweet and not too persistent in their ways.
I continued to watch
And place people in these categories.
What they all in common, though,
Was selling their precious:
The fireflies, the fish, the perfume.
I looked to myself,
What did I have to sell? To offer?
Anything at all?
Surely I wasn’t as skilled as the lightning bug trapper
Or as patient as the fisherman
Or as fragrant as the perfume-wearer.
Instead, I was the girl
Who would admire the stars for all they are,
But not try to keep one;
Who would live in the now
Rather than feebly attempting to move my watch
Back a few years.
It was then I realized,
My love is not for sale.
I would kiss you
until the stars threw themselves from the heavens
and begged to be clothed in flesh and blood
that they might burn
as brightly as we.
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